6 Ways to Avoid Being Cliche on Valentine’s Day

Roses are red. Violets are blue. You’re really cute – I wanna bang you.

Valentine’s Day is the one time a year when we all (unless you’re that crazy cat lady or that king of nerds that is #foreveralone) that involves us treating our special someone “extra special and extravagant.” For real though – why, why, WHY does February 14th have to be the only day that Cupid shoots people in the ass? What about the other 364 days? Like bruh.

So, here’s to you Cupid and the 364 days you hide your face like a little b*tch.

Valentine’s Day tends to bring out the basic b*tch in all of us. So here’s 6 ways to avoid being a cliche BB:

1. Forget the box of chocolates – buy her a steak.

Okay, maybe the box of chocolates are still on…but treat your girl like the bad b*tch that she is and buy her a steak (or whatever it is her stomach desires). She’s worth more than the little heart shaped $5 box at Wal-Mart.

2. Ladies – whip out your womanism and cook for your boo.

I get it, being taken out to a nice dinner is great but treat your man with a nice home cooked meal around a candlelit setting. What’s more romantic than a candlelit dinner at your own home with no outside distraction? Who knows – maybe he’ll treat you to dessert. *wink wink*

3. Hallmark card schmallmark card.

Why spend $10 on a card made for everyone and anyone on the planet when you can write cute little sticky notes? Wanna spice things up: place the stickies all around the house and lead the most seductive/romantic note straight to the bedroom. (C’mon – we all have that side that comes out when we’re trying to be low-key kinky). Just do it!!!

4. Red Roses or nah.

So okay yes, females love flowers…especially roses. So maybe ignore my advice on this one and still buy the damn things, but add in a twist and make a playlist for your someone.

5. Romantic movie and chill.

Guys – us girls have you figured out. “A romantic movie leads to a romantic night in the bedroom.” So what if we get “heated up,” doesn’t mean we want you…at least not yet. Calm yourself, dude. Clearly she got all up in her feels because Christian Grey. Don’t flatter yourself too much boo boo.

6. Hulu and do you?

Netflix and chill. Imax and climax. Hulu and do you. Whatever you wanna call it, it all turns into a round of chiddy chiddy bang bang. Guys – if you want to suave her and have that typical V Day sex please do something extra romantic. Throw rose petals on the bed (or kitchen counter – wherever you want to pitch the teepee), light some candles, slow dance with her, take her out and actually show her a good time before you “show her a good time.”

You got this! Don’t let Cupid get to you this Valentine’s Day. You do you boo boo.

How To Celebrate Valentines Day On A Budget

Valentines Day Inexpensive: 

Celebrating your love does not have to be extravagant. It also does not have to be expensive. You can celebrate Valentines day, and make it special without breaking the bank. Below are a few suggestions: 

Dancing in the Candle light:

Hit up your Spotify and create a playlist of all the songs that make you think of the one you love, or use one of Spotify’s already made playlists. Move the couch out of the way, turn out the lights, light some candles, and dance the whole night way. 

Dinner Date Night in:

Most people will be out on the town, the restaurants will be packed instead just stay in. Turn some music on. Cook dinner a nice dinner. Make it the three course you would have gotten if you would have went out. Pour some wine and spend the whole night talking. Remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place. Laugh and joke like you did when things where new and fresh. 

Movie Night:

Yes everyone is planning on being out at the movie theater. However, make movie night cheeper by staying home. Put the effort in and build your own home movie theater. Go grab pop corn and her favorite snacks. Pick up some wine. We all have a million streaming things we pay for. Choose a movie that you have never seen before, or a classic. Build a living room fort, make a comfy spot to cuddle, turn off the lights and watch your movie! 

Valentines doesn’t have to be expensive.

Honestly I would rather its not. A night in with the one I love sounds way better then fighting the crowds to try to get into somewhere that we could go anytime of the year. For me it is about spending time together and celebrating our love. Not spending money that we don’t need to. We enjoy going on a nice cold walk by the river, or just sitting in bed and talking all night about our future. We want to really celebrate that we are in love and planning a future together. 

When it comes to Valentines gifts. We do not go all out either.

Something really simple can show how much you love your partner. Last year I made matching t-shirts. This year I was thinking some of his favorite sweet treats. Like a care package for work. Just a little something that shows him that I love him and was thinking about him. Here are some great gifts to show that you care that are inexpensive.

Key chain:

The one that caught my eye said “Drive Safe because I need you.” Or you can get a personalized one that has your favorite picture of you and your love on it. Just a little something to remind them everyday that you love them. 

