10 Things To Remember When You Finally Leave His Cheating Ass

1. It isn’t your fault. It never was your fault, don’t let anybody convince you otherwise.

2. You are beautiful, inside and out. I don’t even know you, and I know you are gorgeous. Only certain people are blessed enough to have both types if beauty, you are blessed.

3. You are better than what you see yourself as. Look deep down into your mind and see your internal beauty. Let it shine.

4. If it was meant to be, it would be. Let God do his magic. This is something you cannot control, no matter how badly you want to.

5. If you let it eat you alive, it will. Anything that finds your weak spot will take advantage of it and rip you to pieces.

6. Not everyone sees you as “his property.” Express yourself. Jump out of your shell. Too many people don’t know the real you because you’ve been tied down with an ass.

7. Time heals everything, honestly.. It does. But do not count time, that makes it go alot slower. Take it one day at a time, just go with it.

8. Eyes are my favorite part about people‘a physical appearance, sounds weird that I say that. But eyes are gorgeous, they show more about someone’s internal thoughts than words ever will. But tears make your eyes grow a little red and a bit more tired. You need your eyes to be clear and open so you may see the beauty in your present and future.

9. Keep your mind open to all opportunities. Nobody said change is a bad thing, and in this case… It’s not. Change it up. Go out, stay home. Drive around, eat everything. Work out, wear some heals. Change your life up. This will make things easier to be put in the past. A new life has no part of an old one.

10. You are strong. You are smart. You are unique. You are fun. You are positive. You are a woman in a tough generation to love in, but you have. Which means you have all the qualities you need in order to keep your head up and make it through this perfectly fine. It’s going to hurt at first.. But that doesn’t mean you’re not slowly healing. Pain is a sign you are living and can still feel. Embrace it. Love it, it is much better to feel pain than to be numb. Trust me.

Everything WILL be okay. I promise. You can do this. You can finally have a well deserved happy life. All that’s stopping you is yourself. Once you let yourself feel it, you’ll do so well through this tough learning experience.

You go, girl.

21 Cheaters Reveal Their Reasons For Blowing Up Their Relationships

If you’re an adult, this should pretty much go without saying, but cheating is really one of the worst things you can do to someone with whom you’re in a relationship. And the worst thing about that worst thing is just how many people somehow don’t see cheating as a problem, or don’t see what they’re doing (cheating) as actually cheating.

Some people will say, “We only kissed, that’s not cheating!” as if everything is completely fine as long there’s no actual sex, which is a ridiculous assumption. Ugh, the whole thing is a mess of betrayal and lies leading to drama and pain. It’s almost enough to make you want to throw the towel in on dating altogether. But just almost. Come on. We’re human. We’re gonna keep going back for more.

There are so many factors that lead people to cheat—their upbringing (as in, the situation with their parents), their self-esteem, and how they ultimately feel about relationships, to name just a few. Also, some people are just kind of more selfish than others. And sneaky! But it truly is always the fault of the cheater and not the cheatee. The cheatee is in no way responsible for the behavior of the cheater, and the cheater blaming them for their own mistakes when they cheat is just adding insult to injury.

Here are 21 actual reasons people have given for why they cheated, as told by their exes.


She said “My mom cheated on my dad when they first started dating.”



“It’s not really cheating because I don’t love you anymore. I just think of you as a really good friend.”

8 years together, engaged to be married.



“We’re in an open relationship!”

Except we weren’t. The day before she asked if I would be open to one and I said let me think about it and we can talk tomorrow. The next day comes around and she said she has to go to a study session with one of her friends when i get home. I found out she was at a dick session when she was telling her best friend immediately after.



“I dont understand American culture.” Was a pretty good one.



When confronted she just said “Well his dick was 30 cm, I just couldn’t resist touching it.” I really couldn’t think of an answer back then.



“I’ve cheated with everyone I’ve ever been in a relationship with.”

Why would you not tell me that before we got into a relationship??



“I wore a condom…technically, I didn’t even touch her!”



“I was testing you to see if you’d stay loyal even if I cheated.”



“It’s your fault, you drove me to it.”

