Mom’s Viral Post Explains Why We Shouldn’t Be Teaching Kids ‘Not To Stare’

Staring isn’t something that only kids do—there are rude people all around us who are happy to stare, long, hard, and unembarrassed, at people around them who look different than they do. But kids are prone to staring by nature simply because they’re absolutely full of curiosity and everything is new to them. They haven’t yet learned that it’s a rude thing you’re not supposed to do.

But one mother is saying that we shouldn’t be teaching our kids not to stare because that just means ignoring everyone around them who looks different, and that’s not exactly ideal either.

Jenna Gines wrote a post on Facebook about how parents should react when their kids are staring at someone who looks different from most people, whether it’s gender-related, a physical disability, or just about anything that people tend to gawk at. Instead of just looking, she suggests actually interacting.

Facebook: Jenna Gines
Facebook: Jenna Gines

Her post, which includes pictures of two of her sons, one of whom uses a wheelchair, reads:

Please stop teaching your children not to stare!
What are we teaching them when we say that? Don’t look at someone that is different then you. Don’t be curious or want to learn about something you’ve never seen before. Stay away from things that are different.

“Instead, let them stare. Let them ask questions, talk about it. What is it that they see? What is it that they’re curious about? What is different? What is the same?

If it’s someone using a wheelchair, say hi. If it’s someone that looks or acts different, say hi. If it’s someone ofshort stature, say hi.

“Teach your child about differences. It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to notice it & to talk about it. It’s even better to make a new friend. It’s not okay to ignore, look away, or act like a person who is different isn’t there.
Let’s embrace different. Let’s talk about differences & be the change we want to see in this world.”

People (other parents, as well as the people who so often find themselves being stared at) shared their thoughts in the comments.

Some moms learned something new and decided they’d be changing the way they interacted with people when their kids were staring.

Of course, there’s a difference between looking at someone and just straight-up gawking at them. Gawking is never okay.

And some people might not feel like talking about themselves, so it’s important for parents to be able to gauge the situation.

But it is true that by ignoring people completely, we teach our kids to be mean.

The ultimate goal is to make it so that kids learn to accept that there are people different from them, and that’s great. It’d be boring if we were all the same.

h/t: Someecards, Facebook: Jenna Gines

Women Are Revealing All The Ways Their Boyfriends Act Different In Private v. On Social Media And It’s So Relatable

When it comes to social media, it’s not uncommon that people act way differently online than they do in person. In fact, it’s more common than not that people portray a completely different person on social media than they are in person. Recently, one college student decided to blow up her own boyfriend’s spot about how different he acts on social media because—compared to the way he speaks to her one-on-one/privately—it’s light years different.

Olivia O’Leary, a student at UVIC in Victoria, British Columbia, tweeted about her boyfriend saying that the “minute the bedroom door closes” her boyfriend is all cuddly and sweet and nice. But, on social media, it’s like “me and my b*tch.” Honestly—who can’t relate to that?

O’Leary then shared the receipts from her own boyfriend, showing that his text messages show a loving, caring, adorable guy—but, on social media…who that be? I mean…it’s like two different people entirely.

In the texts, he’s obviously excited to see her, falling in love with her more and more and…SO EXCITED TO SEE HER TOMORROW!!!!



But, on Instagram, her boyfriend posted a photo from a day of hiking together—captioning it: Hiking with my broski. Ummm…what gives?


After O’Leary shared the two photos online, people began to share their own experiences with their boyfriends and how different they react to them on social media. Sure, behind closed doors things seem all lovey-dovey and sweet, but, the minute a guy logs onto social media it’s as though their manhood is questioned and triggered by being called “whipped” or “tied up.”

Like, this boyfriend who is…a bit vulgar.

Or, this guy who writes sonnets in text message.

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to a man.

Or, this guy who could care less about his girlfriend.

Or, this boyfriend who is more concerned with staying “hip.”

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to Lord Farquaad.

Or, this guy who is too busy bragging about making his girlfriend “wet.”

Or, this boyfriend who called his girlfriend his sister.

And, this guy who called his girlfriend a “depressed goblin with titties.”

It just goes to show you—most guys are d*cks online, but, behind closed doors—they cannot live without us. They need us, they worship us, they want to be with us all day, every day. So, don’t worry ladies—you’re not alone.

h/t: Twitter.

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