5 Mistakes That Can Ruin Any Dish According To Experienced Chefs.


Cooking is an art that only a handful of people can master. For others who cook, it is just a life skill that needs to be known for survival.  In either case, when you are cooking, sticking to the basic recipe is the secret to a tasty dish. Depending only upon recipe book instructions or gut feeling can sometimes prove disastrous for your dish. If you are not a professional chef who has the required experience and knowledge,  never experiment with the recipe or the ingredients. This is because your lack of experience can result in a combination of undesirable flavors that can ruin the dish. Sometimes one is not able to diagnose these mistakes at the right time resulting in a faulty dish. Here is a list of mistakes that can easily ruin a dish in no time.


Not Using The Right Tools And Utensils

From preparing ingredients for a dish to cooking it you will need a lot of tools and utensils. These tools ought to be right to ensure nothing goes wrong with your cooking process. The Damascus steel chef knives , utensils, and other cooking equipment are important factors that help in curating the perfect dish. If you are not using the right tools in the process of cooking your dish, it will not result in the best of its version. The wrong kind of knife will make your dish ingredients look disproportionate and so will the wrong utensil not cook it properly and either leave it overcooked or undercooked.



The timing and sequence of every action during the process of preparing a dish can play a huge part in how it tastes and looks. Even a minute miss can completely destroy your dish. If you are going to bake and have not added the ingredients after what is prescribed the cake will not be tasty and might not bake at all. To avoid such mishaps always follow the timings that have been prescribed by your cookbook.

Missing An Ingredient

Missing even a single ingredient in a dish is criminal. A dish as you know combines a lot of flavors which over time smell and taste different after varying the degrees of cooking. Sometimes an ingredient has a direct impact on the texture of the next ingredient that is to be added to the dish. Basically even a minute miss can completely overturn your dish.


Losing Patience

As mentioned before, cooking is an art. Witnessing the unfolding of the flavors of various ingredients during the process of preparation is an act of patience. Sometimes a dish might take longer than normal in order to completely get prepared. For this reason, being patient is imperative. The best cooks are said to have the most patience and it shows in their final dish’s taste and presentation.



Ingredient measurement is of utmost importance for any dish. In some ingredients the difference of even very few milligrams is critical. Keep your measuring tools handy to avoid any such eventuality.

Remember that a well-textured, tasty and well-cooked dish is a result of lots of experience, a perfect recipe, and the right ingredients with lots of patience. Never underestimate any such factor. If you enjoy cooking you must have realised the importance of all these factors and understood keeping all these factors in mind will definitely help you in concentrating on the enjoyable part of cooking rather than having to be anxious about the results all the time.


Valentine’s Night Hot Sex Menu: Foods for Maximum Pleasure

Hmmm… how to celebrate Valentine’s Day? I know, you could do it how ancient Romans did! Just follow these steps: 1.) Sacrifice a couple goats, a dog, and then use the blood to do face painting on two naked, laughing priests. 2.) Feast on said sacrifices. 3.) Participate in a lottery to decide who you’ll be hooking up with. Hopefully it’s not that creepy weirdo who lives down the street. 4.) In a fertility ritual, get whipped by said naked priests to ensure that you and the creepy weirdo from down the street have lots of babies.

Not your cup of tea for 2022? Kind of picky aren’t you? Well how about a stuffed red bear then? Chocolates? Flowers? OK, maybe a simpler pleasure. Ah…yes…how about hot, delightful sex? And you can add a hot, delightful meal to bring it together.  Now we’re thinking. Even though it’s always been the most popular gift since the birth of this special day, it never gets old. Probably what Saint Valentine got from his bae.

For hot sex, we want our desire to be high. We want our bodies overflowing with lust to be quenched by that special person in our lives. And we also want to have great blood flow to where we need it most. Everybody knows that males need good blood flow for sex, but most people don’t realize that it’s also critical for female sexual pleasure and arousal. In research, better blood flow was associated with greater sexual satisfaction in women.

The meal you prepare for Valentine’s day can actually help your body to experience great sex. Food affects sex hormones both in the short term and in the long run. In addition, research shows that certain foods improve the elasticity of blood vessels within a couple hours of eating them!  Other foods stiffened these blood vessels in as little as 30 minutes. This means more or less blood flow depending on what we eat for dinner.

