Gorgeous Gorgeous Girls create vision boards for 2022

Hello 2022! I welcomed this fabulous year with an open mind and heart.

If you are looking for realistic advice to create real goals and dreams for your 2022, look no further because I am breaking down how to create the best board for you. I will not be speaking about health goals, because I am not a nutritionist, dietician or a fitness trainer. Those goals are left for you to decide to tackle and there is no shame in how we look entering our “post pandemic” era. 

To curate the best vision board for yourself begin with three to six big goals. For example, they could be labeled “financial” or “personal”. This helps create a foundation for our overall board. Figure out which three areas in your life you want to focus on all year. 


The next step is creating a realistic timeline for each sectional and adding one to three goals under that section. For example, if your sectional is “personal” what two personal goals would you add? It could be regarding traveling twice a year by yourself or spending time with family. 

Once you have three to six big goals and the smaller goals written down, find an appropriate timeline for each goal. Using the traveling example, avoid writing things like, “Travel to Europe and Mexico before October”. Instead, write down things like “travel to Mexico during the spring” and “end of summer trip to Europe”. Personally, I like to have an end of the year goal and a half-way point goal. This motivates me to get to my June goal and once I have hit that goal, I know I have six months left to achieve my end of the year goal. 

Once all of your goals are written down, timelines are set and you have a clear understanding of your goals, it is time to pull inspiration. Start by choosing your color of the year. Find a color that makes you feel calm, motivated and excited all at once. If you can’t pick one then find two more. At the end of the day, this vision board is for you to look at and feel inspired. 

The next step is finding two or three fonts that fit your aesthetic. If you are just using pictures, you can skip this step. The reason texts are important for a vision board is to motivate and want us to look back at our boards. I think fonts are just as important as the pictures we decide to use. 

The final step is finding the photos you want to collage and placing them on the board. My advice is working your pictures from the edges into the middle. Find your big goal pictures and section them around the edges. Then, add the smaller goal photos and any texts you want to go alongside. And do not forget to incorporate your 2022 color (or colors) to make your board cohesive. 

A vision board is a fun way to tackle those big goals and the small goals we all want to achieve. If you have a hard time finding inspiration, look for articles, videos, and podcasts that talk about healthy goals to create. Everyone has something they are looking forward to each year and it is a way to do something for yourself. 

I hope that my advice can help you create a beautiful vision board for 2022. Send this article to your friends for a fun wine and vision board night. Or send it to someone who needs some creative inspiration for 2022. 

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Creating Your Own Clothing: 5 Must-Have Items for Your First Studio

If you dream about creating your own clothing, don’t worry about spending tons of money to start your first project. These five essential supplies make years of sewing projects possible.

With the right planning and upkeep, your studio will have everything you need without breaking your budget. Check out these must-haves.


Sewing Machine Table

Every sewing enthusiast needs a good table. You should have plenty of space for your sewing machine and extra room around it. Projects of all sizes will pass through the machine and pass over the table, so keep it clean and open. If you have extra decor like picture frames or a sewing box, find places around or beside your table to avoid knocking anything over.

Your desk should also have room to organize all of your supplies in drawers or built-in shelving. Neat boxes of bobbins, needles, and rulers streamline future projects and make it easier to double-check which supplies you need to restock. You’ll save more money by taking this extra step so you never buy what you already have at home.


Fabric Cutting Table

You need to cut fabric before starting a project, which is easier with a designated fabric cutting table. There will always be space to spread out materials and cut them while they’re flat, preventing snags or missed tracing lines. Top it with a reinforced mat, so you never slice into your table.

Your cutting table may also have drawers for storing things like your rotary cutter or fabric shears. As you become more comfortable with challenging projects, you can get the necessary tools without cluttering your crafting area.

Make sure there’s nothing around your table to prevent you from cutting smoothly. Otherwise, you might bump your elbow or arm into something and injure yourself with the sharp cutting tools.


Electric Space Heater

When you don’t have an extra room to put your sewing equipment, move into your garage. It’s often the perfect place to make your projects in privacy. Open the door for fresh air and clear out half of the space for all of your must-have items.

You can even work there year-round with a space heater. They won’t drive up your electricity bill like your thermostat. Their design allows them to maintain a comfortable temperature in below-freezing climates without consuming tons of electricity. A cold garage results in stiff fingers and runny noses. Everyone should have a comfortable environment for their hobbies, wherever they take place in your house.


