True love is all the little things

True love is a lot of things, but the best way to put it is simple, it’s the little things. The little things you see add up to being bigger things. Coming from a girl who has only known toxic relationships, trust me when I say that when you go into a healthy one (relationship) after a handful of toxic ones it is the absolute weirdest feeling. It’s LITERALLY going from one extreme to the next.

It is true though, true love is seriously the little thing’s that mean the most.

True love is, making pancakes at midnight after doing the deed because y’all worked up an appetite, and chocolate chip pancakes sound heavenly. You are literally sitting on the counter in the kitchen looking at this man who is making you pancakes at midnight, he looks over at you and blows you a kiss while your hair is in the messiest bun and you are wearing nothing but booty shorts and his t-shirt (you know you are looking like a hot mess) but he thinks you look absolutely beautiful!

The little things like surprising her with tea when you hear her up in bed coughing because you know she has a cold and you just want to see her get better.

It may be just a small gesture but it truly does mean the world to her.

Planning a day that revolves around spending time together, surprising her with a coffee and taking her out for the two of you to get a Christmas tree together, planning a cute but simple lunch (literally surprising her with a sub), and playing her favorite board game with her because you love it when she gets so competitive. Then ending the day at your guy’s favorite brewery getting drinks.

I promise you, you have no idea how happy this will make her!

The tiniest thing is, going into a gas station and seeing a beautiful single rose and grabbing it because you know it’s her favorite flower and it reminds you of her. things like this make her heart flutter!

You know she’s a hopeless romantic

It’s little things like making her stay awake until midnight so she can open up the presents you got her on her birthday because you can’t wait for her to open it and you know she’s going to absolutely love what you got her!

It’s finding out she has had an absolutely terrible day and just wanting to turn it around and make her smile! So you go and pick up her favorite wine and make her favorite dinner and make her favorite snack for her because you know that never fails to make her smile! Take it from personal experience … She will cry!

Don’t worry though they are tears of joy!

Finally, true love is loving her even when you know the “baggage” she comes with, and you choose to stay and be with her through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s taking her in your arms in the middle of the night when she wakes up crying and worrying from the worst dream and letting her know she’s ok and reminding her it’s just a dream and that you love her with all of your heart!

She doesn’t want a grand gesture guys, I promise you it’s the little things you do that make a huge difference and impact on her.


You may not be her first, but you can make damn sure you are her last.

“You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before, she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect—you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can…” – Bob Marley

Every girl falls into her own journey of discovering who she is. It’s not so much that she follows a unique path, it’s that she’s swept into it by life’s circumstances. A big part of that is love.

Some girls fall in love once, others twice, three times, or more.

Most of the time, she needs to meet more than one person to find out who it is that’s right for her. If you’re lucky, that might happen to be you. But before she could ever meet you, she had to walk through the darker tunnels of the past to finally meet you, the light at the end.

And if a girl’s truly right for you, you won’t put her down for having that past.

Yes, it might bother you to think of a time that it wasn’t your eyes, but someone else’s she was looking into. And, yes, it might madden you, even more, to think that she was treated with anything but the respect she deserves.

You might wish you could simply reach back and scoop her out of the past so that she wouldn’t have to endure any pain so that you could have her all to yourself.

And this isn’t because you’re selfish or controlling, it’s because you want to protect her from any past harm. But instead of taking that frustration out on her, transform it so that you can make her future brighter.

Don’t be the guy who wants to change her past; be the guy who wants to better her future.

Don’t be the guy who makes her feel bad for any mistakes; be the reason she never makes another one again.

Don’t be the guy who dismisses her for who she was; be the guy who appreciates her for who she is now.

Because the reason you fell in love with her, to begin with, wasn’t because she was plain and boring. She caught your eye because she was different from the rest, a force to be reckoned with. You fell for her because she didn’t fit the ordinary mold. And the more you try to make her fit yours, the further and further she’ll flee.

A girl can’t be contained.

In love and life, we become so worn down and jaded through heartbreak after heartbreak. We have a hard time believing in forever. But you, you have the power to help her go back to who she used to be when she believed in fairy tales. Prove to her that “Til death do us part” still stands strong. Show her that love can defy the physical limits of this world and transcend into something greater than that.

So don’t love her because you’re her first. Love her because you’re her last.

For more of Defne’s writing, follow her on Facebook.

The Top 11 Gifts To Get Your Boyfriend For His Birthday

You love the special guy in your life more than anything, and you want the perfect birthday gift to show them how much you care. However, when you ask them for ideas, the only thing you get is a noncommittal, “I dunno, whatever.”

