Women Are Revealing The Absolute Worst Lies Their Exes Have Ever Told Them

Getting screwed over by your ex can be a really rough time in anyone’s life. Breakups are hard enough as it is, but to break up because you find out the person you’re dating is a huge POS—that’s even harder. After the relationship is said and done and we find out the lies our exes have told us, it makes the breakup even worse. Recently, @SheRatesDogs shared a tweet saying she wanted women to share their “favorite/worst story of an ex lying to you” and she would retweet them and share them throughout her day.

She posted one of her “favorite lies from an ex” that is so outrageous, it makes me literally SMH.

Before she knew it, women all over the world were sharing the horrific lies and fibs their exes made up throughout their relationships.


Are we kidding?



Stupid ASF.

…Okay bro.



Men are dogs.

LOL…I cannot.


Bro. Too far.



SMH x2.


SMH x100000.

It’s safe to say that men are absolute pigs. Stay safe out there y’all—you all deserve better.

h/t: Twitter.

You Played Me Like A Joke, But In The End You Lost

I find it pretty funny that you think you have an effect on me. You had a chance with me six years ago, you decided I was too much for you even though you cheated on me twice in the two weeks we were together.

I had fallen for you in such a short amount of time because you gave me the attention I wanted. You texted me every morning, called me beautiful, and tried for over a month to get me to date you but I was hesitant due to the heartbreak I dealt with from an ex of mine before you stumbled in.

You made me believe that you could have an interest in me, you came and took me on a date during our spring break, and asked me out in person, you would sing to me, and do anything you could to get me to give you a chance.

I finally gave you one, and within a week you texted me that your ex kissed you and that it meant “nothing” because you “loved” me, I was a stupid naive teenager who believed a guy she barely knew.

After that kiss, we started to fight a lot, but I came and saw you one night with my best friend because you wanted me to come see you and try to work things out, I was laying on you playing on my phone while you were working on some homework, yet my best friend caught you telling other girls they were sexy.

She didn’t want to say anything to me about it until we left, and she even got a picture when you weren’t watching. Was I not good looking enough for you? How you could tell other girls they were sexy when I was laying on you cuddling, is beyond me. You told me I was the only girl for you.

Our fights finally got to the point that we would barely talk to each other. Anytime we talked it turned into a fight and you would tell me I was too much for you.  We had a fight at one point and I told you I couldn’t do it anymore, that I was not enough for you.

You admitted that your ex kissed you yet again, and I finally had enough. We had a mutual break up but you would get mad if you found out I was talking to other guys but you could talk to other girls.

When I started to date my boyfriend you got mad and would say he wouldn’t treat me like you did, you were right, he treated me 10x better than you did. Then you started to date your girlfriend who became your fiancee.

Do you know what aggravates me the most? You are engaged and in the military and still, try to flirt with me. Get over it, we are done, have been for years. You had your chance and blew it twice. That was on you, not on me.

Let go of whatever we had like I did, and love and appreciate your fiance because she does everything for you, when you are away in the military she works and keeps busy until you come home to her. She hangs with her friends and is loyal to you, give her the same respect.

We are history, and that’s how it should be. Get over it


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