Ergonomic Rolling Chair

Creating your own clothing sometimes requires bending over your work table for hours on end. It could result in significant pain if you don’t use an ergonomic chair. These chairs provide lumbar support to reduce lower back strain that causes pain in places like:

● Your shoulders
● Your ears
● Your hips

If you find this support in a rolling chair, you’ll easily glide from your cutting to sewing table without extra hassle. They’re easy to assemble, support your posture, and last a long time, so they’re another worthy studio investment. Test a few chairs in person by looking at in-store models to make sure your chair’s curve properly fits into your lower and upper back.


Dedicated Ironing Board

Finishing seams is much simpler after ironing the fabric. It also prevents wrinkles from permanently ruining any specific alignments. Your future striped shirt won’t look good if you accidentally misalign the stripes because of bunched or wrinkled fabric.

Tuck your trusty ironing board behind your sewing desk or in a nearby closet. You’ll never waste time hunting it down because a family member needed to press clothes for work elsewhere in your home. Pair it with an iron specifically for your projects so you always have what you need on hand.


Make Your Budget

Creating your own clothing is a rewarding, life-long adventure, so make a studio budget today. These five must-have items for your first studio ensure that you have all the basics for big and small projects. Beginning with a comfortable environment, a sturdy desk, and even a personal ironing board prevents unnecessary distractions so you get the most joy from your hobby.


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About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

7 Fall Date Ideas – College Edition

Looking for some college date ideas? Dating in this day and age can be challenging for anyone, even college students. Beyond the typical challenges created by today’s social landscape, college students face endless deadlines, countless assignments and oftentimes managing a college/work/life balance.

With the diverse set of responsibilities college students face, actually being creative on a date can be a bit limited. Even though school responsibilities tend not to ruin a students’ personal lives, we have many tips to make things easier when it’s important to get creative on your next date. Here are some college date ideas for Fall.

1. Stargaze!

One of the best college date ideas that you can do together is stargazing! The sky is so beautiful to watch that you will both lose yourselves in its elegance. While you’re at it, have a deep talk and get to know yourselves better. Make sure you pick a place with few lights around to see the sky clearly. You could bring along some hot tea and a blanket to make the atmosphere cozier and more romantic!

Another cool idea would be planning a trip to the Planetarium. The tickets are not that expensive in general, but the effects are astonishing. “Take your camera with you and book a trip in advance to make sure everything runs smoothly on your ‘date day.’” writes Australian Writings paper service coordinator, Michael Johnson.

2. Turn It into a Movie Marathon

Another good idea to spend your college date is watching movies! Make some butter popcorn and hot cocoa, get your warm blankets, rent your favorite movies, and… go! Start your own movie marathon. “There are so many options you could choose from,” writes BestEssay, “such as Harry Potter, the Twilight Saga, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, Rush Hour, The Hunger Games, The Matrix Trilogy, Fast and Furious, etc. The options you have are endless – all you need to do is put your mind to work.”

3. Volunteer

Another fall date idea is volunteering. Which brings people together and, with the risk of sounding cheesy, does make the world a better place. So, if you are not sure what to do but want to spend some quality time with your date, plan on volunteering! There are so many NGOs that could use a helping hand! Some ideas could be The Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels Association of America, The Humane Society of the United States, and many others.

Volunteering is also a good idea to test out your potential partner to see if they are interested in helping people out. It helps you discover their personality and see how life has shaped their character. If you are truly into volunteering (or simply want to try it out), why not start now, while in college? In the end, helping others while on a date might be the best way to spend that spare time. So get ahead and volunteer for your collage date.

4. Go to a Drive-in Movie Theater

If you want to book a trip back to the 80s’, this is your chance to do it. Drive-in movie theaters never go out of fashion. Even if this idea might be fancier than your partner would expect, that will do nothing but entice them! You will surprise them in a way they would have never guessed. Some drive-in cinemas play old school movies at a lower price, so this might be quite the opportunity for a college student. However, be prepared to spend some money on popcorn, snacks, sweets, and sodas! If you’re over 21, I’m sure you can get beers too.

If you want to spice up your date, bring some patio chairs that you could easily fit into your car. They don’t have to be ornate or special, your date is already super cute and romantic!

5. Visit the Farmer’s Market

Who said that dates are all about chocolate and flowers? If you want to upgrade your game, bring your partner to the farmer’s market. For this college date idea you can buy them fresh veggies and yummy truck food! Besides that, every market has its Arts & Crafts special corner; taking a quick walking tour throughout the area will feel amazing for both of you. Some markets might even play music and offer free cooking demonstrations, so watch out for those! It could be even more fun than you’d expect.

