What to Consider When Shopping for a New Car

The quest for a new car often begins with a swirl of excitement, followed closely by the gravity of decision-making. With many brands, models, and options, pinpointing the perfect vehicle that meets your needs, price point, and aesthetic desires can seem overwhelming. Sifting through the noise requires a strategic approach, focusing on the make and brand, warranty robustness, and  technological advancements that enrich your driving experience. In this article, we’ll navigate these crucial aspects, providing clarity and direction on your journey to finding the car that feels like it was made just for you. Keep reading to distill the complexities of car shopping into actionable, informed choices.

Choosing the Right Make and Brand for Your Needs

Embarking on a quest for a new vehicle typically commences with determining the most trustworthy and suitable make and brand to meet an individual’s specific requirements. Renowned dealerships like Ted Britt Chantilly Ford (https://www.tedbrittchantilly.com/) exemplify the qualities buyers seek, underlining their reputation for dependability and a vast selection of models that resonate with various lifestyles and budgets. Selecting a vehicle is more than just a financial transaction; it is a commitment to a brand that promises to support and satisfy the driver’s needs through thick and thin.


Potential car owners often weigh a manufacturer’s reputation as heavily as the vehicle’s features. Ford’s reliability, demonstrated through years of producing durable vehicles, provides peace of mind to consumers who prioritize longevity and service quality, when dealerships such as Ted Britt Chantilly Ford back this up with an unwavering dedication to customer satisfaction, the customer’s confidence in their purchase decision is substantially reinforced.


Every driver has unique desires and circumstances dictating their choice of vehicle; hence, the diversity of a car lineup is paramount. A brand that spans the full spectrum—from fuel-efficient compacts for city-dwellers to robust trucks for the adventurous at heart—caters to a broad demographic. A dealership’s commitment to presenting a comprehensive fleet and expert guidance allows buyers to seamlessly find a car that aligns with their identity and lifestyle.

Evaluating Warranty Options: What’s Covered and What’s Not

With an array of glossy models lining showroom floors, potential buyers navigate a maze of options when selecting a new vehicle. Steering through this landscape involves more than choosing the right car; it also means understanding the nuances of after-purchase protection. An auto extended warranty often serves as a safety net against unforeseen repairs, but discerning what is included under its coverage requires careful scrutiny.


Automotive warranties typically differentiate between comprehensive and powertrain protection, covering aspects like engine components and transmission systems respectively. The former generally offsets the cost of a broad spectrum of repairs, whereas the latter may only address the vehicle’s most vital mechanical parts. Buyers should diligently assess the terms to ensure their anticipated driving needs align with the warranty’s scope of coverage.


Moreover, warranties seldom offer a blanket safeguard against all types of repairs. Exclusions such as routine maintenance, wear and tear, or environmental damage could mean additional out-of-pocket expenses for the owner. This subtle but crucial differentiation underlines the weight of thoroughly evaluating warranty limitations to avoid unexpected costs in the car’s lifespan.

Key Features and Technology: Enhancing Your Driving Experience

When consumers set their sights on acquiring a new vehicle, attention swiftly turns to the features and advancements that can elevate the driving experience. Modern automobiles have an arsenal of technologies to enhance comfort, connectivity, and safety, from adaptive cruise control to intuitive infotainment systems. Discerning drivers consider these high-tech offerings pivotal in their decision-making process, seeking vehicles seamlessly integrating innovation with practicality.


Technological strides in automotive design have transformed vehicles into digital interaction and assistance hubs, offering features such as lane departure warnings and automatic emergency braking. These innovations actively contribute to driver safety, reducing the likelihood of accidents and creating a more vigilant driving environment. Forward-thinking consumers prioritize such advancements, recognizing the value of a vehicle that employs technology as a co-pilot on the road.


Technology integration in modern cars also extends to aspects that enhance overall vehicle performance, fuel efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Innovations like electric powertrains and hybrid systems reflect the industry’s shift towards cleaner energy and resonate with environmentally conscious buyers. Therefore, critically examining these features is essential for consumers who place a premium on their future cars’ performance and ecological footprint.


