Extrapolations Is The Unanticipated Series For The Climate Warrior

We have all fallen in love with an all-star cast. From movies to series such as White Lotus, we have found that there are definitely strengths in talented numbers. The same can be said for the Anthology Series Extrapolations, currently streaming on Apple. This 8-episode (so far) single-season series by Creator and Director, Scott Z Burns writer of Contagion, The Last Days, premiered on March 17th, just in time for Earth Day 2023.

While not all of the characters connect in each episode, there is at least one singular character woven into the next episode. A sort of gentle reminder that we are all connected. And that our decisions for our planet have consequences for those who come after us.

Because we don’t ever plan on things getting that bad. Right? These unanticipated stories of how the upcoming changes to our planet will affect love, faith, work, and family on a personal and human scale are frighteningly too real. Sienna Miller speaks to a whale, and Kit Harrington reminds us how the rich get richer. None of the pitfalls in each episode are all that surprising, or even daunting. It is just eerily familiar, which creates a provocative dialogue between the characters and our own thoughts.

Now you can take a look at rotten tomatoes if you wish. And from there, you can decide that you are not interested in a “cinematic lecture” about climate change and human judgment. Or, you could swallow your streaming pride, take a deep breath and watch the series with an open mind. Only then will you see what Scott is trying to desperately achieve.

You see, Extrapolations is not a futuristic adventure, it is simply a mirror of where we already are. Sure, the series time-jumps through each episode starting in 2037 taking us well over 2070, but this is not Buck Rogers or Battlestar Galactica. There are no evildoers, aliens, or masterminds out to destroy the world and humanity as we know it. The only bad guys are us.

It may be difficult to watch, us on our very own, continuously make damning mistakes that insult and deteriorate our own resources. With every episode, you are reminded of the simplicity of life’s pleasures. And you see their true value as they are removed from our ecosystem. With each talented character, Scott reveals the common bond that ties us through time. You also see their regret for past ancestral errors and continuous decline with inhumane behaviors. Scott reminds us that the generation facing the mess next, are children, making them the teachers in a declining climate society.

The truth is, we are already making these errors, and we all know it. Maybe that isn’t entertainment. And it is not a documentary because these exact events have not actually happened yet. But as the series so brilliantly explains, every step we make in the wrong direction creates the degrees of climate destruction.  The only hope we have is that a series like this is made to make us stream, critically think, assess and perhaps, be the change.


8 Interior Home Decor Ideas That Are Sustainable

Sustainable home decor is important because it’s the way of the future. As the conversations surrounding ozone layer depletion and global warming increase, it’s important to find ways to sustainably create lifestyles for the health of Mother Nature and the next generations. This even includes the way you decorate your home. If you don’t know where to get started, consider eight home decor ideas that are sustainable.

Invest in Well-Made Pieces

If you’re purchasing coasters, the last thing you want is for them to be ineffective. This is why it’s wise to avoid cheaply made items. Sure, it might be cheaper to buy simple coasters. However, when you purchase high-quality modern coasters, you’re getting finely-crafted, effectively absorbent options that will last a long time. Plus, they’ll provide the sustainability you’re looking for.

Start with Second-Hand Options

The thrift store and online second-hand retailers are the first places you should visit. For starters, you’ll secure unique, well-made pieces for a fraction of the cost you’d pay in a regular furniture store. Plus, many online second-hand retailers provide auctions and the ability to make offers. When people move, they often donate a ton of items they don’t want to bring with them. This means you can easily get your hands on designer pieces, high-end furniture, and long-lasting quality.

Pay Attention to the Materials

Materials matter when you’re looking for sustainability. Consider how the items were made and the materials. When items are made with natural materials such as wood, wool, and stone, you already know you’re getting quality craftsmanship. When you invest in quality, you’ll get the most out of your newly-acquired items.

Don’t Be Led by Trends

Instead of focusing on trends, you’ll want to cultivate your own style. This is mainly because trends change constantly. By the time you spend thousands on your entire home decor set-up, the trends will change two more times. Even though everyone loves the monochromatic look right now, it’ll change quickly.

Rehab Older Items

Before you throw away that old couch, consider how you can revive it. Is it old because you don’t like the color of the couch anymore? All you need to do is get a couch slipcover as a quick fix. As a permanent fix, consider getting the entire couch reupholstered. Pick out a lovely color for fabric, pull up a YouTube video, and DIY the process. You can also call a reupholsterer to take care of the process for you. This allows you to give furniture new life and save money in the process.