Love letters:

Sometimes in a relationship it is hard, and you need the little reminders of the reasons you feel in love. Nothing says I love you like a love letter. Open when letters are awesome, that can be little reminders during the good times and the bad times that you need them and you love them. They also show that you where thinking about them and the time that could have been hard in your relationship and wanted to be prepared. So grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down everything that you are thinking. 

Love notes in a jar:

Another great reminder and way to show your love is to write little love notes or song lyrics that make you think of your person. Just one liners or a couple sentences.  Put them in a jar and your partner can open them when they need. 

Self-care  basket:

Get them some things to take care of themselves. Especially if you know that your partner has been really stressed lately. You can throw anything you think would help them relax. A new book they have been talking about. Bubble bath, face mask, comfy clothes. Their favorite coffee or tea. Anything that will give them a little pick me up. 

Just remember, Do something meaningful to your partner. It doesn’t have to break the bank! Express your love, and show them that they are important to you.

Unique Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day This Year

Valentine’s Day is a holiday that is either largely loved or largely despised depending on who you asked. Single or in love, some people just don’t have a taste for the candy hearts and roses, and some people are in love with all the sweetness that this day of love has to offer. No matter how you usually spend the day of love, there are a few unique ideas that you can look into for some fun and exciting experiences. Whether you’re rocking it solo, spending time with dear friends or cozying up with your beloved, you can make the most of this Valentine’s Day with some of these ideas.

Galentine’s Day

You may be familiar with the concept of Galentine’s Day from the show Parks and Recreation, although the popularity of this holiday has spawned long beyond its introduction in Pawnee, Indiana. Based on season 2, episode 16 of the show, it decrees February 13th as the day for celebrating female friendships — your gal pals, if you will. Brunch it up, have some drinks, and spend time with those you love! That’s what this day is all about!

Palentine’s Day

If you want your Galentine’s Day celebration to feel a little bit more inclusive, you can either switch up the name or switch up the celebration. Paletine’s Day is just what it sounds like — it’s for celebrating all of your wonderful pals! You can celebrate this on February 13th in place of Galentine’s Day, or you can celebrate it on the 15th so you have multiple celebrations! Additionally, you can also make February 13th Galentine’s Day, and have February 15th be Palentine’s Day for the boys!

Make It an Adventure

If you’re thinking of a more classic romantic time, going out on a regular date might seem a little bit played out. Why not try something totally spontaneous and different? Go on an adventure for this holiday! Of course, you totally can make an entire trip of it, but you can even find little adventures close to where you are. Explore a brand new hiking spot, try something wild like bungee jumping or going up in a hot air balloon! There are so many incredible choices that you might have to save a few for next year.

Self Care Extravaganza

This can be perfect for you to rock solo, for you to do with your love or for your friends to share in the fun! Sometimes, Valentine’s Day can have an air of pressure to it — like you should be doing something fancy and impressive, regardless of what you really want. If you would rather do the things that actually make you feel great, this is the perfect opportunity! You can plan a little spa day, take yourself somewhere nice or even accomplish some tasks you’ve been putting off if that’s what’s calling your name.

Take Yourself On a Date

Who says you need a partner to go on an awesome date? If you want to spend your night out on the town, do it! Partner or no partner, you deserve to have a great time and treat yourself! Find a spot to have a great meal, take yourself out for a drink or even go dancing all night long! Or you can find another date that you’d love to go on and do whatever you want, all day long. That’s the beauty of treating yourself! You know yourself the very best.

Plan a Night In

Again, this can apply to pretty much every group of people — from one single pringle to a whole crowd of pals. If you usually spend this day of love out and about, why not try something different this year and stay in? Plan a movie night, play some games or find a craft you can do! This can be a great way to relax, cozy up and feel super comfortable on this holiday.

Learn Something New

If you want to take things in a new direction and spice things up a notch, why not try something entirely different and learn a new skill this Valentine’s Day? Try taking a cooking class or learning how to tango! Go to couple’s yoga or finally rent that tandem bicycle. The sky is the limit with what you can learn, and trying something new together can truly be an enriching experience.

Getting Creative With Your Valentine

Even though Valentine’s Day might conjure up a very specific image for some, you can truly get creative and do whatever you want with the holiday. From spending it with some of your greatest friends to going solo on the date of your dreams, there’s no stopping you from having a beautiful day filled with love and care. What do you plan to do this Valentine’s Day? Do any of the options on this list stand out to you?

About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find herin a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 

6 Gift Ideas to Make Your Partner More Confident


Is your partner marvelous in every way, but doesn’t know it? It’s one thing to be humble, but lacking self-confidence can hold you back in life.

