‘Jenny’s Song’ From Episode 2 Of ‘GoT’ May Have Hinted At Who Ends Up On The Iron Throne

Episode 2 of Season 8 of Game of Thrones left a lot of fans emotionally drained, knowing all too well that next week, many of our favorite characters will die in the battle at Winterfell. Regardless of how many faces we get to see together—with only six episodes in the entire season, it’s time to say goodbye to some of our favorites.

With all of the characters well aware that they’re going to die pretty damn soon, they got all sappy, emotional, and nostalgic—over drinks and fear. We saw Arya get her groove on with Gendry, Sansa and Theon exchange some scandalous and worrisome glances—even Samwell and Jorah having a heart-to-heart.

But, the true highlights of the episode were held in front of a fireplace with some of the most random band of characters to be thrown together. Tyrion, Jaime, Brienne, Ser Davos, Tormund, and Podrick sat together—drinking and laughing—to discuss what their endless possibilities are after the battle of Winterfell. Podrick decided to take Tyrion up on his offer of “singing a tune,” and chose “Jenny’s Song.”

For fans of the show, “Jenny’s Song” has very little meaning. But, for those who have read the novels by George R.R. Martin—well, “Jenny’s Song” if very important when it comes to Targaryens and the Iron Throne.

George R.R. Martin included “Jenny’s Song” in the novels to give a significant backstory to the Targaryen family tree. Jenny of Oldstones was a woman who fell in love with Duncan Targaryen—who is Daenerys’ great uncle. Duncan was in line to take the Iron Throne but gave up his power as King of the Seven Kingdoms to be with his one true love—Jenny.

The story goes in the novels that Duncan Targaryen was to sit on the Iron Throne, but instead, he married a woman named Jenny of Oldstones. His family was outraged at the marriage, as Targaryens were known for marrying for power and politics—sometimes even marrying within the Targaryen bloodline. Therefore, Aerys II—Daenerys’ father—took the Iron Throne in the placement of Duncan. If it weren’t for Jenny and Duncan’s marriage, Dany would not have claim to the Iron Throne at all—nor would Jon.

So, why the hell would the writers place the song in the episode?

Some believe that the song was placed there—on purpose—to foreshadow the idea that Jon could follow in Duncan Targaryen’s footsteps—giving up his heir to the Iron Throne for Dany, his newfound love. Seeing as he just found out he’s a Targaryen and the Iron Throne is rightfully his—he doesn’t seem all that excited about ruling the Seven Kingdoms.

Let us not forget that Jon never wanted to be in charge of the crows up at Castle Black when he was nominated, nor did he want to be proclaimed “The King in the North,” either—stating on several occasions he “doesn’t want power.”

Therefore, believing that he would give up his seat on the throne for Dany is not all that farfetched or crazy to believe. He claims to love Dany—and he’s already bent the knee to her. She has given up her quest for the throne and taking down Cersei—for now—to help Jon defeat/battle the Army of the Dead, so, thinking Jon would repay her by allowing her the throne—well, it makes sense.

Plus, if the two were to marry—he’d be the King anyway. And, if they’re both Targaryens—it’s not super weird for there to be hella incest in their marriage, anyway. Those Targaryens love to keep that bloodline strong! *gags*

But wait, there’s more!!!

There is another theory online that states that the song was included because Rhaegar Targaryen—Jon’s father—wrote the song for Lyanna Stark—Jon’s mother. According to theory, the Ghost of High Heart was the one who delivered the prophecy that Aerys and Rhaella Targaryen are the ancestors of the “Prince That Was Promised.” He was convinced that he, himself, was the Prince and if he wasn’t, his offspring would be.

During the Tourney of Harrenhall, it’s said that Rhaegar wrote and sang a song to Lyanna—which could very well be “Jenny’s Song,” about his ancestor who gave up the Iron Throne for love, foreshadowing that he, too, would give up the Iron Throne to be with Lyanna, his one true love.


As Podrick finishes singing, the show turns to Dany and Jon in the crypts of Winterfell, standing in front of Lyanna Stark’s ghost. Dany says to Jon:

“Everyone told me he was decent and king. He liked to sing.”

This could be foreshadowing the idea that the song is indeed the one that Rhaegar sang to Lyanna on her death bed.  And, with his absolute infatuation with “The Prince That Was Promised” prophecy, maybe it is true that his son, Jon Snow, is the Prince.

So—to sum it all up—

“Jenny’s Song” is about Duncan Targaryen—Dany’s great uncle and Jon’s great-great uncle—who gave up his seat on the Iron Throne to be with Jenny ofOldstone, his one true love. It was sung right before Jon told Dany he’s a Targaryen and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. This could be foreshadowing that he is going to give up his seat on the throne to be with Dany—who wants the seat for herself.

Additionally, the historical side of Game of Thrones and the novels suggest that “Jenny’s Song” was written for Lyanna Stark by Rhaegar Targaryen—to prove that he, or their offspring, was going to be the Prince That Was Promised.