Repurpose Before Tossing

If you love to burn candles that come in glass jars and vessels, you don’t have to simply recycle them when you’re done. Keep the jars and vessels for new purposes. Depending on the sizes, they can be used as vases for small flower arrangements throughout your home. Use a candle jar as a chic pencil holder. Find new uses for items that would typically get tossed.

Less is More

Do not overcrowd a space with a ton of clutter. Oftentimes, it’s said that your living space is a reflection of what’s going on in your mind. If your home looks cluttered, chances are your mind is cluttered as well. In order to streamline your look and obtain a semblance of peace, focus on getting pieces that can make a big impact. Instead of purchasing many little items that feel cluttered and get tossed eventually, focus on less.

Be Patient

It’s not uncommon for people to love instant gratification. Consequently, they end up buying the entire department store in order to have every option at their disposal. Instead of purchasing a ton of items that you’ll eventually return, take your time with the process. Pay attention to the space as you live in it. Notice what it needs. If you find yourself wanting a dinner tray, a catch-all for your keys, or space to place your books in a specific room, this will steer you in the direction of the items you need to purchase.


Decorating a home is a large undertaking. Whether you live in an apartment or a large single-family home, it’s easy to feel the pressure of getting everything right. Then, adding the sustainable concept can be understandably intimidating. Thankfully, when you implement these tips, you’ll be able to create a home environment that honors the need for sustainability yet remains pleasing to the eye.

Top 10 Apps That Can Help Fight Climate Change

Humans have had a negative impact on the environment. There is deforestation, waste in the ocean, and rising CO2 levels. Luckily, there are many things that we can do to reduce the effects on the environment. If you want to help fight global climate change, your smartphone can help you. Here are some apps that can assist you in this.

1. Milkywire:

This App allows you to support grassroots organizations worldwide. You will receive updates about the effects of your donation directly from the people on the ground. It’s an environmental sustainability platform that enables the optimization of your contribution, allowing you to get closer and observe your influence. Undoubtedly, this app is your way to make a difference to the environment.

Download these app and support the United Nations Global Goals. 


This is a carbon choice App that educates you on the amount of Co2 you omit with specific actions and the carbon footprint you leave after you. Moreover, it tries to simplify climate change, CO2 emissions, and greenhouse gas emissions. Users begin by tracking their intake in four major areas over a period of a week (showers, entertainment, travel, and food).

3. Skeptical Science:

This app will make all skeptics tremble. The software provides the latest science to refute the arguments, misconceptions, and disinformation of people who refuse to acknowledge the existence of climate change. There are several graphs and figures featured throughout the app. Also, it gets regularly updated with new data, papers, and arguments which are based on primary scientific research.

The climate emergency necessitates action from all of us 

4. Voodoo Skies Normal or Not:

This App tells us if the weather is historically correct or not. It compares the present climate in a region to historical temperature and rainfall trends for that day in the past. It analyses the weather records’ database to do this. The App also provides a 5-day prediction and compares current forecasts to previous ones.


This British Gas app can keep your energy usage in check while on the go. It allows you to see how much it costs to leave your charging cable plugged in all the time or to leave the heaters on at night. Once you know your consumption, you can begin making changes to consume less and save more on your bills.

Save Money Support Environment 

6. Power Pup:

An Australian sea lion pup leads you on an energy adventure journey and an entertaining/educational world in this app. With this, learn energy-saving tips on protecting the oceans from climate change. Examine energy-saving techniques to help safeguard seas from the effects of climate change as you explore the Great Southern Oceans, evade foes, and race against rising water temperatures.

7. Commute Greener:

With this app, you can change your everyday commuting routine. It provides UK residents with different ways to measure carbon dioxide emissions emitted throughout their daily travel. For example, you can participate in commuting by car, bus, bicycle, or other means of transport. Also, to make it more enjoyable, you may earn points and even compete with friends.

Let us fight climate change together 

8. Chasing Ice:

The official app of the documentary film Chasing Ice. It is an audiovisual trip via nature photographer James Balog’s Extreme Ice Survey’s spectacular arctic findings. It squeezes years into seconds and captures mountains of Ice in motion as they melt at a surprising rate. Moreover, it uses groundbreaking time-lapse cameras to record multi-year records of the world’s shifting glaciers.

