21 People Who Regret Waiting Until Marriage

Though it seems increasingly rare these days, there are still quite a few people out there who choose to save themselves for marriage. Whether it’s for religious reasons or just personal preference, there’s an obvious amount of sacrifice that comes with holding on to your v-card until the wedding night.

To each their own. We’re not here to judge, but if you are considering waiting until the big day, you may want to read through these Whisper confessions from people who saved themselves and deeply regretted their decision.

1. It’s all about compatibility.

2. Sometimes it just sucks.

3. Do what you gotta do.

4. Only time will tell.

5. Some people aren’t as adventurous as others.

6. Some are just stubborn.

7. The FOMO is real.

8. Size varies.

9. There’s more than meets the eye.

10. He might be a selfish a**hole.

11. Or there might be other ~issues~.

12. It can be a let down.

13. You might miss out on trying new things.

14. Sex seems like a huge deal.

15. Experience is a good thing.

16. There might not be any chemistry.

17. It’s an expensive sacrifice for sure.

18. At least you know now.

19. He might not be as sexual as you.

20. That was a close one.

21. An unfortunate discovery.

21 Guys Explain Why They Send D*ck Pics

Anyone who has ever been the unsuspecting recipient of a dick pic knows how truly assaulting it can be on the eyes. Not to say the subject of the photo is unattractive, but most of us aren’t excited by the idea of some random genitals showing up in our DM’s without permission. So, why do guys do it?

Well, fortunately, several men decided to answer that exact question on Whisper and their responses might just surprise you…or not at all.

1. It’s all about the rush.

2. It’s an insecurity thing.

3. Sometimes it’s just to liven up a conversation.

4. Maybe it’s just for kicks.

5. It’s an ego boost.

6. Sometimes it’s just a couple thing.

7. It lays the groundwork.

8. It helps with low self-esteem.

9. To manage expectations.

10. Sometimes we have to turn the tables.

11. And sometimes they do it just to offend us.

12. It’s just lazy.

13. They’re hoping for something in return.

14. They assume it’s what we want.

15. It gives them a heads up.

16. Some men just need feedback.

17. Some like it when we’re mean.

18. It’s not just for you.

19. It makes them feel special.

20. It’s just for a reaction.

21. They’re fishing for compliments.

32 Things You Thought While Watching “Gone Girl” For The First Time

SPOILER ALERT: If you haven’t seen or read Gone Girl and don’t want the ending spoiled for you, it’s time to turn back.  Turn back now!

I know I’m not the only person who was disturbed and yet weirdly fascinated by David Fincher’s latest disturbing and weirdly fascinating film.  Late last year, his adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s bestseller, Gone Girl had movie audiences all over the globe silently mouthing “what the fuck” at the totally intriguing drama about a troubled wife going missing and her husband landing himself as the prime suspect.  The story takes the viewer (and main character Nick Dunne) on a rollercoaster ride of suspicion and revelations, culminating in the twist halfway through which reveals that Nick’s wife Amy is totally insane, and she ran away, planning to frame her husband for her murder.

It’s a rare thing when the movie adaptation of a popular book is just as good, if not better than the book itself, but Gone Girl is one of those.

It’s bizarre, unsettling, uncomfortable, and really really interesting.  A first viewing can conjure some very strong reactions.  I bet you thought a lot of these things (or even said them out loud) the first time you saw Gone Girl.

  1. I’m 10 minutes in and I already want to date this Amy chick.
  2. Okay, 20 bucks says Ben Affleck totally killed her.
  3. Has Ben Affleck ever not played a tool in his entire career?
  4. This treasure hunt thing is either the cutest or most annoying idea ever.
  5. If I ever get married, I’m totally going to do a treasure hunt every year.
  6. Holy boobs, Batman!
  7. This Andi chick is the dumbest girl alive.
  8. Wait. Wait. WHAT? SHE’S ALIVE?!

  9. Did I say I wanted to date Amy?  I’ve made a huge mistake.
  10. Um, exactly whose side are we supposed to be on?
  11. If I was running away from my husband, I think I’d at least want to get the hell out of Missouri.
  12. What is Madea doing in this movie?
  13. Carrying all your cash in a fanny pack is just asking for someone to rob you, lady.
  14. Told you.
  15. I can’t decide if this “cool girl” rant is the most feminist or anti-feminist thing I’ve ever heard.
  16. This woman is straight-up ladling pee out of her toilet and into a mason jar.  Nuts.
  17. I have to hand it to her though, Amy thought of everything.
  18. Do you think Nancy Grace declined the opportunity to play herself in this movie?
  19. I’d totally live with that creep Desi in a mansion like that.
  20. Why is his name Desi?  Couldn’t he be Jim or David?
  21. Wait, what is she doing with that wine bottle — oh my lord, this chick is psycho.

  22. Amy, you sly, crafty bitch.
  23. Is that Neil Patrick Harris’ dick?!
  24. Please tell me the cops aren’t going to buy Amy’s story.
  25. Of course, the cops bought Amy’s story.
  26. They just let her leave the hospital covered in blood like that?
  27. Oh my god, this woman is an evil genius!

  28. So wait…who’s going to pay off all that credit card debt she racked up?
  29. Lock the door?  How about run out the door and get the hell away from that crazy woman?
  30. Come on, Ben Affleck.  Just wait for her to have the baby and then run away with it in the middle of the night.
  31. That’s the most unsettling ending I’ve ever seen.
  32. I…I feel like I need a shower.  And five years of therapy.
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