Best Dog Breeds For An Active Family

Dogs are generally pretty active animals. However, if you’re an active family, you may be looking for a pet that can keep up and even push your limits. So, consider some of the following breeds when searching for a new pup. But remember that you have to maintain their required level of care to prevent illness or obesity. 


German Shepherd

German shepherds are natural work dogs used as service animals and in the police force. In addition, they make great companions for people who love to get outside and stay active for several hours a day. So, if this sounds like your family, this intelligent breed could be for you. However, if you have tiny toddlers or babies, you may not be able to handle the amount of intentional training hours associated with this breed. But if you’re set on it, consider waiting until your kid can tag along in your outdoor adventures.


Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are famous family dogs for a good reason. They are loving, gentle, and active. Plus, they’re great for families who love to swim – as goldens are natural-born water lovers. However, while this breed is excellent for the family, you must keep up with its active lifestyle since they’re at higher risk of becoming overweight fast. Daily or every other day walks are the bare minimum.


Cocker Spaniel

Cocker spaniels are well-known for their friendly disposition, making great pups for families with children. These dogs love to be in nature, requiring several hours of exercise per day. So, make plenty of time for walks, hikes, and playing fetch. Plus, your spaniel may love to curl up for a cuddle on the couch at the end of the day. After all, they will be tired after spending so much energy.



Beagles are great dogs for families who love to hunt. They love to stay active and may require over an hour of exercise per day. But beware, if you don’t give your beagle the activity or attention it needs, you may risk subjecting it to obesity, laziness, and even depression. Plus, a bored beagle can result in relentless howling. 


Labrador Retriever

Labradors are well-known for being one of the most friendly and trainable dog breeds. They can be very agreeable, loving any sort of exercise you can provide for them. This breed is excellent for families trying to teach their children values such as responsibility, respect, and patience. Plus, having a labrador retriever puppy can motivate them to clean their toys more often to avoid them being chewed up and ruined – something labs are notorious for.



Aussiedoodles are fantastic dogs for owners with allergies. While you still may experience some symptoms initially, they don’t shed quite as much as other breeds. Plus, they’re often very friendly with children and love to stay active. However, they can be hard to find, so you’ll need to search for Mini Aussiedoodle puppies for sale if you’re set on this breed.



While poodles may be known for their fluffy, fancy hairstyles, they are very active dogs and love to play. They’re great for owners with allergies because they are hypoallergenic. But they are also ideal for families who are constantly on outdoor adventures. However, this dog breed may be prone to anxiety, so you need to ensure that you can give it the proper amount of exercise to regulate its emotions. 


Russel Terriers

If you prefer a smaller breed, the Russel Terrier could be perfect for your family – especially if you like to hunt. These dogs can be constantly wired, and they love to run fast. So be prepared for the level of activity they require. Can you keep up?


Siberian Husky

The husky is known for its beautiful coat, striking blue eyes, and loyal companionship. However, they require a high level of care, so you need to ensure that you can manage a few hours a day of walking or running outside. 


If your family lives in a colder climate, these dogs love to play in the snow and make excellent sled dogs. They are likely not great apartment dogs either because they are known for being one of the more vocal breeds. 



Dalmations are famous for their spotted coats and intelligence in nature. They love to explore and crave mental stimulation. So don’t be surprised if yours seems curious at all times. If your family loves to bike, this dog will make a great addition to running alongside you. But, if you don’t keep up with your dalmatian’s required level of mental play, you may come home to many messes and find many holes in the backyard.



Dogs are generally very active animals, but if your family is constantly outdoors running around, you will need a breed to keep up with your lifestyle. Many of the species listed in this article require over an hour of exercise per day, or they can be at an increased risk for disease and obesity. So you should conduct further research on the care requirements before adopting your newest furry family member. 


3 Important Steps to Take if You’re Bitten by a Dog

Dogs are one of the most lovable animals on earth – they’re great companions and are even used to help people who are suffering from pain and distress to overcome their problems. However, there are always exceptions and some dogs may not be as friendly as the rest.