For a peaceful planet, let’s combat climate change 

9. Pollution:

Now you can track pollution with the help of technology. Furthermore, with an interactive map and a complete list of nearby fossil fuel plants, this app informs you about pollution levels in your neighbourhood. Moreover, it provides you with information on potential local health hazards while keeping you informed with regular database updates. This is an app for active environmentalists.

For every step counts, act now 

10.Climate Counts:

Concerned about climate change? With this app, put your money to work by supporting the right companies. Create a change by voting with dollars for every purchase! Companies are ranked based on how well they deal with climate change, so you may shop with the high scorers and send comments to the poor scorers pushing them to take climate action.

Bonus App AlertMe Energy: This App determines if your community is doing its part to reduce carbon emissions. Determine the average annual energy expenditure per home in your location, the amount of electricity/gas consumed, and the amount of carbon emitted. Then compare your borough to others in the UK regarding energy use and CO2 emissions, with the aid of the App.

Use apps, fight climate change, and save the world 

So, let us all make a difference and put our smartphones to excellent use today. Make minor modifications in daily habits, and soon we can lower our carbon impact and perhaps achieve carbon neutrality. Lastly, if we all work together to do this, we will surely better the environment around us. Fortunately for us, there are great Apps to tackle this.

Teach Your Kids Fun Ways to Be Energy Efficient

Teaching your kids to be more energy efficient is important because it helps them develop beneficial habits early on. Once adopted, they will abide by these rules without thinking, which means that they won’t have to feel the pressure of having to readjust to a new way of things, like some of us have.

Then, there’s the pragmatic reason to teach your kids to be energy efficient. A light bulb in their room will waste as much energy as the one in your own bedroom. In other words, if you want to turn your home into a more energy-efficient place, you need to take a more holistic approach.

Most importantly, you should use these lessons to spend some quality time with your kids. If you can make it fun along the way, even better. Here are several ideas to help you out.

Make the Lesson Relatable

One of the biggest challenges in teaching your kids about being energy-efficient is not in explaining how but why this is so important. Sure, there are a lot of things that you say that your kids will take for granted. If you tell them to switch off the lights as they leave their room, the chances are that they won’t question this much. However, if you manage to explain why they should care, you can achieve far more.

Tell them about the way in which electricity is produced and about the limited resources on our planet. You would be surprised at just how much kids can understand. Then, show them, in a matter of a test, what it would be like to live in a world without electricity. Take a couple of hours per day without any electrical device whatsoever. Try to explain that while this may seem like a fun game, without enough responsibility, this could eventually become a regular thing.

Stage a Quiz

One of the ways to help them learn and develop awareness is to stage a quiz. This way, you can gamify the experience. You can further incentivize their learning process if you add prizes or, even better, prize tiers depending on the number of right answers.

For instance, whenever you try to teach them a lesson, tell them a number of important points that they should memorize. After you do X, you should always do Y in order to save energy. This way, you get to formulate questions in a simple form and check if they’ve really memorized something. If you create ambiguity while formulating a question, you won’t know for sure if they failed to memorize or if you’ve just confused them by being unclear.

Keep in mind that you need to take an active interest in their other educational pursuits. The chances are that their school or educational institution will have its own program on how to be more energy efficient. You can also check out this curriculum and ask questions based on it. This way, you’re also encouraging their formal education.

Find the Right Medium

It comes as no surprise that children are more receptive to mediums that they see as immersive and fun. In other words, they’re more likely to learn something if they see it in a cartoon, a video game, or a YouTube video. Fortunately for you, in today’s day and age, there’s no shortage of such content.

Cartoons like Sesame Street, Captain Planet, and The Octonauts are great for teaching your kids to be more environmentally friendly. You can also find Bill Nye the science guy for them online, and let them watch it. The show has aged like fine wine, and it might help your kids get a completely new perspective on the subject matter.

Naturally, you can go a step further and teach your kids to turn their consoles and computers off when not playing. Fortunately, all modern consoles have the save progressfunction, which means they can pick up where they left. If your kid is a PC gamer, you can get them an SSD which will reduce the time it takes to boot up and shut down their computer. Seeing as how this will make turning the device on and off easier, it will persuade them to do so more frequently.

Lead By Example

Everything you say will have a certain weight to it only if you live by your own rules. In other words, reprimanding your kids for not turning the lights off when they left the room and then forgetting to do so yourself doesn’t make the best impression.

