Twitter Thread Proves That Giving Up On A Good Girl Will Haunt You Forever

Many times in life, it so happens that we meet people at the wrong time. Even if two people are destined to be together, if it’s not the right time, things just won’t work out. Think of it this way—how many times have you dated someone that was in a completely different stage of their life (emotionally, mentally) and because of this, you could never see eye-to-eye? Maybe you wanted to move forward—get married, start a family—and your partner was too busy clubbing and bar-hopping every weekend.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but when you aren’t ready for the “right one,” the right one won’t wait around for you. So often, people think that “true love will wait,” but, that’s unrealistic and a bunch of fairy tale garbage. To prove it, I bring you Twitter user Rev Rell, who shared a story of her friend who lost a good girl forever.

People online were applauding the thread, thanking her for being so real and honest, and sharing their own experiences that this is—indeed—facts.

Khloé Kardashian Has Finally Broken Her Silence About The Tristan-Jordyn Scandal With Painful Instagram Posts

Khloé Kardashian has finally broken her social media silence after reports surfaced this week that her boyfriend and baby daddy, Tristan Thompson, cheated on her (again) with a close family friend. On Tuesday, outlets reported that Thompson was seen making out and snuggling with family friend, Jordyn Woods, at a party. Additionally, reports surfaced that Woods stayed at Thompson’s home until 7 A.M. the next day.

Since the story broke online, multiple people in the Kardashian/Jenner circle have made comments online, basically confirming the reports to be true. Additionally, sources close to the family have stated that Thompson admitted to Khloé that he did hook up with Woods after she confronted him, and, that Kylie Jenner has since asked Woods to move out of her home, where she was living with Kylie and her daughter, Stormi.

Fans online have been following the drama, looking to see who has unfollowed who and waiting for people to make a statement on the issue. So far, Khloé’s best friend Malika has unfollowed both Thompson and Woods, and, Khloé’s sister Kim Kardashian has done the same.

Now, on Thursday, Khloé broke her silence through her Instagram stories by posting some cryptic and heartbroken quotes and images for fans and followers to see. The four images are incredibly telling to the situation she is currently in.

The first image is a quote that says, “the worst pain is gettin hurt by a person you explained your pain to,” which, clearly is directed at Jordyn Woods. It’s no secret that Woods has been close with the Kardashian and Jenner family for years—she’s even appeared in early seasons of Keeping Up with the Kardashians alongside a young, teenage Kylie Jenner. It’s probably true that she’s been around when Khloé had spoken about her relationship and situation with Thompson, so, seeing that she betrayed her like that—hurts.


The second quote showcases that Khloé is trying to look at the betrayal—both from Thompson and Woods—as a blessing. She now knows that Thompson cannot be trusted, even after she was kind enough to give him a second chance. And, she knows that she’s not only helping herself, but the rest of the Kardashian and Jenner family (especially Kylie) by exposing Woods’ true colors.


The third quote really tugs at the heartstrings, as a direct message to Thompson. She’s basically saying that she loved Thompson with honesty, truth, and patience, but Thompson continued to dog her and break her heart. This one hurts.


The last image Khloé posted on her story was of a woman crying—one that looks like a cartoon version of KoKo herself (nails and all).


People on Twitter were feeling for Khloé in her time of need and despair, feeling as though they wanted to nothing else but help her and send her positive vibes during this hurtful time in her life.

In all honesty, I feel for Khloé. Sure, it’s hard to be surprised that Thompson cheated on her again after she had already been cheated on by him with multiple girls (on camera), but, to be betrayed by someone who has been apart of your circle and your family for years—it hurts twice as hard.

Girl, we are feeling for you.

Lady Gaga And Bradley Cooper Romance Rumors Abound After She Splits With Fiance

Lady Gaga is engaged to Christian Carino no more. A source told People, “It just didn’t work out. Relationships sometimes end.” The source added that the couple actually split “a bit ago,” and that “there is no dramatic story.”

The news isn’t exactly shocking to fans of Gaga’s, who noticed something was up when Gaga was spotted without her engagement ring at the 2019 Grammys on February 10. Gaga also neglected to thank Carino in her speech when she accepted the best pop duo or group performance award for her song “Shallow.”

And then, on Valentine’s Day, when Gaga didn’t post a pic of herself and Carino, but instead Instagrammed a shot of a new tattoo of a rose she’d gotten on her back, inspired by A Star Is Born.

So you know what that means, right? Now Lady Gaga is FREE TO DATE BRADLEY COOPER! And that’s just what the internet is thinking. As soon as the split was confirmed, people started to ship the two stars.