Dogs generally bite people because of 3 reasons – they’re either infected with rabies which has made them become extremely ferocious, they’re very territorial or have been trained to bite anyone whom they perceive to be an unwelcome visitor, or, they’ve been mistreated by humans for ages and now perceive any human being as threat to their safety.

Whatever the reason, it’s important that you put your safety first and deal with the injury as soon as possible. Here are the 3 things you should do as soon as you’re bitten by a dog.

Treat it yourself immediately

Often, you may not always have immediate access to a hospital or clinic. In such cases, the first thing to do is to treat it yourself, or have someone else around you administer first aid to the wound. These are the basic things you can do as soon as you’ve been bitten:

1. Distance yourself from the dog to ensure you do not get bit again.
2. Make a note of how the dog behaves – if it’s acting strangely or if it’s simply ferocious.
3. Wash the wound with warm water and a mild soap, if possible.
4. If the wound is deep and it’s bleeding profusely, use a clean, soft cloth and press it gently.
5. Once the bleeding reduces, apply an antibacterial ointment. You can also cleanse it using dettol one more time before applying the ointment.
6. Keep the wound bandaged and head to the hospital – even if the wound isn’t bleeding or infected, it’s always safer to get it checked by professionals.
7. If you have diabetes, AIDS, or are suffering from cancer, you should rush to the hospital no matter what.

Further steps you can take to prevent such incidents in the future

Even though you were lucky enough to survive the attack, you can’t guarantee the same for others who might be attacked by the same dog in the future.

You can be sure that it will happen again, especially if the dog attacked you even though you never provoked it. To avoid such unfortunate incidents from happening to anyone in the future, including yourself, it’s important to file a report with the police and with animal control.

This can protect others in the future, and also become important evidence, if you need to file a case – for instance, if you want to get compensation for all the medical expenditure and distressyou’ve undergone due to the injury, you have to file a complaint in court, where you’ll need to hire a personal injury lawyer who will use the evidence proving your case to help you get compensated.

This becomes even more important if you’ve been attacked by a dog that’s owned by somebody else.

Keep an eye out for these signs 

Some dog bites can be treated at home with a simple first aid kit, but most often, the dog which has attacked you may be a stray dog, so there’s no knowing what kind of infections have been passed on because of it. It’s important to keep an eye out for these signs, even after you’ve received medical treatment.

● Watch out for signs of infection in the affected area – this could include redness, swelling, extreme pain, pus, and even fever.
● Notice if you continue to feel weak, faint, or dizzy after treatment.

How Dogs Can Help With Anxiety, Stress and Depression

For many pet parents, their furry companions are their ultimate source of happiness. It isn’t uncommon for dog-owners to go on and on about the joy their pups bring into their lives. While anecdotal evidence suggests that dogs can improve your mood, scientific research backs up these claims further by proving the vast amount of positives they provide to our mental health.

5 Ways Dogs Help Our Mental Health

Here are 5 benefits a dog can provide a patient who is experiencing mental health symptoms.

1. Dogs Can Provide Emotional Support

Most dog-owners perceive the act of bonding with their pets as unconditional and thus wholly reliable. People who experience symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and loneliness may have a hard time opening up to others, but dogs provide endless emotional support. Dogs won’t judge or criticize you, regardless of how you’re feeling or reacting.


What’s more, stroking your dog’s fur, listening to their breath, and feeling their body temperature provides emotional relief and stimuli, which is hard to receive as you’re battling a mental illness.


While any dog can help with anxiety, stress, and depression, emotional support animals (ESA’s) can provide support and companionship to a more extended degree. Whereas your dog may be denied entry on a plane or living accommodations, ESAs receive special privileges and can accompany you throughout your daily life. For more information on ESAs, visit

2. Dogs Can Reduce Loneliness and Stress

Petting your dog provides more than just emotional support; it also plays a role in stress management. Oxytocin, the hormone that regulates stress levels, is produced through repetitive motion because it induces a sense of calm.


This hormone is also integral in fighting physical pain, which may arise from frequent or prolonged bouts of depression, stress, or anxiety.


If you lower your stress level, you’ll eventually promote growth and healing in your body. Calmness can also stimulate positive social interactions, expanding your circle of friends.

