To The Boy I Found When I Wasn’t Even Looking

There I was, telling myself I was ready to be on my own for a while. I was tired of being hurt and putting all of my effort into relationships just to get nothing in return. I was ready to be single, to focus on myself and stand alone for the first time in a long time. Then you happened. 

All it took was one message. A simple hello and a few late night conversations and I was hooked. I could tell you were different from the start. You were nothing like the guys I usually fell for. I was not exactly sure what it was about you that had me so intrigued. All I knew is once you said hello, I never wanted to hear you say good-bye. It was strange because I went back in forth in my mind with whether or not I should message you back. This was not because I was afraid to let you in or that I feared being hurt. It was the exact opposite actually. I was afraid I would hurt you or that I did not deserve the happiness I could tell you would bring me. However, looking back now, I am so glad I sent that message and let you in. 

I remember our first date. I sat there waiting for you to pick me up questioning whether it even was a date. You never referred to it as one, in fact, you never even hinted at whether or not you liked me or had any interest in me other than as friends. That is what intrigued me the most. You were shy but at the same time, you were open and let me in. You never once hid who you truly were with me; you were your complete self from the start. You wanted to know about me, about my past, my family, my dreams, my goals in life, everything. No one had ever shown that much interest in me before. We spent most of that night talking and getting to know one another and it just felt so easy to talk to you. I never was one to open up easily, but with you, it was easy. We went to a movie that night, and I remember sitting next to you casually moving my arm closer to yours hoping you would grab my hand or give me some sort of hint at what you were thinking, considering I was still pretty confused on the whole, is this a date question. You must not have caught on to my subtle hints though, cause you dropped me off the same way you picked me up, confused.

I went into my house and analyzed that entire night trying to see if you dropped any hints that you liked me, but if you did, I could not find them. All I knew for sure was that you were different, but a good different. A different that I liked a lot and wanted to hold onto and have in my life. It was not until the next day that you casually brought up that it was our first date in a conversation that I knew what that night was. Our conversations became more frequent and more in depth until I found myself hoping it was you every time my phone lit up. I was hooked on your gorgeous blue eyes and your smile that invited me in. I wanted to know more about you, I wanted to know everything.

As the weeks went by it was clear as day that we both wanted this. I found myself falling for you a little more every day. I liked everything about you. The way you sang in the car (even though you are totally tone deaf) and got excited when you found songs we both liked. The way you would get shocked when I said I had not seen just about every movie ever made, and you insisted that we had to watch them all. The way you told your friends and family about me, and how you just seemed so excited to let everyone know about me. The way you remembered small details about me like my birthday, my love for hockey, my hobbies and the foods I actually eat (because yes, I am probably the world’s pickiest eater so remembering that can be a hard task to do). You found ways to make me smile even when I was having a bad day. I felt safe in your arms from the moment you held me tighter when I informed you about my fear of storms. Something just felt right when I was with you. Nothing has ever felt so right or easy like this before. 

You make me truly happy. I will forever find myself questioning how I got so lucky or what I did to deserve meeting someone as great as you. Someone who makes me feel beautiful and wanted every day. Someone who is handsome and sexy even when using the most embarrassing Snapchat filters. Someone who is funny and can make me laugh at any time. Someone who is sweet and caring. Someone who knows what it is like to be damaged and to have been hurt in the past just like myself, but does not let that stop them from finding happiness. I know they say that no one is perfect, but I honestly feel that you are. Or at least you are perfect for me

The future is so unclear and you never know what it may hold. However, standing here today, I hope it holds you. I hope you are the one standing next to me on the good days when I need someone to celebrate with. Like when I graduate from college, or I am offered my first job, or I place in the top ten at a tournament, or I move into my first apartment. Nevertheless, I also hope it is you standing next to me when things get hard and I need a shoulder to cry on. Like when I don’t get the job I thought I nailed the interview for, or things at home aren’t the best, or when I am sad that it is time to let go of my collegiate athlete days, or on the days where my health problems get the best of me. No matter what the future holds, I hope it holds you. I hope you are the one standing next to me through it all. Even though you have not been in my life for very long and the future scares the hell out of me I am not afraid to admit that I hope it is you

Looking back now, replying to your message was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am glad I put my fear aside and allowed myself the chance to meet someone as wonderful as you. You are the guy that most girls dream of finding and somehow I was lucky enough to stumble upon you. You treat me in a way I thought I would never be worthy of and I will forever be grateful for that. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for us. No matter what it may be, I will never regret sending that message and having you walk into my life when you did. I can only hope for many years and happiness to come with you by my side.

