10 Annoying People Sure To Be At Your Thanksgiving Table

With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, not everyone is looking forward to squeezing around the grown-up table (or worse, trying to balance on a too-small chair at the kid’s table) for an afternoon of forced conversation.

Every year, it’s the same people with the same irksome habits making the same idiotic statements. I really hope you don’t have to experience all of these—but I’m certain that a few of you will definitely recognize these annoying people sure to be at your Thanksgiving table:

1. The Late Arrival.

Does dinner start at three? You can bet that this person will stroll in just after four and wonder why everyone is staring at them as if they’re starving. This person is also sure to blow a gasket if you start without them.

2. The Holy Terror.

Kids, in general, tend to run around, roughhouse, or even yell occasionally. But then there’s the one who hits, kicks, swears, bites throws things, and simply will not listen to instructions. That’s also probably the kid who spills grape juice on the new sofa, and wails like she/he is dying if anyone dares to tell them “No.”

3. The Religious Zealot.

Whether it’s a devout Jesus enthusiast or a militant atheist, there’s always someone at dinner who wants you to know that they would be happy to manage your spiritual journey for you. The idea that you might know what works best for you never occurred to them.

4. The Unwittingly Un-PC.

Political correctness hasn’t reached everyone yet, so don’t be surprised by that one relative who doesn’t understand why they shouldn’t refer to “coloreds” or “illegals” in disparaging terms, or why homeless veterans are more than simply “lay-about freeloaders.”

5. The “I hate football” Guest.

Not everyone loves football—I know I don’t. But not only is it rude to complain about what the host puts on the TV, but it’s also pretty much a given that Thanksgiving means watching the Lions lose at football.

6. The Lush.

If booze is found on your Thanksgiving table, you can bet at least one relative will over-imbibe. This could lead to orneriness, crying, passing out, or having to watch them tell everyone what they “really” think of them.

7. The New Guy.

Whether it’s your Aunt’s new boyfriend or your cousin’s college roommate, there’s bound to be someone at the table who doesn’t know everyone. This can be fine unless/until they ask why Uncle Sappy is missing a foot, or when someone is finally going to make deer hunting illegal.

8. The Politically Active.

There’s sure to be someone who insists on a political rant despite no one else wanting to talk about politics. Watch for dismissive over generalizations, un-sourced ‘facts’, and dickish words like “sheeple.”

7. The Harried Host(ess).

Chances are, there’s at least one person scurrying around like a maniac checking to make sure everyone drink is fresh, hors d’ouvres are hot, and that everyone is comfortable. You might be tempted to offer help, but your best bet is to stay out of their way.

8. The Braggart.

Everyone is glad that little Hannah passed her spelling test, or Trent Jr is on the JV football team—but the braggart just can’t shut up about how much better their kids are than yours. Chin up though, after Thanksgiving dinner is over, you won’t have to hear about it again until you get the bragging Christmas letter!

22 Savage Instagram Captions Perfect For Throwing Shade

Instagram is really a fabulous app for millennial and it serves so many unique purposes. For starters, it is a great way to showcase the life you want to perceive yourself to be living and easily make others despise you for having what they don’t. The reality of it though is that what you perceive yourself to be on Instagram is just want you want people to think of you, not really who you are…but that’s a whole different story for later.


If you are going to fall into the flow of using Instagram to perceive yourself as something specific, then why not throw shade at all the people who did you wrong with a lovely caption and a photo that says, “nothing bothers me.” Captions are a perfect way to throw some shade via Instagram.

For Throwing Shade At The Boy Who Did You Wrong:

1. “Silly me, expecting too much from people again.” – Unknown


2. “Don’t come back when you realize that I’m rare.” – Genereux Philip


3. “Some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone, but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back.” – Stephan Labossiere


4. “I gave your nickname to someone else.” – Drake


5. “All discarded lovers should be given a second chance, but with somebody else.” – Mae West


6. “As usual, there is a great woman behind every idiot.”  – John Lennon


7. “All of my ‘let’s just be friends’ are friends I don’t have anymore.” – Drake


You Should Never Ask Outside People For Relationship Advice

When it comes to relationships, people always think they know best. Whenever you’re having problems with your significant other, people think they know what is better for your relationship than you do for yourself – they all think they’re Dr. Phil and have a Ph.D. in romance.

The truth is, everyone experiences love differently. Love is an emotion, it’s not something as cut and dry as having a common cold. Someone can experience love and it makes them feel something – and, another person can feel completely different when they’re in love. It’s not a universal feeling, it’s not something everyone experiences the same – therefore, it’s not something everyone can give you the answers about.

Khloé Kardashian Claims Jordyn Woods Was ‘Lying’ During The Red Table Talk Interview

The Kardashian/Woods/Thompson cheating drama is neverending. Okay, deep breath: in case you missed it, which I doubt you have, Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson split up last week after word got out that Thompson cheated with Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods. Today, Jordyn Woods went on Red Table Talk and told Jada Pinkett Smith that Thompson just kissed her on the lips, no tongue, and that they didn’t have sex. And when asked by Pinkett Smith if she thought she was the reason that Kardashian and Thompson broke up, Woods replied, “I know I’m not the reason.”