Sure, you can turn this into a lesson, mention it as your fault and try to atone. However, asking them to do something that you, yourself, are not committed to will make you look hypocritical. In a way, it could even hurt your overall parenting efforts, not just your efforts to develop their energy efficiency awareness.

So, when embarking on this journey of teaching them this valuable lesson, you need to become an active part of the process. Remember, you all live in the same household. It doesn’t make that much of a difference who left the appliance on when the power bill arrives.

Financial Incentive

Aside from being a generally nice thing to do and great for the health of the planet, in the long run, there’s also a financial incentive for keeping home energy-efficient. Namely, when they abide by your rules, the power bill will come in much lower than it usually would. Why not add a couple of these saved dollars to their allowance?

Most importantly, when you increase their allowance by a bit, make sure that you mention that this is due to their power-saving discipline. To make things fairer and more effective, you should give them a percentage of the money saved. That way, when they are more disciplined, they get more.

Remember that you’re doing this together. Therefore, you should all reap the benefits. This is also a way to combine teaching them how to be financially responsible with teaching them about the importance of energy efficiency. In other words, these are the two of the most valuable lessons that they will ever learn.

Take It a Step Further

Energy efficiency is just a part of a larger environmental issue, so you might want to expand your lessons a bit and take a more holistic approach to the subject matter. For instance, you could help them understand how transportation increases pollution and how buying local goods makes a difference in the big picture.

You can also teach them a thing or two about the importance of having organic ingredients on your table. In fact, you can start (with their help) the organic vegetable and herbs garden. This is a simple trick that will be a lot of fun and convey a valuable lesson. It also increases the self-sustainability of vegan households. Overall, it’s something worth thinking about.

In Conclusion

In the end, you need to understand that this lesson benefits your kids both directly and indirectly. They’re the ones who will inhabit this planet long after we’re gone, so it is your duty as a parent to teach them how to take care of it. Along the way, you will help them learn a thing or two about budgeting, health, and ethics. It’s a win-win-win scenario for every responsible parent out there.

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About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

Twelve Earth Friendly Holiday Gifts To Give This Year

Believe it or not, Halloween will soon pass us by and gift giving holidays such as Christmas, are around the corner.

This year we have seen the destructive forces of climate change. Year over year, temperatures are rising, deforestation continues, overfishing is now a global threat and wildfires, hurricanes and other natural disasters are taking a daily toll on our existence.

In order to maintain earths resources, we must change the way we use them. And we must work harder to reuse, consume less and behave more efficiently.

Here are twelve earth friendly gifts to give your loved ones this year.

1.) NordGreen Watch – Every watch sold contributes to a meaningful cause, you choose the charity and a portion of each watch sold is equally distributed between their partner NGOs. Watches are sustainably crafted with eco friendly materials and there are wood based and vegan bands too. Check them out! 

2.) Surfrider Foundation membership– Non profits such as Surfrider work globally to help preserve ocean health. Why not get your loved one an annual membership? Show them you care about the ocean and their love for it by encouraging them to help keep their local beaches healthy and clean.

3.) Consigned Clothing- check out your local clothing store and there you will find a plethora of used handbags that are designer and dazzling, amazing jackets, and jeans, jewelry and more. By shopping in a second hand store you are bringing a second life to an item instead of contributing to more resource depletion.

4.) Hand Me Down Technology. Have an old iPad or IPhone that you no longer use? Selling it for cash then using the money to gift give or simply gifting a barely used device is a great way to break the cycle and save money while saving the planets resources when gifting for your loved one.

5.) Charcoal Water Filter Sticks –will turn any ordinary water bottle into a filtration expert, naturally, and is the perfect stocking stuffer.

6. Bake Vegan Snacks You may think its trendy to be vegan. And Celebrities are often bragging about their no meat diets. In addition to a vegan diet promoting heart health, a vegan diet also helps the planet. Because animal agriculture is one of the main pollutants to our earth and its resources.

7.) Sustainable Jewelry– timeless pieces made from times past. Materials such as recycles metals, plastics and glass are used to make one of a kind jewelry pieces that not only cost less but prevent more landfill waste.

8.) A home cooked meal. Why not treat your loved on to a home cooked meal of their choice? Skip the restaurant, the commute and the wrapping paper. After all, we all know that the way to someones heart is through their stomach. And for dessert? Netflix and chill.

9.) Take An Eco Trip together. There are so many eco travel tours, hotels and excursions that will help keep the carbon footprints to a minimum while offering maximum adventure and downtime.

