True love is all the little things

True love is a lot of things, but the best way to put it is simple, it’s the little things. The little things you see add up to being bigger things. Coming from a girl who has only known toxic relationships, trust me when I say that when you go into a healthy one (relationship) after a handful of toxic ones it is the absolute weirdest feeling. It’s LITERALLY going from one extreme to the next.

It is true though, true love is seriously the little thing’s that mean the most.

True love is, making pancakes at midnight after doing the deed because y’all worked up an appetite, and chocolate chip pancakes sound heavenly. You are literally sitting on the counter in the kitchen looking at this man who is making you pancakes at midnight, he looks over at you and blows you a kiss while your hair is in the messiest bun and you are wearing nothing but booty shorts and his t-shirt (you know you are looking like a hot mess) but he thinks you look absolutely beautiful!

The little things like surprising her with tea when you hear her up in bed coughing because you know she has a cold and you just want to see her get better.

It may be just a small gesture but it truly does mean the world to her.

Planning a day that revolves around spending time together, surprising her with a coffee and taking her out for the two of you to get a Christmas tree together, planning a cute but simple lunch (literally surprising her with a sub), and playing her favorite board game with her because you love it when she gets so competitive. Then ending the day at your guy’s favorite brewery getting drinks.

I promise you, you have no idea how happy this will make her!

The tiniest thing is, going into a gas station and seeing a beautiful single rose and grabbing it because you know it’s her favorite flower and it reminds you of her. things like this make her heart flutter!

You know she’s a hopeless romantic

It’s little things like making her stay awake until midnight so she can open up the presents you got her on her birthday because you can’t wait for her to open it and you know she’s going to absolutely love what you got her!

It’s finding out she has had an absolutely terrible day and just wanting to turn it around and make her smile! So you go and pick up her favorite wine and make her favorite dinner and make her favorite snack for her because you know that never fails to make her smile! Take it from personal experience … She will cry!

Don’t worry though they are tears of joy!

Finally, true love is loving her even when you know the “baggage” she comes with, and you choose to stay and be with her through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s taking her in your arms in the middle of the night when she wakes up crying and worrying from the worst dream and letting her know she’s ok and reminding her it’s just a dream and that you love her with all of your heart!

She doesn’t want a grand gesture guys, I promise you it’s the little things you do that make a huge difference and impact on her.


I May Be A Lot, But I Promise You I Am Worth It.

I’m a lot, I know…

You see, you are the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning and the last before I go to bed. I think about you often throughout the day and wonder what you are doing, and what you are thinking about because a guy as smart and funny as yourself must have something interesting on his mind. I also am thinking about how lucky I am to call you mine. I can be clingy and overbearing I will admit and sometimes I feel like I may be blowing up your phone when I am not with you but the truth is, once we part our ways I miss you instantly and I wonder and hope you are missing me too.

Truth is, I can’t make plans with you soon enough… knowing that we have a “set date” or we have “plans” is what helps me hold on and know that I AM going to be seeing you again.

That sounds dramatic and clingy and maybe a bit stalker-ish I know…I promise I’m not a stalker!

Now that you know a few of these things, I think it’s time I tell you how I became this way. No, I wasn’t always like this, I was unconsciously made this way. Yes, I know we joke about my ex’s but in reality, they took a toll on me.

You see, the first one slept with my “best friend” and got her pregnant. The second told me I wouldn’t have anything to worry about that she was just a friend but failed to tell me that they were FWB in the past and slept with her the night he called things off. The third … The third hit me like a truck. This one was long-distance but we made it work somehow for over a year. It wasn’t until the end that I realized all the manipulation and emotional abuse that was set on to me. That relationship was full of ultimatums, changes, and sacrifices that I WOULD have to make to be able to be with him.

This relationship was the one that made me question and change everything… my hair, my style, my room… Everything.

After a bit of time, I eventually healed and I was able to move on, I met someone. This one lasted for about a year… he was older and more mature. He promised me the world, but never followed through on any of those promises… After some time, it was back-sided compliments and mind games, If I didn’t agree with something he said or did, as well, as if I “did something wrong” it was the silent treatment until I drove myself crazy trying to figure out what I did to make him upset. Nothing I did was good enough. I could work my ass off and it still wasn’t enough until he finally had enough and just left… he had no more use for me and just left.

I swore I was done after that, and then you came along.

Yes, then you came along and you changed the game. You are always there and you are always reliable, you are strong and steady. You have turned into my rock, my safe place. When I am having a panic attack or when I am just having a bad day you are the one I want and the one I want to be with. Once I am with you all of my worries melt away…

Cheesy I know, but it’s true.

I feel all the things, and I feel them deeply and love so hard…

I know I may be a lot and I know I may be overbearing sometimes. I just want to say thank you for your patience and for loving me through it all, thank you for loving me for being me. I promise to make it worth it, I promise to love you with my whole heart each and every day.