Overall, when shopping for a new car, it’s crucial to prioritize a brand that aligns with your lifestyle and offers a comprehensive lineup to meet diverse needs. Additionally, carefully evaluating warranty options and embracing technological advancements can enhance your purchase’s driving experience and long-term satisfaction.

10 Essential Tips That Will Help You Save Fuel and Money

How much money do you spend on fuel every month? If you are reading this, I bet the amount is high. How would you like to save some of that money and spend it on something else? The truth is that we all can do with an extra dollar. The amount of fuel you spend depends on various factors including your driving habits, car maintenance, and mileage covered. If you think that you are spending too much on fuel every year, the first step is to determine how much you spend. Once you estimate your monthly fuel cost, use the following tips to minimize the cost.


Reduce your mileage

Simple changes like driving your car less often can save you a lot of money. Think of the many times you hop into your car to go for groceries a few meters from your house. You do not need your car for that. You can walk right into the store and get what you need. Besides, it will keep you fit when walk often. Alternatively, you can ride your bike, which is even better for your health. This may be unimaginable if you have the best car in town but take public transport occasionally. If the system works perfectly in your area, take the bus or train at least twice a week. You will not just save fuel but have a chance to meet new people and interact.


Understand aerodynamics

Do you like your sunroof open when driving around? Well, it is time to close it if you are considering fuel economy. We all love the feeling of opening the sunroof and windows. However, your car uses more fuel when resisting too much wind. The sound of the wind as you drive may be exciting but it increases your fuel budget. Use the air conditioning if it gets too hot inside. You can leave the sunroof and windows open if you are just driving around town. If you hit the highway for a long trip, forget about the sunroof and just drive to your destination.


Car maintenance

Your dealer and mechanic must have told you several times to have your car checked consistently. Car maintenance keeps you on the road for long and saves your fuel. Check if your tyres have enough pressure. A car uses more fuel when the tyres have low pressure. How does that work? When your tyres are under-inflated, the friction between the rubber and road is high. Consequently, your engine uses more energy to keep your car moving, which translates to more fuel. Do not over-inflate your car tyres but maintain the recommended pressure level for your care model.

Accelerate slowly

Driving at a very low speed especially on a highway does no good to your fuel tank and other road users. Your car will need more energy to resist the wind when driving at a slow speed. However, if you have to accelerate, do it slowly or smoothly. Move slowly from the low gears to the middle gears and finally to the top gears. Once you achieve a comfortable and safe speed, avoid slowing down unless if they are bumps or any incidents. Do not try to move from the low gears to the top gears within three seconds.


Turn off the AC

Sometimes the little things you ignore when driving contribute to the high monthly fuel consumption. We told you to close the windows and sunroof and use the AC instead for fresh air. However, if it is not that hot outside, turn off the AC and save the dollar. You need a functional AC in your car. In fact, you need to replace it immediately if it is broken. It will save you from accidents on misty days and lower temperatures in summer. You just need to be conscious enough to turn it off when the temperatures are comfortable.


Stay away from traffic

If you drive to work daily or regularly on the same road, you know when traffic builds up. Do you have to get on the road on a rush hour every day? Do the math. You can stay in your office and get more work done as everybody else tries to get home. Alternatively, you can continue to waste your time and fuel in traffic every day. Stay away from all that agitation on the road during rush hours or find alternative routes to get home.


Get rid of excess weights

The solution to your fuel dilemma could be sitting right there in your car boot. Get rid of any excess weights in and on your car. Why is this important? Your car engine will use up more energy to drag all that weight to your destination. Make a habit of inspecting your boot and removing any unnecessary items every day. You know that roof rack that makes everyone in town know that you like the outdoors? Well, it has to go as well. Chances are that you had it installed after buying your car. If you are serious about fuel economy, you need to have it removed.


