Ten Solid Reasons To Get A New Job. Like Right Now!

Work is a huge part of our daily lives. And after over two years of pandemic chaos, working from home, remote learning, mask wearing and zoom dates with friends potential suitors and family. The time for a career change is now.


1.) You are bored.

Boredom is a real problem in the workplace. Even if you are hustling and bustling and earning a decent wage, boredom is a signal that your gig is not sustainable. You are cooler than a boring job, am i right?


2.) They are no longer allowing you to work from home.

You got into this working remote lifestyle. Coffee brewed by you, and working in your PJs while having Netflix on in the background increased your productivity. True story.


3.) You miss your coworkers in the workplace and loathe being so isolated.

This pandemic definitely divided us. Maybe you are a super social gal who likes those lunches with your work wife and miss the days of actually dressing up for the office. As more and more companies mandate vaccines, working at an office is also an option.


4.) The job market is booming!

You are in a great position right now to look for work, or get recruited in a higher paying salary opportunity with more responsibility and perhaps at a company you always wanted to work for.


5.) You want an easier commute.

If this pandemic has taught us anything about working at an office is that a commute can take so much from your day. So look for a job that is closer to home and easier to head out after to take that in person yoga class or grab happy hour with friends.


6.) You want a change of scenery and to be challenged in your career.

Honestly, that is enough to start looking for a new job. Sometimes the grass is always greener and through the interview process we may find that we prefer to stay where we are. But knowing your worth and taking a good look at whats out there will keep you at the best job for you at the moment.


7.) You are seeking a lifestyle change.

There are travel abroad jobs, like teaching English in another country or other nomadic jobs that can be a full lifestyle change. Maybe the restaurant world has exhausted you due to COVID-19. And you want an office job. Whatever you are interested in there are job recruiters out there looking to get you onto your next career path.


8.) You want to contribute

There are so many ways to contribute to society that fall outside of the normal career paths most of our friends have taken. Working for a non profit, or getting into nursing or the fitness sector can bring you a new level of job fulfillment. So choose a passion career now.


9.) You have an idea that you want to see executed.

Are you a “femmepreneur?” We had a lot of time to sit and think about ideas and to daydream when we were all in lockdown. Take your idea to the next step and build a small business.


10.) You know your worth.

Stuck at a job that does not seem to pay you, promote you, value you or give you the respect that you feel you deserve? Shopping yourself around will not only give you leverage with your current employer to negotiate a raise and promotion, but it will also help you decide what you are looking for.

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How to Become a Better Business Leader

Whether you are considering starting your own business or wondering if there is a way to get better results from your current business or career, improving your leadership skills can often be essential.

If you are running your own company or working as a manager or supervisor for your employer, being able to inspire others and get the best out of your team can be beneficial for everybody involved. Studies show that the best leaders tend to be people who are willing to go above and beyond for their team when it is needed, foster strong relationships in the workplace, and are loyal to the companies that they work for. Whether you want to improve your own business or get better results from your career, there are many reasons to consider working on improving your leadership skills.

So, how can you get started?


Improve Your Knowledge:

Boosting the knowledge that you possess when it comes to your career will increase your workplace confidence. In turn, this will help you get better results from the work that you do and can improve your leadership skills by helping you shift into a more positive mindset that encourages and inspires others to follow suit. Most people are going to be reluctant to trust a manager, supervisor, or business owner who displays a lot of self-doubt, while on the other hand, somebody who is confidence in themselves and their abilities is likely going to be looked up to.

This MSc Management in a Digital Economy online course from Aston University is an ideal program to consider when it comes to boosting your management and leadership skills and developing more confidence.


Learn Coaching Skills:

Some people are naturals when it comes to coaching and guiding others, while other people might have to learn the skills that it takes to become a good coach and mentor. If your efforts so far at coaching and mentoring your team members have been frustrating for everybody involved and you always seem to be hitting a brick wall and aren’t sure where to go from there, you might benefit from taking a course where you can learn how to improve your coaching skills and go on to become a better mentor to your employees or team members.

