The Ukraine Assault -Why War Is An Act Against Global Democracy 

Yesterday the world watched on as Ukraine was invaded by Russia, in an unprovoked attack on their democracy. While many have condemned the President of Russia Valdimr Putin, and protests break out in Russia over the hostile military takeover I have to wonder if democracy as we know it is in trouble? We all know too well that this is not the first time that Russia under Putin’s reign has tried to intervene in democracy. However, this was very different. As we watch the blood shed for freedom, we have to remember that this will not stop there and that freedom is not free.

The Invasion

In the hours just before sunrise, Putin gave a speech to his people calling what we know to be a military takeover of Ukraine, a covert military operation. This coming after weeks of high tension in the area. As the world scrambles to figure out how best to handle this very troubling situation that is leading to a full blown war in the region.

Why does it matter?

Other than the obvious that people are now dying and war is not something that anyone wants to see? Ukraine is a key player in the European region as well as here in the US. With one of their biggest exports being oil, we can see higher than we have seen in gas prices across the world. I know that it is already hitting hard as the price of oil jumped a hundred dollars more a barrel in just a day.

But -Why Tho?

The invasion also comes after talks of Ukraine trying to join other ally countries in NATO. Although Ukraine is not a part of NATO or the European Nations, they do receive significant financial support from both. Putin sees this as a threat to his security. The invasion comes after trying to neuterlize this from happening. Having Ukraine under Putin’s rule, will gravely threaten America’s influence within the region. For years, Ukraine has been the buffer to Russia and America, as well as Russia and the European nations.

What has Happened Since the Invasion

Since Putin started an unprovoked attack (act of War), Ukraine has vowed to defend itself. In this defense, Ukraine says that they are responsible for 800 Russian casualities. Although it is not clear whether they are referring to the number of people that have been killed on the ground, or if it includes the thirty Russian tanks that have been destroyed. Or the seven aircrafts and six helicopters that have been shot down.

Although Ukraine is committed to defending itself, Russian forces are now twenty miles outside of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (US intelligence has reported). The US and other European nations have imposed sanctions on Russia. The US has also deployed seven thousand troops to Germany to aid the allies.

My Thoughts

As I watched the assault on a democratic country, I had several thoughts. The first of which is that the threat to democracy is not just here at home. There is a global threat to dismantle the rights that we as a global community have worked so hard to fight for. If something like this can happen in another country, then it can happen here too. We shall not be naive to the fact that we have to fight for our freedom. We must continue to make freedom a priority (not just for America), but for the world.

History Repeats Itself

We have seen assaults on democracy before, similar to what Russia is attempting to do, invade a country and take it over. Although we have not seen anything of this scale since the Germans took over Poland in WW2, we have to remain aware. We must stop underestimating people who want to get rid of democracy altogether. So, since Putin has vowed to retaliate against any country that tries to intervene in his tak over in Ukraine, the world must listen. He does not have to fight the world with tanks, there are other things he can use. He has in the past. Cyberattacks that are more advanced than we know. As well as, using the threats to the internal space station. Yes, we need to continue the fight, but we also need to be aware of other ways in which we could see consequences. We need to advance in these areas. Protect not only American interests but also aid the interest of other countries as well.

How Can You Help?

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. Here are ways that you can help. Look at these organizations and considering donating to their efforts.

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

Save the Children

Sunflower of Peace


Doctors Without Borders

Voices of Children

International Committee of the Red Cross


For further details on each — Read this extensive article from NPR

Stay safe, and keep fighting for freedom

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Here is Why Voting Rights Is A Movement We cannot Give Up On

We are seeing many states hinder the right to vote. One of the most basic rights that we as Americans have. 

Voting is so important, and not just in the presidential elections. I would argue that it is more important in your local elections. Starting in your city with the mayor and your city council. This is my call, get up and register and then vote in every single election there is. Not just the ones that make national news! 

This fight is clearly not going to be an easy. We have been fighting this fight since America became a nation in 1776. However, that doesn’t mean that we can give up. We have to keep fighting. Like the ones that did before us. So get up and get involved. Run for something, do your research. 