8 Reasons a Farmer Makes the Best Boyfriend

I’ll be the first to admit I’m biased about dating a farmer because mine happens to be pretty great. He’s hard working, smart, helpful, selfless, kind, and loving. Dating a farmer may be a little old fashioned compared to other relationships these days, but they are definitely worth it.

1. Farmers are Hard Working

Farmers are some of the hardest working people I know. They work long days until the crops are planted or harvested depending on the season without ever complaining. During harvest is when the farm makes all its money and they work from before sunrise till after sunset to make sure they have the best crop possible. Aside from working hard on the farm they work had in all aspects of their life.

2. Farmers Know How to Fix Things

Being a farmer means you have to learn to become mechanically inclined. Not only can they fix things around the farm, but they can fix things around the house too. When your tire goes flat, you can call them or when your pickup decides to break down, you can call them for that too. Chances are they’ve seen it before or something similar which comes in handy just about anywhere.

3. Farmers Work A Lot

No matter what time of year it is, there is always something to be done on the farm. Just because the snow falls in the winter doesn’t mean there aren’t things to be done in the shop. Trucks need to be serviced, combines need their oil changed, tractors need tune ups, etc. Then you have to seed, fertilize, skew tred, work the fields, harvest the crops, rework the fields, and repeat all over again. If you are a hay farmer then you’re hoping for at least three cuttings of hay, if not more. Because your farmer is so busy working they won’t notice if you take off for a girls weekend every once in a while!

4. A Farmer Has Values

Chances are your farmer boyfriend was raised in a small community with great values. They believe that hard work earns you a great life, they want to get married and have kids, and don’t want to play games. A farmer wants to make roots and settle down. You won’t be confused about what your farmer wants or needs in a relationship and all of this will be like a breath of fresh air after all the games you’ve played in the past!

5. Farmers are Incredibly Selfless

It is no surprise with the industry farmers are in how incredibly selfless they are. They will put everyone before themselves, their wives/ girlfriends, family, friends, animals, etc. Dating a selfless person is a sense of safeness, you never have to worry if you’re going to be put a priority or if your farmer will get everything taken care of. They know how to prioritize and if something at home needs to be handled then they’ll work hard to be able to not farm for a few hours even during harvest time.

6. Farm Life is Never Dull

Farm life is never dull! There is always something going on, even just on crop farms with no animals, tractors break down, implements malfunction, tires go flat, etc. You don’t ever have to worry about living a boring life when dating a farmer even if you don’t work on the farm yourself. Chances are you will get put to work in some way or another whether it be picking someone up from a field, running someone a new part when their broken down, etc.

7. Farmers Are Loyal

It’s no secret that farmers work a lot and when I mean a lot I mean it! When you date a farmer you know they are going to be loyal because with all the working and dating you, they won’t have time for anyone else. Aside from not having time for anyone else, they don’t want anyone else because they’ve been raised with great values and when they meet a good lady they are going to keep her around.

8. Tractor Dates

Your farmer may work 12-16 hours a day eight months out of the year so chances are a few date nights will be in the tractor! Who doesn’t love tractor dates?

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My Mind Knows I Should Leave but My Heart Won’t Give Him Up

I’m finally at the point where I can confidently fake a pleasant, positive response when people ask how I’m doing. Some see the sadness hidden in my eyes and give me a knowing look, but most just move on.

Those people don’t know the pain you caused me. The ones that do despise you. They see how you’ve shattered me and recognize that I’ll never be the girl I was before I let you into my heart.

They held me as my body quivered when I had no tears left and heard my weakened whispers admitting how alone and defeated I was. They saw my body shrink as I struggled to move past everything.