The chemistry between them is undeniable.

People are PSYCHED.

Fans are already calling for them to get married.

So far, no word from either camp, but maybe if we talk about it enough, we can make it happen? Just by believing? It’s worth a shot, anyway.

But let’s also spend a minute remembering Gaga’s relationship with Christian Carino. Hopefully the breakup isn’t too hard on either one of them, and they’ll move on amicably.

h/t: People and Someecards

Guy’s Tattoo Of His Ex Gets A Glorious ‘Makeover’ After They Split

In life, one of the biggest lessons one can learn is tattooing someone else’s name on your body is a bad idea. No matter how much you love someone, and how much you want to be together, it’s not always a promise that you “love” will be forever. Over and over again we see people running to the tattoo shop, begging their artists to cover up their “poor decisions.”

Sometimes, we can fix it.


But, sometimes we try to fix them and they come out awful.


We can try to be funny.


Like, really funny.


But, we all know that they’ve left their “mark” on us.


But, there is no one who has done a better “ex” coverup than this one person who turned his ex-wife into a glorious, brilliant, wonderful devil.

Not only did he go through the pain, trouble, time, and money of sitting through this ink session (that had to be a lot of shading for that color red), but, he thought about this a lot. His ex-wife must have been a hell of a woman to deserve this. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

And, while we’re on the subject of stupid people doing stupid things—like getting their lovers tattooed on their bodies—enjoy these horrible/funny/brilliant coverups.

Maybe you’ve learned your lesson now?


OOPS is right.


Nice touch.


Yup, sh*t happens.




Clearly not the biggest.


Nice try, guy.


Seems to be a trend.


Well, that’s awkward.


7 Signs You And Your Partner Should Definitely Breakup

You probably clicked on this article for two reasons. One is that you think this is click bait and I have zero clue about what I’m talking about and are looking to troll me and my relationship advice for the entire Internet to see. Two is that you’re in a relationship where you are unhappy or borderline unhappy and want to know if it’s just you that’s feeling this way. If it’s reason one – go home. If it’s reason two – you’re not alone.

I was in several long-term relationships in my life where I overstayed my welcome. Sometimes, there are warning signs and red flags that are right in front of your face – waving in thin air – but you stay because you don’t want to lose something special – comfort. Far too long, people stay in relationships they are severely unhappy in because of being comfortable and, the fear of being alone. For these two reasons, we find ourselves settling – wondering what else is out there and is there someone better suited for me – and yet, we may lose opportunities to meet those someones because we are suffering in our own despair.

There are a lot of tell-tale signs that point to a relationship ending, but, some people don’t want to face the truth. But, when it’s there, there’s no denying it.

1. You’ve lost that loving feeling.

Sure, I just took song lyrics and made it a point – but it’s actually true. When you look at your partner and no longer smile right away or feel that “overcome with emotion” sensation – chances are, you’re falling out of love with them. You want to look at them less and when they come home from work – it’s just “whatever.” The more you fall out of love, the less love you will feel. We all know how it feels to look at someone we are in love with. We laugh, we get giddy, we smile and we become hot and bothered (sometimes). But, when you feel indifferent towards them, you’re going to begin to resent them eventually. Their qualities you once loved will become flaws and sooner or later – you’ll hate yourself for not ending it.

4 Ways To Tell If You’re In Love Or Just Plain Comfortable In Your Relationship

Whenever you enter any relationship, you feel uneasy in the beginning. You’re nervous, you get butterflies, you have anxieties, it’s only natural that you would feel this way when you’re getting to know somebody and allowing yourself to feel vulnerable around them. As you progress in your relationship, your anxieties start to fade away – you begin to feel more comfortable and let your guard down around this person. When you enter the stage of being together “long-term,” you finally see that you’re your most comfortable self around this person—they just get you. But, the longer you stay with someone long-term, the more comfortable you become. You start to become dependant on them for certain things, they become part of your everyday routines—you’re not sure what your life would be like if they weren’t there.

But, the longer you stay with someone long-term, the more comfortable you become. You start to become dependant on them for certain things, they become part of your everyday routines—you’re not sure what your life would be like if they weren’t there. And, because of this, we start to confuse the feelings of being in love and just being comfortable in a relationship with someone.