Thank you for being so amazing.


About The Author:

Ashley Denton is a creative artist whose mediums include music, theater, dance, and creative writing. This girl thrives on coffee, adventure, and exploration. Ashley has been writing professionally for five years and editing for four. Ashley is also one of Puckermob’s newest editors. 


To the Man Who Chooses Me

To the Man Who Chooses Me:

Our relationship has been easy. As I have unpacked my past trauma, you have been there through the whole process. We have had so many ups and downs. We have made it through them all, mostly with your reassurance. This stage has been hard on us.


No matter what we have been through, you choose me. You choose to love me… To hold me through the hardest of times, and stand next to me as I fight the battles that are mine. You are on the sidelines cheering me on while I chase my dreams! For these things, I love you so much.

Thank you for showing me what true, safe love is. I never knew a safe love like I do now, thanks to you. When I feel unsteady, you lay with me, hold me, and tell me that it’s all going to be okay. You listen to my overthinking and try to give me the spin on it so that it all doesn’t seem as bad as it does in my head.

Thank you for showing me what real love is. You love my flaws and all; including the fact that you can make fun of them. You don’t care about the fancy dates or me getting all dressed up. I do notice the look in your eye when I do, though. I also know that you’d rather me be in an old t-shirt with my hair pulled back. We have a Sunday kind of love and it’s all I wanted and more.

Thank you for loving me through the hard times. You are always there no matter when I need you. From changing the flat on my car to holding me close after a nightmare to listening to me dump my stuff from the day. You have no idea how good it feels to have someone to call on after all the years of doing it alone.

Thank you for being the one to dream with me. I love that you look at houses with me and help me try to construct or dream house that will be functional and not too big. I love that you will sit with me and update our list of names for our future child (p.s. we need one for our future fur babies, too). Thank you for working so hard so that we can make our dreams a reality one day.

Thank you for being so wonderful you, your imperfections and all. I wouldn’t want you any other way. But I love all the things about you. From when I come out and you are in your truck singing along to your favorite country song. To the way your hair being a mess when I video chat you on my lunch.

You are the one and I’m so blessed to be able to spend this crazy life with you. I love you so much.

  • A note to you ladies out there, your safe love that is so unconditional imperfect is coming. Don’t settle for anything less!

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11 Things to Know before Dating the Slightly Jealous Type

We jealous girls get a bad rap, but we’re usually only jealous for a super good reason. Yeah, yeah, we all know that a healthy relationship is built on trust and all that good stuff, but look: we’re only jealous because people have given us reason to be jealous in the past. We’re trying to get a handle on it, but you’ve got to meet us halfway:

1. Let us know we’re safe.

Many people are jealous because they don’t feel secure in their relationship; but it’s not you, it’s us! We want to trust you, we just need you to put in a little extra effort to make us feel safe and secure. People who feel safe never need to go through their partner’s text messages.

2. Don’t tell us we’re crazy.

Ok, we can be a tad irrational, and sometimes jump to conclusions, but no one likes to be told they’re nuts. We’re not crazy, and we just know our worth and don’t want our feelings ignored.

3. We’ve been hurt before.

Jealousy rarely comes from nowhere. If we’re suspicious, we probably started out naïve—and probably a little too trusting. It’s not your fault that other guys are all lying monsters… but we can’t help it if we’ve had a few less-than-trustworthy lovers in the past.

4. It’s not always a sign of insecurity.

Maybe we just really like you! No one’s about to argue that jealousy is a winning characteristic, but hey—we wouldn’t be bent out of shape over someone we didn’t like, right?

5. We’ll shower you with affection.

Jealous people tend to overcompensate with fawning affection. See? We’re not mad at you, we baked you a cake! We should save a piece for that hot receptionist you say is just a co-worker!

6. No yelling.

We won’t yell if you don’t. If you get mad when we ask for reassurance, it just looks real suspicious.

7. None of that open relationship stuff.

Yeah, that’s not our jam. Don’t even ask.

8. We’re trying not to make a big deal out of things.

Well, you don’t want to date a doormat, do you? But really, we’re not trying to make a big deal out of the way you look at your roommate’s girlfriend. But it would help if you stopped looking at her like that.

9. Don’t hide things from us.

You need your space, we get that—but if you’re constantly telling us we can’t hang with your friends or look in your closet, we’re going to go crazy. And, as established, we’d really prefer not to seem crazy.

10. And, y’know, don’t flirt with other people.

Pretty simple. Yeah, we know that world is full of chill girls who don’t mind some harmless, extracurricular flirting… but that’s not us. Hey, you get to date us, and we’re pretty awesome, so don’t complain.

11. Just talk to us.

It’s corny, but communication is the most important thing in keeping love alive. Just be open and honest with us, and we’ll do the same.

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