5 Best Health Tips for a New Mother

Being a new mother is one of the most overwhelming experiences in any woman’s life. The whole world seems so beautiful and joyous. And your life feels so complete.

But this same period is also the toughest and most challenging time in women’s life. Because it is not just about yourself now, you have a baby to take care of too. And, as a famous parenting expert Tammy Gold says “A happy, healthy mom makes for a happy, healthy kid”.

A new mother has to go through a lot. The challenges during pregnancy, the labor, and even after the birth of the child, all these factors affect the mother’s health and energy if not taken care of properly.

People will start throwing advice at you. Some of those might be good to follow, but listening to everyone would do nothing but confuse you. Here are some simple ways to maintain health and sanity with a newborn. 


Simple yet Effective Tips for A New Mother to Follow-

There is actually a lot that a new mother should take care of in order to stay fit and healthy. But, with a newborn baby to take care of, it isn’ practical to follow all the tips.

However, her are some of the most basic tips that can positively improve a new mom’s health.  


1. Get Good Sleep 

Sleep is one of the most essential factors for anyone who has to recover from physical or emotional trauma.  From carrying the baby in the womb during pregnancy, to giving birth and tolerating the labor pain, as well as after the birth of the child, a mother can find herself exhausted.

Sleep is essential. So, after the birth of the child, it’s really important for the mother to get adequate sleep.

While not practical, it may seem tough because your baby needs you all the time. So, consider a good babysitting service. You can search for the best babysitting services near you or search it on Google. Remember to check the reviews. Google reviews are a reliable source for that. Look for the google review badge.

Perhaps you have some family members or some friends who are looking forward to spending time with your little one? Always accept a welcome family sitter so that you can get some much needed sleep. 

2. No Strict Diet 

A healthy diet is good for you with or without a newborn. But many people tend to follow a diet to get a particular body aesthetic. This is not the time fo you to put too many restrictions on your calorie intake.

As a new mother, you will burn a lot of calories every day. By doing the most essential tasks, such as breast-feeding your child, changing the baby’s clothes, keeping eye on him/her all the time, a new mother will require and burn a large intake of calories. 

So, in order to perform all those tasks  a new mother requires a lot of nutrient rich foods. So, the advice is not to follow a strict diet at this period. Don’t avoid high-calorie foods. 

Stock up healthy foods with high-calorie value and rich nutrients. Have a lot of fruits and vegetables. Limit the intake of junk foods. Whole-grain foods are a must.


List of foods that you should add to your lists are 

• Whole Grains
• Fish
• Meat
• Nuts and Beans
• Low-fat dairy products
• Rich nutrients fruits and vegetables.
• Healthy snacks

3. Exercise is Essential 

With a newborn baby, exercising may seem like the last thing a new mother wants to do. Getting your body to move will help you feel like your old self and will physically and emotionally drive your energy and spirits up. It is the basis of self-care.

Scientifically, a mother’s body goes through a lot of stress and transformations during pregnancy and even after childbirth. The mother’s back and lower body portions are the most affected areas. So, in order to gain back the lost fitness and natural alignment, exercise is a must. Exercises stretch your body muscles, shape up your body, releases essential hormones, and do a lot of goods to your body.

You can do yoga, or join some good gym near you or hire some personal trainers. The Internet has given us a broad platform where we can find almost anything we search for. You can learn some exercises by yourself from social channels as well and follow them.

You can even follow parenting experts, doctors, nutritionists, etc. 


4. Stay Hydrated 

Our bodies are comprised mainly of water. And staying hydrated will improve your overall health. Especially so, as a new mother. 

Breastfeeding mothers will notice that they are often thirstier than others. That is because a breastfeeding mother requires a lot of fluid in order to produce milk. So drink plenty of water. Try adding other hydrating fruits juices and teas, that are low in sugar. Make sure that you are properly hydrated daily. Try starting your morning with a tall glass of water. Hydrating is one of the easiest ways to improve skin, aid in digestion and boost energy and metabolism. 


5. Be Realistic 

Motherhood is not only a physical challenge to go through, but it is also a mental struggle as well. You have to keep yourself happy in order to make your child happy. Stresses will be there, but they should not keep you from taking on each day with a positive outlook. 

It may sound impossible but you need to take time for yourself. Even if it is for twenty minutes when you have help. A shower without being disturbed, Take a walk, get outside, talk to friend, exercise, read, whatever works for you. Find your time, however long you can, for you. And don’t worry if the house is a bit messy during this time. Life can’t always be in order. So don’t push yourself to make it perfect. Remember, that you are rearing a life and that is the most important thing right now. The health of you and your baby. 



While raising a newborn is definitely the most ecstatic feeling in the world taking care of him/her is a full time job. And finding time for self care for you is essential. Because if you are healthy and happy, then you can keep your child healthy and happy. The above-mentioned points are the most simple and basic ones that every mother can follow. We hope these steps help you well. God bless you all! Happy motherhood!

About The Author

Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights, and experiences at Blogstellar. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an “info-holic”  then this blog is for you.

Mom Threatens To ‘Punch’ Breastfeeding Moms And Their Babies In Bonkers Facebook Rant

When it comes to breastfeeding, not everyone is completely fine with the idea of a mother feeding her child in public. Although it’s completely natural and totally normal, there are still some people who are “uncomfortable” seeing it happen IRL—even other women, apparently.