They don’t understand why I still choose to let you in my life. Sometimes even I don’t know why I let you stay after you broke me the way you did.

It’s curious how a problem can be its own solution. On my roughest days, you’re still the only one who can calm me down and talk some sense into my stubborn head. 

I know you care about me. You’ve taken responsibility for your actions and I know that means a lot, but part of me will never understand how you treated me so horribly.

On the days where I find the tears streaming down my face, I have no problem angrily telling you how shitty of a person you are. While I do feel that way about you, I also still care for you. I still love you.

It’s been a long time since we sat in the same room and talked but late night text conversations still happen. 

You say it’s best that we keep our distance while things are fresh because you’re scared being close will bring too many feelings back for me.

Part of me knows that you’re just as scared that you’ll find yourself overwhelmed.

I know I’ll never be able to fully detach if I let you stick around in my life and heart, but maybe I don’t really want to quit what we’ve started.

Maybe this is just our pause, not a full stop.

An Open Letter To My Now Boyfriend and My Future Husband

Dear Future Husband,

First off, I want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the one who makes me smile when I’m sad. You are the one who I can go to when I need a shoulder to cry on. You are the one who drives me crazy, but I never can stay angry with. You are the one who I would trust with absolutely anything, including my life. I’ll never know how or why I got so lucky to have you, but I’ll always be grateful that I do.

You are many things to me. You’re my shelter in the storm. You’re my stars that light up the night sky. You’re my best friend. You’re my partner in crime. You’re my player 2, but you’ll always come first. You’re my therapist who I go to when I need to vent. You are the one who I think of when things get tough. You keep me going, and there are no words to express how thankful I am for you.

I know relationships aren’t easy, and I know marriage is definitely not easy. I know all of this but still I want to marry you one day, because I would brave the fires of hell as long as I had you with me. I know that as long as we’re together we can make it through anything. We can make it through the stress of making money for a wedding. We can make it through planning a wedding. We can make it through getting a place and raising a family. We can make it through endless bills and long nights of work and long nights of a crying baby, as long as we have each other. I know things will get tough, and I know you will stick with me through all of it. Thank you for that.

Thank you for loving me now, before marriage, and for wanting to one day marry me. I know we will work out because you have seen absolutely every piece of me and still you’ve stayed with me and never stopped saying you love me. You’ve seen me at my absolute best when I’m in the car dancing like an idiot singing to my favorite songs. You’ve seen me when I laugh so much that I start crying like a total loser. You’ve seen me in beautiful dresses and you’ve seen me being the best version of me. The part of me that only you seem to bring out in me.

You’ve also seen me at my worst, and yet you still love me. You’ve seen me get angry with the world because I’ve had a horrible day, and yet you still sit beside me and you try to calm me down. You’ve seen me when I’m crying my eyes out for many reasons, and you just hug me and tell me that it’s going to be okay. And I know it will, because you love me. You’ve seen me when I’m completely insecure and feel like I’m nothing, like the entire universe is against me and whatever God or Gods in it are too. Yet you stay and you tell me that I’m more than I think I am, you tell me that you love me. For all of this, I love you.

I’ve also seen you in your best moments and your worse. From when you smile that beautiful smile that makes my heart melt, to when you’re yelling at the car in front of us while driving because they obviously don’t know how to drive. Yet, I love you. I love you when you’re happy, I love you when you’re sad, and I still love you when you’re mad. I love you when you get jealous, even though there’s no reason to be. Sure, other guys can flirt with me and try to win me over. They can say sweet things and claim that they’d love me. I know none of that would be true, though. Because I know that no other guy could see me the way you do. I know that no other guy could handle me at my worst like you can. That’s something only you can do, because you’re special. So know that you have no competition. Not now, not in a million lifetimes. You are the only one that knows me, and the only one that still loves me in spite of that.

We’ve been through many things together, with many more to come. I look forward to a life time of making you happy and treating you the way you deserve to be treated. I look forward to a life time of kissing you in the rain and telling you my darkest secrets. I look forward to a lifetime of ranting about my favorite books and listening to you rant as well. I look forward to many nights in the house with you watching Netflix, and many nights out eating in some fancy restaurant.