3. Dogs Can Help Build a Routine

Everyone needs a stable daily routine for the benefit of their mental health, but it’s incredibly difficult to start building one when you feel so awful. However, your dog can help you rebuild a routine.


Since your dog relies on you to be fed, walked, and played with, they will notify you if you aren’t fulfilling their needs. Once you start fulfilling theirs, you can start fulfilling your own.


Introducing a dog into your life can quicken your recovery and help you keep track of a daily schedule. Still, you need to make sure you’re prepared for this responsibility beforehand.

4. Dogs Can Encourage Movement and Exercise

People who suffer from anxiety, stress, and depression are told to stay active by exercising. Having a dog increases the likelihood that you’ll take them out for walks, playtime, and dog parks.


Depression can quickly sap your energy and make you feel lethargic, but your pup will always want to stay engaged with you by encouraging movement, play, and exercise.


With prolonged exercise and exposure to society, depressed, stressed, and anxious individuals will start to recover faster, and in turn, will want to leave their house more frequently.

5. Dogs Will Grow Your Social Circle

As humans, we need social support from our friends, family, and spouse. Unfortunately, mental illness can make us feel cut-off from the world and reclusive, which causes us to interact with new people less and less.


When you adopt a dog, you become a social magnet. After your first walk around the block, you’ll quickly see how popular you and your dog are with others.


New social interactions can enhance your sense of well-being and belonging. Plus, you can practice speaking to different people, which could help you develop new social connections.

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How to Make Delicious Jerky Treats for Your Pets

Cats and dogs are carnivorous creatures. They obtain their proteins mostly from poultry and cattle meat. Meat jerkies are nutritional treats that they enjoy.

Some mass-produced jerky treats for pets are of low quality, and your four-legged companions tend to dislike them. Some of those treats also have unpleasant textures and are so chewy it hurts the chompers of your furry friend.

The expensive ones taste good but are heavy on your wallet. The most important point is, you don’t know all the ingredients used in their production. You also have no idea whether they are properly packed under hygienic conditions.

Homemade jerky treats are ideal as they are palatable, natural, organic, and made with love. This article will discuss the different ways to make meat jerkies easily.


Get Everything You Need

You can buy yummy treats from high-end beef jerky brands, or you can make them yourself at the comfort of your home. When making homemade jerkies, you have the upper hand in knowing and deciding what ingredients go into the treats. You can decide the type of protein to use.


Turkey and chicken are generally popular options as they have an abundance of essential amino acids. Since you have full control, you can decide the quality of the meat to use.

You need three core items:

● Raw meat
● A sharp knife
● An electric oven or food dehydrator

Choose Your Meat

It is best to avoid fatty meat like pork and lamb when making these dehydrated snacks. The high fats in these proteins do not dry out properly. They are very likely to become rancid and can spoil the munchies faster.


Moreover, red meats from pork and wild boars might contain the deadly SHV 1 virus, which causes Aujezsky’s disease, this virus is also known as pseudorabies. These ailments occur in cats. The virus gets killed at high temperatures


However, the temperatures used in dehydrating meats are not high enough to destroy the viruses. So while cooking these dried protein snacks, it is best to use other meats, especially for cats.


Just to be on the safe side, avoid pork and any meat from the pig origin. Opt for lean meats that have low-fat content and take less time to cook. The ideal meat for jerkies would be turkey or chicken breasts.


Which Appliance is Better?

The time required to fully dehydrate the proteins is similar in both electric ovens and food dehydrators. Choose the one you can afford and are comfortable with. If you already have an oven, you don’t need to purchase the other device.


The disadvantage of electric ovens is that they consume a large amount of power. This leads to a hike in your utility bill if you make these meaty treats regularly. On the other hand, food dehydrators use less electricity and do not hurt your budget significantly.


Step by Step Meat Jerky Recipe

The methods used to create these delectable dehydrated treats are quite simple. However, the process requires the use of sharp objects and hot appliances. Hence, you should use caution when making these munchies.


Step 1: Slice the Meat

First, you need to rinse the meat under running water. Then dry it with a clean cloth or paper towel. Make sure you have a sharp knife to make the process easier.