That said, retail therapy can be healing. Here are six gift ideas to make your partner feel more confident! Feel free to personalize them!


1. Cologne

Help your partner smell (and feel) their best with a new bottle of cologne. It’s an easy way to make them more confident, assured in the knowledge that they smell fresh, woody, floral or somewhere in between.

Maybe they like the strong aroma of a bonfire. There’s a cologne for that. Maybe they prefer a more romantic tinge, in which case, rose is an excellent choice.

You can even make it a date, going to a store together to choose the right cologne for both him and you. After all, you’ll be smelling it just as often!  


2. A New Skill 

Feeling helpless is a surefire way to lose confidence. If their last road trip left them rattled after they got a flat, an adult driving safety course could teach essential skills like changing a tire. It can also restore their sense of security on the road — maybe they won’t always need you to drive them on out-of-town trips.


Fears can stem from a lack of exposure as much as the danger itself. Fully 46% of Americans are afraid to swim in the deep end of a pool, often because they don’t know how to do the crawl stroke. Give them the gift of lessons. The experience they gain will instill confidence for a lifetime.


What if you dream of sweeping your sweetie away to Paris when travel restrictions ease, but they hesitate with foreign travel due to the language barrier? You can find tons of language learning apps that can help them perfect their “parlez” before departure.


3. A Healthy App Subscription 

The app-inspired confidence-building doesn’t end with mastering a foreign tongue. You can find programs designed to do anything from helping your sweetheart get a handle on their finances to dancing their way to fabulous shape.


You do have to use caution with fitness apps. If your partner hasn’t mentioned wanting a weight-loss or exercise app, think back to the flack surrounding the Peloton ad featuring an already-thin woman looking terrified on what should be a special holiday morning. You don’t want to give your partner the impression that you think they’re anything less than perfect the way they are.


However, if all they can talk about is how they wish they had a Fitbit like their friends to measure their daily steps, feel free to indulge. The same goes for if they develop a sudden passion for yoga or Zumba. Help them finance their fitness passion with a gift that says, “I care about your health, too.

Of course, you don’t need to stop with fitness. If a pandemic job loss inspired them to start their own business, an accounting software suite might not sound romantic but could save their hide come tax time.


4. A Workbook and Journal Set

Is your beloved doing some work on themselves? It’s hard work to overcome trauma and take an honest look at how your actions and behaviors affect others.


Such an endeavor deserves the right tools. Whatever demons your beloved faces, a psychologist has written a workbook to help address them. Find out whose work your partner admires for their gift or pick from one of many self-help tomes lining shelves today.


To make your gift complete, pair it with a beautiful notebook to do their deepest work. While any old dollar store notebook will do, giving your partner an appealing place to pen their thoughts shows you care about their recovery journey.


5. A Glamorous Photo Shoot

There’s much more than a person than their appearance, but feeling ashamed of how you look can shake your self-confidence. Why not let them see exactly how beautiful they are to you with the gift of a glamorous photo shoot that enables the artist to highlight their every attractive feature?


When selecting a photographer, ask to see samples of their other work. If your beloved isn’t a fan of makeup, pay attention to the other model’s skin tones in their portfolio. Do they look natural or overly orange or pink from too much post-pic Photoshopping?


Consider your location, too. If your sweetheart is camera-shy, they may feel less so if your gift also captures the beauty of your favorite scenic place.


6. A Pair of Distance Touch Anything

Do you and your partner share a long-distance love affair? It’s challenging to help the one you love to feel more confident when you aren’t there all the time to tell them how much they mean to you.


However, technology gives you an ideal way to show that you care. You can find lamps and bracelets that come in pairs. When you touch yours in New York, it illuminates their Los Angeles apartment and tells them, “You’re special,” without even having to type out a text message.


Help Your Partner Feel More Confident with These Gifts 

If your partner feels insecure about themselves, it can adversely impact their life. Help them feel more confident with these gift ideas.

About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

How to Make this Valentine’s Day Special


Valentine’s Day is the time of the year when you revive your love towards your family members, friends, and above your partner. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February annually.

Some people prefer doing simple things to appreciate and recognize their partners, while others go for more elaborate romancing. No matter the complexity of what you do for your loved ones, you can make it unique and special. For instance, you can buy a bouquet of flowers, cook a delicious meal, or take your loved one out. Simple is usually better. According to Statista, 22% of individuals prefer to get red roses as gifts on Valentine’s Day. Here are some ideas so that you can make this Valentine’s Day more meaningful to your loved ones.

