Valentine’s Night Hot Sex Menu: Foods for Maximum Pleasure

Hmmm… how to celebrate Valentine’s Day? I know, you could do it how ancient Romans did! Just follow these steps: 1.) Sacrifice a couple goats, a dog, and then use the blood to do face painting on two naked, laughing priests. 2.) Feast on said sacrifices. 3.) Participate in a lottery to decide who you’ll be hooking up with. Hopefully it’s not that creepy weirdo who lives down the street. 4.) In a fertility ritual, get whipped by said naked priests to ensure that you and the creepy weirdo from down the street have lots of babies.

Not your cup of tea for 2022? Kind of picky aren’t you? Well how about a stuffed red bear then? Chocolates? Flowers? OK, maybe a simpler pleasure. Ah…yes…how about hot, delightful sex? And you can add a hot, delightful meal to bring it together.  Now we’re thinking. Even though it’s always been the most popular gift since the birth of this special day, it never gets old. Probably what Saint Valentine got from his bae.

For hot sex, we want our desire to be high. We want our bodies overflowing with lust to be quenched by that special person in our lives. And we also want to have great blood flow to where we need it most. Everybody knows that males need good blood flow for sex, but most people don’t realize that it’s also critical for female sexual pleasure and arousal. In research, better blood flow was associated with greater sexual satisfaction in women.

The meal you prepare for Valentine’s day can actually help your body to experience great sex. Food affects sex hormones both in the short term and in the long run. In addition, research shows that certain foods improve the elasticity of blood vessels within a couple hours of eating them!  Other foods stiffened these blood vessels in as little as 30 minutes. This means more or less blood flow depending on what we eat for dinner.

Foods to include:

Naturally nitrate-rich foods: After eating nitrate-rich foods, like beets or spinach, nitric oxide levels rise in your body, peaking about two hours after eating. Nitric oxide promotes vascular health and dilates blood vessels, allowing for more blood to flow to our penis or vagina and clitoris. It also enhances stamina by improving the delivery of oxygen to muscles, thereby reducing fatigue. If you’re balking at the idea that spinach could make that much of a difference, consider this: In one study, participants consumed one serving of spinach. Two hours later, salivary nitrate levels rose by 800%, and arteries were measurably more elastic! Be selective about those nitrates though. We’re not talking about salami and deli meat. Leaves, celery, beets, radish, red cabbage and fennel are the best choices for great sex.

Hold the salt and eat potassium-rich foods instead: According to research, about 90% of Americans consume more salt than is considered tolerable for human consumption! This wreaks havoc on our blood vessels and inhibits their ability to deliver blood to our genitals. Research shows that one high-salt meal stiffens arteries within 30 minutes and reduces nitric oxide release. Potassium, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. It softens the delicate vascular lining and increases nitric oxide release shortly after eating it. Potassium can also offset some of the effects of salt on blood vessels.  Unfortunately most of us don’t get enough of it. Research has shown that shortly after eating a high-potassium meal, arteries are measurably more pliable. So, in your Valentine’s sex menu, be sure to include potato, yam, squash, mango, banana, oranges or leafy greens.

Polyphenols: Polyphenols are a class of antioxidant found in foods like cherries, onions, kale, broccoli, celery, citrus, apples and berries. They measurably improve vascular function after eating them, which is why they should be included in a sex menu.

Choose Omega 3 fats: According to research, testosterone will fall sharply after a very fatty meal. This has the potential to break the mood, since adequate testosterone is necessary for strong libido in males and females. A high-fat meal will also increase arterial stiffness within 2 hours. Arterial stiffness reduces blood flow and is not what we want for great sex.  On the other hand, omega 3 fatty acids, like those found in fish, though high in fat, improved the elasticity of blood vessels in the two-hour period after eating it. Good menu choices are wild salmon, or walnuts for those following a plant-based or vegan diet.