Foods to include:

Naturally nitrate-rich foods: After eating nitrate-rich foods, like beets or spinach, nitric oxide levels rise in your body, peaking about two hours after eating. Nitric oxide promotes vascular health and dilates blood vessels, allowing for more blood to flow to our penis or vagina and clitoris. It also enhances stamina by improving the delivery of oxygen to muscles, thereby reducing fatigue. If you’re balking at the idea that spinach could make that much of a difference, consider this: In one study, participants consumed one serving of spinach. Two hours later, salivary nitrate levels rose by 800%, and arteries were measurably more elastic! Be selective about those nitrates though. We’re not talking about salami and deli meat. Leaves, celery, beets, radish, red cabbage and fennel are the best choices for great sex.

Hold the salt and eat potassium-rich foods instead: According to research, about 90% of Americans consume more salt than is considered tolerable for human consumption! This wreaks havoc on our blood vessels and inhibits their ability to deliver blood to our genitals. Research shows that one high-salt meal stiffens arteries within 30 minutes and reduces nitric oxide release. Potassium, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. It softens the delicate vascular lining and increases nitric oxide release shortly after eating it. Potassium can also offset some of the effects of salt on blood vessels.  Unfortunately most of us don’t get enough of it. Research has shown that shortly after eating a high-potassium meal, arteries are measurably more pliable. So, in your Valentine’s sex menu, be sure to include potato, yam, squash, mango, banana, oranges or leafy greens.

Polyphenols: Polyphenols are a class of antioxidant found in foods like cherries, onions, kale, broccoli, celery, citrus, apples and berries. They measurably improve vascular function after eating them, which is why they should be included in a sex menu.

Choose Omega 3 fats: According to research, testosterone will fall sharply after a very fatty meal. This has the potential to break the mood, since adequate testosterone is necessary for strong libido in males and females. A high-fat meal will also increase arterial stiffness within 2 hours. Arterial stiffness reduces blood flow and is not what we want for great sex.  On the other hand, omega 3 fatty acids, like those found in fish, though high in fat, improved the elasticity of blood vessels in the two-hour period after eating it. Good menu choices are wild salmon, or walnuts for those following a plant-based or vegan diet.

Culinary aphrodisiacs: Some aphrodisiacs have actually been studied clinically for their effect on sexual performance and libido. Saffron, for example, has a decent amount of research to support its efficacy, and makes for an exotic addition to dinner. In fact, Cleopatra often soaked in a saffron-infused bath to prepare for her lovers. Cloves are also a great choice for a hot-sex menu because they get to work very quickly. In fact, one study found that they improved desire and performance within an hour of eating them.

Put it all together to create a meal fit for St. Valentine

Put all this information together to make a hot sex-meal. For inspiration, here’s a sample Valentine’s Day menu:

Warm up:

Sex Juice: Get out your juicer (or use a blender and strain) and add:

-A bunch of fresh beets

-A small piece of ginger

-A hot pepper of your choice (if you don’t like spicy, you can use an apple)

Main Course:

Spinach Salad with red onions, broccoli and vinaigrette

Baked acorn squash spiced with aphrodisiac cloves, nutmeg and saffron

Wild salmon with fresh herbs. For vegans, top squash with walnuts for omega 3’s instead of eating fish.


Raspberry and clementine parfait

So, for the perfect Valentine’s Day, no need to think like the Romans.  Instead, think hot sex, which is always a gift worth giving. Luxuriate your body and your blood vessels to awaken all that is possible from your innate sexual physiology.

About The Author


By Christine DeLozier, author of Diet for Great Sex: Food for Male and Female Sexual Health

CHRISTINE DELOZIER, L.Ac.As an acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice, Christine DeLozier, L.Ac. specializes in sexual health, treating males, females, and all orientations and identities and helping them to develop dietary habits that support their sexual goals. As a young single mom, Christine worked as a waitress and attended the University of Rochester, studying Biology and Psychology full-time. She holds Master’s degrees in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Counseling and is a certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor. Always rather obsessed with diet, nutrition, and natural health, Christine’s philosophy is rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the physiological effect of food on the body, while honoring the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn more at ChristineDelozier.com.

7 Amazing First Date Dinner Recipes

Needs some dinner recipes for your next date? If you’re sick of the standard “dinner and a movie” date night, why not make your next first date something very special with an experience that’s just a little more intimate? There’s nothing better than a home-made meal cooked with your special pans to show your date that you’re wife or husband material, after all.

Thanks to the wide selection of easy to prepare meal recipes, you don’t need to be a professional chef to create a truly amazing meal. Here are 7 first date dinner recipes that are sure to make anyone fall in love with you.

