10 Reasons I am Hopeful for 2022

I had my ups and downs with 2021 – probably like with many other people. I think the COVID fatigue has been hitting me. I thought the pandemic would be over months ago, but here we are. The biggest moments of darkness for me came in other problems besides the pandemic such as depression, job anxiety, low self-esteem, doubts about my future, drama with loved ones (which is normal for family), not seeing loved ones due to the pandemic, not seeing friends, either, because of the pandemic, feeling low, not having enough money, feeling useless – the list can go on for me. I think I have found 10 hopeful reasons, though, for why 2022 will give me some hope in my own personal life.

1. My boyfriend

He has saved me at my lowest points and has made me feel like I am capable of doing anything. He was truly a blessing in disguise and I have hope he will help make 2022 a better year for me.

2. My new job

My new job started in October 2021. I just began here, but I hope it gives me better opportunities as it has already given me a better pay raise.

3. The COVID-19 heroes

I do believe, in the midst of chaos, and with honestly the back and forth of government protocols, that we will eventually get through this because of the nurses and healthcare workers who have not given up.

4. My mental health care team

I am starting to work with a regular therapist and OCD specialist to help guide me on my mental health journey to feeling better and controlling my anxiety that takes a toll on my life.

5. My parents

They give me support no matter how much I can be a pain to them. I have said things I regret but they are always there to help me.

6. My boyfriend’s family

My second family who I love, and lets me call them whenever I need them.

7. My loyal and hopeful new friends

Friends come and go. I hope some new ones stick around like the old ones.

8. My schooling

I am getting my master’s in human services and finish in June 2022. I am hopeful this will open more opportunities for me.

9. Exercising

This is cheesy, but working out keeps me in check with my body and health.

10. Sleep

This one may sound odd. When I am asleep, my troubles disappear for those moments and I am fine with that. It does not take away from the problems and it gives me relief to not think about something.

2022 is going to be an interesting year. We are almost two years into the pandemic. Mental health is on the rise. I have to take care of myself not for the sake of the pandemic but for myself. I am hoping 2022 can truly be a good year for me and that it will help change my life for the better. May 2022 bring me joy and happiness along with the health that I deserve.

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About the Author

Molly Rose lives in PA but is originally from NY. She wrote for Odyssey Online in 2017 and has now started her journey with Puckermob. Molly is getting her Master’s degree online in Human Services at Capella University. She is an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Vaccine awareness month: Navigating COVID-19 And The Delta Variant

An uptick in cases, the delta variant moving rapidly through the Untied States. Testimony of those from beyond and family members who regret not getting vaccinated. It’s time. 

Getting vaccinated means that we can get back to life again. Being able to see friends and family. Being able to give hugs and handshakes. Being able to get the support from our loved ones that we crave. 

And getting vaccinated means concerts, weddings and large gatherings again. Being able to enjoy other people’s company. Doing the things that you love. Celebrating the special events that so many have been cheated out of for the last year. 

Because getting vaccinated means traveling. Getting on that plan, or even just a road trip with friends. It means a chance to get away and do all of the fun things that come with vacation. Site seeing. Drinking at a bar

We know getting vaccinated means a togetherness that we have not had in over a year. However, what needs to be said is not getting vaccinated means getting sick. Means that the virus just keeps mutating. It means more time away from friends and family. It means not celebrating the big things. It means not mourning the losses we feel. It means not living life. 

Stay healthy, get vaccinated because it saves lives! 

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COVID-19 Showed Me That My Plan B Was My Real Dream

Adirondack Performing Arts Academy, that was the name on my DBA (Doing Business As). Adirondack Performing Arts Academy or APA Academy as I like to call it, is a performing arts school where children of all ages can come and get private voice, acting or dance lessons or they could join a class.


For only being 22 – 23 years old, I was doing pretty damn well for myself. I had a beautiful two story studio, equipped with everything I would need for a performance. A handful of amazing students with more students wanting to enroll. I was the first person in my area to come up with this especially at such a young age, I was at the top of the game and all of my hopes, dreams and fantasies were finally coming true!