Coaching courses can be taken in-person or online and are designed to enable you to fine-tune your existing skills and learn new skills that you can put to use when coaching others.


Improve Your Listening Skills:

One of the main differences between a boss and a good leader is their ability to truly listen to what others have to say. Good leaders are people who are approachable and easy to talk to; employees and team members do not usually have any misgivings or worries when coming to them with problems that they might be facing in the workplace because they know that they will be heard and understood.

When you spend time improving your listening skills, it puts you in a better position to truly hear what your team has to say.


Act on Feedback:

Listening is just one part of the puzzle for becoming a better leader – when you are listening to what your team has to say, you also need to be able to act on the feedback that you are provided with and communicate with your team members to ensure that the best decisions are made when it comes to their concerns.

Every good leader knows how important it is to have a strong reputation for taking action and to be able to come up with compromises and ideas that might work if it’s not possible to act on an employee’s suggestion completely.


Be Honest:

Nobody likes a boss with a ‘do as I say but not as I do’ attitude or one that is unable to admit when they have made a mistake. Everybody makes mistakes, and the best leaders know that being honest about their shortcoming and holding their hands up when the decision isn’t the best one will earn them more respect than trying to cover it up.

Nobody is expecting you to be perfect, so there is no need to pretend that you don’t make any mistakes. Honesty, humility, and integrity are some of the most important qualities for a good leader to have.


Set a Good Example:

Another key difference between a boss and a leader is that while a boss might give orders from the office, a good leader will lead by example. One of the best ways to inspire your team is to show them, rather than tell them, what they need to do. When they see that you are willing to take action, they are likely to follow suit and make better decisions through the example that you set. In any industry, people tend to be more inspired and activated by leaders who are demonstrating a genuine passion and commitment for what they do.

Your words might be able to get people to take action, but your actions are what will change their mindset and view of the work.


Display Trust:

Micromanaging is not a good quality for a leader to have, and if you want to improve your leadership skills, taking a step back and affording your team the autonomy that they deserve is an ideal place to start. When you are passionate about getting something done correctly it can be all too easy to get very involved in every step, but this can lead to micromanaging behaviour that might breed resentment from your team.

Be there to offer support when it’s needed, but trust that your team has what it takes to get the results that you want.


Keep Learning:

Last but not least, every good leader knows that there will always be something else for them to learn. It’s impossible to know everything, so be open to learning new things all the time – even when they come from surprising sources. Even the new entry-level employee who’s just graduated might have knowledge that you don’t.

If you want to get better results from your career and your team, working to improve your leadership skills is the best place to start.

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Easy Steps towards the Life of Your Dreams

When growing up, most people visualize the life that they would like to live when they grow up. Then they find themselves just getting by, working to pay bills. They settle for mundane jobs just to make ends meet and stay in unhappy relationships hoping that it will get better someday. Some are afraid of taking risks opting to play it safe while their dream life passes them by.

If you have ever asked yourself if there is more to life than what you are doing currently, you are not alone. The good thing is that it is never too late to start chasing the life of your dream. You can still face your fears and take your life in your hands to live a fulfilled life. Here are easy steps to help you start living your best life now.


1.      Define your dream life

The best place to start visualizing your dream life is by assessing the life you are living at the moment. How do you feel about your job? How are your relationships with your family, friends, and significant other? How do you find your home or the area where you live? How is your financial situation? How are you feeling about yourself?

As you ask yourself these questions, gauge whether you are happy and satisfied with your life in every aspect that it entails. Next, engage all your senses and let your imagination loose in visualizing how you would like your life to be and feel like. Compare this with what your life looks like currently to see the gap that you need to start working on.


2.      Set goals

Once you have established the gap between your current and the life of your dream, it is time to decide what you need to do to bridge this gap. Start setting up systems and processes that will lead you in the right direction. Set goals that you need to start working on, but make sure to break them down into small actionable steps.