Buy a fuel-efficient car

Is it time to buy a new car? Maybe it is if all your money goes to gas. Think about fuel consumption before you write the check or transfer the funds. In fact, fuel consumption should be among the first questions you ask the dealer. The truth is that you will find many car models including hybrid and electric that will meet your personal or family needs and use less to no fuel. If the car you drive uses too much fuel, consider trading it for another fuel-efficient model. Heads may not turn when you drive by as before but you will feel the positive effect on your wallet.

Go slow on the brakes

This calls for a change in your driving habits when slowing down. Avoid stepping hard and fast on the brakes unless if you are about to crash into something or the car ahead. The secret is to study the road when driving. Check for bump signs or zebra crossings while you are still far off. Sometimes just observing traffic movements can tell you where you need to slow down. Do not maintain the high speed then halt suddenly when you get to the stop sign or bumps. Remember to accelerate slowly after the low-speed spots.


Avoid idling

Many drivers are guilty of this habit. You switch on the engine and keep it running as you wait for everyone to get into the car. If you are driving a modern car, it does not need much time to warm. In fact, it does not need any warm up at all. Switch on the engine when everyone is in and ready to go. Switch off the engine when you are stuck in traffic as well. However, you have to check the traffic movements and ensure that you are safe with your engine off.


Fuel economy is not rocket science. You just need to make small changes to your driving habits and service your car regularly. It may take you some time to undo some of the habits you have learned since you bought your first car. However, it is worth the trouble. The tips outlined above will get you moving in the right direction. Implementing one tip may not give you the significant change you need in the fuel cost. You need to combine several if not all of the tips to see the change.

Things Every Woman Should Know About Their Car

Being a driver is one thing, but being a responsible, patient, and focused driver is something completely different. And only if you’re such a driver will you be able to go wherever you want, whenever you want to, and that’s what makes a driver good. Still, if you want to make the most of your car, you have to learn a thing or two about it and make sure you know what to do in case something goes wrong. This is particularly true for all laypeople out there who don’t know much about their vehicle, and if you’re one of them, and you’re a woman as well, here are some of the facts you have to consider soon as possible. 


Cars aren’t irreplaceable.

This is one of those things that bother many female drivers out there – and male drivers as well, to be honest – and that’s an issue that makes them scared and afraid to use their car every day. If you’re worried that you’re going to wreck your car and end up doing something catastrophic, you won’t feel good whenever you’re behind the wheel, and that’s no way to be a driver. Instead, you have to understand that all cars are replaceable, especially if you have the right insurance, and whatever you do can be fixed. You just have to remain safe and calm and try to get from point A to point B in the most secure way possible. 


Cars need regular maintenance.

This is another crucial aspect of being a car owner and one thing that separates good drivers from those who aren’t. Maintaining your car regularly is the only way to make it work longer and keep it as new as possible in the years to come. However, if you’re not in a position to do that on your own – and very few divers are – you have to go to a professional instead. Luckily, these people aren’t too hard to find, and if you’re in a place like Australia, for instance, opting for a versatile car service in Sydney might be just the thing you need. Whether you’re living there or just visiting, checking out such a garage and ensuring your car is in the right shape is crucial!


Cars aren’t that hard to park

This is another common issue that stops women from driving their cars as often as they want to, and the fear of bumping into someone or something while trying to park the car might easily paralyze you as well. That’s why you have to learn how to park your car more efficiently and successfully, and the best thing about parking your car is that this process isn’t that hard to perfect. You’ll need some time to make it happen, and you’ll have to invest quite a lot of patience and energy into the process, but if you’re patient and determined, you’ll be able to perfect your parking skills surprisingly quickly. You can even get some help and ask a professional driver or a driving instructor who can guide you through the process. This way, you won’t feel scared to park your car ever again, and that’s the kind of freedom all female drivers are hoping for. 


Car breakdowns can be prevented

Being stuck in the middle of the road is every woman’s nightmare, and that’s especially true if this happens in the middle of the night. But, if you know what to pay attention to and how to read the signs your car is giving you, you’ll be able to avoid breakdowns and accidents. From simple rattles and tiny squeals to more serious sounds and smells, these things are easy to notice and usually mean that there’s something wrong with your vehicle. So, once you notice them, don’t ignore these signs but react immediately and get your car fixed immediately. 