March 17th 2020, a day not too long ago that I’m pretty sure we all remember. The day that the U.S basically shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic happened. During the pandemic my business was ripped to shreds. I could no longer give lessons, I couldn’t be in my studio…. My studio was sold…. I watched the dream I have had since I was 13 years old come crumbling down right in front of my own eyes. Heartbroken doesn’t even begin to explain how I felt.


During the shutdown I had a lot of time on my hands and I had another “side job” I was an editor for an online blog site, a site that I had worked for, for five years. I was running a team of writers with my best friend, we are kinda a dream team if I say so myself. During this time we poured our heart and soul into our team more so than we have ever before. While doing so our company faced many uncertainties and we knew it was time to find our plan B.


This is the best thing we could have done for ourselves and for our team….


We gained a new sense of family, and we learned more about running a business and a team of writers in two months more than we had in five years. Moving to our new company actually made me think about going back to school to make a career out of writing and editing rather than continuing it as a side hustle and hobby, because if you enjoy what you do “going to work” won’t feel like work.


Everything happens for a reason, we may not know why bad things happen when they are in motion but sooner or later you will get the answer.

About The Author:

Ashley Denton is a creative artist whose mediums include music, theater, dance, and creative writing. This girl thrives on coffee, adventure, and exploration. Ashley has been writing professionally for five years and editing for four. Ashley is also one of Puckermob’s newest editors. 

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Biotech Stocks to Watch in the COVID-19 Space

You could be forgiven for thinking that COVID is over. After all, as vaccination rates have soared, the rate of new infections has plummeted in Canada, the USA, and the EU.

But all is not what it seems. COVID-19 is a resourceful little virus – every time it runs into problems, it mutates. And as India, the UK, and other countries have found out, the Delta variant is one mean variant.

According to The Lancet, one shot of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer & Moderna) is only 33% effective against the Delta variant. Now it isn’t all bad news – two shots of these vaccines provide symptomatic immunity 88% of the time. But then, there’s another problem – the Global South. While the developed world is getting its shots, the developing world is still behind the curve. And the longer they go unvaccinated, the greater the potential for further mutations.

All this highlights a sobering point – COVID-19 will be with us for the foreseeable future. Now that may sound depressing, but look on the bright side – this situation offers investors a way to make money, all while vanquishing this cursed virus.

In this post, we’ll highlight three biotech firms making moves in the COVID-19 space.

Enzolytics (OTCMKTS: ENZC)

For over four decades, Enzolytics has dedicated themselves to battling humankind’s most feared diseases. In the past, they’ve come up with treatments for influenza, tetanus, rabies, and diphtheria. 

However, in recent years, they’ve focused much of their bandwidth on developing innovative HIV drugs, such as one that restores immune function in advanced AIDS patients.

But from 2020 onward, they’ve also taken aim at COVID-19. By acquiring BioClonetics, they acquired its intellectual property, which included monoclonal antibody treatments for HIV and COVID-19.

So far, it appears Enzolytics took that research and has made excellent progress with it. So much so, their work has been featured in a white paper written by Intel. Indeed, it seems like Enzolytics has stumbled upon a gold mine. Apparently, back in 1999, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases tried to patent the same process BioClonetics was working on. Fortunately, they failed.

It’s important to keep these facts in mind when evaluating ENZC. Because as we speak, short-sellers are busy building a bear case against this stock. They’re claiming that Enzolytics hadn’t actually completed therapeutic trials for its HIV drugs. And even worse, they’re implying that ENZC execs are guilty of embezzling funds.

Upon closer examination, it’s fairly obvious these assertions are false. But that hasn’t stopped recent selloffs of ENZC – a situation made worse by a badly-timed stock sale by Livington Asset Management. Because they can’t own more than 10% of ENZC, this private equity firm was forced to sell outstanding shares after their notes converted.

At present, ENZC is trading around 0.16. Earlier in the year, it surged to over 0.70 before the shorts shook out paper hands. If you’re looking for a biotech firm with a good track record and promising products, ENZC might be a worthwhile pickup. 

Todos Medical (OTCMKTS: TOMDF)

In biotech circles, Todos Medical is best known for its work in cancer tests. This company offers hope that one day, you’ll be able to diagnose a variety of cancers via a simple blood test. If they succeed, they could save millions of lives through early detection.