To make it easier, pop the meat into the freezer before cutting it. You should refrigerate the protein for about 30 minutes. Slice your meat at 1-2 cm width.


Make sure you cut them across the grain. Keep in mind that the thinner the slices are, the less time it will take to dry. Do not forget to trim out any fats.


Step 2: Dehydrate the Meat

If you are using a food dehydrator, place the meat strips in such a way that they do not touch each other. Switch the food dehydrator on. Flip the meat over once in a while and let them dehydrate uniformly.


Keep in mind that it takes four to five hours to dry the meat completely in the food dehydrator.


If you are using an electric oven, place the slices on its wire rack. Make sure that the slices are arranged apart from each other and do not touch. To dry all the meat strips together, you can also skewer them.


You can use long bamboo sticks in place of the usual skewer. The bamboo alternatives are affordable and accessible. Puncture the skewer into the meat and ensure that each slice is not in contact with the other. Then place the sticks on the wire rack of the oven


Set the oven’s temperature to 60 °C and switch on. Ensure that the settings are in convection. Flip the strips over at intervals and let them dry evenly. Electric ovens also take four to five hours to dehydrate the protein completely.


Step 3: Storing the Treats

After being completely dehydrated, allow the dehydrated treats to cool down. When the jerkyhas cooled down, store them in airtight containers like mason jars.


Airtight lessens the contamination risks of the microbes and also extends the shelf life of these meaty snacks. Meat jerkies can last for several weeks when stored in sealed containers.


Final Thoughts

Jerky treats are fun snacks you can give to your beloved felines and canines. They are great supplements to a natural diet. These munchies can also be enjoyed by pets who have allergies. They are ideal snacks for most carnivorous pets.


If the jerky strips are too large, you can cut them or rip them into smaller pieces. If they are too chewy or hard, moisten them by adding a little water.


Homemade jerkies are better than store-bought ones for numerous reasons. The best advantage is that you have full control over the choice of protein and its quality.

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How Owning A Dog Can Benefit Your Relationships

Owning a dog will, without a doubt, improve your life. But, it’s important to know that bringing a dog into your home is a big responsibility. Unlike other pets, such as cats, dogs require a lot more attention.

Dogs will become a member of your family. They will also require a lot of attention. They will also remain fun and playful for their entire lives. Having a dog is essentially like having a permanent toddler in your home. 

So, can something like this have an impact on your relationships? It can, but in some amazing ways. Here are all the best ways owning a dog can benefit your relationships. 

Family Relationships

There are many benefits of owning a dog. And you might be wondering how owning a dog can benefit your relationship with your partner. (And don’t worry, this is covered below). But one of the best is a closer relationship with your family members.

One of the most commonly discussed benefits is a greater understanding of responsibility. This is especially the case with children caring for family pets. But a dog will become a center point of your family unit.

You can take walks together, play with your new pup together, and bond over your love for them. Dogs can help family members bond more closely. This can simply be by going for a walk together.

You might not normally spend time just walking and talking with members of your family. But this will be the perfect opportunity to spend more quality time together.


Romantic Relationships

If you are wondering whether to have a baby, a common suggestion is to adopt or buy a dog first. This will give you the opportunity to learn more responsibility as an adult. 

It will also give you an excellent insight into your partner. You will be able to see how they react when your dog needs taking care of. As well as in moments of stress and crisis if your dog ever becomes ill.

One of the best moments will be catching your partner and your dog snuggled up together on the couch. It will be an amazing way to see just how caring and loving your partner can be. It can definitely bring you closer and make you stronger as a couple.

Owning a dog is always a big responsibility and commitment. But especially when you choose to adopt or buy a dog with another person. You are committing your time, affection, and funds to the dog. But you are also committing yourself to the other person. 

It might sound like a downer, but it’s important to consider that one of you will likely keep the dog if you ever break up. (Unless you decide to share custody, of course.)

It can also help you to understand your partner better. How do they respond when they think you’re paying more attention to the dog? Some partners can become jealous of the attention you give your dog. Or jealous of the bond you have with them.

