There isn’t enough discourse about mental health, even though there are a lot of resources and helpful guides for those who are struggling. Regardless of whether you want to patch up old wounds or resolve current problems, seeking help for your mental well-being is essential. But some people still feel a certain stigma around it – the good thing is that even they have a chance to seek help, whilst remaining anonymous. Thanks to technology, you can attend therapy and get the help you deserve wherever you are and whenever you want – all at the tip of your finger. So here’s how to go about it the best way!
First things first, accepting the fact that you need help is already a huge step in the right direction, but it can be difficult to find something that’s best suited for you. People need to know that seeking help is okay and it’s recommended. Regardless of why you would want to hide your true identity, or simply not go in person, it’s a completely valid way and it doesn’t take away from the overall process.
It’s a bit different from regular therapy, that’s for sure, you can sit in the comforts of your home, in the middle of the night and seek a professional to talk to. This is also helpful during the crisis,
knowing that there are ways to talk to professionals online, at any given moment. Seeking help is an essential part of completely getting better over someone, or getting over this kind of situation.
Online therapy
Online therapy has been around for some time now, but due to the recent events it definitely skyrocketed. This opened a lot of doors for those who want to seek help, but would much prefer to stay at home and not meet in person. This is a quite common issue for a lot of people, especially those who suffer from depression, anxiety, and similar disorders.
The great thing about online therapy is that you can truly find the right professional and speak to them on a regular basis – or change them if the sessions don’t feel right. It can also be a trial, to see how you’ll react to therapy and quite possibly go one day in person!
How does it work?
Just like regular therapy, it’s important to get to the bottom of your problems. Everyone is struggling with something, different experiences shape us and turn us into specific kinds of people – coronavirus created mass panic and this resulted in mental health decline. It all started with quarantine and not being able to go outside and see loved ones, being isolated can increase mental health issues.
So with the rise of Covid cases and the on and off again lockdowns, doing remote therapy became the only thing you can rely on truly. It might be a bit difficult to speak over Skype or some other video chat platform, but you’ll get used to it over time. It’s a great thing to find ways to help yourself, even if you are not in the mood for it!
How to find help online
Finding a good online therapist is just as hard as finding an in-person one, the only difference being that you have the internet and can read the reviews and experiences of other attendees. This is crucial in your search for help, there are plenty of great choices, Betterhelp, dubbed best online therapy is widely used across the globe! This is a great starting point – choosing what kind of online therapy is best, and this can be done by checking if the professional is licensed and has all the needed credentials.
The same can be said about fake websites, you want to get treated by a true therapist and not some random person!
Why is online therapy good?
A lot of people struggle to leave their home for a lot of different reasons, this can create problems in their day-to-day life, as well as their social life. So not being able to attend in-person therapy is a thing many people battle, and nowadays they don’t have to. There are different types of help you can seek – you can go for the classic route, having a one on one video call with your therapist, whilst some allow you to write texts instead of calls, due to privacy.
Online therapy is great since you don’t have a fixed time, and for people who wouldn’t leave their beds – online therapy is all about getting concentrated and having something to fall back on.
Why is this important?
There should be more discourse about mental health, especially now in the middle of a global pandemic, a lot of people are struggling and in need of some help. There are lots of bonuses, free sessions, and things you earn by starting a new account and similar. It’s important to let people know all across the globe, no matter how young or old, let’s try to make the world a better place by getting healed. Online therapy is a win-win no matter what anyone says – sure it could never be like real therapy, but you are way healthier and happier!
It’s affordable
Another common excuse for not going to therapy is the obvious – no money for something like that. Now that is where online therapy might jump in happiness, and it’s far from healthy. So regardless of physical limitations, distance, or just distaste when it comes to an in-person therapy session is just as good. As mentioned, you don’t even have to leave the comforts of your bed while receiving treatment and solving problems. Online therapy is much cheaper than the regular one, in some cases, it’s more calming when it’s face to face through the camera. Especially for extremely shy people, or people who suffer from specific anxiety-related disorders.
At the end of the day as long as you are seeking help, it doesn’t matter if it’s in-person or not, it’s still just as valid and important. Online therapy can be an amazing outlet for yourself, especially during the quarantine – if you and your loved ones are going through problems, feel alone and isolated, give online therapy a chance!