10.) Support local artists that support the planet. Ocean lover artists such as Wyland and Andy Davis support the ocean while providing beautiful art.

11.) Buy Cruelty Free beauty products and makeup. Vegan beauty products are good for the planet, and the animals.

12.) Invest in a bike for your loved one. Bikes are an eco friendly form of transportation and are a great way to stay fit. So gifting a bike is an excellent way to show your loved one that you care about them.

Why Give Earth-Friendly Holiday Gifts? 

Giving environmentally-friendly holiday gifts, such as the meditation pillow made from organic buckwheat hulls and the ones mentioned above is getting trendy nowadays. And anyone who’ll receive gifts such as the ones mentioned in this article will surely have a merry Christmas. Below are the reasons why these items are perfect as presents:

  • Unique: You probably noticed that eco-friendly holiday gifts are unique pieces. It creates an impact on the planet and makes a bold statement. Once you’ve found the perfect gifts that suit your loved ones, they’ll indeed have big smiles on their faces. 
  • Brings Unforgettable Experience: The best eco-friendly gifts discussed above promote health, comfort, and general well-being, providing the recipients with an experience that can be memorable and useful.
  • Preserve Mother Earth: Aside from being sustainable and functional, you can help reduce the waste generated from synthetic materials being disposed of in landfills, like plastics. 


Have you decided on the best earth-friendly presents for your family and friends? You have countless options to choose from. The best gifts are unique pieces based on the recipient’s personality and your inspiration in choosing them.

The spirit of Christmas comes from your genuine love and concern, not just for your family and friends but also for the planet. This year, try choosing earth-friendly holiday gifts for a change. Whatever you choose for your loved one this year, make sure it is a thoughtful gift that also has compassion for mother earth.

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How Businesses can Achieve Climate Goals with the Help of Customers

Every country is experiencing adverse effects of climate change. These include melting glaciers, rising sea levels, storms, drought and heatwaves. Moreover, global warming directly impacts the hydrological cycle of the Earth. It in turn leads to more evaporation and precipitation of water from the ocean. Hence, taking quick and effective measures for climate action is the need of the hour.

Businesses can play a responsible and important role in climate action. Better customer engagement should be encouraged. They can teach and promote the concept of taking care of the planet as a responsible human. To convince, persuade and reassure the customers, it is essential to engage them. Therefore, it is essential to connect with them in a meaningful and effective way.

Effective Customer Engagement 

Customer engagement includes ways to interact with customers. It includes offline and online interaction. These interactions should make customers act and feel positively. This can be done either through email newsletter or support line. Direct participation and a realistic approach will lead to great experience. This will promote outstanding sales growth and a great experience. This also guarantees satisfaction of customer.

Engaging with customers can bring positive change, and it can also promote the cause of climate action. Message can be shared among the consumers by good social media and digital marketing skills. These include posting regularly, interactive content like polls and by the concept of sharing ideas through informative videos. Interaction with the customers can create sense of connection with them.

Inclusion of Climate in Business Strategy 

Companies should include new climate strategies. It should focus on reducing carbon emissions. Carbon sources should be replaced with electricity. Gas emissions should be calculated and planned. Companies should make an effective plan. Official target should be set. Climate action strategy should be included in all the products. It should also be included in services with the vision to support climate action.

Today renewable energy sources play an important part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, efforts should be increased in promoting carbon-free energy sources. These include wind, solar and electric energy. Moreover, customers can help promote planet and environment-friendly businesses. Customers should support those companies concerned about the environment. They develop an important role in protecting, saving, and taking care of the ecosystem.

Main Role of Consumers 

Companies have started calculating carbon footprints as it has become a routine procedure. This allows better purchase decisions to be taken by consumers. Generally, consumers are more attracted towards buying products with a low carbon footprint. It poses fewer environmental risk. The cost of environmentally friendly products tends to be higher. Despite increased prices of greener products, customers would still prefer it.

Businesses can strongly tell the customers to purchase more supportable products. This causes increased demand for eco-friendly products. What’s more, invigorating the concept of Reuse, Reduce and Recycle with every product purchase can make a huge difference. In other words, saving and conserving water, energy and other resources while doing laundry and other domestic purposes. This also includes the recycling of cans.

