1. It isn’t your fault. It never was your fault, don’t let anybody convince you otherwise.
2. You are beautiful, inside and out. I don’t even know you, and I know you are gorgeous. Only certain people are blessed enough to have both types if beauty, you are blessed.
3. You are better than what you see yourself as. Look deep down into your mind and see your internal beauty. Let it shine.
4. If it was meant to be, it would be. Let God do his magic. This is something you cannot control, no matter how badly you want to.
5. If you let it eat you alive, it will. Anything that finds your weak spot will take advantage of it and rip you to pieces.
6. Not everyone sees you as “his property.” Express yourself. Jump out of your shell. Too many people don’t know the real you because you’ve been tied down with an ass.
7. Time heals everything, honestly.. It does. But do not count time, that makes it go alot slower. Take it one day at a time, just go with it.
8. Eyes are my favorite part about people‘a physical appearance, sounds weird that I say that. But eyes are gorgeous, they show more about someone’s internal thoughts than words ever will. But tears make your eyes grow a little red and a bit more tired. You need your eyes to be clear and open so you may see the beauty in your present and future.
9. Keep your mind open to all opportunities. Nobody said change is a bad thing, and in this case… It’s not. Change it up. Go out, stay home. Drive around, eat everything. Work out, wear some heals. Change your life up. This will make things easier to be put in the past. A new life has no part of an old one.
10. You are strong. You are smart. You are unique. You are fun. You are positive. You are a woman in a tough generation to love in, but you have. Which means you have all the qualities you need in order to keep your head up and make it through this perfectly fine. It’s going to hurt at first.. But that doesn’t mean you’re not slowly healing. Pain is a sign you are living and can still feel. Embrace it. Love it, it is much better to feel pain than to be numb. Trust me.
Everything WILL be okay. I promise. You can do this. You can finally have a well deserved happy life. All that’s stopping you is yourself. Once you let yourself feel it, you’ll do so well through this tough learning experience.
You go, girl.