Culinary aphrodisiacs: Some aphrodisiacs have actually been studied clinically for their effect on sexual performance and libido. Saffron, for example, has a decent amount of research to support its efficacy, and makes for an exotic addition to dinner. In fact, Cleopatra often soaked in a saffron-infused bath to prepare for her lovers. Cloves are also a great choice for a hot-sex menu because they get to work very quickly. In fact, one study found that they improved desire and performance within an hour of eating them.

Put it all together to create a meal fit for St. Valentine

Put all this information together to make a hot sex-meal. For inspiration, here’s a sample Valentine’s Day menu:

Warm up:

Sex Juice: Get out your juicer (or use a blender and strain) and add:

-A bunch of fresh beets

-A small piece of ginger

-A hot pepper of your choice (if you don’t like spicy, you can use an apple)

Main Course:

Spinach Salad with red onions, broccoli and vinaigrette

Baked acorn squash spiced with aphrodisiac cloves, nutmeg and saffron

Wild salmon with fresh herbs. For vegans, top squash with walnuts for omega 3’s instead of eating fish.


Raspberry and clementine parfait

So, for the perfect Valentine’s Day, no need to think like the Romans.  Instead, think hot sex, which is always a gift worth giving. Luxuriate your body and your blood vessels to awaken all that is possible from your innate sexual physiology.

About The Author


By Christine DeLozier, author of Diet for Great Sex: Food for Male and Female Sexual Health

CHRISTINE DELOZIER, L.Ac.As an acupuncturist and herbalist in private practice, Christine DeLozier, L.Ac. specializes in sexual health, treating males, females, and all orientations and identities and helping them to develop dietary habits that support their sexual goals. As a young single mom, Christine worked as a waitress and attended the University of Rochester, studying Biology and Psychology full-time. She holds Master’s degrees in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Counseling and is a certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor. Always rather obsessed with diet, nutrition, and natural health, Christine’s philosophy is rooted in an evidence-based understanding of the physiological effect of food on the body, while honoring the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn more at

How To Celebrate Valentines Day On A Budget

Valentines Day Inexpensive: 

Celebrating your love does not have to be extravagant. It also does not have to be expensive. You can celebrate Valentines day, and make it special without breaking the bank. Below are a few suggestions: 

Dancing in the Candle light:

Hit up your Spotify and create a playlist of all the songs that make you think of the one you love, or use one of Spotify’s already made playlists. Move the couch out of the way, turn out the lights, light some candles, and dance the whole night way. 

Dinner Date Night in:

Most people will be out on the town, the restaurants will be packed instead just stay in. Turn some music on. Cook dinner a nice dinner. Make it the three course you would have gotten if you would have went out. Pour some wine and spend the whole night talking. Remind yourself why you fell in love in the first place. Laugh and joke like you did when things where new and fresh. 

Movie Night:

Yes everyone is planning on being out at the movie theater. However, make movie night cheeper by staying home. Put the effort in and build your own home movie theater. Go grab pop corn and her favorite snacks. Pick up some wine. We all have a million streaming things we pay for. Choose a movie that you have never seen before, or a classic. Build a living room fort, make a comfy spot to cuddle, turn off the lights and watch your movie! 

Valentines doesn’t have to be expensive.

Honestly I would rather its not. A night in with the one I love sounds way better then fighting the crowds to try to get into somewhere that we could go anytime of the year. For me it is about spending time together and celebrating our love. Not spending money that we don’t need to. We enjoy going on a nice cold walk by the river, or just sitting in bed and talking all night about our future. We want to really celebrate that we are in love and planning a future together. 

When it comes to Valentines gifts. We do not go all out either.

Something really simple can show how much you love your partner. Last year I made matching t-shirts. This year I was thinking some of his favorite sweet treats. Like a care package for work. Just a little something that shows him that I love him and was thinking about him. Here are some great gifts to show that you care that are inexpensive.