For instance, you probably would love yourself more if you lost some weight, or if you cut down some relationships that are toxic and draining. Your financial status would be better if you cut down on some expenses. In your goal to lose weight, some actionable steps would be to jog one kilometer every morning, start eating healthy and work out 3 days a week. If you want to cut down some relationships, you can decide to avoid going where these people frequent. For cutting down expenses, you might decide to start cooking at home more and save money that you use in restaurants and takeaways.


3.      Take action

Taking action towards your goals isn’t always easy. Sometimes you might have to fight fear and uncertainty in order to be able to take the first step. To conquer this,  you need to start cultivating a positive and growth mindset. Turn your thoughts away from limitations and towards possibilities and opportunities that are available for you. Quit looking for excuses and start doing something meaningful towards achieving your dream life.

For instance, if you envision your dream life to be in New York City, let go of whatever is holding you back and set off to this great city. Work with an NYC property management company  such as MD2 Property Group to find a home in the neighborhood of your dream. This company works with tenants and brokers in ensuring timely and accurate lease application processing. You can even use an online platform to enjoy a personalized application.


4.      Consistently live your dream life

You probably have met people who abandon their New Year’s resolutions even before the end of January. The reason this happens is that the willpower and self-discipline that are so strong at the beginning vanish over time. Don’t be tricked into relying on these two. Otherwise, you will find yourself back to your previous life. Rather than counting on the initial excitement, make it a habit to consistently live by your actionable steps set above.

Of course, you will meet challenges along the way. The secret is to persist on the journey through those obstacles and to remain focused on the bigger picture. It won’t be long till you start realizing that you are actually living the life of your dream.



Life is an adventure, and the most exciting part is chasing your dreams to live the best life aligned with your purpose and passion. Refuse to settle on anything less and find the courage to take action towards your dream life. Go through the above steps and take up the courage of turning your life around today.

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About The Author

Freya is a Math teacher, Yoga enthusiast, and a beloved mother of three lovely daughters. She is always looking for ways to grow and help others around her thrive through self-learning, meditation, and physical fitness. When she is not teaching or spending time with her family, Freya regularly writes on topics related to self-improvement and women empowerment.


How to Start a New Career Path

We are expected to decide on and choose a career path when we are teenagers or young adults, heading off to college with our favorite majors in mind. And while some of us know the careers that suit us and would make us happy, not all of us are lucky enough to decide on the right job that’ll fulfill us or keep us satisfied. This could be because we chose incorrectly, perhaps deciding on a career because of pay over our true interests. Or it could be because our personalities have adapted over the years and what we once loved has fallen to the wayside and we no longer enjoy our chosen career path. But what can you do if you wish to start a new career?

Luckily, you no longer have to be stuck in a job that you dislike and get no enjoyment from. There are many options and paths you can take to make the transition from your current job to your next. You may wish to stay in the same industry (or even at the same company!) but work in a different team (e.g., move from marketing to sales). Or you may want to change careers and industries all together which may require you to head back to school and study for certain qualifications. 

Are you unsure on whether a new career is for you, or are you unable to think about jobs that may interest you? If so, then read on for more information on how to start a new career path. 


Signs You May Need a New Career

Before you start the motions of changing your career, you need to consider whether this is, in fact, the right course of action for you. Having a singular bad day for a couple of tough weeks can make even the most strongwilled of us wish to quit and try our hand at a new career, but sometimes these feelings are fleeting and fade away into nothing as we realize that we were overworked and overemotional, and that we do like our jobs. Making a rash decision and deciding to quit can have devastating consequences, so you need to be sure that this is the right move for you. 

Now, there are two categories when it comes to reasons that you may wish to find a new job. The first category contains circumstantial reasons. For instance, does your job require you to relocate? Do you not fit in with the company? Is the company closing down, etc. Of course, these reasons would typically push a person to find a similar job just with a different company.


