Living With Anxiety

Anxiety is something that I have struggled with since I was little. They called me the worrier of the family. As we all go through this uncertain time in life I am sure we all feel that our anxieties are a a higher level than normal. 


My anxiety in particularl always feels high. Now you throw a global pandemic into the mix and my anxiety level is off the charts. So here are some things I am doing to manage: 


Hot Shower

This is something that has always helped me calm down. I even find it helpful when my anxiety is really high is to lay in the tub and listen to the water fall. It reminds me of the rain. With a few deep breaths I can feel the anxiety coming down. 


Talking to a Friend

We are all feeling a little isolated right now so this will help your friend as well. So far I have had FaceTime lunch dates. I have drove down by the river and parked next to a friend and sat and talked. Sometimes you just need to talk to someone new. 


7 Ways Your Life Gets Better When You Stop Taking Sh*t Personally.

Life is far too short to dwell on the actions of others. When you take things to heart, you slowly become resentful, bitter, and distrustful of the people around you. So take off the shackles of victimization and learn to live and let live:


1. You learn that it’s not all about you.

It’s a liberating feeling when you discover it’s not all about you. You are the center of your own universe: your movements, your actions, your philosophy are geared towards your own life, and none of that is in place to purposefully harm others. This is the same for everyone, and once you come to that realization, everything suddenly becomes a whole lot easier.


2. You connect with people.

Shrugging off the burden of analysing, over-analysing and re-analysing others’ actions brings about a fresh perspective. You become free to engage with a clean slate, with no point scoring or one upping, and this change of tact will draw people towards you. Your demeanor becomes calm, your personality becomes relaxed and all of a sudden you’re free to forge connections with the people in your life that could have never existed previously.


You’re the Kindest Personality Type If You Relate To These Things

Are you actually kind ?

A lot of people claim to be kind  but only a few can say that they’re legitimately and wholeheartedly kind people by nature. Turns out, people who can wear this personality trait like a badge, are those who fall under the ISTJ ( Introversion, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment )  personality type in the Myers-Briggs personality set.

This personality type is considered the kindest  type out there and it really stands out when it comes down to separating the average kind joe from the very thing “Will the real kind person please stand up”

Honesty, loyalty and integrity are at the core of the ISTJ personality, so it makes a lot of sense that acts of kindness are what drive these type of people to be so sweet and special to be around.

They’re mellow and don’t say or express much but their hearts are full with selflessness and warmth and will fill up a room with good vibes by just being in it.

If you think you fall under the kindest personality type, you will definitely relate to these signs:


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