So, future husband, just know that I look forward to it all. From our first dog to our first kid. From our first apartment to our first house. From being young with you in fancy clothes and nights out, to being old with you sitting on our porch yelling at the young folk to get off our lawn. I look forward to our entire life together, because there is nothing in this world that could make me as happy as you do.

Know that no matter what I will always love you. I will love you even if we are angry with each other. I will love you through disagreements, and petty fights. I will love you through romantic nights and lazy ones. I will love you through funerals and weddings. I will love you through storms and through sunshine. I will love you through everything. No matter if you try to push me away, I won’t go. I will stay and I will love you with everything I have because you deserve nothing less. That is my promise to you. That no matter what happens in this life time or the next, I will never stop loving you.


It’s Not That Hard, Here Are Signs He Sincerely Chooses You

Did he sincerely choose you? Is he really in it for the long-haul?

You went through the dating stage and it’s been official for a while. Unfortunately, we typically start to question if he’s really in it. Let alone, into us.

Another failed relationship is definitely not on our list.

Some signs can be standing right in front of us. So as cliché as it sounds, actions do speak louder than words.

So remember, keep an open-mind and don’t overanalyze. He’s just a guy also wanting to be accepted. Give him room to breathe and let him be the man he needs to be.

He treats you as what you are to him. 

He knows he no longer needs to gain attention from other women. He has female friends but even their conversation is kept to minimum.

If there is anyone he wants to share great news or talk to about anything, it’s you. He’ll never make you fight for his attention and communication. You are his girlfriend.

He introduces you to his family and friends. 

He’s already amazed by you and now he’s reached a point where he knows your worth. He values you for who you are and what you represent to him.

So be ready to be introduced! His family and close friends are important, and you are part of that circle now.

He works on making things less stressful for you. 

He doesn’t have to, but he does this because he cares for you immensely. He knows that spending time with you equals making good memories.

He’ll fight off the stress and worries with you because he knows you deserve it. He lives for the moment alongside you.

He makes sure you’re comfortable. 

He avoids at all costs seeing you distressed, disappointed or vulnerable. He wouldn’t want to be put in that position, so why should You be?

He knows not to hurt someone he truly cares for. He doesn’t want to be the primary cause of ever hurting you. So what he can control, he’ll fulfill.

He prioritizes your happiness. 

He knows he holds your heart in his hands. Holding the most fragile thing you can ever give him means he also has to protect it. He understands that you hold his happiness in retrospect.

As your partner, creating a healthy and happy atmosphere to build a stable relationship is essential. So he’ll often enough place your needs before his.

He encourages your ambitions. 

He has goals he wants to fulfill but he also doesn’t want to leave you behind. His goals and ambitions are just as important as yours.

Building a relationship takes two. Building a future takes a team. He knows this and encouraging you isn’t hard to do.

He accepts your differences. 

He knows you won’t always have something in common and you both are different in many ways.

He accepts you completely because he knows those differences are what make you who you are. But he doesn’t work on changing you. Instead, he helps bring out the best of you.

He holds your emotions into account. 

He knows that not every relationship is perfect. Communication isn’t always easy and crystal clear.

When you discuss things or it seems like an argument, he pays attention to your emotions. They’re just as important as his. There is no right or wrong, its finding the equilibrium.

He wants to communicate with you above all else. 

He knows there is no one more important than the woman he calls his best friend.

From small details to things that are hard to say, he knows that he can tell you anything and everything. Sometimes it won’t be easy, but you always manage to meet halfway.

He thinks of you as his future. 

He talks about things that can lead to a fruitful life with you and this is of no hesitation to him.

At this point, he demonstrates accepting the good, the bad and the uneasy. He knows you’ve accepted him too.

He voices confidence in having a future with you. A future that he knew one day he’d like to share.

So ladies, when he shows attention, care and devotion, reciprocate it all.

A relationship is about giving without keeping tabs and providing your partner the sense of security.