1.    Paprika Steak and Lentils

Unless you’re cooking for a vegan or vegetarian, steak dinner recipes are very difficult to under-impress. Here is a fabulous recipe for paprika steak and lentils that is sure to impress with a beautiful selection of colors and flavors – including just a touch of dry white wine. You can always swap the steak for eggplant if you prefer to go the vegetarian route.

2.    Kale Risotto

Speaking of going veggie for your first date – why not do something super chic with kale? Most green foods are so nutritious and delicious, and they are a great way to show your date that you’re into healthy eating. The beauty of this risotto is that it’s baked. So you won’t need to stand around and stir a pan for a very long time. Alternatively, store-bought pesto is also an option if you don’t think that you will have time to make your own.

3.    Smoky Beef Tacos

Food that you can eat with your hands is always fun for a first date. These smoky beef tacos aren’t just delicious; they’re also a fantastic opportunity to laugh with your date over the mess that you both will make. You will also be able to dress your tacos up however you like with shredded cabbage, jalapenos, and more.

4.    Seared Scallops and Butter

Scallops are a super-fast and easy option for a first date meal. If you want to spend more time with your crush, and less time in the kitchen, then you can rely on a scallop recipe. You’ll even be able to cook this meal while your date is watching if you want to be extra impressive. Get the recipe for your amazing seared scallops here.

5.    Rigatoni with Broccoli and Chicken

Chicken is always a comforting ingredient to have in any meal. It’s the kind of meal that will remind your date of home – so it’s definitely a good choice if you want them to feel comfortable with you. This delicious take on chicken and broccoli is sure to get you both in the mood for cuddling on the couch. There’s plenty of rich flavors to enjoy too.


6.    Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Another tasty vegetarian recipe for people who’d rather stay away from the meat; this roasted sweet potato recipe has a mixture of tomatoes, chickpeas, and herb sauce. You can pretend that it’s your very own recipe if you like – and no-one will tell your date any different. Get the fabulous recipe here.

7.    Chicken Piccata

Finally, this is a meal that’s going to make it look like you’ve spent hours in the kitchen when really, you’ve whipped it up just before your date arrived. If you’re looking to truly wow your date, then this could be just the meal for you. Serve this Chicken piccata fresh and watch your date’s eyes light up.

Home cooking your first meal is one of the easiest ways to impress your date, instantly. You can be certain that you will delight anyone with these amazing meals. In fact, you may have a bigger chance of getting a second date using one of these recipes. And you can keep your kitchen well organized with these tips. 

5 Ways to Organize Your Kitchen and Make Your Cooking More Efficient

Organizing Your Kitchen

Need to organize your kitchen? One of the greatest problems you might have in your kitchen entails how you’re storing your food. You might end up wasting more food than necessary due to your food stores not being managed as well as you wish. The foods may not be arranged well around your property. In some cases, some foods may spoil after a while. These issues can make it harder for you to enjoy your cooking as much as you wish. It may even be harder for you to take care of your foods as necessary.

The great news is that it is possible for you to keep your kitchen organized if you plan it well enough. There are a few things you can do to make it easier for you to manage your kitchen and keep everything in this part of your house organized.

1. Create dedicated sections for specific foods.

Take a look at the foods you plan on preparing for any purpose. The foods should be arranged based on what types of foods you want to prepare and how new or old they may be. It should be easier for you to find what you want to prepare when you create the proper sections for foods that are suitable and useful for whatever you need.

You might need to get multiple containers for different food types that you want to work with. And when you organize your kitchen, include separate containers for ingredients that you might use when preparing different food types at your home.

2. Watch for how you arrange your cookbooks.

Contrary to popular belief, you can have too many cookbooks. You should arrange your cookbooks to where the most commonly used ones are the most visible. Anything that you use should be accessible soon, including both traditional cookbooks and more recent versions of magazines that you might use in your preparation efforts.

Anything that you don’t use all that often should be placed in another part of your home. These include cookbooks for the Christmas or Thanksgiving seasons.

3. Keep your cooking utensils in spots near the appliances they are to be used around.

You should look at how your cooking utensils are going to be prepared when getting them ready for use. Keep your utensils and other items closer to the appliances that you would typically link them to. Any pots or pans that you use on a stove top should be placed as close to your stove as possible. This makes it easier for you to access your stuff and to know what you should be using around the area.

You can find different items to help you with securing these cooking materials near their appropriate appliances. These include hooks for pans or shelves for bowls or trays. Anything that helps you organize your kitchen.

