Professional Waxers Are Sharing Their Horror Stories And Oh My God, They’re Painful

Many women opt for waxing over shaving because it’s a well-known fact that waxing keeps hair away longer. While it’s completely normal to hit up a salon to get the hair on your lady bits ripped away, we often forget that someone is getting paid to do it for us. Unfortunately, not everyone gives waxes the respect they deserve. u/dreamingofwealth asked professional waxers to share their worst horror story and it’s truly traumatizing.


I asked this very question to someone who was waxing me. Theirworst is normally hygiene related, like a woman who’d clearly had sex at some point just before the appointment and hadn’t cleaned out properly.



Not me, but this happened to a friend of mine. She and her girlfriend decided to get Brazilian waxes together. It was her first Brazilian wax, so she had no frame of reference for how much it was supposed to hurt. First strip, okay, few more, fine, then one more pull and MEGA PAIN. The waxer looked terrified, but then just smiled and just quickly made gestures for her to get dressed and come out front to pay (this happened in South Korea). When she got home, she inspected the area, and the waxer had actually ripped her labia. She had to immediately go to hospital to get stitches to have it repaired. All my friend did was go back to the salon with her hospital bill and demand thatthey pay it and call the matter settled, which they did.



A very large lady would ask for a Brazilian wax, which includes the ass crack. She already had strong body odour and when my teacher waxed the ass crack, the wax strip was caked in shit. She just about threw up on the client.


Woman Gets Dumped On Valentine’s Day After Treating The Waitress Poorly

From a very young age, my grandmother told me to pay close attention to how my significant other treats waitstaff when we’re out at a restaurant. For some, it’s a way to see someone else’s “true colors” to see how they treat those who are there to “serve them.” For others, it’s not a huge deal. In my mind—if you treat a server poorly, you’re a complete piece of sh*t and I’m not going to go out with you again. Apparently, I’m not alone in feeling this way.

Reddit user lustfulspiritanimal shared a story on the subreddit “Tales From Your Server” about one couple’s Valentine’s Day date that went horribly, horribly wrong.

Last night I was taking care of a party of 16 and a few other tables of just couples. The party of 16 was needy, but they were aware of it and remained friendly…except “Angie”…

The first incident with “Angie” was not taking her order first. I went around the table, got to her, and she let out a “jfc, about time. People are thirsty.” I continued with drink orders, walking around the table to place coasters, started walking away and heard “excuse me miss, but where is my drink???” I tell her “I haven’t left the table yet. It will be here shorty.” Her boyfriend, “Luis,” apologizes for her and I carry on with my routine.

The second incident was when Angie ate Rebecca’s appetizer (which was dropped off by a food runner). Angie’s excuse (which she uses again later on…) “How am I supposed to know what I ordered?”

Luis: “Babe, you didnt even order an appetizer.”

Angie (looking right at me): “Well this dumb bitch shouldn’t have put it in front of me if it wasn’t mine.”

Once again, apologies from Luis on Angie’s behalf.

Things like this continue to happen throughout the night. But the group is fun and I ignore it. Everyone is in conversation when I bring the checks. Luis tells me to put them next to him and he will pass them out.

I’m having a conversation with a lovely couple on their first date when Angie walks over to the table and starts yelling. “You’re so fucking lazy that you can’t even hand our checks to us. You just throw them on the fucking table. How are we supposed to know what we ordered??? You need to get our ass back to our table and quit talking to your friends and do your fucking job!!!”

The guy from the table I was talking to just looked at her like “wtf? This crazy bitch.” I’m looking at him like “I know, right?”

I tell her that I’ll get a manager and she can speak with them. I tell my manager everything and she just gets this wonderfully evil smile on her face. She tells me not to return to the table and to give the interrupted couple the employee discount and a dessert.

As I’m doing this, I look over and see Angie and Luis talking to my manager. Angie is waving her arms around like a wacky inflatable man. My manager is still smiling like a creep. Luis is rolling his eyes. Everyone signs their checks and leaves. I pick them up and see that the tips on all of them have been scratched out. I walk outside and see Rebecca #2, ask her about it, and she gets visibly pissed, and has the entire part resign copies of their checks. Luis and his brother come up to me, apologize again, and hand me $40 cash.

Then the best thing ever happens.. Luis walks downstairs to Angie. I have no idea what he said. But the entire floor heard “YOU’RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR SOME STUPID WAITRESS??? FUCK HER! FUCK YOU! YOU’RE A DUMB BITCH TOO!”

It just goes to show you—being kind goes a long way. Being rude to servers is wrong to begin with, but, who knows—you could end up getting dumped on Valentine’s Day by your boyfriend for being an absolute nightmare of a human being.

h/t: Reddit.

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