A Stripper Is Making Some Illuminating Comics About Her Work

Jacq the Stripper is both and artist, and as her name implies, a stripper. Online and in real life, Jacq is a fierce advocate for the rights of sex workers and anyone who makes their living from dancing. All that and she paints and draws, too. According to Someecards, Jacq just released her own comic book called STRIPTASTIC! It’s a collection of illustrations that share her personal philosophy about stripping and little vignettes into her and her co-workers’ daily experience.

What the comics mostly illustrate is that every job is just a job. If you dance and take off your clothes every day for money, it quickly becomes pretty mundane. It also seems like Jacq thinks many people misunderstand what exactly strippers provide. They’re not just getting naked, they’re often asked to listen, deal with men’s psychological issues, and also have to deal with some annoying customer service issues. After reading Jacq’s comics, you’ll never consider not tipping again.

Jacq’s shared the secret underwear code she’s become familiar with:

What she really thinks about the stereotype of having “daddy issues.”

But Jacq doesn’t just joke about men, she has a bone to pick with other women who consider themselves feminist, but who don’t include the perspective of actual sex workers when they’re discussing sex work. It seems like in Jacq’s opinion, a lot of women who have never done sex work have too many opinions about it.

But she also makes it clear that everyone has a different perspective on why they get into stripping. Different strokes for different folks:

Though the girls always help each other out. There is such a thing as solidarity, especially around tampon strings:

There’s also some good life hacks, if anyone is taking some very specific liberties with you:

Jacq is turning her job into art, even though it basically already is:

And anyone who reads her book will know exactly how to act the next time they go to the club. Approach the dancers with respect and a fist full of dollar bills.

30+ Comics That Perfectly Describe What Being In A Long-Term Relationship Is Like

Being in a long-term relationship seems like it’s an amazing accomplishment–you get to spend all your time with your best friend who is also the love of your life. But, there are moments that are simply annoying, hilarious, or hard to deal with.
Continue reading 30+ Comics That Perfectly Describe What Being In A Long-Term Relationship Is Like

Jared Leto As The Joker in Suicide Squad

Singer/actor Jared Leto is The Joker in Suicide Squad. 

Ryan Gosling was initially approached about the part, but was unwilling to sign on for a multi-movie deal, according to TheWrap.com.

Tom Hardy and Will Smith were in negotiations to join the cast, while The Wolf of Wall Street’s Margot Robbie has reportedly signed on to play The Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn, according to Collider.com.

Jesse Eisenberg made an appearance as his new Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice character Lex Luthor.

Fury’s David Ayer directed the movie, based on the comic book series about a group of supervillains who are given a chance to redeem themselves in a deadly mission.

The film hit U.S. theatres on August 5th.

Leto’s Joker was a heavily tattooed gangster who was obsessive with Harley Quinn (played by Margot Robbie). His performance was divisive, with some critics praising his commitment to the role and others finding him to be too try-hard or even cringe-worthy.

One of the biggest criticisms of Leto’s Joker was that he was just too different from previous iterations of the character. The Joker is typically portrayed as a sadistic and chaotic agent of anarchy, but Leto’s Joker was more of a mob boss.

Another criticism was that Leto’s Joker was not given enough screen time to develop the character. This was likely due to the fact that the film had a large cast of characters, all of whom needed screen time.

Despite the criticism, Leto’s Joker was a memorable part of it and  Whether you loved him or hated him, he was definitely a character that people were talking about.

It is worth noting that Leto’s portrayal of the Joker was not well received by the new director of the Suicide Squad franchise, James Gunn. This means that it is unlikely that we will see Leto reprise the role in any future DC Comics films.

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