Me: Taking care of our two kids <3y, working full time, bread winner, doing the household chores… so yeah, I was kind of angry/tired all the time

Him: working in ‘music’, going to concerts all the time and sleeping in.



She said she wasn’t cheating, I got sent to me a picture of her (nudes) from the guy she was cheating on me with and he said, “look familiar”. When I confronted her about it she said those were old pictures and he was just trying to start shit. I was like hmm fair enough, then I realized that the pictures were literally taken in her dorm room that she had just moved into that year and I was standing in the same spot that she took them in as I was talking to her which made me realize, took me a second to realize that but yeah that sucked. Rough time for me on that one


Stay Single Until You Find the Guy Who’s Truly and Completely Faithful

Because being faithful means, there’s no backup plan to the relationship that you’re in. You’re so invested and involved in the love that you share that it never crosses your mind to second guess your relationship or your heart. “What if this ends” is never in the back of your head, so you gladly remove yourself from all your online dating accounts.

It means going out of your way to make sure that anyone that’s interested in you knows that you’re taken, without caring if they think that you’re being rude.

Nothing gives you more joy than to show off your relationship status to others. You stop girls cold if they flirt with you because your girlfriend’s feelings are more important to you than a thirty-second ego boost you can get from some girl’s flirty intentions.

It’s never falling for the peer pressure of people or friends when being in a situation where they wanna make you part of their douchey pursuits.

It means never finding excuses to justify their shady behavior or any on your part. You simply don’t put yourself in that situation in the first place, but if by any fucked up circumstance you found yourself almost crossing the line, you are man enough to own up to it, put your loyalty in check and go above and beyond to rectify your almost disloyal actions.

Because being faithful means that you’re always honest and never lie or hide anything from the person that you love.

You take pride in the open communication that you have and cherish the fact that your girlfriend respects and trusts your individuality and independence. So whether some girl asked for your number or an ex-booty call texted you to say “what’s up,” you’re always happy to make your girlfriend the first one to know about it. Whatever you do out in the social world is never something that would offend or jeopardize your relationship, because you’re loyal to what you have and that means…

You never treat other girls with the same love and affection that you have for your girlfriend, not even your best girlfriends.

You know how to set boundaries with your personal relationships because you know the difference between being the guy who honors the love for his girlfriend, being a friend and what falls under the category of being a douche canoe.

Being faithful means you understand and respect your person’s values and beliefs on loyalty, and compromise with her even when some of those beliefs might not be your own.

Because what you have with her is the type of love that is worth fighting and compromising for and you never want to tarnish the trust that you have and have worked so hard to build.

It means that you’re aware that cheating can be physical, mental or emotional, so you stay away from risking falling into any of its categories.

You know it can be the thing that crushes your relationship, so you protect both your hearts at all costs from ever crossing that line.

Because you are with the person that you love the most, the one that makes you feel whole and that you know you’re meant to be with forever. You can’t fathom the chance or possibility of letting someone else in your heart in any shape or form…

So at the end of the day being faithful simply means, always choosing your girlfriend first, every second, every day.

8 Ways Getting Cheated On Changes Your Outlook On Relationships

In relationships, there’s no bigger pain than realizing the person you love has been disloyal. While no one wants to get cheated on, it does happen more often than we want to think. In over 1/3 of marriages, one partner has admitted to being unfaithful.
Continue reading 8 Ways Getting Cheated On Changes Your Outlook On Relationships

I knew you were cheating, yet I picked to ignore it…

Once a cheater always a cheater. That’s what they say right? But when it comes to your loved one cheating, you want to hope that they wont do it anymore. Not in my case..

That saying, “I’ve been through hell and back for you.” It changes when it is said for us. I like to look at it more like, “I’ve been through hell.. And you kept me there.”

I was head over heels for you. I would have done anything for you, in fact I did. I let you walk all over me day after day, night after night. Crying myself to sleep. Never saying a word. What was I scared of? Losing the guy who obviously don’t care enough about me? Can’t you see what you’re doing is slowly killing me? I’ve changed into someone I don’t even recognize anymore.

