Consider Gifting Experiences When Giving This Christmas

The Holidays are here and everyone is doing their online and offline shopping. Kids have their list of wants and desires and gifting for your significant other seems extra significant this year. After all, we have experienced a pandemic, climate change, supply chain woes, and economic as well as personal highs and lows this year.

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all bad. Some of us have made personal discoveries during these socially distanced times. Some of us have switched careers or started a new hobby. For me, taking on tennis has been something that has come out of this strange time. And I really love it.  And the friendships that I have made.

After being in isolation, and social quarantine for so long, the gift of community and trying new things could be the most thoughtful way to gift give this year.

Here are some thoughtful experiences that you can gift your loved one this Holiday.

Gift Cards That Get You Together

Instead of thinking big, think local. Restaurants are still struggling to make up for lost revenue from the pandemic, and fitness instructors are finally able to teach in person. Movie theaters that survived are ready for your business. So why not gift your sister a package renewal of her favorite fitness class? Or your bestie and you can sign up for dance classes together? Movie tickets for your brother and a gift card to your beaus favorite restaurant so you can have a romantic evening out. Looking at a new restaurant to try? How about taking that friend you have yet to catch up with in person? Concerts are back and so are all major events. Look at ticket centers to see who is performing and when. Gifting experiences locally not only support your community but they also encourage time with the people you love.

Plan A Trip Together

Vaccine card requirements, booster shots and a fundamental understanding of mask wearing while traveling has been established. So why not plan a trip with friends and family? Look to travel apps to find deals and book hotels. Making time for your loved on to take a trip encourages adventure and much needed time together.

Book A Spa Day

Want to catch up with your gal pals? Why not schedule some spa time. Self care is so needed after the last two years. And what better way to show your besties how much you care about them then booking them a treatment at your local spa?

Schedule A Holiday Brunch

There is nothing better than brunch with friends. So picking up the tab or buying the mimosas can be a quick on the fly present for your friends that support a shared experience.

Spend Time Indoors that is meaningful for you as a group.

Instead of justing binging on Netflix like you usually do at home. Skip the screen time and try bringing modern day meaningful games to family time this year. Games such as OuiSi, a photo card game that helps foster creativity and builds mindful connections through imagery and thoughtfulness.

Be Philanthropic

Kids can learn a lot about Social Responsibility if you gift them an endangered animal to adopt and support throughout the year. Or teach them by taking them to an animal sanctuary or gifting them a membership to an organization that could use support this year. Check out Charity Navigator for ideas.


Shop locally for experiences that your family member or loved ones are doing regularly to support their favorite habits or gift them new experiences to try.


How to make Your Christmas Gifts stand Out from Others

They say it is better to give then to receive. It is definitely true for adults, as they aim to please the people they love, by finding the right gift for them. But as Christmases come and go, it is getting harder every year, to find the one that will brighten everyone’s smile. Here are a few ideas that should help you be the best Santa, this year.

Spend Time on Details

It is true about most things we accomplish in life: The more we go into details, the better the results will be. Therefore, this Christmas, make sure that you do everything right, by thinking of things others won’t. It starts by acquiring a printed ribbon to place on each present you will offer. By having them made professionally with the message you want to spread out, people will be left speechless. You can have your name on them and a wish for all. It will guarantee that you stand out.

Don’t go for the wrapping paper you find in just about every store. No matter how intricate the print is, it is still just wrapping paper, in the end. Go to a textile store and choose a variety of them, in which you will wrap the gifts. Make sure that the print and colour fit the personality of each people. And if you can sow, make the wrapping textile a present at the same time, by turning them into beautiful scarves, as well.

Look for Information

We often spend too much time thinking about what people want, instead of looking for what they need and would be happy to receive. That is why we should ask the people around them for advice, by asking what they believe is the perfect gift. If you receive all kind of different answers, then you will have to dig deeper and find a way to ask the person directly, without him or her understanding that you are thinking of a Christmas gift. But if the answers you get are similar, or one comes up more often, then you have probably found the right Christmas gift.

Offer Something that will last through Time

Too many gifts end-up going into a closet and spending the rest of their time on earth in there. Others are simply consumed right away and forgotten in a matter of days or weeks. What you really want this Christmas is to give a present that will stay in the person’s life forever. There are many solutions, but here are two that should be taken into consideration.

A Common Gift

You can buy a piece of jewelry for someone and get the same for yourself. It will become a bond in time, that will unite the two of you, for as long as you wear it. For the wildest of our readers, why don’t you offer a matching tattoo?

An Unforgettable Trip

The other solution is to offer a trip, that you will spend together. It has to be something important, though. You can travel on the other side of the world or head to Disney – this one always works, as it will fill you and the person who received the gift, with incredible memories.

How To Give Gifts That Inspire Your Kids This Christmas

The end of the year is fast approaching, and with it comes the holiday season. It’s a time to share with family – to break bread together, eat, drink and be merry. A time for connection, love and sharing. For some families, it’s the only time of year when everyone in the extended clan gets together.


And Christmas is an especially magical time for the children in your life. Nothing can beat the sparkle in their eyes as they wake up and see the pile of gifts under the tree and stuffed in stockings. The magic of Santa is a magic they may  only experience for a few years in reality, so cherish it while it lasts.


In this helpful article, we’ll share how to shop for Christmas gifts for kids that will inspire, excite and bring them joy.


