Needing Mental Assistance But Wanting To Remain Anonymous? Meet Online Therapy

There isn’t enough discourse about mental health, even though there are a lot of resources and helpful guides for those who are struggling. Regardless of whether you want to patch up old wounds or resolve current problems, seeking help for your mental well-being is essential. But some people still feel a certain stigma around it – the good thing is that even they have a chance to seek help, whilst remaining anonymous. Thanks to technology, you can attend therapy and get the help you deserve wherever you are and whenever you want – all at the tip of your finger. So here’s how to go about it the best way!


First things first, accepting the fact that you need help is already a huge step in the right direction, but it can be difficult to find something that’s best suited for you. People need to know that seeking help is okay and it’s recommended. Regardless of why you would want to hide your true identity, or simply not go in person, it’s a completely valid way and it doesn’t take away from the overall process. 

It’s a bit different from regular therapy, that’s for sure, you can sit in the comforts of your home, in the middle of the night and seek a professional to talk to. This is also helpful during the crisis,

knowing that there are ways to talk to professionals online, at any given moment. Seeking help is an essential part of completely getting better over someone, or getting over this kind of situation. 

Online therapy

Online therapy has been around for some time now, but due to the recent events it definitely skyrocketed. This opened a lot of doors for those who want to seek help, but would much prefer to stay at home and not meet in person. This is a quite common issue for a lot of people, especially those who suffer from depression, anxiety, and similar disorders

The great thing about online therapy is that you can truly find the right professional and speak to them on a regular basis – or change them if the sessions don’t feel right. It can also be a trial, to see how you’ll react to therapy and quite possibly go one day in person! 

How does it work?

Just like regular therapy, it’s important to get to the bottom of your problems. Everyone is struggling with something, different experiences shape us and turn us into specific kinds of people – coronavirus created mass panic and this resulted in mental health decline. It all started with quarantine and not being able to go outside and see loved ones, being isolated can increase mental health issues. 

So with the rise of Covid cases and the on and off again lockdowns, doing remote therapy became the only thing you can rely on truly. It might be a bit difficult to speak over Skype or some other video chat platform, but you’ll get used to it over time. It’s a great thing to find ways to help yourself, even if you are not in the mood for it!

How to find help online

Finding a good online therapist is just as hard as finding an in-person one, the only difference being that you have the internet and can read the reviews and experiences of other attendees. This is crucial in your search for help, there are plenty of great choices, Betterhelp, dubbed best online therapy is widely used across the globe! This is a great starting point – choosing what kind of online therapy is best, and this can be done by checking if the professional is licensed and has all the needed credentials. 

The same can be said about fake websites, you want to get treated by a true therapist and not some random person! 

Why is online therapy good?

A lot of people struggle to leave their home for a lot of different reasons, this can create problems in their day-to-day life, as well as their social life. So not being able to attend in-person therapy is a thing many people battle, and nowadays they don’t have to. There are different types of help you can seek – you can go for the classic route, having a one on one video call with your therapist, whilst some allow you to write texts instead of calls, due to privacy. 

Online therapy is great since you don’t have a fixed time, and for people who wouldn’t leave their beds – online therapy is all about getting concentrated and having something to fall back on.  

Why is this important?

There should be more discourse about mental health, especially now in the middle of a global pandemic, a lot of people are struggling and in need of some help. There are lots of bonuses, free sessions, and things you earn by starting a new account and similar. It’s important to let people know all across the globe, no matter how young or old, let’s try to make the world a better place by getting healed. Online therapy is a win-win no matter what anyone says – sure it could never be like real therapy, but you are way healthier and happier! 

It’s affordable

Another common excuse for not going to therapy is the obvious – no money for something like that. Now that is where online therapy might jump in happiness, and it’s far from healthy. So regardless of physical limitations, distance, or just distaste when it comes to an in-person therapy session is just as good. As mentioned, you don’t even have to leave the comforts of your bed while receiving treatment and solving problems. Online therapy is much cheaper than the regular one, in some cases, it’s more calming when it’s face to face through the camera. Especially for extremely shy people, or people who suffer from specific anxiety-related disorders. 

At the end of the day as long as you are seeking help, it doesn’t matter if it’s in-person or not, it’s still just as valid and important. Online therapy can be an amazing outlet for yourself, especially during the quarantine – if you and your loved ones are going through problems, feel alone and isolated, give online therapy a chance!


Everything You Need to Know About Actos

Some people have heard of the drug Actos, and some individuals in the United States use it. However, it is somewhat controversial. Many doctors have spoken out against it, while others still seem to support its use.