Personal reasons can be the biggest contributing factor to you wanting to start a whole new career path. These reasons can be:

• Does your work constantly wear you down? Do you feel tired and exhausted most of the time, and is it impacting your physical and mental wellbeing?
• Do you struggle to see yourself working the same job for the rest of your life? A lifetime is a long time, and you need to be content with the job you have if you are to stay within the field for many years to come.
• Is the money you make no longer satisfying? Does your paycheck no longer cover the boredom or unhappiness you experience at work?
• Have your interests changed? Does the work you do no longer satisfy you?
• Do you believe that your talents could be best used elsewhere?
• Does your current job simply not give you joy?

If any of the above reasons resonate with you, then it could be a sign that you should start looking for a new career. Take your time when deciding whether this is the right move for you, and if you have trusted family and friends, be sure to discuss this option with them for further clarity. They may also offer you additional support that could make the transition between careers much smoother.


Decide on Your Next Career

If you have come to the conclusion that you would like to make a career change, then it’s time for you to consider which career is right for you. Make a list of your interests and your talents, and see whether they align with one another and point you in the direction of a specific career. For instance, are you a caring and nurturing individual who is also highly organized but also possesses strong communication skills? If so, then you may wish to consider training to become a nurse.


A Career in Healthcare

A career in healthcare is a tough but rewarding path for you to take and consider. If you haven’t got any existing qualifications, then you will have to head back to school to train. However, working in healthcare can be satisfying and allow you to make a difference, making the return to school worthwhile.

If you wish to become a registered nurse, then you will need to acquire a BSN or MSN. Once this has been obtained, you can further your education so that you can focus on a specific niche that you excel or have great interest in. Baylor University offers online DNP programs in Executive Nurse Leadership, Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Nurse-Midwifery, amongst many other programs. Deciding to focus in a specific type of nursing can help you earn job satisfaction. 


A Career in Education

Educating young minds or teaching adults like yourself can be a rewarding career choice. And much like the healthcare industry, you can make a difference as you help educate the great minds who could excel and offer greatness to the world. However, to become a teacher, you will need certain qualifications and may need to head back to education yourself. 

Typically, you will need to hold a bachelor’s degree in any subject that interests you. And pass any required state exams. You are likely required to participate in a job placement experience. So that you gain hands-on experience. You may also start off as a teacher’s assistant and have to work your way up to becoming a fully-fledged teacher. 


Understand that it Could Take Time

Changing your career does not happen overnight. It can take time, so you will need to be patient. Avoid being hasty when transitioning between careers so that you can ensure that you have the financial and emotional support to make the move.  Because it can be quite taxing on a person (especially if you are heading back to school). And remember to practice self-care and look after yourself.

If after reading the above article you feel as though it is time for you to make the move and start a new career path, be sure to put the proper moves in motion. This means looking up the skills and qualifications needed for your new field; whether you need to obtain certain certificates; and whether you are able to study full-time or may need to keep your current job and juggle the two for now. Either way, a change in career can be exciting!

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Dream Job? Find Your New Career Path With These Easy Steps

Your dream job awaits

Work Work Work

How are you feeling at your job these days? Are you pumped to go into work and to share your ideas? Or are you getting the Sunday blues in prep for those Monday woes? A new year and a new decade can mean a new career path. Maybe you are looking to make a lateral move at the company that you are already working at. Or you want to make a switch to a completely new career.

Either way, it cannot hurt to advance your skill set. Learn how to create efficiencies and get things done. Here are some ways that you can improve your chances of getting that promotion and making more paths available for your career.

Create A Vision Board

Believe it or not, a vision board is a great way to help you envision your dream job. By listing your priorities and visualizing your interests, you will be one step closer. So use pinterest, or clip images and words from a magazine, or simply write down pros and cons of your current workday to narrow down where you would prefer your career path to take you.

Cleanup Your Resume

Even if you are not currently looking for a job, a fresh resume is a great way to get a reality check. And it lets you and others know your education and work history. Moreover, an updated resume is an empowering way to remind yourself of all of your accomplishments and just how far you have come.

So upload your latest work history to your LinkedIn profile. Who knows, maybe you will be approached by a potential new employer.

There are many non profit search firms out there can get you in front of your next potential employer.