However, they’ve also waded into the COVID-19 sector. Currently, they’re working on creating an oral antiviral meant to shorten the duration of COVID-19 infections. It works by targeting 3CL protease, the most common protease in all coronaviruses. By inhibiting its function, it’s thought this drug can help stop the replication of COVID-19

Todos isn’t alone in this endeavor. As we speak, Pfizer is also developing a COVID antiviral. But here’s the good news – Todos is further along in the clinical trial process. At press time, their drug is in Phase 2, while Pfizer’s is still in phase 1.

There are two plausible scenarios for what will happen next – either Todos will get their drug to market first, or Pfizer will acquire them. In either case, TOMDF shareholders win. Now, the Todos drug could experience massive failure, but given their current position, this outcome is less likely.

TOMDF is an affordable play for penny stock investors, as it is currently trading at 0.044. Biotech firms are always a risk, but Todos seems like a good gamble to us.   


VBI Vaccines Inc. (NASDAQ: VBIV)

In early 2021, Canadians were aghast. While the likes of Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca promised Canada millions of vaccine doses, the USA, UK, and the EU moved to commandeer these shipments. For the first time in modern history, vaccine nationalism  has reared its ugly head.

Things are better now – after the above-mentioned nations secured enough supply, shipments to Canada resumed. But the bitter taste of being pushed aside by supposed “allies” still lingers. And so, there’s now a push to prioritize made-in-Canada treatments & vaccines, both for COVID and future pandemics.

VBI Vaccines, a US-based biotech firm with research facilities in Ottawa, is well-positioned to take advantage of this trend. In August 2020, the Canadian government signed a deal with them to produce a vaccine candidate by 2022. As part of that process, VBI recently signed a manufacturing deal with Mississauga’s Therapure Biomanufacturing to produce their vaccines.

At the moment, VBIV is trading just under 3.90 on the NASDAQ. That’s a touch more expensive than most penny stocks, but given their government contract and the proliferation of COVID variants, this play feels like a solid bet to us.  

Be Part of the COVID Solution

You could sit back and sulk about the pandemic. Or you could do something about it. Now you’re not a research scientist, and neither are we. But we can bankroll them – and in doing so, not only can we beat COVID, but we can get rich in the process.

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In A Post Pandemic World: Let’s Not Go Back To Normal


The world is opening up again, life is going back to “normal.” Although I am excited that for some things to get back to normal. Like hanging out with friends and family. There are somethings that I think we should not keep normalizing.

We have a population that is over worked and under paid. We have to stoping living like we are meant to just work. Let’s not take the time that we have had to rest and reevaluate how we are living, for granted. I think the summer time is the perfect time to create the balance in life that we all need, because there will be plenty of opportunity to get out and do the things that matter to you.

Pre- Covid, I worked all the time, I felt like if I wasn’t working I was wasting my time. I still work a lot, However, since covid and having the time to reconnect and do some of the things that I love. I now know the value of resting and recharging. So, here are some of the things that I am going to make a priority this summer and hopefully for the rest of my life.

Working on Myself

When covid first hit I decided this was a good time for me to start to learn to deal with some things in my life. Now that I have seen some progress and growth in myself. This is something that I am going to continue to work on, because it is so important to learn how to deal with the things that bother me. It helps me be the best person that I can be.


Using my Coping skills

Living with anxiety has been hard to navigate, and if you are like me Covid did not help. However, durning the pandemic I choose to start looking for my coping skills and now I am trying to practice them daily. (mine are: Writing, Exercising, Walking my dog, and Breathing) Find yours and do them when you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious by the world that we live in.


Taking Time out

Work is not everything, Yes we have to work and I get that, however, we also have to take time to do the things in life that you love. Go on a weekend get away with your love, go down to the lake and fish or walk on the beach. Head to the park and take a hike. Go do something that you love, something that is gonna make you smile, because again we should not live to work, we should be working to live our best lives. Spending time doing the things that actual matter. So step away from work and go listen to that baby laugh, go have dinner with your family, or just sit with yourself and reflect or just do nothing at all. Just take a time out.