From the outside looking in, I must look like a complete and utter idiot. But you don’t even know the half of it. I feel that way too, I just never knew how to let go. You’re hurting me, but you’re in my life. That’s all I want, right? No.. Not anymore.

You have taken a huge part of my life and have stomped on my heart. As sad as it is, if you text me or call me there’s a huge change I’ll answer. I know it’ll take time and I know it won’t be easy.. But letting you go is the best thing I could do for myself. It’s time to get my life back.




Here’s to a new me.. A better me.

The 6 Do’s & Don’t’s of Getting Over Your Cheating Ex

1. DO stop blaming yourself.

Repeat after me: HIS. CHEATING. WAS. NOT. YOUR. FAULT. The number one mistake you can make when you find out you’ve been cheated on is to ask “What did I do to warrant this” or worse, “How could I have prevented it?” You didn’t cause this. Even if you fought a lot. Even if you gained weight. Even if you’ve been working late this month. Even if you—No. Just stop. If one or both of you are unhappy enough in your relationship to even CONSIDER cheating, then it’s time to have a conversation. And believe me, there’s always enough time to talk before falling into another woman’s vagina.

2. DON’T blame the other woman.

Ever felt guilty about eating an entire gallon of ice cream by yourself in one sitting, and then get mad at the ice cream? Bitch, please. Just like you could have put the spoon down at any time, your man could have pumped the brakes and not slept with this chick. Whether this woman knowingly or unknowingly bedded a taken man, you should never shift the blame off him and onto her, or anyone else for that matter. I’ve heard it all from “The slut was really coming onto him,” or “His friends encouraged it, he didn’t really want to,” to “He had a really bad month at work,” and “His parents had an unhappy marriage.” I don’t care if the Creator himself opens up the sky and writes “Cheat on your GF” in the clouds, your man still has something called ‘free will’ and made the stupid decision to cheat on you all on his own.

3. DO go out of your way to make yourself happy.

So many women forget that being single is an amazing opportunity to practice self-love, and being cheated on can really make you feel like you don’t deserve it. Remind yourself daily that you are a smart, beautiful, independent goddess who needs NO MAN to tell her how to be happy. Get out there and engage in some retail therapy. Book a spa day. Spend a wild girls’ night out with male hookers and booze. Whatever you need to do to achieve inner peace, TREAT YO’SELF. And don’t even for a second feel bad about backing out of plans, spending a little too much on that handbag, playing hooky form work to get a facial, or even seeing a therapist if it’s what you need to feel better.

4. DON’T give him the benefit of the doubt.

I know what you’re thinking. He was so nice, so sweet, so caring and kind. He even bought you flowers the day your dog died. But I’ve got news: There is no number of long-stemmed roses that can disguise the fact that he slept with someone else. “But it was only the one time,” you’re saying to yourself, “He said it would never happen again.” Stop. Think about how much it hurts right now. Do you really want to be back here in a month because one time turned into two? Three? Seventeen? Do yourself a huge favor, stop letting him off the hook, and hold him accountable to the consequences of messing around on you, the Queen.

5. DO put yourself out there and see other people.

How soon is too soon? Who cares, make your own rules. You don’t owe it to anyone, especially him, to set some arbitrary timeline for when you’re allowed to date again. You are a Disney fucking princess who deserves a good, honest man to treat her right, so girl, go find your prince charming. Knowing there are hot, funny, honest guys out there just dying to take you out to dinner is a healthy reminder that you don’t need your cheating ex, and you can 100% find happiness without him.

And whatever you do….

6. DON’T give him another chance.

Maybe you actually held your ground and broke up with your scumbag ex. GREAT! But now it’s a month later and you’re feeling lonely AF, crying into a greasy bag of Taco Bell at 2am looking at Instagram pictures from when you two were happy. Honey, put down the phone (and the crunch wrap) and pull yourself together. No matter how lonely you are, you do not need to bring him and all that negativity back into your life. The cheating never goes away. Even if you got back together, even if he never cheated on you again (which is statistically unlikely), his cheating days will always feel like the third wheel. And you should know by now that in a relationship, three isn’t company—it’s complete crap.

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