This Is The Only Kind Of Person Worth Dating

This person is going to challenge you.

Whenever we find ourselves single, we automatically feel lonely. We scroll through our social media feeds watching everyone else we know fall madly in love and wonder when we’re going to get our shot at the “real deal.”

We day-dream about being swept off our feet by the “right person,” curious as to when the f**k they’re going to stroll on into our lives and take our breath away. And we feel alone and tired of waiting and instead of looking for the person we should be with, we settle for people who don’t deserve our time or being.

When you’re venturing out on the quest for love – there is only one type of individual that is worth your time – the person who pushes you to be a better version of who you already are.

When you find the right person for you-you’ll know.

The right person will challenge you because they want you to grow – to expand your mind-state, thoughts, and opinions further than what you’re accustomed to. People are going to tell you they’re wrong for you because they push you, but in reality, it’s exactly the kind of person worth giving your energy to. They want to open your world to new cultures, ideas, and notions – expanding your knowledge and showing you thinks and places you’d never even dreamt of.

19 Things To Know Before Dating Someone With An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind

Outgoing people with anxious minds – or minds that over-think – tend to feel anxiety the most intensely.  We’ll never talk about it, but the truth is our self-angst is maxed out. Our personalities are confident, bold, calm even. But our minds are anxious and we require a special type of nurturing that you’re not used to, but it’ll definitely be worth it.


1. We probably won’t make the first move.

 And might ignore you the first time even if you do, but we’re not disinterested.


2. Be patient.

We don’t date just to date. Don’t let our outgoing personalities fool you – we can also be mind-numbingly introspective, questioning everything. Our over-thinking and our apprehension to immediately trust someone are, in fact, what makes us very selective about who we surround ourselves with.

12 Things To Know Before Dating A Girl Who Is Loyal to a Fault

“We’re a team whatever you lack I got. We will balance each other out. Minor set back? Guess we’ll make a major comeback. Bad day? I promise you a better night. You need support? I’ll be your backbone. I’ll keep you motivated and at the top always. As long as you appreciate me and remain consistent, you don’t ever need to doubt my loyalty. You got me. I got us.” – unknown 

1. You are never going to doubt her.

Probably from the moment you’ve met her, she’s been honest and sincere about every intention. She hasn’t kept secrets, she hasn’t deceived you. She is honest to a fault.

2. She’ll be honest even when it hurts.

Even when it’s something you don’t want to hear, you know every word has her sincere heart behind it. You’ll see it in her eyes she doesn’t want to hurt you, but tell you things as they are, because you deserve the truth.

7 Dating Mistakes To Avoid In 2020 So Your Love Life Isn’t God Awful Again

Let’s face it—2018 wasn’t the best year for everyone when it comes to love. There are so many times we’ve made mistakes: we’ve drunk texted our ex to rekindle the flame only to be burned twice as hard, we’ve broken up with people we realized we should have never pushed out of our lives, and we’ve isolated ourselves from finding true love because we have a sour outlook on dating overall. 

Whatever the reason your love life took a bad left turn this year, it doesn’t mean that you’re doomed forever. In fact, there are so many opportunities and ways to fix your broken romance cycle this coming year, and we’re here to help you out.


1. Not being honest.

This is not only for yourself, but the person you are dating as well. We all have a gut instinct when it comes to anything in life and you need to be honest with yourself when your gut is speaking to you. Stop ignoring your guy and lying to yourself that your gut isn’t trying to tell you something; because it is. Be honest with how you really feel about the person you are with. Something in a relationship things starts out great in the beginning but after a few months, it’s not the same relationship. That is okay but it is important to be honest with yourself if you are staying in a relationship you don’t want to be in.


2. Chasing love that you truly know will never be yours.

Guilty as charged. A lot of us are. It is a natural behavior to chase after something you know that you can’t have or know isn’t right for you. That is a phase that you will eventually fall out of. “Chasing after someone that is not attainable will get old fast and wasting your time doing that will prevent you from chasing someone that is meant to be yours. Yes, the chase is fun every once and a while; and no one likes it when a relationship is easy. Things are boring that way, but it is very important to make sure you are chasing after someone that is attainable in the end. Time wasted is never satisfying.