Learning all these things about your car and getting to know it better than ever is something that can help you on several different levels. From feeling more relaxed every time you’re behind the wheel to being able to get anywhere you want in the safest way possible, knowing these things will make you the best driver you can be, and that’s what all women out there are hoping for!

Top Tips for Safe Driving 

If you find yourself regularly behind the wheel of a car, then you should already have a set of safe driving tips committed to memory. That’s why you take a driving test, right? Some things are – or should be – obvious and adhered to by everyone on the road: don’t drive drunk, always wear a seatbelt, indicate before you turn, and so on. But the world of driving safety is evolving, and so are cars. Driving today is not quite the same as was even ten or twenty years ago and with that comes not only new challenges, but also new technology to help you along the way. 

Driverless cars are the future development that everybody is looking forward to, but they could be some way off yet. Nevertheless, there are range of new technologies that are changing the face of motoring. Not least among these is the eventual rise of the electric car, a development that has already made some significant differences to life on the road. In addition to this, the sheer number of cars is ever-increasing, and all this despite the recent trends towards carpooling and public transport. For sure, it is a different world for the driver today. 

Some driving tips, however, never change. But even so, many are not as obvious to every driver as they should be. Safe driving goes far beyond the obvious, and there are actually several ways to optimize safety for yourself and everybody on board. And when it comes to driving non-conventional vehicles (and that includes electric cars) there are additional safety tips that you should certainly keep in mind. 

And if that wasn’t enough, it also matters tremendously where in the world you find yourself driving. Driving in rural environments is a different kettle of fish to driving in a busy city, driving in some cities is different from driving in others, driving abroad can necessitate some important changes too.All of these go far beyond the basics learned for a typical driving test. 

Read on then for some of the less obvious driving tips, and how to survive as a motorist in the 21st century:

Pay Attention to the Weather 

How you drive is something that is massively contingent on the weather conditions outside. Obviously, driving in heavy rain or when there is poor visibility necessitates that you slow down a bit and proceed carefully. Ideally, every motorist on the road should be doing this, but that is rarely the case. This is because enforcing certain driving regulations that only apply during bad weather would be impossible. The weather is just too changeable, and for many experienced drivers only the most exceptional weather will prompt a change of attitude. 

The trick, then, is to strike balance. Drive carefully in fog, rain, and snow, but do not suddenly become super timid, crawling around corners or going at an unacceptably slow pace on main roads or elsewhere. Being overcautious can be dangerous in its own way, and not everybody else on the road will necessarily be accommodating. A good tip is to simply avoid driving altogether if the weather is too daunting. Public transport infrastructure is usually geared towards the typical weather in a particular area and so leaving earlier and getting the train or a bus is nearly always an option. On cold days, black ice and slippery roads can be lethal, so unless you feel totally comfortable driving in these conditions, it is best not to. 

Keep Your Vehicle in Top Condition

This tip is certainly nothing new to the world of driving and it is fairly obvious the benefits of making sure your vehicle is well maintained and that all the safety features are in a good working order. Nevertheless, the definition of “top condition” can be subjective, and many drivers simply can’t afford neither the time nor the money to keep their car in a loosely defined “top condition”. The trick is to observe whether any problems with your car actually make driving more difficult for you. If you just don’t feel comfortable anymore following some slight tyre wear, or if poorly maintained local roads make flawless suspension a necessity, then you’ll know just when to get your car serviced. 

Optimize the Onboard Safety of Your Vehicle

This is a tip that can mean many different things, and which is changing all the time. One thing that will certainly make your driving experience safer is to make the best use of new safety technology, which is constantly being developed and refined. This does not mean that you need to equip your vehicle with every latest safety gadget to make your driving safe, but there are some products that are well worth making use of. 

For example, new radar or laser technology can inform the driver of approaching obstacles and trigger an alert when getting too close. This can be invaluable, especially for new or inexperienced drivers (it is also great for those who have trouble parking in tight spaces). There are also a series of invaluable onboard safety items that can bring peace of mind to the driver, for example compact powder extinguishers for cars. These can avert the most serious of problems if something goes wrong. Keeping abreast of technological developments, and then investing in the products that seem to be the most useful, is the way to proceed. 