Often times, the spark in a relationship may fade away and things may chip away at the “love” you once had for your partner. Maybe it’s arguments you’ve had, things that have happened, realizations you have made over time. But, because you are so comfortable in your everyday life with your partner there, you don’t really realize that you’re not truly in love with them anymore. Sure, not every relationship is going to be fireworks and sparks every single moment of every single day but, if you’ve lost that “loving feeling,” altogether, it’s a sure sign that you’re with someone out of convenience and comfort, rather than true love. There are several ways you can really figure out if it’s love or comfort in your specific relationship, without having to completely break yourself apart.

1. Excitement vs. Indifference:

Now, I’m aware that not every relationship is exciting after 2, 3, 4 years all the time. But, there should still be moments in your relationship where you do feel excited—excited to see your partner, excited for them to come home from work that day, excited to go on a date with them, excited to go to a social event together. If you’re always indifferent towards everything and feel as though it’s just “what you need to do” in your relationship—it’s a tell-tale sign that you’re just comfortable with your partner, rather than in love with them.

2. Ambivalence vs. Certainty:

Not everyone you date is going to be “the one,” but, if you’re with someone you love, you know that there’s a chance they could be. If you’re feeling as though you are unsure if someone you’re with long-term is the one you want to spend your life with, it’s a pretty big question you need to face. Too often, people stay in a relationship for the fear of being alone and not wanting to encounter “loneliness.” But, they end up settling for a partner they aren’t truly in love with or want to be with forever. By doing this, you ultimately end up resenting the person you’re dating and resenting yourself for not facing these problems before you got “stuck.”

3. Effort vs. Nonchalant:

Every person in a relationship should be putting effort into their relationship at all times. Sometimes, when life gets hectic, you may put in less effort than normal. But, overall, each person in a relationship should contribute to it. If your partner or you are very “nonchalant” and passive about your relationship—you’re constantly just settling on things, keeping them the same, not changing things up or putting life into your love—it’s a pretty big red flag.

4. Living vs. Watching:

When you’re in love with someone, you want to experience life with them. No matter how busy that life may get, you find time for new experiences, new travels, new events to do together. When you’re just comfortable, you spend the majority of your time doing the same old song and dance, you’re too tired to go out, you don’t want to spend the money, you’d rather just go to bed early. Sure, some people can’t always go out – but there are dozens of ways to go out without spending money that can still be incredible and worth-while – it’s about whether or not you care enough to make it happen.

25 Of The Smallest Reasons People Have Ended Their Relationship For Good

Everyone has their pet peeves and deal breakers in relationships. Small and big, if something is off for you, you just know it. Why stay in a relationship in which you are unhappy when there are so many fish in the sea, right? While some people end relationships for big disagreements—like marriage, children, maybe even religious/moral differences and beliefs, there are those who end relationships for much smaller, petty reasons. Frankly, I’ve never ended a relationship for a “small” issue, they have always been big, glaring red flags. But, these people have ended relationships for teeny, tiny problems and I’m actually intrigued.


I play tennis and I dated a guy that wouldn’t play with me, according to him “unless I was prepared to lose”. Like we couldn’t just rally and play for fun. There had to be a definite winner and loser and according to him that would’ve been me. What a jackass.



After we saw interstellar, he told me he didn’t like it and didn’t “get it”. I know it’s crazy but I love movies and that just made me realize we were not compatible.



His kisses always tasted like milk.



When we held hands on our second date, he swung his arms up and down and up and down. I though my arm was going to pop out of its socket. I knew that was the end.



We were leaving Walmart while it was raining and all he had was a bag of socks. He continued to push the cart out of the store and I said we should leave it at the cart return inside so employees don’t have to go out in the rain to get it and other people have a dry cart. He pushed it to his car and left it in the rain. I didn’t go out with him again.



He talked in a baby voice. At first I thought it was a one-off weird occurrence but then he did it far more often. And during serious conversations. Final straw was when he baby talked in front of my friends while we were out to dinner.
Baby boy, bye!!



I once ended things with someone after we went out for drinks and he said “salute” instead of “salud” when we did a cheers.



He always answered the phone by saying “Good Morning!” – didn’t matter what time of day it was.



He showed up for a date wearing a sweater vest.



I was already contemplating breaking up with him, when he made me watch the Minions movie. He had been hyping it up for months and finally convinced me to watch it. When it was over, he turned me and said “wasn’t that horrible? it’s probably the worst movie I’ve ever seen.” That months-long Minions lie was the last straw.



I broke up with a guy because he was an extremely picky eater. I respect people’s tastes and all, but it’s really important to me that in a relationship my partner and I can try new foods together especially when we travel. To me, trying new foods is a wonderful experience and I don’t want to be with someone who isn’t brave enough to try new things.



He hated cilantro. End of story.



