We talk about sexual preferences a lot—things we like, things we don’t like, and just experiences in general. However, one aspect that doesn’t get talked about as much as it should is circumcision.
Some people prefer their partner to be circumcised, while others could care less. Personally, I don’t feel it’s my place to judge someone for something they have no control over. It’s not like they were consulted at infancy as to whether or not they wanted to be one way or the other.
That being said, it’s also okay to have your preferences. Whisper consulted women on their opinions regarding uncircumcised guys and their responses might just surprise you.
Anyone who has ever lived with roommates knows it can be a gamble. Most people have at least one horrible ex-roommate story to tell and if they don’t, it might be because they were the horrible roommate.
Some roommates are messy, some are loud, some are late on rent, and the worst ones aren’t afraid to steal from you. At least, that’s what these people discovered and they’re telling Whisper all about the weirdest things they discovered missing after a roommate left.
1. But why?
2. That’s just messed up.
3. Well, time to treat yo’ self to a trip to Sephora and send them a bill.
Anyone who has ever been the unsuspecting recipient of a dick pic knows how truly assaulting it can be on the eyes. Not to say the subject of the photo is unattractive, but most of us aren’t excited by the idea of some random genitals showing up in our DM’s without permission. So, why do guys do it?
Well, fortunately, several men decided to answer that exact question on Whisper and their responses might just surprise you…or not at all.
1. It’s all about the rush.
2. It’s an insecurity thing.
3. Sometimes it’s just to liven up a conversation.
Relationships are complicated, but they become infinitely more difficult when one partner is, let’s say, already married. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for marriages to fail these days and often times someone else is in the mix.
Intimacy is an important part of any relationship and real intimacy relies on open communication. Once you’re comfortable enough with someone to tell them your likes and dislikes in the bedroom, that’s when you know you’ve got something good.
Your first time is never quite what you imagine it to be. There’s no magical feeling of change that washes over you the moment you lose your virginity—it’s awkward and uncomfortable but, like anything, with practice it gets better.
At least we can find comfort in the fact that everyone experiences this graceless first encounter. In fact, some have gone as far as to tell Whisper what thoughts were running through their minds during the moment they gave up their v-card and it’s honestly amazing.
14. NotTodaySatan1met Jason Mraz, who is a really nice guy it turns out!!!
Jason Mraz once bought me a beer after a show, then walked me to my car afterwards because it was late and I was alone.This was June 2003.He was super nice. EDIT: Jason if you see this, you were super nice to an awkward girl.Thanks man.Ps you totally could have gotten laid.
my ex met gene simmons a few weeks ago at a convention.after getting a picture with him he asked her for her phone number because according to him “im doing a show later tonight and i like to bring a lot of pretty girls on the stage and you can come up.” Later she said his personal assistant blew her cell phone up stating that gene would like to have a “more personal meeting” after the show.she adores kiss its her favorite band, but said “im not banging old ass gene simmons.”
I wasn’t a groupie as such but dated a guy in a tribute band for Guns N Roses a few years ago. He and I would have sex regularly, and the “Axel” of the band suggested we have a threesome sometime.I spoke with the guy I was dating and we arranged it.He still wore his Axel getup and quoted him, asked me to call him Axel Rose and it was the most cringeworthy experience of my life.
10.According toadsherlock, Russell Brand has a sex house.Surprised?
Friend of a friend hooked up with Russell Brand a couple of years ago after one of his standup shows in London.Apparently his ‘house’ was a warehouse with multiple floors.Bedroom on the ground floor to ‘get them in and get them out’.She went back one more time.Decided he is a total creep and never returned.Don’t think she has been to see any of his shows since.
9.hopsinduo‘s friend’s mom slept with Robert Plant and got a clock:
My friends mum slept with Robert plant back in the day on a few occasions as a groupie.He gave her a clock as a present which turned out to be a clock from Royal Victoria Station in London.She talked quite fondly of the time and seemed to generally just be happy she was banging somebody attractive and good in bed.Oh and was from the best band in the world.