3. Showing aggressive behavior towards the other person and the relationship you are trying to build.

A.K.A. coming on too strong, forcing the relationship too quickly, stalking the person’s every move after you first meet etc….All behaviors that are unnatural and will prove that you are too crazy to be with before a real relationship can actually blossom. You also can not force a relationship to happen. It just never works out that way. By engaging in aggressive behaviors that try to force a relationship you will just push the relationship back further from ever being a serious thing.


Woman Hands Out Pamphlets To Her Family Answering All Of Their Obnoxious Questions About Her Dating Life

If you have a family and you go on dates, you know that telling your family you’re going on a date means you’ll be bombarded with endless questions about every intimate detail they can possibly think of. How do you combat this? Apparently, make a pamphlet that answers every single question before they get the change to even ask them.

Twitter user Mary Beth Barone shared the pamphlet she provided to her family while on vacation in Florida.


Barone told BuzzFeed that she met a guy in Florida at a wedding a few weeks before going on vacation with her family. She planned to meet him in Miami for a date, but, was unsure how to approach her entire family about leaving to go on a date—all 30 people. So, instead of fielding all of their questions, Barone made a pamphlet that answered everything they would most likely ask her about her date.


The pamphlet started with a: “Please remain calm,” with a beautiful, calming ocean to make sure they do stay calm.


The questions went from “who is this guy,” to “where did you meet him,” to “what’s the parking situation,” and so on. Barone answered probably every question her parents/extended family would ask.


Barone told BuzzFeed that her family is truly nosy and invasive—but, she is to them, too. In fact, when she gave them the pamphlets, they loved it.

“I know that all their questions come from a place of love and caring, and I was glad I could ease any worries by overcommunicating.”

And, as it turns out, the date went super well. Unfortunately, the guy ghosted her afew weeks later—because, you know, men are dicks.

However, people online were truly in love with the idea to make a pamphlet to field super invasive and annoying questions instead of actually answering them out loud.

Clearly, Mary needs to make a “how to” video on mastering the art of combating big, annoying, nosy families because—we all truly need it.

h/t: BuzzFeed

Woman Shares The Insane Story Of Going On A Date With A Guy Who Works In A Morgue

Some first date stories are bad. But, some first date stories are f**king awful. Like, I mean, so awful they are almost unbelievable. The ones that you hear and say: “Nah, no shot that’s true.” And then you stop and realize how truly disgusting some humans can be and swear off dating for the rest of your life.

Twitter user Jacqueline shared the story of her friend’s date with a morgue worker and—brace yourselves, this is disgusting.

Her friend met the guy on Tinder.

After the date, they hook up and have sex. It gets…graphic.

After letting him plant his seed all over her chest, she has a rash the next day.

She decides to go to the doctor, who then sends her to a dermatologist.

And, they found “tiny parasites” under her skin.

The doctor says the only way a person gets these kinds of parasites are from having sex with animals or having sex with dead people.

As it turns out—the guy works in a morgue.

I’m just…

And, Twitter feels the same.

PSA: Stop having sex with people you barely know, y’all.

So Pete Davidson And Kate Beckinsale Are Definitely A Thing

Their relationship has been rumored for a minute now, but new pictures of Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale totally making out Sunday at a Rangers game prove that there’s definitely something going on with the pair.

To recap a bit: Pete and Kate were seen being very flirty back in January at a Golden Globes afterparty and they ended up leaving together. Then they were spotted holding hands at a show after Pete performed stand-up.

Also, Kate has apparently been clapping back at anyone who comments on this rumored relationship on her Insta.

Instagram: Kate Beckinsale
Instagram: Kate Beckinsale

As for Pete’s ex-fiancée Ariana Grande, she reportedly said that she thinks the whole thing is “SO CUTE!

And here, courtesy of Twitter, are some pictures of the new couple (??).

How sweet do they look together?

Answer: very, very sweet.

The pair showed up together at Madison Square Garden just hours after being spotted together outside this week’s SNL afterparty.

One person who might not have been super-into it at the time was Queer Eye’s resident chef, Antoni Porowski.

