Husbands Confess The Craziest Secrets They Keep From Their Wives

There’s no such thing as a perfect marriage. Even the healthiest relationships have their secrets, but some secrets are far worse than others.

Take these husbands, for example, who are confessing the craziest things they’ve kept from their wives and oh, boy.

1. Some have different tastes.

2. Some aren’t as happy as they seem.

3. Some have been unfaithful.

4. Others have secret side jobs.

5. Things happen when she’s gone.

6. Everyone has a hidden past.

7. Some have secret hobbies.

8. He knows her secrets.

9. He stepped out with more than one mistress.

10. His lies go too deep.

11. He has untold curiosities.

12. He flirts behind her back.

13. He thinks about her friends.

14. He hides his good deeds.

15. He fell for her best friend.

16. He’s busy without her.

17. He can’t tell her he’s unhappy.

18. He has secret fetishes.

19. He’s been trying other things.

20. He’s on dating apps behind her back.

What These Women Really Think About Men Who Are Uncircumcised

We talk about sexual preferences a lot—things we like, things we don’t like, and just experiences in general. However, one aspect that doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is circumcision.

Some people prefer their partner to be circumcised, while others could care less. Personally, I don’t feel it’s my place to judge someone for something they have no control over. It’s not like they were consulted at infancy as to whether or not they wanted to be one way or the other.

That being said, it’s also okay to have your preferences. Whisper consulted women on their opinions regarding uncircumcised guys and their responses might just surprise you.

1. People are so quick to judge.

2. It’s a dealbreaker for some.

3. For others, it’s a huge bonus.

4. It can depend on the person.

5. Some people just aren’t fans.

6. It’s not for everyone.

7. Cleanliness is important.

8. Again, cleanliness.

9. Different doesn’t have to be bad.

10. Amen.

11. Some are on the opposite end of the spectrum.

12. Don’t kick it ’til you try it.

13. Truth.

14. There’s definitely an upside.

15. Just one person’s opinion.

16. It doesn’t have to be a secret.

17. They’re a rare breed.

18. Agreed.

19. It’s not even a factor for some.

20. Others prefer their guys au naturale.

23 Of The Most Ridiculous Things Roommates Stole From Each Other

Anyone who has ever lived with roommates knows it can be a gamble. Most people have at least one horrible ex-roommate story to tell and if they don’t, it might be because they were the horrible roommate.

Some roommates are messy, some are loud, some are late on rent, and the worst ones aren’t afraid to steal from you. At least, that’s what these people discovered and they’re telling Whisper all about the weirdest things they discovered missing after a roommate left.

1. But why?

2. That’s just messed up.

3. Well, time to treat yo’ self to a trip to Sephora and send them a bill.

4. What kind of a prank is that?

5. I would be too.

6. This roommate should really sue.

7. For soda?

8. Who would do such a horrible thing?

9. Tell the doctor.

10. Honestly, who steals a fork?

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11. Jokes on her.

12. What goes around, comes around.

13. Call the police, seriously.

14. Wow, just wow.

15. Whoa there, that might be a little too far.

16. That sucks.

17. Who does that?

18. Ewwww.

19. Kick her out.

20. They’re like $1!

21. Nicely played.

22. Damn, that’s rough.

23. Nah, good job sir.

21 Guys Explain Why They Send D*ck Pics

Anyone who has ever been the unsuspecting recipient of a dick pic knows how truly assaulting it can be on the eyes. Not to say the subject of the photo is unattractive, but most of us aren’t excited by the idea of some random genitals showing up in our DM’s without permission. So, why do guys do it?

Well, fortunately, several men decided to answer that exact question on Whisper and their responses might just surprise you…or not at all.

1. It’s all about the rush.

2. It’s an insecurity thing.

3. Sometimes it’s just to liven up a conversation.

4. Maybe it’s just for kicks.

5. It’s an ego boost.

6. Sometimes it’s just a couple thing.

7. It lays the groundwork.

8. It helps with low self-esteem.

9. To manage expectations.

10. Sometimes we have to turn the tables.

11. And sometimes they do it just to offend us.

12. It’s just lazy.

13. They’re hoping for something in return.

14. They assume it’s what we want.

15. It gives them a heads up.

16. Some men just need feedback.

17. Some like it when we’re mean.

18. It’s not just for you.

19. It makes them feel special.

20. It’s just for a reaction.

21. They’re fishing for compliments.

20 Homewreckers Reveal Why They Broke Up A Marriage

Relationships are complicated, but they become infinitely more difficult when one partner is, let’s say, already married. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for marriages to fail these days and often times someone else is in the mix.