It’s worth knowing what Actos does, as well as the associated dangers. If your primary doctor does recommend that you use it, you’ll know something about it, and you can then make the best decision as to whether using it is worth it.


What is Actos?

Some people also refer to Actos by another name, pioglitazone. It’s a drug that the pharmaceutical company Takeda manufactures. You take it to treat Type 2 diabetes.

Takeda tested the drug before releasing it, but, like so many other medications, it’s hard to predict what it will do if a person takes it for a long time, like a period of months or years. The problem is that some studies link Actos to bladder cancer, and also diabetic macular edema, liver disease, and even heart failure.

Those are some pretty scary side effects, and many individuals who have used Actos are contacting lawyers to see about bringing individual or class-action lawsuits against the manufacturer.


What Do Other Countries Think About Actos?

If you go back to 2011, you’ll see that both France and Germany removed pioglitazone from the market. However, the FDA has not gone that far. They have issued a very strong warning against the drug, but they have not yanked it from the shelves yet.

Still, it’s evident that they are aware of the problems that it poses. The FDA did block Takeda Pharmaceuticals from putting aloglipitin on the market. That is one of their newest drugs, which does include pioglitazone in the formula.


What Else Can You Use to Treat Type 2 Diabetes?

There are more cases of adult Type 2 diabetes that doctors diagnose every year. Numbers keep rising because of certain genetic factors, but also because of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets. The pandemic has not helped anything, as it has led many adults to exercise even less, with many gyms still closed.

If you want to treat Type 2 diabetes, changing your diet and exercising more can certainly help with that. Researchers are also studying the disease, and they are trying to come up with new ideas both to ward it off and to get people off of drugs like pioglitazone.


The Canadian Study

There’s an interesting Canadian Type 2 diabetes study that has led researchers in some new directions. It found that women who have little or even no control over their working conditions are more likely to develop the dangerous Type 2 diabetes condition than men.

The study pointed to micromanaging women as a stressor that could help lead to diabetes. It’s not clear why this happens, but some scientists theorize that a woman’s hormonal makeup might be a contributing factor.

If there’s a hormonal cause to Type 2 diabetes, that might lead to additional drug development down the line, perhaps even to gender-specific medications. The Canadian study seems to indicate that women, in particular, should avoid too many fat and sugar-containing comfort foods if they want to prevent Type 2 diabetes.


Detecting Glucose Levels

New human glucose-level detection methods should also help with trying to predict Type 2 diabetes. Scientists have now come out with sensors that use so-called nanoparticle rose petals. They can detect glucose levels in urine, saliva, and tears.

This is a less expensive testing system, and since it can utilize different fluids, it’s more practical than the widely-used blood test. With this device, doctors can detect early-onset Type 2 diabetes much better. 

They can warn the individual in question, and they can take steps to modify their eating habits and exercise routine. They can try to eliminate stressors as well.


What About Actos?

As for Actos, it remains legal and available for now. The FDA is still monitoring the situation, and some doctors no longer recommend it.

Still, it’s just another example of the medical community not agreeing about a drug’s efficacy. This sort of thing definitely happens more often than you might realize.

As someone with Type 2 diabetes, or if you are in a high-risk group, it’s tough knowing what to do if there’s no consensus about a drug. The best we can suggest is to talk to your doctor and to try and get as many facts as possible before starting or discontinuing an Actos regimen.

My Thoughts On The COVID19 Vaccine

Either way that you land on the great debate of the COVID vaccine, everyone has to admit the amount of anxiety surrounding this feels very similar as it did in the beginning of the pandemic. All of the Facebook and Twitter posts about it don’t seem to make this any easier either. Although, I’m putting my trust in the doctors who handle the case of my immune-compromised family members, I’d be lying if I said I was not anxious about this at all and here is why:

We still don’t know everything about COVID: 

COVID is still new, and yes, I’m so over living under the anxiety that we will get COVID. However, one of my biggest concerns is that because COVID is so new, do we have enough information to know that the vaccine is going to work and work well? I do want to note how appreciative that I am to the scientists who are working around the clock to help ensure that this is a safe drug for us to take and that it’s going to be effective. Although, being really real here, everything with COVID seems to change on the daily, still, even though we are coming up on a year of living this COVID normal! 


New strains: 

As we all have heard by now, there are new strains of the virus in Europe right now. So, will the current vaccines work on the new strains? Also, being that this virus seems to be able to mutate in no time, what about future strains? Or is this something that we are going to have to keep waiting for the new latest and greatest vaccine for? I swear sitting up and night thinking about all these factors can drive someone crazy! 


Is it safe for the immune-compromised: 

So, being that I have two family members that I’m very worried about getting COVID, my next worry would be is it safe for them to get vaccinated? I mean should we wait and see how others react to it. 

