Woman Hands Out Pamphlets To Her Family Answering All Of Their Obnoxious Questions About Her Dating Life

If you have a family and you go on dates, you know that telling your family you’re going on a date means you’ll be bombarded with endless questions about every intimate detail they can possibly think of. How do you combat this? Apparently, make a pamphlet that answers every single question before they get the change to even ask them.

Twitter user Mary Beth Barone shared the pamphlet she provided to her family while on vacation in Florida.


Barone told BuzzFeed that she met a guy in Florida at a wedding a few weeks before going on vacation with her family. She planned to meet him in Miami for a date, but, was unsure how to approach her entire family about leaving to go on a date—all 30 people. So, instead of fielding all of their questions, Barone made a pamphlet that answered everything they would most likely ask her about her date.


The pamphlet started with a: “Please remain calm,” with a beautiful, calming ocean to make sure they do stay calm.


The questions went from “who is this guy,” to “where did you meet him,” to “what’s the parking situation,” and so on. Barone answered probably every question her parents/extended family would ask.


Barone told BuzzFeed that her family is truly nosy and invasive—but, she is to them, too. In fact, when she gave them the pamphlets, they loved it.

“I know that all their questions come from a place of love and caring, and I was glad I could ease any worries by overcommunicating.”

And, as it turns out, the date went super well. Unfortunately, the guy ghosted her afew weeks later—because, you know, men are dicks.

However, people online were truly in love with the idea to make a pamphlet to field super invasive and annoying questions instead of actually answering them out loud.




Clearly, Mary needs to make a “how to” video on mastering the art of combating big, annoying, nosy families because—we all truly need it.

h/t: BuzzFeed

Couples’ Friend Ruins Their Wedding & The Internet Is F*cking Furious Over It

On your wedding day, you’d think your friends would be happy for you and supportive. But, sometimes, our friends are complete pieces of sh*t and ruin our day – to upstage us at our own wedding. While you think “my friends would never do that,” – you might want to rethink that, because apparently, people are that sh*tty and actually do things like this.

One bride wrote into “Dear Prudence,” on Slate asking for advice on whether or not she and her husband were justified in fighting with their friend after he “upstaged them” and ruined their wedding.

Here’s what she wrote in:

Q. My husband’s best friend proposed to his girlfriend during our wedding ceremony: My husband and I started dating, got pregnant, had a child, moved in together, bought a house, and got a dog in that order. Our friends and family have asked us for years why we weren’t married yet. We always pushed it off to build better lives. We’ve done really well for ourselves and finally reached a point where we could afford a huge blowout wedding to celebrate our lives with everyone we know and love. My husband’s best friend, “John,” was the best man/officiant. The setting was beautiful, everyone seemed happy, our families were overjoyed. My mom may have used the phrase hallelujah a few dozen times. The entire atmosphere felt moving. So moving in fact that John stopped midceremony to propose to his longtime girlfriend, “Jane,” and reveal her pregnancy. I couldn’t even hear the vows my husband wrote or the rest of the ceremony over the noise of Jane’s happy sobs, her very surprised family who were also guests, and people seated nearby congratulating her. Even the videographer cut to her frequently during the ceremony, and you can’t hear anything over the chatter. When John gave his toast, he apologized for being caught up in the moment, and then proceeded to talk about he and Jane’s future with nary a mention of us. During the reception John and Jane became the primary focus of our guests. John even went out of his way to ask the band for a special dance for just him and Jane on the dance floor. I’ve never been an attention hog, and I wouldn’t even have minded if he’d proposed after the ceremony, but weeks later I am still seething. I am so shocked and angry that I keep asking myself if this is real life. My husband hasn’t spoken to John since the wedding, and our mutual friends think what he did was rude but that my husband should just get over it. My husband has joked that he’ll resume his friendship when John and Jane give him a $40,000 check for “their half of the wedding.” Do you think John’s behavior warrants the end of a long-term friendship, or are we angry over nothing?”

20 People Share The Traumatizing Times They’ve Been Fat-Shamed While Shopping

For many women who are plus-sized, they experience some traumatizing moments while having to try on clothing and look for their size in stores. Not everyone who works in retail are understanding and kind—in fact, most are not. There are dozens of times where people avoid going shopping altogether because they don’t want to feel as though they’re being judged and ridiculed for their size. BuzzFeed recently asked users to share their traumatizing experiences to shed light on how cruel retail workers and everyday people can be—and, hopefully, inspire more people to be kind.


In high school I want prom dress shopping at a little dress store in the mall. I grabbed a dress to try on and asked the shop lady for a dressing room. She looked me up and down, took the dress out of my hands, and said “there is nothing in my store that will fit YOU” while pointing up and down and across my midsection. Then she asked me to leave.



When I went dress shopping for prom with just me and my other plus sized friend, we went to the store in our town where most people go for prom. We got there and they said that they were not ordering in extra sizes this year, and they decided to do as system where they only had what was on the rack only. We ask if they have a plus size section and they lead us straight to the clearance rack, which only had about 4 plus sizes and they we’re all extremely ugly. We asked if that was all that was left they said that was about all they ordered in. My friend almost cried because it just felt so embarrassing to go into that store and the only dresses they had that might fit you are ugly and aren’t even the right plus size. It felt kinda like they were saying if your bigger or a fatter that you can’t wear pretty dresses like the rest of the skinny girls. It just felt very size discriminatory Luckily we found a store that had a lot of beautiful plus sizes. But the experience we had at that dress shop was disheartening and we will never be going back.



Went to VS for something new to wear for my six year anniversary with my fiancé. Couldn’t find anything in my size. So I asked one of the girls to help and she said to me “well maybe once you lose some weight, we’ll find something in your size!”
Yeah I left the store in tears.


19 Blow Job Tips To Guarantee You Blow His Mind Every Single Time

When it comes to pleasuring our man, we all want to make sure that we’re giving it our very best. While we think that we know the “best way” to do things, sometimes our idea of what’s best isn’t what their idea is.
Continue reading 19 Blow Job Tips To Guarantee You Blow His Mind Every Single Time

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