If he does these things for you, you may have found your unicorn.


An Open Thank You Letter to My Boyfriend

Well, you’re great. You’re everything a girl could ever want in a guy – smart, funny, handsome, loyal, and just for me. Everything you do, makes me fall more in love with you. Day by day and month by month, we are growing and becoming a better couple. I just wanna thank you for some things.

1. Sad Days – On my sad days, you make me happy, you make me smile so wide. I’m glad I’m finally happy and your the cause of it. Even when I don’t want to smile, you make me.

2. Loving Me – Just you loving me.. Loving me with my flaws and mistakes, loving me for the cackling laugh I have, loving me for taking hours to do my makeup, loving me for stealing some of your food (even though I got the same thing). Just you loving me no matter what, makes me happy.

3. Spending Time with Me – Thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me. Whenever I spend time with you, I never wanna leave, even if I’m gonna see you the next day.

4. The Small Things – From getting me sephora makeup to a ring in a 50 cent machine, I absolutely love all the little things you do. Even if it’s noticing  my eyes twinkling in the moonlight or how my forehead crinkles when I laugh. Or maybe it’s the simple goodmorning text you always send me.

Even though this isn’t much I’m thanking you for, I truely appreciate all the things you do / have done for me. I look forward to the more things I have to thank you for in the future. I love you.

10 Reassuring Lines You Should Say to Your Boyfriend On The Daily

Reassuring Your BF

As women, we have a lot of emotional needs, especially during that time of the month, but sometimes we forget that men can be just as needy.

This list will help you better understand what your man needs to hear, and a little insight as to why it’s so important that you say these things to him.

1. Thank you for taking care of me

First and foremost, men want to feel needed. There is nothing wrong with letting someone else take care of you sometimes.

2. You inspire me.

This goes along with men wanting to feel needed. They want to make a difference in your life, and inspire you to be a better person.

3. You are strong.

All men want to be the alpha male, and this especially goes for men in relationships. They want to be in control, and we can make them think they are by simply telling them this.

35 Times You Have Aboslutely No Shame in Calling Your Boyfriend Out

Yes, we all love our boyfriends. They’re sweet and cute and fun, but at the end of the day, they’re occasionally hopeless.

Take last Valentine’s day for example, when he got you a decent pair of pearl earrings. But you don’t ever wear earrings, nor has he ever heard you talk about jewelry.

Ugh, babe. You really should have put on more deodorant today.


I hate that shirt. You know I hate that shirt. Why must you always wear that stupid shirt.


One day when you’re out, I’m going to burn that heinous thing.


I appreciate the attempt, but that cologne is not helping the mood.


Oh god this necklace is hideous, but I’ll just keep smiling and pretend I like it.


But seriously? I didn’t leave all of those tabs open on your computer for nothing.


Are you really that oblivious?


Why must I spell everything out? My demands are very reasonable.


Okay you’re being super cute, but can you not hug me as I’m trying to get ready?


11 Things to Know before Dating the Slightly Jealous Type

We jealous girls get a bad rap, but we’re usually only jealous for a super good reason. Yeah, yeah, we all know that a healthy relationship is built on trust and all that good stuff, but look: we’re only jealous because people have given us reason to be jealous in the past. We’re trying to get a handle on it, but you’ve got to meet us halfway:

1. Let us know we’re safe.

Many people are jealous because they don’t feel secure in their relationship; but it’s not you, it’s us! We want to trust you, we just need you to put in a little extra effort to make us feel safe and secure. People who feel safe never need to go through their partner’s text messages.

2. Don’t tell us we’re crazy.

Ok, we can be a tad irrational, and sometimes jump to conclusions, but no one likes to be told they’re nuts. We’re not crazy, and we just know our worth and don’t want our feelings ignored.

3. We’ve been hurt before.

Jealousy rarely comes from nowhere. If we’re suspicious, we probably started out naïve—and probably a little too trusting. It’s not your fault that other guys are all lying monsters… but we can’t help it if we’ve had a few less-than-trustworthy lovers in the past.