These and many more concerns swirl my head and those of others that I have talked to. They are valid, and because COVID is so unknown and unpredictable, I think it makes the worries so much worse. One thing that I will say, for my family and me, we will be listening carefully to the doctors who care for us and will make the best informed decisions we can. 

My advice, check your sources but do as much research and make the decision that is best for you and your family. Breathe because one way or another we will get through this confusion, too!!

Stay safe and well!

Guy Tries To Mansplain Vaginas To Women And Gynecologists On Twitter, Gets Anhiliated

Men love explaining to stuff to women, especially on Twitter. I think they view themselves as information sheriffs, scrolling through Twitter in search of fair maidens who desperately need their help. The thing is, not only is the help often unwanted, but it is also very frequently incorrect.
Continue reading Guy Tries To Mansplain Vaginas To Women And Gynecologists On Twitter, Gets Anhiliated

Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal

Abortion is one of the most divisive issues in the country, and that’s saying a lot because we have plenty of divisive issues. So when New York state passed a bill allowing late-term abortions in cases where the health of the mother is endangered or strongly compromised, the backlash was quick and strong.
Continue reading Doctor’s Viral Thread About Late Term Abortions Explains Why They Should Be Legal

Is It Gross To Wear Yoga Pants Without Panties?

Every woman knows that there’s nothing better than ripping off our slacks/jeans/skirts/dresses after a long day of work and switching into our leggings and yoga pants. Truth be told, we wish we could wear yoga pants everywhere, and not just at home, at the gym, or running around town shopping and doing errands. While we all know how comfortable leggings from good brands can be, we also know as ladies that they show every little detail in our behind. They’re tight, and they’re revealing—for sure.

Some ladies, for this reason, don’t like wearing regular underwear with leggings, in the fear that their underwear lines will show. I remember vividly wearing a pair of leggings with my “regular panties” my freshman year of high school and getting mocked until the end of the day for having “granny pantie lines.” It scared me into sticking with thongs for good. But, there are women who choose to go completely pantie-less when rocking their yoga pants—even at the gym. I, truthfully, have one question—is it safe?

As a woman, there’s nothing more important to me than my heath—including my vaginal health. It’s so easy to develop UTIs and yeast infections from wearing the wrong type of underwear, wearing clothing that’s too tight, or even wearing pants too many times before washing (let’s face it, we always wear out jeans a few times before finally calling them “dirty”). While everyone is entitled to rocking what they find the most comfortable in terms of underwear or going commando, you should be informed on how losing the panties will affect your overall health.

Due to the overwhelming trend in women going underwear free with their yoga pants—even at the gym—top OBGYNs and doctors have weighed in on the issue.

Dr. Scott Osmun, a board-certified OB-GYN physician at BloomOB-GYN in Washington, D.C., told HuffPost

“Bacteria and yeast tend to grow in warm, moist places. I hate to use that word because I don’t like it, but it’s true

Any extra moisture in the vaginal area can definitely promote yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis.”

Essentially, bacteria breed and grow in extra moist places—which is why many women get UTIs when they wear a wet bathing suit for too long or stay in their sweaty gym clothes hours after working out. Dr. Osmun added that there’s no harm in going commando with your yoga pants, but, if you decide to, you should be careful about the material of your pants.

Cotton and spandex/Lycra have been known to be safe materials to keep away bacteria, but, additionally, there are some companies that use silver in their clothing—such as Lululemon—because silver works as an antibacterial agent. On top of the material, doctors say you should make sure that your yoga pants are thick enough to ensure you won’t pick up any bacteria left on gym seats from others—which would totally be my #1 worry in terms of going commando and working out at a public gym.

But, if you’re someone who wears thongs during a workout, the doctor strictly advises against doing so. Dr. Osmun adds:

“The material causes more friction and irritation, and any friction or irritation can make little cuts or microabrasions in your skin, and those cuts can lead to bacterial infections, which can cause discomfort, itching, redness, pain.

I think thongs are definitely something to avoid when you’re exercising. It’s actually probably safer to go commando than to wear thongs.”

Wow, so, if you’re in the predicament where you can’t decide if you want to opt for a thong or go commando to avoid those underwear lines—it may be best to avoid the panties altogether!

Doctor Dumps Boyfriend Who Complained About The Smell Of Her Lady Parts

Women have long been made to feel insecure about the smell of our nether regions. It’s stupid and ridiculous, but it’s also enough to make some women do whatever it takes to make sure that their lady parts smell like pretty much anything other than lady parts.