Key chain:

The one that caught my eye said “Drive Safe because I need you.” Or you can get a personalized one that has your favorite picture of you and your love on it. Just a little something to remind them everyday that you love them. 

Love letters:

Sometimes in a relationship it is hard, and you need the little reminders of the reasons you feel in love. Nothing says I love you like a love letter. Open when letters are awesome, that can be little reminders during the good times and the bad times that you need them and you love them. They also show that you where thinking about them and the time that could have been hard in your relationship and wanted to be prepared. So grab a pen and a piece of paper and write down everything that you are thinking. 

Love notes in a jar:

Another great reminder and way to show your love is to write little love notes or song lyrics that make you think of your person. Just one liners or a couple sentences.  Put them in a jar and your partner can open them when they need. 

Self-care  basket:

Get them some things to take care of themselves. Especially if you know that your partner has been really stressed lately. You can throw anything you think would help them relax. A new book they have been talking about. Bubble bath, face mask, comfy clothes. Their favorite coffee or tea. Anything that will give them a little pick me up. 

Just remember, Do something meaningful to your partner. It doesn’t have to break the bank! Express your love, and show them that they are important to you.

5 Things No One Tells You About Moving In With Your Significant Other

From sharing expenses to always having someone who loves and supports you by your side, living with your partner can have plenty of benefits for both of your lives. And considering the financial and emotional hardships we were forced to endure during the coronavirus pandemic, more couples are now moving in together than ever. However, not everyone might be aware of all the implications of such an important step. Living with your partner represents a significant new chapter in your lives, which is why you should think about all possible aspects before finally deciding to take the leap.


To that end, here are some important things no one will tell you about moving in with your partner you should take into consideration:


1. Your reasons for moving in should be clear

Before making such a big step, it might be wise to consider your reasons for wanting to move in with your partner first. When it comes to younger couples living in larger cities, most of them decide to move in together primarily in an effort to save on rent, especially after the economic uncertainty of the pandemic, only to later realize that they weren’t quite ready to take their relationship to that level.

To prevent such an occurrence, it might be a good idea to consider your motivations, especially if you’re in quite a fresh relationship. If you know your partner, as well as their friends and family, very well, if you already have some shared routines established, if you feel fully comfortable with your significant other, and if you truly want to invest in a relationship with them, then moving in together is the only logical next step.


2. Your finances have to be openly discussed

Having a conversation about finances in advance is another aspect of moving in together that shouldn’t be overlooked, as it’s vital for your shared future. So, start by talking to your partner about your budget for the move itself, and then decide how you would like to pay the rent, monthly bills, as well as any other shared daily expenses.

It might also be wise to talk about combining (or not combining) your incomes, as well as possibly opting for savings together, or even investments you’d like to make in your new home. Don’t forget to have a conversation about the general way in which you budget and spend your salaries either, as coming to an agreement on spending habits might help prevent any future money issues and arguments.


3. Professional help will be necessary for the move

Once you’ve found an ideal place and talked things over with your partner, the next step would be to finally move in together. However, considering all the challenging aspects of moving for the first time, such as careful planning and organization, you might require the help of professionals who will take care of these stressful tasks for you, while being mindful of the safety implications of the current pandemic situation.


This becomes especially important when moving to a more distant location, as doing your research and hiring a reliable long distance moving service might be the only way to ensure the safe transportation of your items. What’s more, having professionals who can not only move your belongings, but also help to pack and carry any essentials, will undoubtedly relieve some of the moving day stress, allowing both you and your partner to feel more positive about the entire experience.


4. The overall look of your home should be talked about

After you’ve managed to seamlessly move in thanks to professional help, the next chapter of your life begins. Now is the ideal time to start talking to your partner about how you imagine the life in your home to look like, from the interior decor to the food you eat, and even the way you will celebrate future holidays.