Carly Clark, who lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina and works for company Petsense, posted a Facebook status warning that the next female who tries to breastfeed in front of her kids “will get a black eye.” She added that she would “punch the baby, too.”

Obviously, this is one take that is way off the deep end—especially coming from a fellow woman and mother.

Immediately following the post online, social media users began to report the status and reach out to Petsense to take action.

Many thought that she deserved to be terminated immediately because what she said was threatening and vulgar.




Following the numerous complaints and outrage from mothers and others online, Petsense issued a statement saying that Clark had been fired from the company. They also issued an apology on the company’s behalf.

Many people were happy to see the company take action and stand on the right side of this argument.

One mother, in particular, seemed to have struck a nerve with Clark. Mother KimReindeau said she received a very nasty and snarky message from Clark.

The response wasn’t any better and only served to prove how badly she deserved to get fired.

A word to the wise—keep your disgusting opinions to yourself unless you want to lose your job.

h/t: BoredPanda

This Couple Did A Maternity Shoot For Their New Cat And It’s The Most Extra Thing We’ve Ever Seen

When you get a new animal/pet in your life, the feeling can be quite similar to having a child. This pet is going to be yours to raise, nurture, and love from here on out–so, it’s basically the same as bringing home a baby, except, it’s not human. When you decide with your partner/significant other to raise an animal together, it’s like having your pre-child. You two learn together how to raise a person/animal and figure out how your partner is going to be loving someone other than themselves/you–it’s important, ya know? But, while getting a new pet can be emotional and exciting (and even overwhelming), we’ve never seen anyone take it to this level of extra…ever.

Lucy Shultz and her partner Steven decided to hire a photographer and do a “maternity shoot” for their new kitten they adopted. The photos, which Lucy decided to share in an album on Facebook, have gone pretty viral. At first, I thought it was because it was adorable and creative to do a photoshoot for your new kitten–but, after seeing the actual photos, I realize now why people have shared the post over 70,000 times.

At first, I thought the photos were sweet.

But then, there were a few I was…questioning.

Mom Squirts Boob Milk At Woman Who Complained Her Husband Was ‘Distracted’ By Breastfeeding

It’s incredible that we live in an era with self-driving cars and computers in our pockets, and yet there are still people out there who get offended by women breastfeeding in public.

If you are unwilling to admit there is a non-sexual purpose to the female breast, and that small children should be fed whenever they are hungry, then you’re the weirdo. Take one of those online “is this a male or female nipple?” quizzes if you disagree.

Anyway, an anonymous post written on the Dartford Gossip Facebook page a couple of years ago has been making the rounds once again, and you’ll fully understand why when you read it. It’s got everything! Drama, a grody husband, and body fluids.


The post reads, in full:

“To the lady [at] Dartford park who thought it was appropriate to breastfeed her baby [whilst] my child and very easily distracted husband sat near by…I don’t think it was necessary for you to react the way you did just because I asked you to go somewhere private, telling me to f**k off and squirting me with your boobs was incredibly uncalled for. I hope you are ashamed of yourself!”

In case you missed that penultimate sentence:


While most people agreed that the breastfeeding mother’s reaction was a tad uncalled for, the general consensus seemed to be: If your husband is that easily distracted, find yourself a new one.

Also: Get a grip, lady!



What is it with people and nipples, anyway? Why is there more outrage over female nipples than male nipples? Why is there any outrage at all? Will we, as a society, ever come to an agreed understanding that all nipples are created equal?

That being said, it’s never cool to splash bodily fluids on someone without their consent, no matter how much of a twat they’re being.

Rachel McAdams Posts Fierce AF Picture Of Herself Wearing Breast Pumps

Even in this (somewhat) enlightened day and age, moms breastfeeding their babies in public is still controversial. There are people who honestly believe that it’s inappropriate, mostly because it involves exposing the mom’s boobs partially, and as we all know, boobs are not viewed by most as milk machines, they’re viewed as sexual objects.

That’s why this picture of actor Rachel McAdams posted on Instagram is so totally fierce.

Claire Rothstein, photographer and founder of Girls, Girls, Girls magazine, was the one who posted the picture, but she obviously had McAdams’ consent. She was in the process of shooting pictures of McAdams when the time came for McAdams to pump breastmilk. In the caption, Rothstein wrote,

“A million reasons why I wanted to post this picture. Obviously #rachelmcadams looks incredible and was quite literally the dream to work with but also this shoot was about 6 months post her giving birth to her son, so between shots she was expressing/pumping as still breastfeeding. We had a mutual appreciation disagreement about who’s idea it was to take this picture but I’m still sure it was hers which makes me love her even more. Breastfeeding is the most normal thing in the world and I can’t for the life of me imagine why or how it is ever frowned upon or scared of. I don’t even think it needs explaining but just wanted to put this out there, as if it even changes one person’s perception of something so natural, so normal, so amazing then that’s great. Besides she’s wearing Versace and @bulgariofficial diamonds and is just f**king major.”

People on Instagram loved the photo and left supportive comments.

But, the internet being the internet, not everyone was on board.

It truly is a powerful photo.

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