Have no fear. Let the ten ideas below inspire you. The suggestions beautifully answer the question of what you should get for your boyfriend’s birthday.


1. New Game Day Gear

If your guy is a sports fanatic, their fandom did half of your work for you. You can find online retailers dedicated to anything from football to curling and can stock up on equipment if he plays or some sick sideline gear if he’s more into cheering his team to victory.

It’s winter, so a cozy gameday throw will keep him toasty once vaccines let fans return to the stands. Get him ready for his summer softball league’s return with a new glove or even new socks. It’s officially okay to change them now — in fact, it’s recommended to wash away any lingering 2020 curses.


2. A Model that Speaks to His Passions

Do you want to bring the two of you closer? Why not a gift that caters to his interest, such as a diecast model car that you can complete together? He’ll enjoy the pleasure of building his passion and won’t soon forget you did so by his side.

What if your guy is more into buildings than vehicles? You can find architectural model kits featuring anything from the Empire State Building to the Louvre.


3. A Globe Mini-Bar

Does your beau like a little adult libation from time to time? Give his man-cave a touch of old-school-study class with a globe mini-bar. As a bonus, why not stock it with some of his favorite scotch or bourbon?


4. A Monogrammed Flask

What if your special guy likes to take a libation with him on the road? He can’t very well cart around a bottle of Jimmy Walker Red without risking an open container violation. Let him sip discreetly and in style with a monogrammed flask that all but screams, “My name tag may read ‘Tim,’ but the real name’s Bond, James Bond.”


5. A Desktop Game 

Will your guy be returning to the office soon? If so, he won’t be able to distract himself by scrolling through social media at work — there’s too much risk of his boss walking by.

Why not get him the gift of a desktop game? It won’t make it okay to slack off on the job, but it will provide needed stress relief when crunch time comes, but inspiration runs further behind.


6. Some Funky Socks 

Did you ever notice how men’s fashion lacks variety? While you might giggle at cropped-leg suits, what other ways do designers have to add visual interest to a 3-piece? One way is through a pair of funky socks that highlights your mate’s playful side every time they cross their legs in meetings.


7. A Day on the Links

Golfing is the ultimate in healthy stress-relief. Your man gets to inhale tons of immune-boosting phytoncides while producing vitamin D naturally and cursing at a tiny ball that resists going into the hole specially designed for it. Plus, there’s beer involved if he indulges.


8. A Telescope

Few things in life are more romantic than gazing up at the night sky. However, if you live in an urban area, you might see slim pickings due to excess light pollution. Increase your guy’s visual field the next time you camp out on your patio with a telescope that lets him get up close and personal with the sun’s celestial cousins.


9. A Couples Massage

Few things in life feel better than a massage, and you can make it even more romantic by booking a joint rubdown with your mate. Yes, there’s a touch of narcissism in this gift — after all, you get a treat, too — but it will nevertheless bring you closer together.


10. A Ticket to Adventure

Experiential gifts are ideal — why not get one that lets you share in the adventure? A getaway to one of the nation’s top glamping resorts can cost less than a typical holiday while providing the perfect opportunity to cling to your man’s side when things go bump in the woods at night. Plus, after all the past several months’ lockdowns, it will be doubly refreshing to getaway when you can.

Let These 10 Ideas Inspire What You Get for Your Boyfriend’s Birthday

Let the ten ideas above inspire what you should get for your boyfriend’s birthday. He’ll adore the gesture and shower you with affection.


11. A Customized Phone Case

There’s nothing more special than a personalized gift like a custom case! A customized phone case makes a great gift because it can be both useful and meaningful. You can have the phone case printed with a photo of you two, a beloved pet, or a short but heartfelt—anything near and dear to your boyfriend! Every time he looks at his phone, he’ll be reminded of how loved he is.

About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

51 Cute and Sweet Things to Say to Your Boyfriend

Say Sweet Somethings

Men have hearts too, and they want to know how much they mean to you. It is our duty as girlfriends to make our boyfriends feel special and secure. There are so many cute and sweet things we can say to our boyfriends to put a smile on their face, and we probably could go on and on about how much they mean to us, so here are  51 cute and sweet things to say to your boyfriend to let them know that they are special:

1. I like you more than coffee. And knowing me, that says A LOT.


2. No one has ever come close to making me feel the way you do.


3. The day I met you will forever be one of the most amazing days of my life.


4. You feel like home.


5. You are not only my boyfriend, you are also my best friend.


6. I am falling in love with you each day.


7. You give me the biggest butterflies. No, not butterflies. You give me the whole damn zoo.


8. There are so many reasons why I love you, and I wish I could put them all into words.


9. Last night I looked up at the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you.


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