Don’t be afraid to go into the smaller details either, such as tackling the issue of taking the shoes off at the entrance or deciding how often you will deep clean your home. Agreeing on these aspects isn’t only important for a harmonious relationship, but also for your health and wellbeing, especially during such an uncertain time as the pandemic.


5. You must have a conversation about future expectations

The final aspect to consider might be the most important of all, and that is the future of your relationship. Is getting married and having children one of your priorities? Do you have a good healthcare and support plan set in place in case the pandemic affects you and your partner?


Discussing your future expectations and a potential timeline for your relationship is incredibly important. This will allow you to make compromises, come to certain conclusions, and create a clearer picture of your future, allowing you to be on the same page when starting a new life together.


While the process of moving in with your partner for the first time might be filled with unexpected circumstances, the tips mentioned above will allow you to prepare ahead of time, and turn your move into a smooth and pleasant experience.

This is How Being in a Narcissistic Relationship Caused My Anxiety Disorder

Narcissists cling to those who have big hearts because they can tolerate a great deal of subliminal abuse. But it’s only so long until they finally realize the damage being inflicted on them and build up the courage to walk away. It’s a process we’ve seen play out over and over, but what no one seems to realize is the impact narcissistic abuse can have on your mental health post-relationship. Your mental health deteriorates even after you free yourself from a narcissistic relationship. I know this first hand because the truth is, being in a relationship with a narcissist was cause for my anxiety disorder.

It all started with the verbal abuse sinking deeper and deeper into my system.

The awful things my narcissistic ex-said about me echoed in my mind so often that they slowly became my reality. I felt like I was nothing without him, I thought I was too sensitive, I overreacted too much, I thought everyone hated me and honestly, I started to hate myself. I lost touch with family members, I stopped hanging out with my friends, I had completely and totally isolated myself without even realizing it. And it’s all because his narcissistic abuse convinced me to do so. I was alone and trapped in this world where I had absolutely no control over the things that happened to me… I was terrified and frozen.

Your Partner Should Always Stand Up For You, Even When You’re In The Wrong

Your Partner Should Have Your Back

There are many times throughout your life when you are going to butt heads with other people or be judged by others. It’s not always going to be your fault, but, there are occurrences that will arise in which you are on “trial” with other people in your life. People will come at you, full force, if they think you’re in the wrong. But, who can you turn to when you feel the entire world is against you?

Who are you to go to for support and a helping hand when people would rather see you broken, beat, and bent than thriving? Especially, when we’re the ones who have screwed up.

Many times in a relationship, we turn to our partner for love and suppor. Especially when we feel as though we’re being attacked. We look to our significant others for comfort, for guidance, and for above all—support. Many question, however, what the right thing to do is if your significant other needs support, but they are the ones who are in the wrong. Does being in a relationship with someone mean always standing up for them, even if they are the ones who have f*cked up?


I Can’t Change Your Past But I Hope I Can Change Your Future

I know you’ve been hurt pretty bad in the past. I can’t begin to understand what it might have been like for you. Sure, I can have empathy and sympathy but every experience and every heartbreak a person endures is their own. You don’t need to tell me about it. It’s a conversation I won’t force but will happily listen if you want to tell me.


I know it makes you wary of trusting people.

I know you might not trust me yet. But when you question love, let me remind you that love hasn’t hurt you. It’s a person’s lack of love that has hurt you and caused you pain.

I hate that you’ve endured that but struggle makes you a better person. Pain makes you more human and getting through it has made you more beautiful in my eyes.


7 Unexpected Moments That Actually Bring You Closer as a Couple

Many couples start out smooth and steady sailing in the early honeymoon phases. Everything seems to be going fine, but then something changes and, suddenly, you’re in total confusion.

Difficult situations come up, and you can’t ignore them. We face the choice of fight or flight: to distance and self-protect OR to connect with each other. But it’s completely normal to run into road bumps when you’re a couple.