4. Keep items that might spoil faster at the back part of your fridge.

While you might assume that storing milk on the door to your fridge might be a good idea, you might cause the milk to spoil a little faster. Anything closer to the front of the fridge will not be as cold as other items. The back area of your fridge is the coldest part, as it is not going to be impacted by outside air as much as the front segment.

The colder temperature back there makes it easier for your items on the inside to stay colder. This is critical for dairy and meat products that might spoil faster if not kept under control. You should still be fully aware of what you are putting in there at any time, so you don’t waste your time storing things incorrectly and potentially producing more waste than what you can afford.

5. Review all containers you have to ensure they are safe and will not let in air.

Check on all the containers you use for your food storage needs. Make are the containers are airtight. You might need to replace any old containers you have to ensure they will not produce any possible leaks.

But you might also want to consider a heat-sealing tool. One that can secure your foods and prevent excess oxygen from entering the container. A heat sealer can vacuum air out and allow your food to last longer. It may also be easier for you to store your food after you seal it with a Vacuum Sealer, what with the container not being as bulky or thick as what you might find elsewhere in your home.

All of these points will help you with food storage. And they will help you organize your kitchen. This organization can help keep your food situation under control. And your cooking efforts more efficient.

7 Reasons Why You Should Marry a Man Who Cooks

Giving and taking is part of the equation in any relationship. In today’s modern world with gender stereotypes being broken down, men are increasingly open to the idea of cooking for their SOs.

After all, why shouldn’t men cook? I mean, preparing and cooking a delicious home cooked meal for your SO is incredibly romantic. From sourcing the best ingredients to serving it up, cooking is literally a labor of love.

Here are just some of the reasons why you should marry a man who cooks for you.

1. A man who cooks is more independent

In the past, women were often expected to cook and clean for their man while he sat in the den reading the paper. Nowadays in the face of changing attitudes, a man who’ll cook for you will more likely view you as his partner and not his mother.

Chances are, a man who’s been brought up learning how to cook has a healthier respect for women. Having dated guys who prided themselves on their lack of experience in the kitchen, I can tell you that macho B.S gets old real fast.

Instead, date a gentleman who treats you like the lady you are. One willing to get his hands dirty and prepares meals for the both of you.

2. Cooking is a sign of love

Believe it or not, having your SO prepare a meal can be a bonding experience for the both of you. When your man cooks for you, he’s fulfilling a survival instinct of providing his loved ones with nourishment. Besides instilling a sense of intimacy and closeness, he’s also serving up a delicious meal.

3. Balance out the chores at home

Tired after a long day at work? Maybe you’re feeling under the weather and just need to be loved. Instead of eating out, you can always get your man to prepare something hearty and delicious for you. With his cooking skills, he’ll have you feeling better in no time.

Of course men will still be men, and for the times he’s watching (or maybe betting on) the NFL, odds are he won’t be very keen to cook. Still, have some empathy for his passion and hobbies, which he should have the same for yours, then you can share the responsibilities in the kitchen on different days.

4. Have an intimate date night without the fuss

Sometimes both of you just need time to one another. Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary or just looking to have a date, eating out can sometimes be a pain. From parking woes to dodgy restaurant service, wouldn’t it be better if you both sat down to a romantic dinner at home?

You’ll both be able to enjoy an intimate experience from the comfort of your own home over a delicious home cooked meal.

5. You’ll both save money

Eating is an expensive affair so why not just have a meal at home. If the both of you can cook, you’ll be able to exchange kitchen duties and cut down on ordering in. Over time, it’s easier the relationship and your bank account.

6. You’ll be the envy of your friends

Besides looking oh so sexy, a guy who cooks is a real catch in today’s world. Forget gender stereotypes, your girlfriends will literally turn green with envy when they see your Instaperfect posts of your man’s home cooking.

7. He’s more creative

Creativity adds color to any relationship. Cooking is a creative affair which stimulates the mind and chances are, a man who cooks is more adventurous and willing to try new things. Both of which are great for any relationship.

Relationships are a partnership and a two-way street. Be with the guy who completes you and greets you with a delicious breakfast every morning.

4 Reasons Cooking With Your Partner Is The Best Thing You Ever Do For Your Relationship

While the health dividends brought on by choosing to cook at home are both plentiful and apparent, the relationship benefits are less often discussed. That’s right, relationship benefits!

