Non-Academic Factors to Consider When Choosing a College

Choosing the right college to attend is about much more than simply picking the name of the institution that is going to appear on your degree certificate when you graduate. Where you decide to go to school will have an impact on several different areas of your life from your academic achievements to your social life, opportunities for work, personal safety, friendships, hobbies and much more. Considering that your choice of college could have a serious impact on your future, it’s important to carefully consider where you want to attend and do plenty of research to ensure that you make the right choice. Along with the degree programs available, here are some important things to consider when choosing a college.


Personal Safety:

Many students at college are away from home for the first time and attending a college that has a good reputation for safety and security will provide you with peace of mind. When you are in the process of looking at potential colleges to attend, it’s a good idea to check out the crime rates for the area and the campus itself. Learn as much as you can about security on-campus and speak to current students to find out more about how safe they feel.


Extra-Curricular Activities:

College isn’t just about studying – it’s a place where many students will try new things and get into new hobbies. You can use to search for colleges based on sports and other activities that are available for you to get involved with. Whether you are already a keen sportsperson and want to continue playing your favorite sport throughout your college career or are looking to try something new, it’s important to find out if it’s offered at the campus you are considering studying at.


Work Opportunities:

Some students will find a part-time job to help to support themselves while studying or as an opportunity to earn some extra spending money. If you expect to need to work part-time while at college, it’s worth looking into the general area around the campus to see what kind of work is available. Many campuses offer jobs on-campus to students working in shops, canteens, and bars, but a town that has a lot of different businesses will usually have more work opportunities for students.


Social Life:

Another key factor in your college experience will be the friends that you make. Many college students make some of their best friends for life while studying for their degree, and others even meet their future husband or wife at college. The friends that you make at college and the opportunities that you will have for socializing can make all the difference to your college experience, so it’s a good idea to learn more about the different options that the college will offer for networking and meeting new people by getting involved with different activities.

Choosing the right college to attend can be difficult. It’s important to find a college that offers the program that you want to study, but don’t forget these other important factors of college life that can make or break your experience.

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