Spend Time with Those That Matter

I think we can all agree that we spend enough time with our co-workers, and yes maybe we really enjoy them. However, we also should not that they are not the ones that matter most in your life. So, when your best friend calls you to go hang out take her up on the offer, when you get the call from your boyfriend about going out on the boat, throw your hair up grab a coozie and go. Have fun make memories because at the end of the day that is what you are going to want. That is how you will measure your life. So go do it, no it’s not selfish, and yes it is more important.

So, as the world opens back up to get back to “normal,” let’s not go back to “normal.” Let’s do more of what we love because let’s all be honest that is what we have been missing over the last year. Let’s take care of ourselves and let’s be happy again. Let’s let the the lessons of the pandemic not be forgotten. Do the things that matter.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

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10 Ways to Support Someone in Post-Vaccine Recovery 


World leaders, scientists and frontline medical personnel have been hard at work distributing and administering COVID-19 vaccines over the past three months. Now, more than 30% of Americans have received at least one dose, so odds are you know someone who’s recently received their shots. By now, they might even be complaining of soreness, fatigue or fever.


Luckily, these side effects are normal and should only last a few days as their bodies build immunity. Still, feeling crumby is never fun, even when there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thus, if you’re looking to cheer up your friend or family member while they recover, the following ideas will help you offer support and encouragement.

Give Them a Call 

If your family member or friend is feeling a little under the weather, give them a call to cheer them up. Share a bit of juicy gossip, talk about the Netflix show they’re binging and ask for an update on their symptoms.


While most people will bounce back and recover from the vaccine within a few days, others may battle fatigue or soreness for more than a week. If they still feel awful after a few days of checking in, encourage them to call their doctor.

Send a Note

Sure, your friend should recover quickly, but it’s always nice to receive a get-well card when you’re sick. Send a note with a funny message, quote or a Bible verse to put a smile on their face and hope in their heart. Hand deliver the note, send it through the mail or drop it in their mailbox with a cookie or some other treat to brighten their day.


Watch the Kids

Does your recent vaccine recipient have children? Offer to watch them for a few hours — or a few days. They’ll be happy to get out of the house and mom and dad will be forever thankful for the chance to recover in a calm and quiet home. Meanwhile, you can explore the zoo, a local park, build a fort in your backyard with their little ones.

Put Together a Gift Basket

Help your friend relax with a personalized gift basket. Include a bath bomb, lotion, eye mask, Ibuprofen and other similar items. Then, think about their interests. Do they love sports? Consider adding something relevant to the basket. Would they rather watch sitcoms while they recover? Include some snack mix, popcorn or candy bars.

Bring Them Food

Sometimes, the vaccine will make the recipient’s arm hurt or cause their muscles to ache. In this case, they probably won’t want to do much mixing, scooping or whisking. Keep them out of the kitchen and on the road to healing by bringing them a meal or two. Consider making comfort foods that freeze and reheat well.

Drop Off Flowers

Practically everyone loves receiving flowers, especially if they’ll be stuck in bed for a few days. Bring a bright splash of color and a fresh scent into their home with a bouquet of flowers. If they’re plant people you might gift them a succulent or houseplant instead.

Offer to Mow Their Yard 

Spring is here, which means mowing season is right around the corner. If you notice their yard is in need of a trim — or their garden needs tending to — offer to help. Fertilize their garden, plant some bulbs, water the flowers and cut the grass. This way they’ll have one less thing to worry about while they take some time off from completing their to-do list.

Do Some Chores

You might also offer to help them around the house and complete a few chores. Do their laundry, make a grocery run, clean the kitchen or simply stop by and take the dog for a walk. These small acts of kindness will make a huge difference in their lives and give their mind a chance to rest, too.

Provide Entertainment

Drop off magazines, your favorite book or a funny movie to help your loved one pass the time. Odds are they’ll be more than a little bored if they’re stuck at home in bed all day. Alternatively, you can gift them a subscription to their favorite channel or a video game they’ve had their eye on for a while.

Stay With Them

If you’ve received your vaccine or deem it safe enough to stay with your loved one, offer to keep them company in person. Cook, clean and cheer them up by taking care of them and nursing them back to health. Just remember to respect their boundaries and try not to take it personally if they say no.

Stay Positive

The last thing your loved one probably wants to hear is news about the vaccine or your questions about its effectiveness or safety. After all, the dose is already in their body, so there’s no sense in needlessly frightening them or making them question their decision. Stay positive, be supportive and practice kindness.