He never got me barbaque sauce for my fries at fast food resteraunts, I would ask him to do it when we were at drive thrus and it was too much of an inconvenience for him.



He’d say “open the light” instead of “turn on the light” and every food he ate, he chewed loudly. Two non-negotiables for me are improper grammar and any obnoxious noises emitted from ones head, including chewing and snoring and coughing. Ughhhhh PTSD.



He didn’t read books. Like ever.



He wouldn’t let me practice my clarinet around him. Sure, I was horrible at it, but come on, at least be supportive!



I can’t really call it a relationship because we hadn’t even gone on a date yet, but we’d been texting after matching on bumble. I realized quickly that things wouldn’t work out when I told him about my cat and how she’s perfect in every single way, and he said she wasn’t as perfect as his. I literally told him “I don’t think I can talk to you anymore” and stopped texting him. There were other reasons it wouldn’t have worked, but that was kind of a big one.



i didn’t want to buy him a present on the trip i was about to go on.



He peed behind a tree in a parking lot at the county fair. He walked by bathrooms and did this. No.



He didin’t like to cuddle, hated Harry Potter and sushi.



My dog hated him and he may have been a world record holder for worlds quickest lay.



I broke up with my high school bf because the bandaid on his finger came off while we were making out. We never found it.



He pronounced “because” like “be-iz” and after a month I could not take it anymore. Drove me up the wall.



Dated a guy who was a HARDCORE movie-talker. Whether it was a horror movie, drama, or comedy.. he would talk and make comments out loud (REALLY Loud) throughout the entire movie. So much so that we would get dirty looks from ppl trying to enjoy the movie. Oh and also, his breath smelled really bad. maybe i was already annoyed by his talking that i noticed his breath but he was just SO oblivious to everything (the breath, the inconsideration for everyone around him, etc). Had to end it.



He was great, but when he fell asleep he breathed SO WEIRD. I couldn’t stand it.


15 Signs You Have A Piece of S**t Boyfriend

What you think is love, may not be that at all. We all know what it’s like to be blinded by someone we’re completely head-over-heels for. But, when we snap out of the cloud of bliss we’ve been living in for so long and look at the bigger picture, as it turns out, we may be dating a piece of shit.


1. He doesn’t support you or your dreams.

He makes you feel like you’re childish or unrealistic for having high aspirations and big goals. Instead of helping you achieve them, he breaks you down.

2. He goes days without texting or calling you.

If you’re not the one to initiate a conversation with him, you may not hear from him at all.

3. He doesn’t pay for you nearly enough.

Being in the real world can be expensive, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay for everything you two do together. If he’s not paying for at least half (or more, really) he’s not doing his part.

4. He doesn’t believe in compromise. 

When you have disagreements, it’s important to know when to meet in the middle and work on things. But, if it’s his way, or the highway, it’s not going to work.

5. He doesn’t like any of your friends.

And he won’t let you forget it. He’s constantly belittling them and talking badly about them whenever they come up in conversation. Even worse, he refuses to hangout with them entirely.

6. He neglects your needs.

Just because they aren’t his needs, does not make them less important. Relationships are 50/50.

7. He doesn’t make you feel wanted.

If you’re dating someone who doesn’t want you back, that’s not love, that’s worship.

Here’s Why You’re Struggling With Moving On

Whenever we go through life’s path, we’re faced with the ups and downs that will be thrown at us throughout our journey. The trials and the triumphs that along the road from adolescence to adulthood we’ll inevitably have to face at one point or another. The scariest of them all? The bad break-up. What is it about breaking up with someone we love that is so traumatic to us? The heart wrenching pain that we feel, as if someone took a knife and stabbed us in the chest? Or maybe it’s waking up and not having that special person to say good morning to.

The time when you get the news that you got the job you were pining over, and can’t call them to tell them your great news. What it all comes down to is one universal issue: change. As humans, sometimes, we find it hard to deal with big changes. We become so comfortable in a routine, especially one that involves another person that it becomes increasingly difficult to let go once that flame burns out. I’ve witnessed so many people staying in relationships that were unhealthy or so visibly over to the outside eye in fear of having to make major changes in their lives. Hell, I’ve even stayed in relationships and friendships far too long because I didn’t want to deal with the inevitable reality of changing my life around.

Of course, it is hard for anybody to just pick up the pieces of a life you built with somebody else and start all over and move on. But, it’s one of those things that makes you stronger as a person and creates new insight for your future relationships. When you end a relationship that just isn’t working out for you any longer, you realize exactly why it isn’t, and can then use this as insight for your future. Yet, in these situations of inevitable change, we often times become our own worst enemy. We place ourselves in routines of actions and habits that ultimately do us more harm than good and prevent us from moving on from this person and situation in our lives to become better and stronger people.