1. Plan for A Dinner Outing

You can start planning for a dinner outing this Valentine’s Day at your favorite restaurant.  Once you have your dining budget, choose your restaurant. And, if possible, make your reservation early. The dinner outing doesn’t have to be luxurious, but simply something that makes your loved one happy. You can add romance to your dinner outing by lighting candles. In the end, doing so can help you make this Valentine’s Day one to remember.

2. Write Valentine’s Note to Your Partner

Writing your Valentine a romantic note that reminds him/her about the love you feel can help make their Valentine’s Day a great one. You can include certain aspects you love about him/her in the note. For instance, you can mention things that they are passionate about. Or how they smile, or the memories you have created together. Ultimately, telling your loved one such things can stir up  romantic feelings and revive your love life, making this Valentine’s Day extra special.

3. Buy Your Partner a Bouquet of Flowers

Sending your Valentine a bouquet of flowers is the most obvious yet special gift you can give out on Valentine’s Day. It is a traditional gesture, but it clarifies the love you have for your partner. If you understand the type of flowers your partner likes, the better, but red flowers can do if you don’t.

4. Dress in an All Red or Pink Outfit

Your dress code is one way to make this Valentine’s Day special for you and your partner. As a gentleman, you can wear a red suit, and for a lady, you can wear a red or pink dress. Dressing appropriately to match the Valentine’s Day color can be fun and special. You can also match your outfit colors by wearing all red for the two of you, thus creating a special Valentine’s Day mood.

5. Go Hiking Together

Going for a beautiful hike in a nature park full of birds, flowers, and forest cover would be a great way to make your Valentine’s Day special. If you live in a city, you can tour the town together and have an in-depth view of the beautiful sky-scrappers. Whether hiking in the forest or wandering around the city, strolling together can help you further your bond with your partner.

6. Take Your Loved One Out Dancing

Going for swing dances can be a perfect way to make this Valentine’s Day special. You just need a short dancing lesson if you are a first-timer to get swing dances right. However, this doesn’t matter because you can enjoy the learning process.

7. Bake Something such as Heart-Shaped Pancakes

Baking together on Valentine’s Day can be so fun and special. You can get a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out your pancakes. Making breakfast together can reconnect you both to your love journey, thus reviving sweet memories. What else is better than reminding yourself about the love that you have for your significant other on Valentine’s Day?

Concluding Remarks

Valentine’s Day is time for you and your loved ones to come together to celebrate the love you share. So focus on making this Valentine’s Day special for you and your partner. Tips to use include planning for a dinner outing, writing your Valentine a romantic note, and buying your partner a bouquet of flowers. You can also dress in all red or pink, go hiking, take your partner out for dancing, or aim for breakfast in bed.

Forget the Chocolate, This is What I Really Want for Valentine’s Day

Like most women, I can’t wait to celebrate Valentine’s Day.  I am completely in love with the idea of love and romance.

People often make the mistake of only focusing on a specific part of the day and ignoring the rest. Valentine’s Day shouldn’t just be about the dinner date or anything that may come after it. It should be about the entire day, morning until night.

That being said, I don’t expect a perfect day.  I just want a day to feel special. I want a day where someone I love goes out of their way to make an effort and show me they feel the same.

If you’re struggling with what to get me, here is what I really want:

I want a day of feeling like the most beautiful woman in the world.

I want to feel beautiful from the minute I wake up until the minute I fall asleep. I want to forget all of my self-esteem issues and just see myself the way I hope you see me.

And most importantly, I want an excuse to show off my new dress that makes me feel amazing.

I want a day where I feel appreciated.

I want to feel loved and important. I want to know that you value me on all days, and that I’m worth making an effort for on this special day.

I want to know that you took the time to make me feel special instead of just throwing something together last minute. The thought that goes into a gesture means more to me than anything else.

I want a day of not having to question how you feel.

I want to know everything that is on your mind for the whole day. I want to know how you feel about me, what you’re thinking, and everything in between.

It can be an email, texts throughout the day, a letter, anything. I don’t care how you express it; I just don’t want to be left guessing.

I want a day of no drama.

I want a stress-free, peaceful day. I don’t want to argue over some stupid misunderstanding.

I want to have a smile on my face all day long, and I want you to be the one to put it there.

I want a day free of having to make a decision.

I hate making decisions, and I don’t want to have to make any plans. I don’t want to tell you where we should eat or what we should do.

I want for one day to just be the girl…and do absolutely nothing.

If you like this and want to read more, follow Erica on FACEBOOK!

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