What matters is that you’re in for the ride together. The following events might just bring you two closer:

1. Cooking for each other and epic failing at it…

So your partner wanted to impress you, or you wanted to make a meal for them. And let’s just say it didn’t turn out as planned, even if you’ve cooked it perfectly for yourself a million times. Maybe you were just nervous…

But then the two of you end up laughing it off because it’s NBD. Even though the dinner doesn’t look like a masterpiece, it still tastes pretty good. And it’s who you’re eating with that really matters.

2. Going out to a party together…

When you socialize together, you get to see another side of each other.  And sometimes it’s a different side that you’re used to seeing. You or your partner might reveal a crazy sad-drunk angry side. Or act unusually obnoxious with friends.

A party is also the time you’d be flirting with new people if you were single. Plus, at a party a random ex can come up in conversation. Or in person.

But when you get to happily introduce each other to everyone you know, you realize everything’s all good. You show how much you like each other when you stand by each other in public. You came together, and you get to go home together.

3. A tiny little health scare…

As long as it isn’t anything serious, a temporary panic or a weekend with a cold can have an unexpected result. Instead of walking away, the other person is taking you to the doctor or bringing you soup when you’re stuck in bed.

When you help each other when the other is down and it shows you’re not just in it for a good time. You’re willing to stick around, and the two of you are in this thing for real.

4. A job change…

A transition like this can often put a strain on your relationship, whether it’s a total change of work, or a promotion, or just a huge project. One of you needs more time and energy to themselves as you adjust to a different routine and demands at work.

But when the other person is totally cool and understanding, you are each other’s lighthouses in the storm. Some couples can’t stay the same together. If you guys can stick it out through a change together, you’ve found something really special.

From Dating To Engaged: How To Handle The Transition

The shift begins from ‘just dating’ to a ‘serious relationship’. You both realize that you’re ready to be engaged. You both have found the person you’ve been waiting to spend your life with. Now what? It is time to transition from dating to engaged. 

How Do You Know You Are Ready To Be Engaged?

You know you are ready for engagement because your relationship is strong and has a future. Engagement is a big commitment and not one that either of you should take lightly. There is going to be a big shift in the relationship. Here are some ways you can both better prepare for that transition.

Communication Is Key

One of the best indicators you are ready is that communication comes easily. Both parties are heard, and you can openly talk to each other. You both know that expressing your feelings and thoughts is ok and you will be understood. You have the ability to communicate and feel secure with your partner. Lack of communication is one of the top reasons for divorce. The ability to discuss things easily is a good foundation for marriage.

Sharing Similar Core Beliefs

You two share similar core beliefs and value systems. Which is a strong indicator that you will be more compatible in a long-term relationship. This is especially important if you are planning on having children together. 

Your Finances Are Stable

In addition to communication, finances are probably one of the biggest issues within marriages today. When you both have steady jobs or good sources of income, this is likely not a problem. If you are struggling financially this will have a bigger impact on you as a couple. Take some time and do your research on ways to save money so that it doesn’t put a damper on your future together. 

Both Of You Are Not Looking Elsewhere

If you are at this point in your relationship then it is definitely a sign that engagement is on the way. You are committed to each other and you truly love your significant other for who they are. You should bring out the best in each other, and enjoy all of the moments together. 

Dealing With Pressure As A Couple

On the flip side, disagreements will usually weigh more heavily on the both of you at this time. Because the transition to engagement is coming, there is more pressure for getting along all the time, and it can truly seem like the worst thing when you have a fight. It creates panic and then those “what ifs” start creeping into your head.  Pay attention to how you both get through those times. If you’re able to talk things out and makeup quickly, then there should be nothing to worry about. Every relationship will have its ups and downs, so things aren’t always going to be great between the two of you. 