These homewreckers are confessing their dirty deeds to Whisper and we honestly don’t know how to feel.

1. The urge to confess is overwhelming.

2. Sometimes the truth has to come out.

3. Sometimes it’s about the thrill.

4. Not a lick of remorse here.

5. Mistakes happen too.

6. At least you know.

7. The guilt will eat away at you.

8. Love is never easy.

9. Sometimes it’s for a reason.

10. You both did.

11. Desperation makes us do crazy things.

12. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

13. The heart wants what the heart wants.

14. It’s important to listen to your conscience.

15. Incorrect.

16. Does that make it better?

17. Well, good for you.

18. It’s all a power trip.

19. Yup, that’s for sure.

20. Damn.

20 Hilarious Times Women Emasculated Their Boyfriends

Masculinity is a fragile thing. Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship with a guy who isn’t quite secure in himself can attest to the delicate nature of their manhood.

Women are telling Whisper about the times they hilariously emasculated their boyfriends and sorry boys, but it’s pretty great.

1. When she showed off her mechanic skills.

2. When she poked fun at his size.

3. When she made more money than him.

4. When she had a more physically-demanding job.

5. When things went a little too quickly for her.

6. When she chopped wood.

7. When she laughed at his manhood.

8. When she let him be the little spoon.

9. When she called him adorable.

10. When she helped foot the bill.

11. When she was brutally honest with him.

12. When she knew more about sports.

13. When she hustled him.

14. When she joined the military.

15. When she returned the favor.

16. When she was stronger than him.

17. When she called it “weeny”.

18. When she wore the pants.

19. When she flexed her muscles.

20. When she giggled at him.

26 Ladies Who Hate Receiving Oral Dish The Dirty Details About Why They Dislike It

Intimacy is an important part of any relationship and real intimacy relies on open communication. Once you’re comfortable enough with someone to tell them your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, that’s when you know you’ve got something good.

For instance, one partner may assume their counterpart enjoys oral when in fact it makes them uncomfortable and they’d rather avoid it altogether. This is a vital conversation to have.

Take it from these women who shared with Whisper the reasons why they strongly dislike receiving oral pleasure.

1. Some find it unsanitary.

2. Some people just don’t like it.

3. It doesn’t always feel good.

4. It causes a bad reaction for some.

5. It doesn’t bode well with someone who has OCD.

6. It’s something you can’t explain.

7. Prickly beards don’t feel good down there.

8. Maybe it’s an insecurity thing.

9. It’s not for everyone.

10. There was a bad first experience.

11. It can be uncomfortable.

12. It makes kissing taste different.

13. The other person might not enjoy it.

14. Some people just really hate it.

15. It’s awkward.

16. The excuse that always works.

17. All the awkwardness.

18. Regardless of the technique, it doesn’t feel good.

19. Some partners aren’t very good at it.

20. Again, not for everyone.

21. Guys aren’t always the best at it.

22. Each one is like a snowflake.

23. Some people are just givers.

24. It’s not weird.

25. All about preference.

26. Maybe it’s just not your kind of thing.

19 People Confess What Was Going Through Their Heads As They Lost Their V-Cards

Your first time is never quite what you imagine it to be. There’s no magical feeling of change that washes over you the moment you lose your virginity—it’s awkward and uncomfortable but, like anything, with practice it gets better.

At least we can find comfort in the fact that everyone experiences this graceless first encounter. In fact, some have gone as far as to tell Whisper what thoughts were running through their minds during the moment they gave up their v-card and it’s honestly amazing.

1. This person decided to keep it to themselves.

2. They’re not all winners.

3. Some are a little too quick.

4. But they try their best.

5. Some let their minds wander.

6. Some were in disbelief.

7. Others enjoyed a little role play.

8. It’s not all rainbows and butterflies.

9. Just trying to keep the volume down.

10. And it can be less than impressive.

11. This person overthought everything.

12. And this one couldn’t be bothered.

13. This question never goes away.

14. And this is extremely accurate.

15. Sometimes size does matter.

16. Good study material really helps.

17. It’s over before you know it.

18. It’s your story to tell.

19. Just own what you have.

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