7 Ways Cheating is Toxic for Both You and Your Partner

Guys, it’s time that I level with you. Cheating is bad. That’s pretty obvious. But did you know that it can affect you just as much, if not more than it can affect your significant other? You probably didn’t think about that part. Well, neither did I.

Here’s why cheating is toxic for both you and your partner.

1. Your partner may never get over it.

First and foremost, I thought I should talk about your significant other’s feelings. We already know that cheating can destroy your relationship. If you choose to let your partner know about an affair or a mistaken one-night stand, you will feel the backlash for sure. If they find out on their own, which they eventually will, your relationship will take a critical or even fatal blow. If you’ve loved your SO at any time, you shouldn’t be putting them through the pain of your infidelity. That’s just cold. If you’re anything like me, you’ll be more than apologetic and wish you could take the heartache away. But you can’t, and the worst part is knowing it’s all your fault.


2. It will haunt you.

So I’m obviously not talking ghosts here, but I am talking day after remorse. It could be the next morning when you wake up next to someone who’s not your boyfriend, or it could be the day you confess. Either way, you will feel like you went through, pretty much, an out-of-body experience. It will be surreal. You may still feel the touch of someone else on your skin, or you may get chills when you think back to the moment you could have stopped it. Once you’ve cheated, you won’t forget that feeling.

3. Your partner will no longer trust you.

This is a pretty obvious consequence of cheating. But in terms of this affecting you… Your significant other, if they have chosen to stick it out with you, may begin to suffocate you.

They will question every move you make not once, not twice, but maybe a hundred times. And surprise, surprise, they still won’t believe you are being honest with them.

It’s a steep price you will pay for being unfaithful.


Why Do Men Cheat And How to Stop it

This might sound off the track, but a healthy sexual relationship between two partners helps to improve love and affection.

Falling in love is easy, but staying in love is the real challenge. Men do tend to cheat more than women. But while most men don’t cheat, it doesn’t mean they don’t get the thoughts.

For most, their current relationship with their partner is more important to them than their urges. Besides, you see a thousand faces every day, but it doesn’t matter if you have your heart set on one.

With that said, we delve into explaining why men cheat, and what to do about it (both of you)!

Signs You are Being Cheated On

Men and Women don’t always cheat. If your partner cheats, it doesn’t mean their gender is wired to do it. This is an individual case. It’s a harsh reality, and you should look for its signs. Does the following happen to you?

  • He changed his appearance or now takes better care of it
  • He doesn’t show interest in you (every day)
  • There is an emotional distance between
  • Your gut tells you he’s unfaithful
  • You don’t spend much together
  • He tries to avoid you
  • He claims nothing happened if you bring this matter to him

If you do want to catch a cheating spouse, mind these signs and consider taking action. Often times getting the proof can lead to a serious conversation without the lies and address the problems that may have led to the cheating. It could even lead to saving the relationship.

Why Do Men Cheat?

To be fair, not all men cheat and there are certainly instances when women cheat. With that said, men are more prone to cheating as they get older as compared to women.

But even the most committed man is prone to cheat. Following, are common reasons why they do it:

  • Lack of Intimacy with Partner (both physical and mental)
  • He is not happy or satisfied with the relation
  • He feels not appreciated
  • He lacks commitment
  • Boredom
  • He might want to take revenge on you
  • Bad Boundaries
  • They have the opportunity or have an addiction (Porn or sexual)

Importance of Intimacy

Intimacy (emotional and physical) is important to keep the relationship between spouses strong. If your partner feels insecure emotionally, they are more likely to cheat on you. Yes, some men do cheat out of emotional insecurity.

The same goes for a physical relationship; sometimes, it doesn’t matter how strong the relationship between you both is, if your man is more physical than spiritual, he is more likely to cheat.

You can try to keep it from happening if you develop a strong relationship between you both, including emotional security. If you see he is acting differently, then do bring up the matter to him, but be careful how you do it.

Role of Sexual Transmutation

Like mentioned before, men are either spiritual or physical. This depends on how they make use of their sexual drive. Yes, it’s going to be a bit awkward here, but you better continue reading. When men establish control over their sex drive or energy, they can use as a fuel to achieve some other important goals or motivation.

This process is called sexual transmutation. Unfortunately, most men don’t know what is, and they fell victim for acting on how they are wired naturally.  In most cases, women are more resistant to their urges than men. But once again, men are biologically wired to act like this. This doesn’t translate that men should not practice control over themselves.

This control is an important part of manhood. Otherwise, men are just boys. There is a reason woman are told to treat men as children. We believe this might be it!

Issues with Men

In most cases, if men don’t have control over their urges, they are disturbed unless their physical needs are met. This issue can lead to sexual issues. The thing is, this issue combined with the following make matters a lot worse for most men:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Alcohol or drug addiction
  • Estranged Relationships
  • Mental Issues
  • Fitness Issues

How Can They Control It?

The only way to do is to increase your energy levels by working out regularly. Practice self-control and follow a well-disciplined schedule. It will help you improve yourself. It improves both your physical and mental outlook. This also helps you become a creative person and improve your relationship. Not to mention doing so can also help alleviate stress and improve your overall mood.


As you establish control over yourself, you can have a healthy sexual relationship with the love of your life. Not being derailed by this urge will keep you fresh, active, and calm. It will also help you achieve more in life as you divert your energy to something that matters.

This also inspires you to accept your current body structure. It’s a lot better to utilize this method instead of wasting yourself way because of depression. True acceptance of yourself the will plus act to improve it can help you beat off your stress and anxiety.

There Is An Actual Time And Day Your Partner Is Most Likely To Cheat On You

If you have a feeling your SO is cheating on you, it may just be a manifestation of insecurity. It may also be your intuition trying to hint at something your heart does not want to fully envision. Whatever the case may be, you may want to keep a closer eye on your partner during these specific days.

Affair-seeking website Illicit Encounters gathered data centered around when cheaters arranged hookups— right down to the day and hour. They were able to narrow down the window of cheating opportunity by analyzing thousands of messages and found it to be…

Mondays and Fridays.

The website was able to narrow it down even more.

According to the research

, there were two distinct days and times that stood out from the 600 messages sent daily. Almost 2,000 messages are sent between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Monday mornings— the most of any other day or time. A close second is between 9 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Fridays.

These both make a lot of sense when you think about it. The workweek is filled with work and family obligations. Friday evening is an ideal time for setting up a clandestine meeting, whereas Monday morning is the earliest available time to check up with a secret lover with the highest likelihood of being out of eye- and ear-sight of family.

If you do happen to catch your partner cheating, just remember it is not the end of the world. Maybe it is high time your relationship came to a close. Some relationships become even stronger after one party cheats! Whatever you do, absolutely do not be this guy.

h/t Reader’s Digest

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