Power of Social Influence on Climate Action 

There are effective ways to motivate and promote pro-environmental behaviors. This can be done by taking advantage of the power of social media. Telling online shoppers through advertisements and social media. Telling people to buy eco-friendly products can lead to a 65% increase in eco-friendly buying. Similarly, telling people the advantages of electric vehicles over diesel consuming vehicles can help reduce emissions.

Encouraging sustainable behaviors through incentives 

The role of business and marketing should be highlighted. It promotes sustainable behaviors among the consumers. According to the Journal of Consumer Psychology, incentives build good habits. It inspires an individual to start an action. Companies should introduce ‘reverse vending machines’. This way consumers can get monetary rewards upon recycling their plastic bottles. Similarly, shops should stop the use of polythene bags.

Mastering the art of ‘Green Marketing’ 

Green Marketing refers to an act of advertising and marketing. It includes using of eco-friendly and environmentally safe products. The combination of green with 4P’s of marketing leads to Green Product, Green Price, Green Place and Green Promotion. Eco-marketing catches consumer’s attention by tagging Products. It includes ozone-friendly, organic and recyclable terms. The purpose of this is to inspire eco-friendly business practices.

Businesses and companies can encourage customers to promote green marketing. Eco-friendly, non-polluting and recyclable products should be bought. Companies should start make appliances that do not harm ozone layer. Consumers should be asked to go for either evaporative coolers or appliances that do not use harmful chemicals. Appliances such as Air Conditioner causes reduction of ozone layer. It leads to global warming.

An Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Climate Action 

It is important to reduce the harmful effects of climate change. It can be done through combined interdisciplinary point of view. Every individual should play its part as a responsible human. Planet Earth is our home. We should take steps by bringing people together from all walks of life. From business owners to consumers. From scientists to farmers. It’s our beautiful Earth.

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The Australian Wildfire Disaster-How To Help

The Facts -The Australian Wildfires


Many images have been shared on social media and everyone is saddened by the horrific fires in Australia. And as we look at the facts, where does the opportunity lie for all of us to step up and help?


Since Sept 2019, over 17 million acres of Australia has burned. And it is now considered the worst fire season to date.


Although the fires are spread throughout the Australia State, they are mainly concentrated around the southeast coast of Australia in New South Wales and Victoria.

Death Toll

Over 27 people were killed in the tragedy. And it is estimated that over 1 billion animals were lost.

The loss of wildlife does not begin to scratch the surface as to the long term affects of a fragile and extremely important ecosystem. The amount of plant life and the biodiversity in Australia is huge and the loss will have a tragic consequences.

Air Quality

The air quality in Sydney alone is extremely poor and it is expected to worsen. The amount of smoke and small, fine, pollutant particles is massive and the smokey air is circumnavigating the planet.

Structural Damage

Over 2000 homes were destroyed. And thousands have had to evacuate their homes. With power and fuel supplies compromised. Thus, the Australia life as they know has come to a grinding halt.

Concerns of physical isolation, depression, and severe anxiety has plagued many towns. And although there was some rain last week, the dry hot winds and extreme heat continue through this week. So the fire damage at this point seems far from over.

How did this happen?

The fires broke out during a record breaking heat wave. With some of the fires due to lightening and arson. However, it is the Climate Crisis that created the underlying conditions. And environment for this type of destruction. The past year was the hottest season for Australia on record. And the hot, dry winds and rising temperatures continue to heat up the Southern Hemisphere.

The combination of drier weather and rising heat has made the vegetation, kindling. And unfortunately a longer more brutal fire season now lies ahead.

So while you cannot blame climate change only for the current events, climate change is what makes the current conditions so severe.

How You Can Help?

The government response has been minor. And due to road closures, emergency services have had a difficult time doing their jobs. But there are ways that you can help!

Celebrities such as Chirs Helmsworth, Elton John, Lizzo, Pink, Phoebe Walter-Bridge, Serena Williams, Cate Blanchett, Shawn Mendes, Nicole Kidman, Kyle Jenner, The Irwins and many, many others have volunteered and donated to help Australia manage this devastation.

Here are some ways that you can help.

Australia Government created National Firefighter Recovery Agency which helps fund firefighters.

If you are in Australia – GIVIT has a list of specific items needed by the people and organizations affected.

If you are in Queensland and have emergency response training you can sign up to volunteer here 

The World Wildlife Fund is collecting donations to restore habitats for koalas impacted by the fires

You can donated to the Australian Red Cross fire recovery and relief fund.

And share and repost these links.

Let us all show our love and support for Australia our Mother Earth and all beings.

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