Either way that you land on the great debate of the COVID vaccine, everyone has to admit the amount of anxiety surrounding this feels very similar as it did in the beginning of the pandemic. All of the Facebook and Twitter posts about it don’t seem to make this any easier either. Although, I’m putting my trust in the doctors who handle the case of my immune-compromised family members, I’d be lying if I said I was not anxious about this at all and here is why:
We still don’t know everything about COVID:
COVID is still new, and yes, I’m so over living under the anxiety that we will get COVID. However, one of my biggest concerns is that because COVID is so new, do we have enough information to know that the vaccine is going to work and work well? I do want to note how appreciative that I am to the scientists who are working around the clock to help ensure that this is a safe drug for us to take and that it’s going to be effective. Although, being really real here, everything with COVID seems to change on the daily, still, even though we are coming up on a year of living this COVID normal!
New strains:
As we all have heard by now, there are new strains of the virus in Europe right now. So, will the current vaccines work on the new strains? Also, being that this virus seems to be able to mutate in no time, what about future strains? Or is this something that we are going to have to keep waiting for the new latest and greatest vaccine for? I swear sitting up and night thinking about all these factors can drive someone crazy!
Is it safe for the immune-compromised:
So, being that I have two family members that I’m very worried about getting COVID, my next worry would be is it safe for them to get vaccinated? I mean should we wait and see how others react to it.
These and many more concerns swirl my head and those of others that I have talked to. They are valid, and because COVID is so unknown and unpredictable, I think it makes the worries so much worse. One thing that I will say, for my family and me, we will be listening carefully to the doctors who care for us and will make the best informed decisions we can.
My advice, check your sources but do as much research and make the decision that is best for you and your family. Breathe because one way or another we will get through this confusion, too!!
Stay safe and well!