One of the questions that I get all the time is, why vote it doesn’t matter? That exact train of thought it part of the reason that we are now in this situation. You cannot stand and protest and then not go out and do the thing that will help the most. Voting in officials that are going to protect our rights. So go watch speeches, read what the candidates have to say and most importantly look at their voting record on the issues you care about. Remember that it starts in the most basic of elections. You can make a difference. 

We are the movement. There are enough voice that we can make the difference. It’s not going to be easy, but we have to stand our ground. We have to get to the polls, even if that means you miss a day of work. I know, I know you can’t afford it. Let me tell you, you cannot afford not to. If you want change, real change it starts at the polls. It starts at the local elections. 

Real change is hard, but it doesn’t have to end with us. We can prove that this is the strongest generation. The one who is fighting for people to live their lives and be happy. In order to do that it’s time we stop allowing a small minority of people to run the county. It’s time that we stand together and make it happen. 

Find out when your local elections are being held. Go, run don’t walk, get registered, and vote!! 

Keep fighting and stay safe! 

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Keeping Elections Fair, Free, and For Everyone 

This last week we watched on as a state representative was arrested for knocking on the door of a governor, who signed a bill into law making it illegal to give someone waiting in line to vote a water. A Law that makes it harder for people to vote. A law that took us back in time. A law that is just so lawless. 

As I am writing this I am thinking about how I have written other posts and advocates that everyone’s vote counts. It was something that I truly have believed in. Something that I have believed for many years is the thing that has set us apart from many other countries. Now with this law going into place in just one state I feel like I can no longer say this. The injustice of the law is so great that law makers who should be protecting our rights not just to vote but all of our rights, are taking away a ver basic right that we as Americans have fought for from the very beginning. 

We are seeing history reincarnated. This is something that scares me to my core. Something that I never thought that I would see. Although, I was not unaware of the fact that we still had so much work todo. For me and many people that I have talked with, think that now we are fighting from the beginning again. However, we have to keep fighting. Whether we want to believe it or not we aren’t just fighting for us. We are fighting for all the babies who are growing up in this world. 

It’s time to band together again. This isn’t going to be easy. We are literally watching law makers take away our rights. The very basic rights that we as Americans can seemingly take for granted. Yes this is going to be an uphill battle. Yes the challenge is great. However, as I watch so many young people fight for what they believe in. Keep pushing the envelope, I know we can get through this. 

This means voting in every single election, no matter how small. Running for office. Getting the word out about injustice. America cannot be on the moral high ground of the world and be taking the rights away of its citizens. So let’s keep fighting together. Let’s show the world that injustices will not stand. That we can change the wold. 

Our first fight: keep our elections fair, free and safe. 

I Still Believe There is Hope … 

Yes today was a sad day for America. We watched as violence took over our Capitol. Most of watched wondering what was going to happen and when things where going to get back to normal if they where going to get back to normal. Now as I sit and listen to senators and congress people speaking I still hold hope

We know that America is better than this. And we know that we have to come together and fight the good fight. We have to stop allowing the few bad apples in the bunch control the situation. Something I personally believe our Congress seen today. 

This is a deeply personal post for me, so I am going to say, democracy was indeed threatened today. However, I would also like to point out that was not a threat that was carried out. And it is my belief that today We The People where heard. The few bad apples were not! 

Today I’m proud of how our senators came back todo the hard work after being terrorized. Today I’m proud of the people who mobilized went out and voted in Georgia’s run off elections. I was deeply humbled to see Warnock in his victory! Today I’m proud to see that America will move forward dispute attempts to overthrow us moving forward. Today I’m proud to be an American more so than I have been. 

Tomorrow will be a new day. I hold out hope that this new day will bring us together because the one thing I heard over and over again that I believe to be true, “There is more that unites us then divides us.” Does that mean that there are not fundamental issues that need to be sorted out just go away. Absolutely not! What it means is that we have a duty to sit down and work the hard stuff out together. 

I hope you join me in my hope tonight. As well as congratulating the two new senators from Georgia Warnock and Ossoff. As well as a big thank you to Ms. Stacy Abrams for helping to bring voting issues to the for front of issues. 

Let’s keep working together, to make a better America

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