Be Aware of the Differences Between Different Types of Cars 

Not all cars are the same, and a great modern safety tip is to be aware of the differences if you upgrade or change to a different type of vehicle. If you are driving an electric car, for example, then all the responsibilities involved in engine care become obsolete. It is now battery care that you need to think about, and that comes with a whole host of different responsibilities, such as seeking out shaded parking spots and avoiding charging it all the way up 100% each time. The same is true for any non-conventional car, so bear this in mind if you suddenly find yourself behind the wheel of a truck or a minibus instead of your usual Ford Ka. 

Ultimately, safe driving is only an umbrella term that encompasses a great deal of situationspecific safety tips. It is naïve to think that you know everything there is to know – regardless of how long you’ve been on the road.

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What To Do After Buying a Car Online


Online car shopping is getting bigger and bigger. The days of walking around a second-hand car lot are numbered, with more buyers turning up knowing exactly what they want. The question is – what do you do after you’ve bought a car online? Can you drive it straight home? Or do you have to do any paperwork first? We’ll answer those questions and more in this helpful guide. Here’s what to do after buying a car online.


Insure The Car

The first thing you need to do is ensure the car. You can’t legally drive it until this step is completed. Car insurance quotes can vary pretty dramatically, so it’s best to get a quote before you buy the car. You can compare car insurance quotes online. If you’re traveling a long way to buy the car, ask for the vehicle’s VIN number. This will allow you to secure a quote before you set off. 

Deliver The Car

In some cases, the car you purchase will need to be delivered to you. Look to a car shipping company to assure your car is delivered to you safely and in good condition.


Register the car and transfer the title

You also need to register the vehicle before you can legally drive it on the roads. When you buy from a professional dealership, they will take care of this step for you. However, if you’re buying from a private seller, you might have to register the car yourself. Check out your local DMV’s advice on registering a car. 


Get the car home

Now that the car is legally roadworthy, you need to get it home. In most cases, you can just drive it home. We’d recommend getting someone to drive you to the sale, so you can drive your new car home. However, if you’re shipping a vehicle from another state, you’ll need the help of a car shipping company. This is often cheaper than driving the car yourself. 


Read the owner’s manual

We know that this step isn’t the most fun, but it’s still important. You should at least skim-read the owner’s manual before you set off. You need to know the basic information about the car before driving it. If the car doesn’t come with an owner’s manual, check for an online version.


Take care of routine maintenance

When you buy a car from a dealership, it should be taken care of in terms of maintenance. However, if you’re buying from a private seller, there might be some work to do. Check the oil levels, check the tire pressure, and perform a brake test. This should give you a good idea if the car is in solid working order. If you’re not confident about performing the routine maintenance yourself, you should take the car in for a professional service. 


Check out the car’s features

It’s amazing how many people live with a car for years, without knowing all of its features. Read car reviews and do a deep dive into the owner’s manual to make sure you haven’t missed anything. Who knows? It might have heated seats that you never knew about. 


Take it for a drive

Now you’re ready to take the car for a drive. It’s important not to skip any of these steps when you’re buying a car online. Rush the process, and you could end up with a heap of junk.

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How To Find A Reliable Car Accident Lawyer


As cars have become more affordable, the number of cars on the road have increased. This is a logical outcome. However, this doesn’t mean the increase in traffic is without consequences. As traffic increases, so do road accidents. 


If you’re a regular driver, then the chances are that you probably see the aftermath of an accident every day. It’s important to realize that you can get into a car accident even if you do everything right. This is because you can only control yourself, not the actions of other people. If you find yourself in an accident caused by another person’s carelessness, you need to be prepared. One of the first things you should do is consult with a lawyer. 


A good lawyer can make all the difference in the world when it comes to getting financial compensation caused by injuries sustained in an accident. In fact, it may as well be the most important determinant of the result of your case. Your lawyer’s competence is inextricably tied to your chances of winning. Here are some tips on finding a reliable car accident lawyer. 