But a recent blog post by gynecologist Jen Gunter is warning women of the danger of using products to change the smell down there. She writes about women so desperate to change their odor that they use Vick’s VapoRub on their genitals. AAHHH NO! But yes.

In her post, she wrote,

“For what I am sure is the 100th time the vagina needs no cleaning and the vulva needs very little. I know the array of useless feminine washes and wipes at the drugstore and the drivel spouted by Gwyneth Paltrow via GOOP imply otherwise, but I’m the actual expert.”

She also detailed her experience with someone who tried to shame her for her natural body smell.

I once dated a guy who insinuated my vagina did not smell right. He was an ass in other ways too, but I just didn’t see it until he impugned my vagina. For example, he thought my hair would be better if it were straight. Sadly I took the bait, it wasn’t. He thought I would look better if I dressed a certain way. Again I took the bait. I just felt worse.

When it came around to telling me how my vagina could be better it finally clicked that this is a form of control that men often use. Fortunately I am an appropriately confident vagina expert and I had a light bulb moment and dumped his sorry ass.

She also wrote that if a woman does really think she has a weird smell, she should see a medical professional, but that any partner who thinks a woman needs to change her normal smell is the one with the problem.

If you think you have a medical condition, see a doctor. If your partner insinuates that an artificial smell is preferable to the smell of a normal vagina they are the one who has an issue. Telling women how they can be better is a classic way of tapping into body image issues and honestly in my personal opinion it is a form of abuse.

Remember, this woman is an expert on the subject. Women, don’t let other people make you feel self-conscious about your body in any way.

‘World’s Most Tattooed Doctor’ Speaks Out About Body Ink Prejudice

For many who have tattoos and piercings, they know that complete strangers pass judgment without even getting to know you. For some strange reason, society had stigmas against those who decide to use their body as a canvas to create art. No matter the person, profession, or circumstance, many face discrimination. Even doctors.

30-year-old Sarah Gray from Adelaide, Australia is a doctor and surgeon trainee. But, despite her intellect and her hard work, Gray says she’s judged immensely by many.

People in businesses also sometimes discriminate against her. Although she has a blooming career and is very capable and bright, people see her ink and sometimes turn her away—like in stores and restaurants. Gray told Daily Mail Australia that she once went shopping for shoes, and like Pretty Woman, was turned down by sales associates.

They served all the other customers first and wouldn’t even make eye contact with me.

Another time, she went to a restaurant with a friend, management told her that they had a harsh policy against body art.

After being seated for lunch, management then came up to us and asked us to leave as they had a ‘no visible tattoo policy’ for diners. That was a little disappointing to say the least.

Gray has even been turned away from casinos with friends because of how much ink she has. But, she has not let anyone stop her on her journey through life.

Gray said:

Quite a few night venues seems to have this policy and although it doesn’t affect me very often as I hardly go out, it can be super frustrating when we get categorised as “bad people” or being gang affiliated due to our colourful skin.

And, Gray has friends and family who love her and appreciate her and all of her ink. Additionally, Gray says that her tattoos make her feel more confident in herself and her body.

And, despite her ink, Gray says patients and other doctors don’t treat her any differently.

Having colourful skin in no way affects your skill level and with all the anti-discrimination laws now it wouldn’t be appropriate to compartmentalise or treat me differently based on my appearance.

Totally agree!

This Doctor Hung A Perfect Sign Explaining Why He Will No Longer Treat Unvaccinated Children

Vaccines are such a hot button issue with parents these days. Some parents, generally known as anti-vaxxers, choose to forgo vaccinations for potentially deadly diseases because they worry about what they see as possible side effects for their children.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) both recommend that parents get their kids vaccinated. There have been articles galore about the importance of vaccinating your children. There have been countless threads on Twitter (where the issue is the subject of quite a lot of debates). But some parents are still against it.

Parents can choose not to vaccinate their children, sure, but doctors can also make policies of not treating kids who are not vaccinated. This sign, hung in a doctor’s office, got a lot of attention after being posted on Reddit.


The sign reads,

Our office will no longer be seeing patients that do not vaccinate their children. We will vaccinate those who would like to begin the process, however failure to comply with this policy will result in discharge after January 1, 2019. We can provide a medical release when a new physician has been found. Due to the overwhelmingly thorough research of science based findings there is a plethora of evidence supporting the positive impact vaccines have on children. As per Dr. Azmeh’s professional advice, along with the CDC and WHO (World Health Organization), we strongly discourage any parent from withholding vaccines that will undoubtedly help their children. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please feel free to ask a staff member.

Many commenters applauded the doctor’s policy.

Parents, please vaccinate your kids. If not for their own safety, then for the safety of people with compromised immune systems who can’t get vaccinated themselves.

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