Or, hey, maybe the showrunners and writers just really liked the song.

h/t: Vox, YouTube

Jason Momoa Shaved His Beard And I’m Not Sure How I Feel About It

Facial hair or lack thereof can have a huge impact on a man’s appearance. If you’ve ever seen before and after shaving photos, you know the transformations can be pretty insane. This is probably why we get so incredibly attached to male celebrity beards, such as the one resting upon the glorious face of Jason Momoa. Well, it used to rest there. Now, the Game of Thrones star is completely shaven and tbh, I’m still not sure how to feel about it.

When we think of Jason Momoa AKA Khal Drogo AKA Aquaman, one of the first things that comes to mind is his glorious beard.

In addition to his chiseled physique and all around grizzly manliness, of course.

But what if I told you this beast of a man no longer had his signature facial hair?


The Game of Thrones actor recently released a YouTube video titled “Goodbye Drogo…I SHAVED!” in which he shaves off his entire beard while talking about his latest project to help preserve the planet.

Momoa discusses replacing plastic bottles with aluminum and other efforts we can take to live more “infinitely recyclable”—doing our part to save mother earth and whatnot.

While a noble initiative. Now let’s draw our attention back to the beard, or lack thereof.

In any situation as dire as this one, I find it best to sort through my feelings in the form of a pro-con list. So, here goes.


1. First and foremost, the obvious, he’s helping the planet.


Gorgeous and environmentally conscious, what more could you possibly need?

2. He looks younger, which is never a bad thing.


Flashback to his early onscreen years.

3. We can see his beautiful jawline.



4. And that adorable smile.


Be still, my heart.


1. I fell in love with him as Khal Drogo and it’s hard for me to imagine him as anything else.


2. As I mentioned before, the beard added that extra rugged touch.

Getty Images

Yes, sir.

3. Not necessarily a bad thing, but he looks like a completely different man.

Getty Images / YouTube

So, there you have it—my personal insight on this whole beardless Drogo thing.

And here’s what other people had to say about the transformation:

Many were devastated.

While others felt he looks better without facial hair.

And some just love him regardless.


But I think we can all agree that he’s still one of the most beautiful beings to walk this planet. Not to mention, he’s trying to save it so that’s pretty cool too.

h/t: PopSugar

The 5 Hottest And 5 Grossest Hookups In ‘Game of Thrones’ History

Game of Thrones is an insanely popular show for a multitude of reasons. One being the fact that at any point in time it’s fair to assume the characters on-screen will start having sex. It doesn’t matter what else is going on—wars raging, people dying, etc—someone somewhere is banging. Sometimes it’s extremely hot, other times it’s downright gross and uncomfortable to watch.  For starters – rape. For seconds – incest. While both were common during the time the show is set, it still leaves us with a horrible taste in our mouths because we don’t f*ck with any of that – and neither should you.


1. Jaime & Cersei Lannister – Season 4, Episode 3:


While any sex scene with Jaime and Cersei is gag-worthy and disgusting, this one is particularly horrible because they’re standing over the dead corpse of their son, Joffrey. While Joffrey was an awful person and we couldn’t wait to see him go – having his own father rape his mother aka his father’s twin sister, is just wrong on every single level imaginable. Did we mention that they’re twins? Did we mention that this was rape? Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

2. Ramsay Bolton & Sansa Stark – Season 5, Episode 6:


This scene still haunts me to this day. Ramsay Bolton has to be, hands down, the most horrible human being/character to ever be on the show (even worse than Joffrey). Forcing someone to marry you is one thing, but raping them is a whole different level of horrible and inhumane. And, having Theon standing there watching over Sansa as she’s tortured is even more disgusting. Sansa has been nothing but everyone’s pawn in a bigger game for the majority of the show prior to this and it’s actually heartbreaking. Thank God she’s recovered and found her “true self” and become empowered by all of this torture. We hope she never has to go through this again.

3. Dany & Khal Drogo – Season 1, Episode 1:


While everyone thinks Dany and Khal Drogo were an adorable couple – because eventually, they were kind of cute – she was also sold and raped like a slave by Drogo, against her will. She cried throughout the majority of their intercourse, and, he didn’t really care about that or her well being at all when they first got together. Of course, all of this contributes to Dany’s empowerment and strength in the later seasons, but watching it early on and remembering her trauma never sits well.

4. Theon & Yara Greyjoy – Season 2, Episode 2:


Why does everyone forget that Theon and Yara had a little incest bit of their own? Theon arrives back at the Iron Islands and meets his sister, who he doesn’t know is his sister but ends up finger-banging her on a horse. I’m nauseous. This scene is disgusting and uncomfortable all at the same time. I’d rather see anyone else on this show get together than these two ever again. Plus, Yara knowing that Theon was her brother makes it even weirder and more warped. Not into it.

5. Dany & Jon Snow – Season 7, Episode 7:


I can bet my life that everyone will be furious with me for adding this into the “worst” category – but I can’t deny that it pissed me off. Sure, everyone wanted it to happen because of fire and ice and blah, blah, blah – but, we all know they’re related. You can scorn Jaime and Cersei for doing the nasty and everyone else who’s broken the incest bubble and then give these two a pass. They may not know they’re related – but we know they’re related so we should think it’s wrong – not hot. Plus, it messes up a lot of things moving forward, like the battle they have up ahead. We know how people get when they “fall in love,” and “fall into bed together.” I’d rather see the White Walkers defeated in Season Eight than Jon and Dany doing the nasty.

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