About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

How to Enjoy Sports Even During a Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected a lot of aspects of people’s lives, including the enjoyment of sports. Restrictions were implemented, such as the limitation on contact sports, fewer audiences for live games, and even cancellation of scheduled games. 

Good thing that there are still available ways to enjoy sports even during this pandemic. You can play non-contact sports, watch live streaming online or through the TV, or participate in online sports betting. 


Importance of sports during the pandemic

Sports unite people, no matter the age, gender, and social status. It also is an important factor in social and economic development. It empowers the children, individuals, and communities. It also contributes to education, health, and social inclusion. 

However, with the declaration that COVID-19 is a pandemic, the sports world went spiraling down. It started with the suspension of games following the confirmation of positive athletes and staff, postponing upcoming sports events to hinder the spread of the virus. 

Good thing that normal life is starting to resume these days.The mental and physical health of the people should still be thought about. Regulations were put in place to make sure that the health of the people is not jeopardized while also making sure that people can still enjoy sports despite the pandemic. People are still encouraged to stay at home. If people still want to play sports or exercise, they can do so but for a limited time only. 

Aside from playing sports during the pandemic, athletes also play an important role in using their platforms to help others. For one, they can spread awareness and information on the importance of hygiene and health. Second, they can be a vehicle for donations to help those affected by the pandemic. Third, they can become an inspiration to people and be a platform for change. 


Play non-contact sports

If you’re the type of person that cannot stay still without sweating it out through sports or workouts, then you can play non-contact sports. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention recommends a limitation of 10 people for team sports. These sports include volleyball, basketball, and softball. 

However, this does not mean that you cannot play sports anymore. If you want to play, make sure that you follow the guidelines set by the CDC. First, you should adhere to physical distancing for at least 6 feet. Second, wear masks. Third, mind your respiratory etiquette and hand hygiene. Fourth, maintain a healthy environment with your co-players.  


Live streaming

With COVID-19 restrictions slowly loosened, sports leagues are starting to do live events and live streaming. The UFC made its first live event in May 2020. NASCAR returned also in May after a 2-month hiatus. Germany and Spain’s soccer also returned to live events. 

The return of live events and live streaming decreased the TV viewership of sports events. With everything going digital and online, people are now watching live games and events on online streaming sites. Sports news is also now easily accessible online, perfect for those whose sporting calendars are busy and crowded. 


Online sports betting

Not everyone who likes sports wants to play, others participate in online sports betting. The excitement and predictions are what make betting fun for bettors. Online sports betting has been around for quite some time now. However, it boomed during the pandemic due to people staying in their homes instead of making bets in the field. 

There are many sports where you can make a bet online. These sports are the following:


1. Horse racing

A lot of horse racing tracks put on hold their racers, while others continued without any spectators. The upcoming races you can bet on are the Belmont Stakes, Preakness Stakes, Breeders’ Cup, and Kentucky Derby.


2. Mixed Martial Arts

The Ultimate Fighting Championship shortly put on hold their games because of the pandemic. However, there are already scheduled games for people to enjoy. UFC Fight Night: Blaydes vs. Lewis and UFC 259 are confirmed to be happening. 


3. Football 

The NFL has previously canceled its preseason last year. However, the 102nd season has already resumed. The length of the season is contingent, depending on the effects of the pandemic. Betting for the NFL is still ongoing. 

The NCAA is also happening this March 2021. There is a planned single-elimination tournament and will conclude in Indiana due to the pandemic and the cancellation of the tournament last year.

Online sports betting is simple. First, you look for a website to bet on, depending on the type of bet you want. Second, you make an account. Third, deposit on your account through credit card, debit card, or any way you can deposit on your account. Fourth, research on who you want to bet on. Lastly, make your bet and hope for the best.


Final Words

The COVID-19 pandemic affected many aspects of the lives of people, including sports. Although there might be restrictions to working out and playing sports, you can still enjoy sports even during the pandemic. You can play non-contact sports, watch live streaming online or through the TV, or participate in online sports betting.