Board Games and Puzzles

Some gifts that will inspire your children are anything that will engage their brains. Board games, puzzles and other “analog” games will encourage them to get away from the tablet or console and onto a table, where they can practice problem-solving, spatial awareness, cooperation or even some light competition, depending on the game.
By encouraging them into hobbies like board games and puzzles, you could even be setting them up for a lifetime passion and interest. 


Arts and Crafts

Another inspiring gift idea for your kids this Christmas is a selection of arts and crafts activities. Again, the idea is to get them creating, imagining, and engaged in an activity that has proven benefits to wellbeing, development and behaviour.


Some examples of arts and crafts toys include things like Spirograph, sticker and activity books, modelling clay or plasticine, playdough, coloured pencils and pens and paint. 


Not all of the examples above are appropriate for all ages – for younger toddlers, the playdough is probably the best bet. On the other hand, the art materials that require more refined motor skills are probably better for kids aged four and up.


Bikes, Scooters and Skateboards

Again, this gift idea aims to get kids away from sedentary activities like video games and to feel excited and energetic. A physical activity promoting toy is a great choice and will make your kids’ Christmas extra special.


A bicycle is always a safe bet, and chances are, as your kids’ age, they will outgrow their bikes after a year or two and need a bigger one. Other ideas are scooters (three-wheeled for the younger ones) and skateboards. You might also want to include protective equipment, such as helmets, knee guards, elbow guards and wrist guards – safety first, after all. 



Finally, the last inspiring gift idea for Christmas this year is a collection of books. Books are gateways to imagination, inspiration, literacy and creativity. You can opt for a mix between fiction and non-fiction – kids love fantasy as much as they love learning. Try to pick books that match their interests and passions; for example, if your kid is curious about the world and science, you could choose a non-fiction science or biology book. If they’re horse obsessed, a fiction book about horse adventures is a good pick – you get the idea.


A Jolly Summary

In this article, we’ve shared how to give gifts that inspire your kids this Christmas, and we’ve focused on non-screen related ideas. From board games, puzzles through to books, and with some physical activity encouraging toys in the mix – this list is sure to assist you to buy gifts that will inspire your children to get creative, active, imaginative and aid their development. 
An added bonus to this list is that they are all activities you can do with your children, whether it’s going on a bike ride or reading to them at night, because bonding with your kids is an essential part of parenting and one you wouldn’t trade for the world. 

25 Best Things About Christmas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Seriously it is, if you love Christmas time. There are so many things that happen around this time of year which make it so magical. From the trees, to the snow, to the food, to the gorgeous Christmas ornament collections, there are endless great things about this time of the year. But let’s be honest there are really only 25 best things about Christmas, and the holiday season to get you excited.

1. Presents Under The Christmas Tree.  Especially when it is something cool like a Encalife galaxy star projector.

2. Snow. Sure it might not always be a white Christmas, but there is always the chance for snow, and there is always that glow to everything when it does.

3. Eggnog. Eggnog is good, but spiked eggnog is the best.

4. Time with friends and family. Or friends who became family. That’s what this time of year is all about right?

5. Stockings. These are great, unless you get coal. Then that’s pretty terrible, unless you were terrible.

6. Christmas Tree. The tree is everything. After all, where do you put the presents?

7. Christmas Parties. There are so many parties during this season, everyone wants an excuse to be under mistletoe, drink spiked eggnog, and spread holiday cheer.

8. Christmas movies. Who doesn’t love to watch Christmas movies? Maybe even with your friends, or significant other?

9. Vacation Time. Okay this is probably the best thing about the season, but let’s be honest, we all love that time off, and away from doing work.

10. Christmas Lights. Walking around, driving around, just seeing all those beautiful lights, it is one of the most breathtaking views of the season. Especially when there is snow.

11. Hot Chocolate. Who doesn’t love hot cocoa this time of year?

12. Ice Skating. Do you see any sad faces skating around in the rink? No. That’s because people love to skate this time of the year.

13. Mistletoe. Who really needs a reason to kiss? But tis the season, so sneak in a few extra of those kisses.

14. Snowmen. Okay so this makes us all feel like a little kid again, but seriously who ever has a bad time building a snowman?

15. Sledding/Skiing/Snowboarding. Wherever you are in the country, you can do one of those, even on a sand dune. Who can’t smile when doing one of those during Christmas time?

16. Christmas music. Jingle Bells, Rocking Around the Christmas Tree, Let it Snow. The list goes on and on, but we all can’t help to sing along or hum with those songs.

17. Baking Christmas Cookies. Or buying them when you can’t bake. What better way to feel like Christmas time than to bake fresh holiday cookies, and maybe eat them all?

18. Time to give. Sure Christmas time is all of the things above, but it is also a time to give, give gifts, donate food, or to the Salvation Army Santas at the store. It makes us all feel good that we are helping someone else in need during the holiday season.

19. Holiday Cheer. Sure this might sound like a catchy line from Elf, but the entire season does bring that extra bounce into your step, makes you smile more, be happier.

20. Home-made meals. Or going to someone’s house who cooked the home-made meal. What better way to be in the holiday season than eating all those amazing dishes around the ones you love the most?

21. Finally putting the fireplace to use. It’s not like you can use it during the summer, so this is even more of a reason to love the holiday season.

22. Gingerbread Houses. Or what is supposed to be one, because not all the time does it look like a house, or decorated by an adult. They still taste delicious, and look gorgeous though.

23. No college classes. Let’s face it this is probably the favorite part of college, before graduation.

24. Pies Galore. And leftover pies. Yum!

25. Feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. You never grow out of the way that Christmas morning makes you feel, and you get to feel this every year the same time each year.

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