This is an issue that might be surprising but isn’t uncommon. Owning a dog can give you an excellent insight into how your partner views your relationship.


A dog is also a great way to strengthen friendships. It can even be a way to make friends. Your dog will, of course, become one of your best friends. (As the saying goes.) But you will also be able to meet people and become friends at the dog park.

Dogs are amazing for you and your long-term health and happiness. And so are strong friendships and social interactions. Your precious pup can help you with both of these. Owning a dog can, unarguably, be an all-round great thing.

If you struggle to speak with people normally, a dog can be a great distraction. If it makes you feel more comfortable, you can fuss and pet your dog while talking to someone else. 

This can be especially useful if you need to talk about something important. But are feeling too nervous or are averse to conflict. Dogs can also help as simply interacting with a dog can reduce stress levels. Because who can be angry and argumentative when around a dog? 



Owning a dog is a serious commitment. It might not be quite as serious as raising a child (fortunately, you won’t have to teach them how to read or feed themselves). But they are absolutely worth it. As they can bring you better, stronger, and healthier relationships.

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Women Are Using Ariana Grande’s New Song To Prove That Men Are F*cking Dogs

In case you missed it, Ariana Grande dropped a brand new album on Friday—the second album she’s dropped in less than six months. Thank U, Next is an album all about self-love, moving on, and female empowerment, according to Grande herself. The singer spent the last few months after a public breakup from her ex-fiancé Pete Davidson and the loss of her ex-boyfriend, Mac Miller, with close friends producing, writing, and recording the album in the studio. She claims it was “better than therapy.”

One of the songs on the new album has been causing quite the commotion—not only because of its track title but because of the surprises it’s jampacked with. “Break Up With Your Boyfriend, I’m Bored” is not only a clever and petty title but Grande also samples *NSYNC’S “It Makes Me Ill” on the song. Not to mention, she dropped the music video along with the album on Friday, too.

While people have been bumping the album (so much so, the entire tracklist has taken over the Top 20 on Apple Music and Spotify), they’ve also been using the lyrics for some tricks and treats. Like, when Twitter user @holy_schnitt told women online to text a guy they “think is shady” saying “break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored,” to see how they would respond.

The result? Men are f*cking dogs, y’all. Not all of them, but, most of them.






Oh okay.



Da fuck?


Some of the responses were…unexpected though.

What a man.




“Stay bored.”


And, this one…takes the cake.



Hilarious Twitter Thread Matches Characters From ‘The Office’ To Their Perfect Dog Counterpart

I’m sure Steve Carell and NBC had no idea that years after airing The Office, it would be as wildly popular as it still is today. Thanks to Netflix and other streaming services, fans (old and new) get to fall in love with the gang at Dunder Mifflin as many times as they want without ever getting sick of Michael’s “that’s what she said” jokes.

Recently, to bring even more humor to the show, a Twitter user decided to match up characters from the show with their perfect canine counterpart—with details and explanations for each. Obviously, it’s hilarious and accurate. So, thanks to @samzsmith for giving us the laughs.

Michael Scott—A Beagle

Dwight Schrute—An Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog

Jim Halpert—a Siberian Husky

Pam Beesly—a Welsh Corgi

Ryan Howard—a Dalmatian

Darryl Philbin—a Bernese Moutain Dog

Andy Bernard—a Golden Retriever

Stanely Hudson—a Shar Pei

Phylis Vance—a Cocker Spaniel

Angela Martin—a Lhasa Apso

Kevin Malone—a French Bulldog

Oscar Martinez—a mixed breed

Meredith Palmer—a Poodle

Creed Bratton—an English Sheepdog

Erin Hannon—a Shetland Sheepdog

Toby Flenderson—a Spanish Water Dog

Kelly Kapoor—a Papillon

Gae Lewis—a Chinese Crested

Jan Levinson—a Yorkshire Terrier

Nellie Bertram—a Dachsund

Robert California—a Bloodhound

Karen Fillipelli—a Schnauzer

Holly Flax—a Samoyed

David Wallace—a Border Collie

Hank—a Great Dane

Mose Schrute—a Brussels Griffon

Val—a Puli

Todd Packer—a Boxer

Jo Bennet—a German Shepherd

I’m so satisfied.

h/t:  @samzsmith

15 Reasons Getting A Dog Is Better Than Getting A Boyfriend

Think you want a boyfriend? Well, maybe you do. But have you ever considered that you what you really want is a dog?