Make a list of things you need

Not all cases and scenarios are the same. Accordingly, the perfect lawyer for your case will vary based on the type of accident and uniqueness of your claim. To find the perfect man for the job, talk to several people and keep the following points in mind. 


First of all, ask him about his experience in terms of years. Then, follow it up by asking him about his experience with cases similar to yours. It may give you insight into how similar cases proceed, and if you can accordingly expect similar results from your attorney. 


According to Queens car accident attorney James Galleshawit’s important to interview multiple attorneys so that you get an idea of different lawyer philosophies and capabilities.

How far is your attorney willing to go?

The vast majority of cases are settled outside the courtroom due to negotiations between your lawyer and the at-fault’s insurance company. However, what if your case does need to go to trial? This is why it is important to ask your attorney about the types of deals he or she has been able to procure for their previous clients and if they will be willing to go to trial if the situation calls for it. A good lawyer will always be prepared for every situation, while explaining to you your options and the best path to take.

Use your network of friends and family

Since car accidents are common, there’s a high chance that one of your friends or family members have been in an accident before. Talk to them about their experience as they can be a source of great advice and resources. 

With friends and family, you can be assured that the advice you’re getting does not have any selfish reasons or conflicts of interest behind it. They can share their experience and might even be able to recommend a lawyer that successfully helped them.

Ask other lawyers from different fields of work

Have you ever worked with a lawyer before your car accident? If so, then be sure to call them and explain your situation to them. They may have some advice based on their overall knowledge of the law and their understanding of the workings of the judicial system. Furthermore, they may have an attorney who specializes in injury cases. In such cases, they can even give you the contact of a great lawyer who can tend to your matters. Competent attorneys always have a network of other attorneys from different fields, and you can use your existing connections to take advantage of their curated network. 

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Taking Care of Your Car in College: What You Need to Know


Whether your ride is your pride or merely a way to get from point A to point B, you need to take care of it. The cost of unexpected repairs can put a severe dent in your budget — and college probably already takes enough of your cold, hard cash.


However, most universities don’t offer a course called Basic Automotive Maintenance 101. Here are five things you need to know about taking care of your car in college.


Keep It Clean and Shiny

If you are a financially struggling college student, you probably aren’t rolling around in a Mercedes or an Aston Martin. However, that doesn’t mean that you want to let your vehicle get filthy or accumulate rust.


If you purchase an older vehicle with existing rust, you can prevent future oxidative damage by taking measures to remove it. Surface rust only affects the topmost panel layer, but penetrating rust could require you to replace an entire portion of your car’s body to fix. Sand away small patches and cover with rust-prevention paint before applying the final coat of wax.


While it won’t hurt your car’s resale value if you have empty pop cans littering the back seat, it does embarrass you when you pick up that cutie from Calculus 101 for your first date. Show off your cleanliness and eco-consciousness by investing in a sorting bin that separates trash and recycling while keeping your interior tidy.


Get Your Oil Changed

Once upon a time, a foolish college student neglected routine oil changes and ended up with a $2,000 engine repair bill. Older cars often have leaks, and filthy motor oil contains contaminants that can shorten your engine life.


Older vehicles often need changes as frequently as every 3,000 miles, although today’s models can often go 7,500 to 10,000. If your car remains under warranty, you should follow the manufacturer’s service schedule to avoid voiding it. However, if it is out of warranty, you will need to calculate the intervals.


Should you DIY or take it to the shop? It’s a matter of cost and convenience, but you’re better off taking your car in if it remains under warranty.


Learn to Identify Signs of Trouble

Professional service can help you fix small problems before they advance to the severe stage, but you need to recognize the signs of trouble. One apparent sign that something is amiss occurs when your check engine light appears. However, there are over 200 different service codes that this alert could potentially indicate —  take your ride to a mechanic to be sure.