6. Cook a Pumpkin Dessert

Since it is fall already, carving pumpkins or cooking pumpkin desserts should definitely be on your priority list. You could also make an apple pie if you feel like it! All the flavors and spices will quickly bring you into the fall mood. If you want to be even more creative, invite some friends over for some boardgames! After they leave, you will have free time to cuddle with your partner.

7. Sing Around the Bonfire

Ask anybody who loves fall how amazing bonfires are! You can cook some S’mores while you’re at it too! The bonfire will keep you warm, the marshmallows will sweeten you up, so all you need besides that is a guitar and some beautiful friends. This is a date even if there are other people around – there’s no way in which a bonfire and good romantic music won’t impress your other half.

There are so many cool places to check out and activities to pursue during the fall seasons! The warm clothes should not prevent you from having fun! Dating sounds like a great idea whenever, so make sure you go get the person you want even if there is a pile of work waiting for you on your desk. Make memories, make friends, kiss, love, have fun, and party! College date ideas help make school more than studying. And well, it’s about living every single moment of your life at its maximum!  Be sure to see what our thoughts are about getting married in college too.

Michael Gorman is high skilled writer and editor at writix.co.uk from UK who currently works at Gorman essay writing services. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existing everyday. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or check his Twitter for more details on his dissertation writing services.

Discover Yourself: Why You Should Always Give In to Your Artistic Impulses

Creativity is complicated. If you’ve got any sort of artistic impulse, you often find that the urge to give in to that instinct tends to fade away when you realize that you may not make a living doing what you love. As far as you’re concerned, if you can’t find a career that corresponds to your artistic inclinations, you shouldn’t bother acknowledging them at all.

Unfortunately, such an attitude will do little more than prevent you from enjoying the most enriched life you could possibly have. If you possess any sort of desire to create any sort of art, you should feed that desire as much as possible. Doing so will. . .

Enhance Your Skills

No matter how much you may want to be an artist, you can rarely succeed as one – on either a personal or professional level – without much practice. While there have, in history, existed geniuses who were able to master a craft with little effort, most of us aren’t that brilliant. We want to be a great writer, or painter, or composer, but we aren’t going to reach our goal without working towards it.

True, you may not end up making money doing the work that matters to you, but you most certainly won’t if you don’t put in the time to develop your skills.

Heal Your Mind

The urge to create art indicates that the individual feeling this urge has something to say. By not indulging in your creativity, you are essentially biting your tongue, refusing to let loose the insights you feel an unshakeable need to share. This will only lead to stress. Granted, just because you feel the need to say something, doesn’t exactly mean you should – the art you create does not need to be shared if you end up understanding that the message behind it isn’t something you think others need to hear – but by not at least giving yourself the chance to commit your thoughts to a permanent, clear form, you deny yourself the mental health that comes with speaking your mind.

Enjoy Your Life

The creative act is, almost always, a joyful experience. Yes, it can involve torment, yes, it can involve tearing at your own soul to bring to light the darker feelings lurking below the surface of your mind, but in the end, the time you spend creating a work of art is time that it generally enjoyable.

Life itself isn’t always that fun. The work you do to earn an income can be difficult, the relationships you have with others may be stressful, and the way you feel about yourself isn’t always positive, but the art you create will bring you happiness.

Focus Your Intention

We must always understand that we can’t exactly expect to make money as an artist. It’s possible to do so, but you’re certainly not doing yourself any favors if you think there’s a guarantee that your skill will turn a profit.

Then again, if you fail to follow your passion at all, you’ll notice that you lose that driving force that motivates you to live your dreams. By continuing to give in to your artistic sensibilities, you keep that flame ignited. You remind yourself, each and every day, why you truly wake up in the morning.

Explore Your Soul

When we set out to create a work of art, we may have an intention in mind, but those who truly give in to the creative process often find that they discover shades of their minds, bodies, and souls, that they didn’t know existed. The message you meant to express evolves into something new and compelling.

This is always a fulfilling and worthwhile experience. Yes, life is best when we spend time to learn about the various cultures, thoughts, and beliefs that are foreign to us. However, we may not realize that within our own identities, there are such foreign ways of seeing the world.

By creating art, we allow ourselves to meet these new perceptions, enriching our overall experience, not only of the world, but of our own lives.

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