Hear me out: boyfriends can be great. They’re nice to sometimes have around. Sometimes you might even love them. But they can be problematic. They don’t always do the stuff we want them to do or pay attention to us like we hoped they would.

Dogs don’t always do what we want, either, but there’s no denying that they love us like nothing else in the whole world. They’re about as near to perfect as creatures can get. They always try their hardest to please us, and their only real drawback is that they don’t stick around as long as we want them to, which would be forever. A dog such as a cavapoos would be your true loyal partner.

So if you’re actively pursuing getting a boyfriend, stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you want a guy around, or do you just need the awesome love of a dog? If you visit they have listed some of the most popular dog breeds you can consider. From Retrievers to German Shepards you can find your perfect and budget-friendly dog which we are sure will be a better option than having a boyfriend!  Check out these 15 pervasive reasons that dogs, on the whole, are way better than boyfriends.

1. Dogs are always happy to see you.

2. Dogs don’t complain.

3. Dogs never lie.

4. A dog never comes home from a bad day at work looking to fight with you over some nonsense.

5. A dog will never cheat on you by secretly having another owner.

6. Dogs will never say anything mean to you and they always think those jeans look great on you.

7. A dog will never get drunk and embarrass you.

8. Conversely, a dog is not embarrassed by you when you are embarrassingly drunk.

9. Some dogs—not all, but some very, very good dogs—will happily wear whatever adorable sweater you choose to put them in. Boyfriends, not so much.

10. Dogs never cancel on you.

11. Dogs are wonderful listeners.

12. Dogs always appreciate your cooking.

13. Dogs don’t judge you for laying around in your pajamas all day. In fact, they’re usually more than happy to join you.

14. The worst thing a boyfriend can do is betray you. The worst thing a dog can do is maybe get into the trash. Really puts it into perspective.

15. Dogs look at you like you’re the most important person in the world, because to them, you are.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With This Double Headed Sweater For You And Your Dog

Let’s face it, everyone knows that dogs are the very best thing that ever happened to us. No matter who we date or marry or love, our dogs are always going to be our first love. They’re there for us through thick and thin — they’re always there to lick our wounds (literally). And, because of this, they deserve to be celebrated like the good boys and girls they are.

So, this Valentine’s Day, why not get a sweater set that truly showcases how you feel about your puppy BFF — a double-headed sweater that you rock together. Available on Zulily, the sweater can be yours for only $39.99.

But, if you don’t want to rock the blue, why not grab one of these other adorable double-trouble sweaters for you and your furry boo. There’s an LGTBQ-friendly “love is love” sweater. Also, a “heart breaker” sweater in pink. And, our favorite, the “double trouble.”

Each sweater is $39.99 and if you order before January 31st, you’ll get it in time for a Valentine’s Day photoshoot for you and your puppy.

If you really want to wear it with another person (I mean, why would you), you totally can. But, wouldn’t you rather be attached to a dog all day? I know I would!

Woman Calls Police To Report A Dead Dog, Gets Hilarious And Unexpected Response

It’s a known motto that when you see something, you say something—no matter what the situation may be. For many, that means anything that can be considered a crime or someone doing the wrong thing. I’d hope that you’re the type of person who does call the police or other authorities when you see something, especially like a “dead animal.”

It turns out that most things, however, are not what you imagine them to be on the first glace. Like this woman who called the authorities to report a “dead dog.” But, as it turns out, it was not a dog at all.

A woman messaged the Providence Animal Control Center to report that she saw a “little black yorkie or schnauzer” in the road that had been dead for “a while.” When she sent the picture, however, she found out it was not a dog at all. After police investigated, the “dead dog” turned out to actually be a wig.

Here’s the proof:

And, of course, people found the mixup to be absolutely hilarious.

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