Here are a few things to remember when loving someone with anxiety:
Let’s work together, because this is hard. But I’ll keep getting better. I promise.
Let’s work together, because this is hard. But I’ll keep getting better. I promise.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety and depression. So in honor of women’s month, and a woman who suffers from anxiety here are my thoughts and the things that I do to help when my anxiety is really high.
Over the last year, with the pandemic and still having to live life I know that my anxiety has been higher than it ever has been. I know that for me I have a hard time not going to worse case when I find something out. I also have a really hard time with change, and as we all know 2020 and 2021 (so far) has been a whole host of changes and relearning to navigate. Here are some of the things that I have been doing now to keep my anxiety down.
When life is feeling too much, when I have completely stopped taking things in and my whole life just feels like it’s falling, I have to walk. So I get the dog and I go for at least 2 miles. Being in the nature, listening to music and feeling the breeze as I breath deeply is something that brings me back to real life. After this I usually feel better and like I can take on something again, like I can actually adult again.
Sometimes I cannot walk, because of the weather, or its too late at night, so I get curled up with my pup, I turn on some calming music and I lay with her for about fifteen minutes and just try to relax. I also like to just lay there in silents and listen to that. This is something that I need sometimes, just to stop, and take a few minutes to do nothing.
Writing is my creative outlet, so for me when things get to be too much, or if I have too much on my mind I write. Sometimes that has nothing todo with what is going on. Like today, because I have been feeling my anxiety so high lately I thought that maybe I would sit down and write to help myself and hopeful anybody who will read this as well. So do something creative this does not have to be writing this could be anything, coloring in an adult coloring book, or painting, maybe you like plants. Anything that will you think will help you.
The day has been so much. Exhaustion is hitting hard and you just want to be done, however, you feel like you have to keep going. For me a shower helps relieve anxiety. And it helps me feel like I am human again. I can wash the day off. And I also use some shower melts. They are like aroma therapy smells. On the really hard days these showers are just something that makes me feel like I have taken a break and I can keep moving again.
I have a few people in my life that I will reach out to just to talk. They are the best listeners for me and know when I need to just say how crapy my day is or that my anxiety is just too high to deal right now. Something about getting it out to someone is very reassuring. Find your person or people. Let them know that you need to hear that everything is going to be alright.
With so many women who suffer from anxiety it is our job to normalize talking about this. It is one of those invisible things that someone who is suffering with seems fine. If you are like me it is so easy for you to suffer in silently. However, if we normalize these feelings, we can feel more comfortable reaching out.
If you feel like you are drowning, do not wait reach out for help!
Keep fighting! You can get help here.
Dealing with emotional problems is not an easy task, it not only takes a lot of efforts and patience but you also need to accept the fact that you need professional help. However, most people struggling with such issues shy away from acknowledging the fact that they are living with something that requires immediate medical intervention. And perhaps that’s the reason they continue to feel the same for the rest of their life until they accept that they are suffering from emotional issues.
The pain of feeling upset or frustrated most of the times is truly hard to manage. Living a healthier and productive life has a lot to do with managing your emotions effectively. Yes, you got that right, you need to understand that emotional issues can have a severe impact on your physical well-being. These are the things that bring ups and downs in your life; therefore, you must handle them intelligently.
The cases of emotional problems are also increasing drastically among adolescents.
So if you are experiencing anxiety, depression, sadness, undesired compulsions or low-self esteem, here are the tips to manage emotional distress effectively.
Most of the times, you get upset when you experience an unfavorable situation or event; however, such things shouldn’t affect you for a long time. It’s true that the moment you confront something unpleasant, you feel depressed but that feeling shouldn’t last long. And in case it is affecting you even in the future, then you should take a concrete step to battle it.
One of the best ways to stay happy in life is to embrace a positive attitude. Well, it’s true that staying positive is easier said than done but with a bit of practice, anyone can do that. If you look at everything that happens in your life in a positive light, you can surely find a world of difference in both your physical and mental well-being.
It’s essential for you to discover your true self, and embrace it if you want to experience the joy of life. People who try to act and behave like others, fail to live a dignified life. If you are trying to fit in with the people around you, then you will never find true happiness. It will affect your emotional stability like anything.
So, the key to managing your emotions is to be yourself and love the way you live your life. Take charge of your emotional stability by feeling good about yourself rather than pretending to be like others. Therefore, if you are someone who finds it difficult to voice their opinions, start doing that now. In short, be yourself and respect your feelings.
One of the most important things that affect our happiness is the fact that we fail to accept the people around us as they are. Whether you talk about your spouse, children, parents, friends or colleagues, it’s significant that you love them for who they are. Don’t try to influence their behavior by asking them to change themselves. It will disturb them like anything and will affect your relationship with them.
In other words, if you are unable to accept others for who they are, then you will continue to experience emotional distress.
Even after being aware of the fact that expectations always hurt, you continue to expect a lot from your family, relatives, friends and colleagues. And when they fail to live up to your expectations, you start experiencing an emotional turmoil, which disturbs both your personal and professional lives. You get frustrated, and in the worst case scenario, it leads to depression, which increases your chances of experiencing a wide range of unpleasant feelings and situations.
If your anxiety or depression stems from a dreadful experience in the past, then it’s better to forget it. It’s utterly crucial for you to believe that you can’t go back and change the past and you can’t even control your future. So the key is to live in the present moment and forget everything that happened in the past.
Therefore, if you are feeling anxious and depressed because of your break up with your partner, divorce with your spouse, or fight with a close friend, then it’s better to forget it. Lean to move on in life if you want to stay away from unwanted complications and stress.
Rather than thinking about those things that are disturbing you, it’s better to invest your time in carrying out productive activities. This move will not only keep you occupied but will also give a sense of achievement when you meet your goals.
For example, you can embrace an effective workout routine to keep yourself fit, in case you are overweight. It will not only have a drastic impact on your physical fitness but will also affect your mental well-being significantly. Similarly, you can start learning a new skill, such as driving, swimming, singing, playing a musical instrument or drawing, etc.
However, if none of the above works for you then you need to seek professional help. Find a trusted rehab centre in your area, where you can take treatment for your problem at a competitive rate. You can seek Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for dealing with your emotional issues.
According to Charter Harley Street, a well-known rehab centre in London, it’s hard to deal with feelings of fear, fear of rejection, fear of intimacy, fear of failure, and fear of success, etc.
Therefore, it’s better to seek therapies that can help you cope with your negative thoughts easily.