4. It’s not always a sign of insecurity.

Maybe we just really like you! No one’s about to argue that jealousy is a winning characteristic, but hey—we wouldn’t be bent out of shape over someone we didn’t like, right?

5. We’ll shower you with affection.

Jealous people tend to overcompensate with fawning affection. See? We’re not mad at you, we baked you a cake! We should save a piece for that hot receptionist you say is just a co-worker!

6. No yelling.

We won’t yell if you don’t. If you get mad when we ask for reassurance, it just looks real suspicious.

7. None of that open relationship stuff.

Yeah, that’s not our jam. Don’t even ask.

8. We’re trying not to make a big deal out of things.

Well, you don’t want to date a doormat, do you? But really, we’re not trying to make a big deal out of the way you look at your roommate’s girlfriend. But it would help if you stopped looking at her like that.

9. Don’t hide things from us.

You need your space, we get that—but if you’re constantly telling us we can’t hang with your friends or look in your closet, we’re going to go crazy. And, as established, we’d really prefer not to seem crazy.

10. And, y’know, don’t flirt with other people.

Pretty simple. Yeah, we know that world is full of chill girls who don’t mind some harmless, extracurricular flirting… but that’s not us. Hey, you get to date us, and we’re pretty awesome, so don’t complain.

11. Just talk to us.

It’s corny, but communication is the most important thing in keeping love alive. Just be open and honest with us, and we’ll do the same.

8 Things You Need to Know before Dating an Anxious Girl

Loving someone unconditionally through the ups and downs can be extremely challenging. Despite, the challenges of having a strong and balanced relationship it’s even more difficult when you’re dating an anxious girl. Don’t worry, the positives outweigh the negatives, you just have to take the time to understand what’s going on with her.

1. Small areas make them feel panicked and claustrophobic.

NEVER take them someplace where they feel trapped or boxed in. They will definitely have a bitch fit. When anxious girls go outside of their comfort zone their anxiety kicks in almost immediately. So, don’t say I didn’t warn you. Just avoid any intimidating situation and you’ll be golden.

2. She will probably have a mere panic attack before the first date.

Just a heads up, she’ll probably be the girl to knock back two shots before you pick her up to take the edge off. She just wants her anxiety to not be too high before she even steps into your car.

3. Doing the whole waiting game just won’t work with her.

Text or call her as soon as you can before her anxiety gives her a nervous breakdown. She needs extra support and assurance, but that shouldn’t be too much of a hassle. You do love her right?

4. Do everything you can to be there for her, and she will be forever grateful.

The anxious girl always assumes the worst. Try your best to provide constant communication with her, and be upfront about how you truly feel. She’s the one that will assume you got in a car accident, you’re cheating on her, or you could leave her at any time. For your own sake, tell her how it is, and don’t leave her guessing. She’s already having ‘what if’ thoughts. If you are there for her when she needs you, there’s not a doubt in my mind that she will be head over heels for you.

5. Trying new things is a big step for her.

Be patient and kind. There are a lot of thoughts going through her head. She needs comfort and a promise that it will be okay. There are times where she won’t want to do something because she feels uncomfortable. At the end of the day, it will be more rewarding when she takes a chance at something new. Just give it time.

6. You’ll probably wait around for her to get ready. A LOT.

She is going to be deciding on what to wear to dinner for hours. Give this girl a heads up. A surprise date is completely off the table. If you really value how she feels, your compliments will make her feel beautiful and she will stop stressing about how she looks.

7. She’s always uptight, but for that reason, she keeps it classy.

You won’t have to worry about her being the sloppy drunk. She’s always on point with what she does. She values her morals and wants to be good enough. A girl like her is one to keep around because even though she worries way TOO much, she wants the best for you and her.

8. On an even better note, when she loves you, she whole-heartedly does.

You know that this girl has thought out every aspect of her relationship with you. When she says she is in love with you, she really means it. She’s probably already received advice from ALL her friends and family about you. If you’re still her boyfriend, you will know that things are working out between you and her. And boy, if she introduces you to her family and friends, you are the one she wants to keep.

Dating an anxious girl is a challenge. If you find one you care about, it’s entirely worth it.

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