For not only does cooking produce dozens of mentally and physically therapeutic side-effects (culinary therapy is currently being used to treat everything from depression and anxiety to eating disorders, ADHD and addiction), doing it with your partner has its own set of wonderful perks. Such as the following:

1. It’s good for your sex life.

In a 2016 study, researchers found that one in five Americans “say someone who is a good cook turns them on the most – the exact same amount (19 percent) as those who are most turned on by a nice body.” I encourage you to pause and really let that statistic sink in. A huge number of people are as turned on by cooking acumen as they are by hot bodies.

Indeed, a 2014 article by the Washington Post bore the headline, “Couples Who Share Housework Have The Most And Best Sex Lives.” That’s because tensions over unfair housework division are directly correlated to the likelihood of divorce—which is initiated twice as often by women than by men.

2. It increases your emotional bond.

Couples who do stuff together, stay together. A 2010 study by Stel & Vonk joins an ever-growing body of research that shows doing an activity with your partner creates a context in which the two of you can coordinate your actions.

This sort of nonverbal mimicry “helps people feel emotionally attuned with one another, and those who experience or engage in it tend to report greater feelings of having ‘bonded’ with their partner,” according to Psychology Today.

3. It strengthens communication.

But emotional bonds are strengthened in less subtle ways, too. Cooking together means spending quality time together—time spent discussing the events of the day, the future, ambitions and dreams. Time spent truly communicating. Without communication, the relationship is doomed.

According to Dr. Terri Orbuch, who headed up the Early Years of Marriage Project, most couples who have fallen into the routines of life only think they are communicating, when in fact what they’re really talking about is what she calls “maintaining the household,” or discussing chores, to-do lists, finances, etc. On the other hand, couples who do fun and challenging activities together have more time truly getting to know one another.

Lounging on the couch, staring at Instagram while a Netflix movie plays in the background does not count.

4. It boosts your physical health and mental wellbeing.

The phrase “you are what you eat” resides in the common vernacular for good reason: it’s true! The better you treat your body, the healthier foods you eat, the happier you’ll be. A recent study published in the American Journal of Public Health discovered that for every serving of fruits and veggies consumed, participants felt happier and more satisfied with their lives. Treat your body good, look good, feel good, and your relationships will undoubtedly thrive.

If you’re looking to strengthen your relationship with your partner (or with yourself!), the kitchen is an accessible, affordable, and fun place to start. Put on a catchy playlist, pop a bottle of cabernet, and whip up that shrimp scampi dish you’ve been wanting to try for months.

25 Things to Know Before Dating a Vegetarian

If you find yourself dating a vegetarian, you’ll soon realize that there are more positives than negatives. As much as you enjoy eating meat, you’ll find out that you love your significant other even more. It may be difficult at the beginning of your relationship, but everything will work itself out eventually.

  1. They don’t like getting called out at restaurants for eating differently than others.
  2. They probably get plenty of protein, so there’s no need to be concerned.
  3. Many vegetarians are incredible cooks.
  4. They tend to be very creative with how they substitute protein into their diet. Be open-minded.
  5. If you love trying out many kinds of food, you’re in luck.
  6. Indian food is perfect for date night. Just a thought.
  7. You’ll always have to check out the menu for vegetarian options before you make a reservation.
  8. There’s a huge difference between vegetarian and vegan. You’ll learn quickly.
  9. If your significant other is vegetarian, it doesn’t mean they’re going to make you be one too.
  10. Being a vegetarian doesn’t mean they love vegetables. It could actually be the complete opposite.
  11. They’ll tend to talk about their vegetarianism often, but at least they’re passionate and believe in something strongly.
  12. It’s likely that they’ll show strong signs of commitment to you and staying vegetarian.
  13. Don’t tell them that they’re missing out. They hate when people tell them that.
  14. Do your best to try and not tempt them to try meat. Not chill.
  15. No matter what you’ll always love the smell of bacon…
  16. Tell your S.O. that you don’t want to eat turkey bacon or any other meat alternatives.
  17. There will be a never-ending debate on the fact that not eating meat is healthier. Try to avoid the subject.
  18. Especially when people constantly ask them if they’re ever going to eat meat again.
  19. Don’t worry at all, they won’t judge you for eating meat.
  20. Just like you shouldn’t judge them for not eating meat.
  21. Get used to the fact that they’re going to always check the ingredients in practically everything they eat…
  22. …It’s seriously not a big deal at all. You’ll get used to it.
  23. They can’t even touch or even look at any type of meat.
  24. Yes, it will be annoying at times dating a vegetarian.
  25. Despite the fact that they don’t eat meat, you still love them.

Opposites attract.

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