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About The Author

Belinda is a 42-year-old married mother of three who lives in Naples, Florida. While staying at home to raise her children, she began to write articles and blogs for various outlets. She was raised in a strict, Christian home, but has since found more peace with a more spiritual approach to life and health. A strong believer in natural and alternative medicine, energy healing, and total wellness, she stumbled on the health benefits of orgasm quite by accident. Since then, she has often written pieces that help inform others about the benefits she discovered. Belinda also enjoys taking care of her home and family, and often jokes that she is a bit of a Stepford wife… with a wild side. In her free time, she loves to spend time at the beach with her family, host parties and BBQ’s, and work outside in one of her many flower gardens.

Online Dating During the Pandemic – What’s Changed?


Are you single and looking? If you were hoping for a new love connection at the start of the year, the pandemic might have flipped your plans upside down. Even daters who say they avoid long-distance relationships like the plague…well, ended up having to cope with the barrier of sheltering in place and social distancing due to the pandemic.


In short, COVID-19 halted our love lives. Or did it? To find this out, the team at Sitejabber analyzed thousands of online dating reviews and published a study on the current state of online dating. Here are a few of their top findings you should know.

1. Online dating takes it to the next level

At the onset of the pandemic, online dating activity took a downturn. However, the drop in the number of online daters was short-lived, and by July 2020, people flocked to online dating. Not only were previous users hopping on dating platforms, but new users too. Sitejabber found a 27% overall increase in online dating reports compared to pre-pandemic 2019.


Another interesting stat occurs late into the year – online dating surged in September, when dating reports spiked by 118% compared to the beginning of 2020. Despite social distancing orders and sheltering in place, the loneliness of the pandemic sure motivated many singles!

2. International dating takes a break

Those looking for love internationally put their plans on hold last year. Reports of dating out of the country decreased by 21%. Perhaps travel bans and quarantine had something to do with it?

3. Sliding in the DM’s

Are you the type to text first?

If you’ve ever used a dating app, you know that most platforms allow you to match with potential connections by liking different profiles. Typically, you can only text each other once you’ve matched. And during the pandemic, women are taking the initiative.

According to Sitejabber and AI dating platform Hily, women are 5x more likely to text first. That’s an increase from 7% before the pandemic, to 40% now!

4.The loneliest states

If you live in California, you likely know someone who found their partner online (or maybe it’s you!). California is the number one state in the U.S. to report online dating. And even though international dating dropped during the pandemic, Californians actually ramped it up, reporting dating internationally 77% more.


While most of the U.S.’s online daters live in California, other states saw significant surges of online dating during COVID-19. Reports of online dating skyrocketed by 167% in the state of Washington, followed by Massachusetts, Arizona, Georgia and New Jersey. For these states, the pandemic contributed to a new culture of online dating.

5. Finding love in a hopeless place

How is the modern dater feeling during these unprecedented times? Unfortunately, negative online dating experiences increased by 12%. States like Massachusetts, Georgia, Nevada, Missouri and Michigan reported the highest frequency of negative experiences.


Despite all that, several states made the best of it. Many satisfied daters live in Washington, Illinois, Arizona, New York and New Jersey, sharing the highest frequency of positive online experiences.


How do you feel about dating during the pandemic? If you want to learn more about the latest dating trends, things to watch out for and how scammers are targeting online daters, check out the full study on Sitejabber.

Why Online Dating Will Continue to Bloom Long After Covid-19 Disappears.

There are always some industries that do well in times of strife. A year into the coronavirus when it was declared a global health emergency by the WHO, we see that food delivery companies, grocery chains, video communications companies, Netflix and, of course, Amazon are flourishing during this social and economic upheaval. If you take something like Zoom: nobody could have known that the relatively-niche video streaming platform would become such an important part of our lives within the space of a few months.

But one of the early ‘winners’ (and we want to use that term respectfully) of the pandemic was the online dating industry. Within days of the first lockdown last March, dating apps, which were already growing in popularity (albeit, there were some signs of online dating fatigue), saw unprecedented surges in new registrations. Pretty soon, they became part of the new normal in dating, as people adjusted to finding love and connections in a time when physical contact was not always possible.

Will online dating flourish if Covid disappears? 