Other signs of trouble include sluggish acceleration, signifying clogged fuel injectors or smoky exhaust, which indicates a dirty air filter or worn engine parts. You might also hear thumps and noises or feel unusual vibrations. If you smell fuel oil, take your car to the shop without delay, as this sign can mean that you have a leak that could spark an explosion.


Maintain Your Inspection Schedule 

Unless you live in one of the seven states that don’t mandate annual vehicle inspections, you need to keep up with this responsibility. Consider it a valuable opportunity to ensure your car is safe for travel.


Your inspection is like your annual checkup at the doctor. Your mechanic can identify and correct minor issues before they explode into expensive messes. The small labor fee you pay is a pittance compared to the peace of mind you get that your axle isn’t ready to snap during transit.


Supply Your Ride With the Basics

You should always carry basic first aid and safety supplies in your vehicle even when you don’t have a long road trip — like heading home at semester’s end — planned. Please include the following:


● A first aid kit: Yours should contain bandages in various sizes, including those large enough to use as slings or tourniquets. Ask your doctor about getting a 3-day travel supply of any prescriptions that aren’t perishable to keep inside, and stock things like hand sanitizer and masks. Yes, vaccines have arrived, but it’s always a wise idea to keep germs at bay.
● A car safety kit: You should have jumper cables, a spare tire and a jack and flares at a minimum. Road triangles and hand tools add extra security,  as does a little DIY knowledge — learn how to change a tire.
● Food and water: If you breakdown, you need to stay hydrated. Food isn’t as essential, but it makes a more comfortable wait for Triple-A.
● Blankets: Breaking down on a cold day is miserable and potentially dangerous if you don’t have enough gas to run the heater or you can’t start the engine for safety reasons.
● Spare batteries and chargers: How will you call for help if your phone loses juice? A backup solar charger also helps if you have to turn off your engine.

Take Care of Your Car While in College With These Tips

Your vehicle is probably your most valuable asset at this life stage. Take care of your car while in college with the above tips.

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About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

Essential Car Care Tips For Women

The number of women drivers is constantly increasing, and the trend is very likely to continue in the future. While some women (and men alike) ignore the need to properly maintain their car, the number of those paying attention to this vital aspect of owning a car is much higher. However, with new models being increasingly sophisticated and complex, there isn’t much any driver can do when it comes to solving problems. Still, there are a couple of actions that every driver needs to be able to perform in order to keep their car in perfect shapeFor example, using car care essentials from Chemical Guys can help maintain and preserve the ride’s appearance.


Have the car regularly inspected

You need to have a car-care expert perform preventive maintenance services on a regular basis, such as topping off fluid level, inspecting belts and hoses, checking tire pressure and engine oil, as well as making sure all the lights work. This will significantly minimize the risk of being stranded along a road due to some issue with your car. Also, your car will be much safer to drive.


Check the engine air filter

Each time you take your car to a regular maintenance service, the mechanic should replace the air filter in your car. However, if you’ve been driving in difficult conditions, with a lot of dust, smoke and pollutant in the air, you need to make sure that your air filter is clean enough. It’s like the vehicle’s lung and it needs to be replaced regularly to ensure your car in breathing clearly. Consult the owner’s manual to see how often the air filter should be replaced.


Never buy the cheapest parts

Your car will be reliable only if it features top-quality parts designed for the particular model. So, never opt for parts of dubious quality, regardless of their price. Remember that even the most reliable brands, such as the Toyota, require only the best parts. Consult the owner’s manual when it comes to selecting the right and recommended Toyota parts before you buy them. Also, make sure the parts are installed by a professional.


Monitor the windshield wiping system

You don’t want to be caught in a rain or snowstorm without proper windshield wipers or enough windshield wiping fluid. That’s why you have to inspect the windshield wiper fluid reservoir regularly and make sure you always have enough fluid in it. Alternatively, you can wait for the indicator light to come on, but only if you keep a bottle of fluid in your car to use when that happens.

Also, it’s vital you replace the windshield wiper blades when they start to get too old. As soon as you notice they aren’t cleaning the window well, it’s time to replace them. Make sure you know which blades you need and follow the instructions on the package to install them, though many stores offer to perform that action when you buy blades from them. However, it’s a very easy task that everyone can do.


