Guy Discovers His Girlfriend Has Been Stashing Dirty, Used Tampons Under Their Bed

Love conquers all—or, that’s what they say. I’m pretty sure that love does not conquer your girlfriend stashing her used and dirty tampons underneath your bed—blood-covered and all, right? At least, I’d hope it doesn’t.

Recently, a Reddit user shared the horrifying and disgusting discovery he made about his girlfriend after living together for six months.

The anonymous Reddit user said that he and his girlfriend have been together a little under 2 years, but their relationship has been going great. They moved in together 6 months ago and things have been on the up and up—they’ve even discussed taking the next step to getting engaged. However, one night when goingto store some winter clothing under the bed, the guy discovered that his girlfriend has been wadding up her useddirty tampons in tissue and tossing them under the bed.

The full Reddit post reads:


People online were seriously disturbed and grossed out…obviously.

But, some people suggested that possibly, if they have a dog, it could be that the dog got into the garbage and made the mess.

Here’s to hoping it is the dog and not his weird, dirty girlfriend.

Mom Threatens To ‘Punch’ Breastfeeding Moms And Their Babies In Bonkers Facebook Rant

When it comes to breastfeeding, not everyone is completely fine with the idea of a mother feeding her child in public. Although it’s completely natural and totally normal, there are still some people who are “uncomfortable” seeing it happen IRL—even other women, apparently.

Carly Clark, who lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina and works for company Petsense, posted a Facebook status warning that the next female who tries to breastfeed in front of her kids “will get a black eye.” She added that she would “punch the baby, too.”

Obviously, this is one take that is way off the deep end—especially coming from a fellow woman and mother.

Immediately following the post online, social media users began to report the status and reach out to Petsense to take action.

Many thought that she deserved to be terminated immediately because what she said was threatening and vulgar.

Following the numerous complaints and outrage from mothers and others online, Petsense issued a statement saying that Clark had been fired from the company. They also issued an apology on the company’s behalf.

Many people were happy to see the company take action and stand on the right side of this argument.

One mother, in particular, seemed to have struck a nerve with Clark. Mother KimReindeau said she received a very nasty and snarky message from Clark.

The response wasn’t any better and only served to prove how badly she deserved to get fired.

A word to the wise—keep your disgusting opinions to yourself unless you want to lose your job.

h/t: BoredPanda

Woman Finds Out Her Co-Worker’s Secret Santa Gift Is Under The $50 Limit And Has The Balls To Ask For More

Everyone knows that the holiday season can put the pressure on for gift-giving. Not only are you responsible for finding the perfect gifts for your friends, family, and significant others, but many times you end up stuck in a company “Secret Santa” gift exchange where you have to find the perfect gift for a co-worker you barely know—bummer.

But, what do you do when you think your co-worker cheaped out on your gift and didn’t spend the $50 limit? Well, normally, the limit is there so people don’t go above $50—it’s not a number that they are supposed to hit. Some people opt to get $50 gift cards to stay on target, but, others try to make the gifts somewhat personal and thoughtful. However, one mother proved that some people are truly outrageous and greedy after she discovered a co-worker who was her “Secret Santa” spend below the $50 limit. Seriously, the balls on this lady.

The woman started out by thanking the co-worker for the blanket and chocolates they had given her.

But, she then disclosed that she looked up the blanket online—and the chocolates—and found out it only came out to $30. She then said that she wanted something else, blaming her kids for her lack of money. The guy even offered to get her something else worth $20 (why? I’m not even sure).

But, she had the balls to ask for a tablet worth $120. Obviously, that’s way over the $50 limit.

She then decided to guilt her co-worker into getting her the tablet for her because he “makes more than she does.” She said if he didn’t want to get the tablet she would take the $120 in cash—so kind of her.

After the co-worker explained, calmly and kindly that $120 is above the limit and above his budget for a gift, she decided to go ape-sh*t on him. She told him he’s “disgusting” and then, asked for the extra $20 in cash. By this point, her co-worker was completely done (and rightfully so).

People online were pretty disgusted by her behavior.

Sorry, not sorry, but this woman is bugging. The holidays are about being grateful and thankful, not about trying to milk people for all they are worth. This woman needs a wakeup call. Seriously, don’t be like this “Carol.”

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