Navigating The Change In The Status Of Your Relationship

Now that you feel your life is fulfilled and that you are ready to call him or her “fiancé” you’re onto the next steps. The steps are long from dating to engaged. Be prepared to acknowledge the fact that even though things may not change on the surface, there will be a big shift in the relationship, and some things are going to change. Instead of making the plans right away, there are a couple of things that happen during this transition:

  • OTHER PEOPLE WILL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY AND TREAT YOU DIFFERENTLY. This is because now you’re declaring your commitment to the world and people see you’re not just ‘boyfriend’ or ‘girlfriend’, and they may invest more of their time in you.
  • YOU WILL GET FLOODED WITH ADVICE.  From everything from who you should use to cater your wedding to the wedding music  to who you should play or the band you should hire, everyone is going to want to have their say about your wedding and what you should do. This is especially true for couples who are already married because they feel they can give you the best advice since they did it. Be prepared to take note of the advice you get, but not necessarily take it all to heart. Remember, this is your big moment of engagement, and your wedding to plan together. 

If you can get through the transition, you’re doing great. Becoming engaged is a truly magical moment, and the excitement can fade very quickly once the stress of the engagement and wedding plans start to arise. So take deep breaths and just work through one thing at a time.  

Remember Time For Yourself

Practicing self-care is still important even when you’re half of a couple or a fiancé. You should be okay with taking your time away from each other to do things, like engaging in hobbies or spending time with other friends or family. Engagement should not be entered into as a way to fix any sort of relationship problems. You should feel both secure and comfortable when you’re together and when you are apart. 

You should work with each other as a team, but you can also take care of things separately, focusing on your strengths to get things done more efficiently. This can particularly help when you start your wedding plans together. If you’re better at putting the invitations together and your partner can handle discussions with the caterer, then split up the tasks as such. 

Enjoy The Moment

Lastly, be sure to really enjoy the transition from a serious relationship to engagement. Since it is short-lived, you want to try and ride that wave before settling into the chaos of planning. As one of the biggest and most important events in your life, it should be an incredible moment when you or your significant other proposes. There’s no room for stress or freaking out. You’re comfortable and happy, and ready to take on the world together. Enjoy the ride from dating to engaged.

I Want To Be The One Whose Heart Beats Perfectly With His

We always talk about the kind of love we think we deserve, and what it takes to get it. Perhaps we should be focusing on how we’re going to love someone. You see, when it comes down to it, I want to be the one whose heart beats perfectly with his.


The kind of love that makes a person feel like home, a safe haven and protector of their secrets. I want to be nervous before dates, worrying about making sure they have a good time and I want to soak in every emotion that goes with it.


I don’t expect them to try too hard to impress me, I’ll want them to be themselves and I want to let myself be me because that’ll be the best person to love them.


Once I find that person I will love them with every fiber in my soul because it’s not only what I do, it’s what they deserve. A day won’t go by that you won’t know that I care, and you’ll never have to second guess my feelings for you. There won’t be any worries about my motives because they’ll be clear.


So Pete Davidson And Kate Beckinsale Are Definitely A Thing

Their relationship has been rumored for a minute now, but new pictures of Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale totally making out Sunday at a Rangers game prove that there’s definitely something going on with the pair.

To recap a bit: Pete and Kate were seen being very flirty back in January at a Golden Globes afterparty and they ended up leaving together. Then they were spotted holding hands at a show after Pete performed stand-up.

Also, Kate has apparently been clapping back at anyone who comments on this rumored relationship on her Insta.

Instagram: Kate Beckinsale
Instagram: Kate Beckinsale

As for Pete’s ex-fiancée Ariana Grande, she reportedly said that she thinks the whole thing is “SO CUTE!

And here, courtesy of Twitter, are some pictures of the new couple (??).

How sweet do they look together?

Answer: very, very sweet.

The pair showed up together at Madison Square Garden just hours after being spotted together outside this week’s SNL afterparty.

One person who might not have been super-into it at the time was Queer Eye’s resident chef, Antoni Porowski.

The pictures of him sitting beside them are wonderfully meme-able, though.

h/t: BuzzFeed, @ChicksInTheOff

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