Tire maintenance

To begin with, you need to know how to inspect the tire pressure and what the proper tire for your vehicle is. Next, make sure you regularly check the pressure and that the tires are pumped when needed, since that is the only way to guarantee that your ride will be comfortable, economical and safe. Also, it’s a good idea to learn how to replace a flat tire. It’s not complicated, and you should practice it at home before facing a side-of-the-road emergency. That’s how you’ll save lots of cash, since you won’t have to call a tow truck.

These are just some of the most basic, yet vital tips related to car maintenance that every woman driver should follow. All major interventions should be left to professionals, but some tips and tricks can really minimize the risk of something going wrong and causing a lot of frustration. The key is in regular and proper maintenance, since a car is an investment that requires regular maintenance and appropriate care.

Woman’s Text Convo With Mom Who Wants To Buy Her Car Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

Much of the stuff that goes viral does so because of some sort of outrage factor. People are not shy about being absolutely horrible on camera or in text conversations. Every day there’s a new story about people leaving mean notes on each other’s cars, acting like racist fools in videos, and saying ignorant stuff online.
Continue reading Woman’s Text Convo With Mom Who Wants To Buy Her Car Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

41 Reasons Why It’s OK to Not Have Your Driver’s License

Some people have been driving since they were legally allowed behind the wheel of a car (and some even before then).

Some people just haven’t gotten the hang of it, or really, really, REALLY don’t want to. And, unfortunately for some, it becomes a source of embarrassment.

But you’ll get it eventually. Or maybe you won’t. Here are some reasons why it doesn’t actually matter.

  1. You were given legs and you were meant to use them.

  2. You’ve had built-in transportation since you were born!

  3. If walking is inconvenient for you, there’s always public transportation.

  4. There are buses, subways, taxis, trains, railcars, and ferries.

  5. And it generally costs less than gassing up a car.

  6. Per month, you can pay $100 for an unlimited MetroCard

  7. OR $300 on gas. Your choice.

  8. A lot of things cost less than a car, actually.

  9. You don’t have to pay for oil changes ($30)…

  10. Or car insurance ($900 per year)…

  11. You don’t have to fix broken headlights ($50 for ONE)…

  12. You don’t have to worry about HITTING A SQUIRREL.

  13. Bikes are a thing that still exists.

  14. And you can obsess over it just as much as you would a car.

  15. There are 14 types of bicycles, and literally dozens of bike manufacturers. Go crazy.

  16. You don’t even have to buy your own! Most major cities have bikes for rent.

  17. Scooters and skateboards and roller blades are also things that exist.

  18. And they’re infinitely more fun to use.

  19. Driving can actually be incredibly tedious.

  20. Especially when you’re stuck in traffic.

  21. You see more of the world when you don’t have to pay attention to the cars around you.

  22. You definitely get more fresh air.

  23. Your knowledge of the places where you live and work is better than someone who drives.

  24. You know exactly where the supermarket is.

  25. “Is it on Main Street?” Just look for the Wendy’s, it’s next to that.

  26. “But is it the Wendy’s on Main Street?” JUST LOOK FOR THE WENDY’S.

  27. Not used to public transportation or afraid of getting lost?

  28. There are dozens of transportation apps to help you get around, from trains to ferries.

  29. They’re like GPS for your feet.

  30. Less responsibility – the only person whose safety you’re concerned about is yours.

  31. When you take public transportation, it’s totally OK for you to fall asleep.

  32. Getting to call shotgun…

  33. Because everyone knows that’s the best seat in the house. Car. Whatever.

  34. Every day can be like Driving Miss Daisy.

  35. You get so much more sun when you walk everywhere, too, have you considered that?

  36. People that drive only get tans on one arm. ONE ARM.

  37. Your body will thank you for walking, instead.

  38. Because sitting for too long actually makes you more prone to disease. Yikes.

  39. Permit tests and road tests are awful, anyway.

  40. You’re not missing out on much.

  41. And your legs probably look FANTASTIC.

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