Here’s why:

1) We constantly check their social media:

In today’s day and age, it’s inevitably harder to move on from someone when you’re constantly bombarded with their life and ongoings without you on your newsfeed all the time. It’ll be your first instinct to click on their profile and carefully scroll for hours. But, It’s unhealthy. It’s unhealthy for you to continuously check their accounts to find out where they are and what they’re doing, especially who they’re doing it with. The reality is, that this portion of your life is over, there’s no use in re-watching a movie that you just didn’t like. Mute their account, or block them all together. I say this all the time to people, there is nothing wrong with blocking someone online. If someone gets offended by it, that says more about them than you. If it’s ultimately going to be better for you to not see their stuff at all, go and do it. It’s time we take back our happiness and annex those who hinder it.

2) We talk about the breakup constantly:

Talking about the breakup isn’t going to reverse what happened. Sure, it may make you feel better to get some sympathy from others to ease your pain. Sure, it may help to hear other people’s perspective on it. However, eventually, it’s also like beating a dead horse. When you talk about situations and things, you keep that situation alive, you give it life. The more you talk about the breakup, the more you give the pain and burden inside of you life. It’s important to know when enough is enough and when the path to pain ends and the path to healing starts.

3) We can’t stop overthinking:

The worst thing you can do after a relationship ends is overthink everything that has happened. When you do this, you’re only hurting yourself. Do not waste your time going over text messages from the past, trying to figure out “what went wrong,”-delete them. Delete the pictures and the texts, throw away the letters and the memories. If it helps, burn them. There is no reason to keep memories in a box if those memories are both painful and irrelevant to your future and success. They’re in the past for a reason, leave them there. Along with the pain. You’ll never be able to move on if you’re so stuck in the bubble of the past. Let bygones be gone.

4) We think moving on means moving under someone new:

Everyone loves a good rebound, the hookup or short-term relationship that brings us that sentimental, warm, fuzzy feeling inside that we use to get from our significant other. We’re so desperate for affection right after a bad breakup that we throw ourselves onto someone new. Truth be told, rebounds actually hurt us rather than help us. Why? Because we’re not growing as a person. It’s so hard for us as individuals to break the routine of being in a relationship, by throwing yourself immediately into something of similar sorts, you’re not able to mature and learn how to be alone, with just yourself. It’s so important and vital for human existence to learn to not rely on someone else for our happiness and validation, to be comfortable and happy being alone. If you never try, you’ll never know. And if you never know, you’ll never learn.

5) We’re constantly comparing ourselves to others:

No two people are alike. There are 7 billion people in this world and no two are identical. This means no two relationships will ever be alike. This also means, no two breakups will be alike. Sometimes, things seem worse than they actually are when you look around and start seeing other couples happy and loving and start to wonder, ‘Why couldn’t we be like them?’ Stop yourself immediately. Everything in life comes just when you need it and leaves just when it needs to. It may not seem like it right this very moment, but eventually, you’ll mature and realize exactly why the relationship had to end when it did and why it did, and why it would have never worked out in the long run anyway. Celebrate for your friends in relationships, don’t be bitter over their happiness, instead, work on yourself. Work on your self-love.

No one can love you the right way until you love you the right way.

Guy Creates A Group Text With All Of His Ex Girlfriends For The Holidays And It Completely Backfires

There’s nothing like the holiday season to put you in a sentimental and nostalgic mood. Many of us look back on the people we truly care about and wonder if they’re happy and how they are spending their holidays this year—especially our exes. While we all want to reach out and wish them a Happy and Healthy Holidays we know better. It really is like beating a dead horse. Texting one ex is one thing—but, texting all of them in a group chat, well that takes serious guts.

One man, named Tom, decided that for Christmas, he would wish all of his exes a Merry Ex-Mas by creating a group text with all of them in it. Tom claimed that this year he was “lonely” and wanted to remind them all he was still in existence. As you can imagine, it backfired.

Gemma seemed to be over it. Bella definitely didn’t want to be here. And Lisa, well Lisa had no time for Tom’s crap.

Steph decided to speak up after Bella tried to drag Tom for sleeping with her while they were together. Let the games begin!

Obviously, the ladies weren’t into it.

But, Gemma was down for the humor and decided that if Tom could be such a good sport, she’s down to grab a drink with him for the holidays.

So, while it backfired a bit—it turns out, Tom was truly winning in this idea.

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