The pictures of him sitting beside them are wonderfully meme-able, though.

h/t: BuzzFeed, @ChicksInTheOff

25 Insane Thoughts Every Single Girl Has While Watching ‘The Bachelor’

Hate it or love it, I bet you know at least 5 of your friends that are obsessed with The Bachelor. While you may think the show is fake, staged, and a bit of a pathetic excuse for entertainment, there are millions of people around the world who tune in every Monday to see who will get that very special, very sweet red rose. And, while some watch it for the drama, and some watch it for the love, and some watch it to be able to discuss what happened with their co-workers the next day. Either way—no matter why you watch—we all know that you have the same damn thoughts when you watch.

1. Monday means one thing: wine, dine, Bachelor-time.

2. I wonder if they’ll actually cast some women who aren’t blonde and tan this season.

3. Wow, this chick’s entrance was so basic. We get it, you like to suck d*ck—pout your lips less.

4. I wonder what my entrance would be if I was going to walk out of a limo.

5. Why does every girl’s dress look like they shopped for the prom while blindfolded?

6. Oh, she’s definitely going to be the “she-devil” this season. I like her.

7. That girl is out on night one. Too “My Little Pony.” NEXT.

8. I hope the first date is on the beach. *TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT! TAKE IT ALL OFF*

9. Chris, my love, get off the camera, I need more tea.

10. When a girl says she “isn’t crazy,” RUN, she’s crazier than crazy.

11. I wonder if they sleep together off-camera.

12. Actually, I wonder how many girls actually sleep with him before the season ends.

13. They definitely all f*ck.

14. I hope they’re using protection.


16. Do women prep for this show for months? Why is she so skinny?

17. *Looks in the mirror* I need to lose weight.

18. Do they have someone come in and do their hair and makeup too? Definitely.

19. I wonder how awkward it must be for people from your hometown to see you coming on a Bachelor plane with a guy you’re literally competing for.

20. Why do men still ask fathers for permission to love their daughters? It’s 2019. Stop this.

21. He better not choose Ashley.

22. He better not choose Ashley.


24. I’m going to go on this show and literally cause a scene. Go down in history as “THAT girl.”

25. I cannot wait until next week.

This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

Women Are Revealing All The Ways Their Boyfriends Act Different In Private v. On Social Media And It’s So Relatable

When it comes to social media, it’s not uncommon that people act way differently online than they do in person. In fact, it’s more common than not that people portray a completely different person on social media than they are in person. Recently, one college student decided to blow up her own boyfriend’s spot about how different he acts on social media because—compared to the way he speaks to her one-on-one/privately—it’s light years different.

Olivia O’Leary, a student at UVIC in Victoria, British Columbia, tweeted about her boyfriend saying that the “minute the bedroom door closes” her boyfriend is all cuddly and sweet and nice. But, on social media, it’s like “me and my b*tch.” Honestly—who can’t relate to that?

O’Leary then shared the receipts from her own boyfriend, showing that his text messages show a loving, caring, adorable guy—but, on social media…who that be? I mean…it’s like two different people entirely.

In the texts, he’s obviously excited to see her, falling in love with her more and more and…SO EXCITED TO SEE HER TOMORROW!!!!



But, on Instagram, her boyfriend posted a photo from a day of hiking together—captioning it: Hiking with my broski. Ummm…what gives?


After O’Leary shared the two photos online, people began to share their own experiences with their boyfriends and how different they react to them on social media. Sure, behind closed doors things seem all lovey-dovey and sweet, but, the minute a guy logs onto social media it’s as though their manhood is questioned and triggered by being called “whipped” or “tied up.”

Like, this boyfriend who is…a bit vulgar.

Or, this guy who writes sonnets in text message.

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to a man.

Or, this guy who could care less about his girlfriend.

Or, this boyfriend who is more concerned with staying “hip.”

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to Lord Farquaad.

Or, this guy who is too busy bragging about making his girlfriend “wet.”

Or, this boyfriend who called his girlfriend his sister.

And, this guy who called his girlfriend a “depressed goblin with titties.”

It just goes to show you—most guys are d*cks online, but, behind closed doors—they cannot live without us. They need us, they worship us, they want to be with us all day, every day. So, don’t worry ladies—you’re not alone.

h/t: Twitter.

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