And yet, can we muse about what happens after? Experts have warned that Covid is something we might have to live with for years, but the success of vaccines suggests that we should return to some semblance of normality. The movie theaterswill open again, as will the bars, clubs, coffee shops and restaurants. For some, it might be a welcome relief to pursue the traditional ways of dating again. But others might have been bitten by the online dating bug. Most experts predict that online dating will continue to grow (but not as quickly) through 2021 and 2022, with new registrations plateauing around 2023.

Last spring, we saw an initial surge in the use of dating apps. With big players like Match and Tinder seeing double-digit growth by the end of the year. However, there were some interesting details within those figures. At first younger people flocked to using dating apps when the pandemic initially struck. Whereas the increase in older users didn’t happen until later in the year. That tells us that younger people were keen to jump on board and move dating to the virtual world. Older folks were a bit more hesitant, but they came around after a few months.


Daters have had to learn patience

Younger and older people generally operate in different spheres of the online dating world. Younger people are more likely to embrace casual interactions. An option like Flirt, which you can see a review of when you check out this URL, is geared towards those looking no-strings connections. It’s based on physical attraction and flirting rather than traditional matchmaking criteria. Older people, generally speaking, usually gravitate towards those that are, let’s say, a little less geared towards casual hookups.

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How to Keep a Still Mind Amidst a Chaotic Time

We often try to resolve other issues that we forget to protect our own peace.

In a strange way, I have felt a stillness around me, although the chaos on TV and social media is nothing close to stillness. What brought me here rooted in accepting that I cannot control everything around me.

There are so many issues, unresolved problems, and unanswered questions we all want to know.

We all want answers, we all want stillness, and we all want to see this country and the world in peace. Yet, that weight is far too heavy for an individual. What I did do for my country was vote in November, spread the most accurate information possible, and had conversations that were uncomfortable, but in all ways insightful. 

You might be asking yourself, how did you accomplish this “stillness” during a pandemic, a messy election, and media coverage? I wrote, I cried, and I rejoiced. Not necessarily in that order, but it was the routine I had to do for my mental health.

During the last five weeks of my fall semester, I did not want the outside energy (news, public figures, articles, and so on) to influence my own energy. As a student journalist and a first-generation college student, I have a full plate in my hands all the time. I took initiative and tried every day to ground my emotions, thoughts, and actions. There were days I failed and days I succeeded. The key is to try every day to ground yourself. 

Find your escape or your outlet.

I wrote poetry, I wrote my thoughts, and I wrote articles to help others. I know writing is my way of destressing, but I was not necessarily stressed. I wanted to document the way I felt, my own opinion, and my perspective as a future journalist. I know that there is so much for everyone to learn out there and in no way am I perfect. Writing can help get those thoughts out of your head and on physical paper (or electronically). Find that escape, outlet, or hobby that helps you reflect without leaving you anxious.

It is okay to feel unmotivated (a lot) lately.

For starters, I was against the entire phrase, “You will never get this much free time again.” Is that a threat? So, I have to be overworked and stressed 24/7? It made me so uncomfortable. That is why I think I burnt out after October; I was so busy all year long, even when I could have rested.

Society and social media will trick our minds so easily nowadays. That is why I am here to stop you in your tracks before you burn out. Take a day, a week, or (if you can financially) a month off. Sometimes we need to just reset our routines, brains, and lifestyle. At the end of the day, our lives are a reflection of choices we made. Make the choice today or tomorrow to rest. 

Rejoice on those good days!

When you are having a good day, don’t think too much about the next day or the next week. I think it is so important to soak in all that glory. When I am having a good day, I will watch my favorite show, listen to some upbeat music and write (or read) for fun. It is such a small act for yourself, to appreciate life and how happy days are still there. There are so many reasons to smile in this world – if your day was one, celebrate it! 

As we start a new year, let’s set intentions rather than “resolutions.” It is so important to be intentional with our choices in life. Try being intentional with what you choose to tackle this year. Whether your intentions are for your mental health, physical, or spiritual health. In the end, we are responsible for setting the true vision for ourselves.

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About the Author

Melanie Oliva is a student journalist at the University of Missouri. She is majoring in Journalism with an emphasis in Magazine Writing and Investigating Journalism and a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Melanie loves shopping local, oat milk lattes, and listening to music. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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