Uh, she might want to rethink that statement, because Kardashian says she IS the reason, and she would know. Khloé tweeted, “Why are you lying @jordynwoods ?? If you’re going to try and save yourself by going public, INSTEAD OF CALLING ME PRIVATELY TO APOLOGIZE FIRST, at least be HONEST about your story. BTW, you ARE the reason my family broke up!”

A little over 20 minutes later, Kardashian tweeted again, this time to clarify why she went after Woods in the tweet and not Thompson.

“Tristan is equally to blame but Tristan is the father of my child. Regardless of what he does to me I won’t do that to my daughter. He has been addressing this situation PRIVATELY. If Tristan were to lie publicly about what conspired,then yes I would address him publicly as well,” she wrote.

On the show, Woods admitted that she wasn’t exactly honest about the night when she called Kardashian the following morning. She explained, “I just knew how much turmoil was going on, that I was, like, let me not throw more fuel on the fire. I know I was trying to protect Khloe’s heart. She doesn’t deserve this either … It’s not fair that she has to deal with this either.”

Woods defended herself by saying, “I’m no home-wrecker. I would never try to hurt someone’s home—especially someone that I love and has a beautiful daughter. I would never try to steal someone’s man. I don’t need your situation. I really just hurt so many more people by not telling the truth.”

Woods is also still sticking with her “it was because I was drunk” excuse, saying, “When alcohol is involved, people make dumb moves.”

h/t: Page Six 

25 Of The Most Savage Reactions To The Tristan Thompson And Jordyn Woods Cheating Scandal

Unless you live under a rock, or in a dark room in which you have no technology or access to social media—I’m sure as hell you’ve heard that the Kardashian/Jenner world is going through some serious drama right now. This week, the news broke that Kylie Jenner’s BFF, Jordyn Woods, hooked up with Khloé Kardashian’s boyfriend and baby daddy, Tristan Thompson. Yeah, Kylie’s best friend hooked up with her sister’s boo—can you imagine? Brutal.

Since the news broke, Khloé and her clan have basically confirmed the rumors on social media via comments and clap backs—and, reports have indicated that the Kardashians are totally dropping Jordyn from their circle/brand. As for Kylie, she’s been in denial for days, and, is reeling over the news that her bestie is a total thot.

While we may not know what’s going on behind those closed doors of Kris Jenner’s office—we can only imagine what kind of business calls are being made. And, of course, our lovely fans and followers on Twitter are here with the predictions of what will go down. God, I love Twitter during a celebrity scandal—don’t you?








































Noah Cyrus Posted Cryptic Photos On Instagram After Lil Xan Announced His Girlfriend’s Pregnancy

If you’re a fan of modern-day rappers and celebrity drama, you probably already heard that rapper Lil Xan announced earlier this week that he was officially going to be a father. He announced the good news on his Instagram account, along with an adorable picture of he and his girlfriend, Annie Smith.

The rapper wrote:

i wanted to wait but i just can’t leave my fans in the dark,it’s official im going to be a father i love you guys so much and hope you stay along for this crazy journey and i’ve never felt more happy in my life all of you are invited to the gender reveal party i promise ! Cant wait to show the world everything i’ve been working on at youtube space and my official sophomore album “BE SAFE” and to my baby my angel my sunshine @anniiesmith i love you with all my heart  thank you for saving me i love you more then words could describe

Additionally, Smith seemed to break the news to her followers that she and Xan were also planning on getting married—as she posted a photo of the two of them in bed captioned: “Fiancé”

In another post, Smith said she “can’t wait to call herself his wife.”

While many are happy for the rapper and his girl, others are commenting that in a short five-month span, he seemed to have moved on rather quickly. It was only five short months ago that he and Noah Cyrus, Miley Cyrus’ little sister, had called it quits with some pretty heavy drama.

Lil Xan had suggested on social media that Cyrus had “used him to get famous,” and had been cheating on him with other dudes in her professional career. However, Cryus had gotten emotional and open on social media, saying that Lil Xan was the one who was cheating on her. In several Instagram stories, Cyrus told fans and followers he had come to see her with a “hickey from another girl.”


And, fans were anxiously waiting for Cyrus to respond to the news of their engagement and pregnancy on social media—or at all. Cyrus had been very open about her feelings for Xan when they were together, and it’s no secret to fans that when they broke up the drama was level up.

As for Cyrus, she did post a photo to her Instagram stories in which she looked emotional and a bit cryptic. She wrote alongside the photo “whata day.”


Cyrus then posted a selfie, all made up, on Instagram with a tell-all caption.

“i WILL be happy if its the last thing i do.”

While Cyrus seems to be taking the news kind of hard, fans are happy and proud to know that Lil Xan didn’t knock up Cyrus and instead, she’s thriving in her own world.




Khloé Kardashian Dumps Tristan Thompson After He Allegedly Hooked Up With Kylie Jenner’s BFF Jordyn Woods

In a wild and crazy turn of events, new reports indicate that Khloé Kardashian has again broken up with her baby daddy Tristan Thompson for cheating on her…again. While this doesn’t seem shocking to anyone at all because Thompson has a history of cheating on his baby mommas—like, a bad, long, length history—it’s who he cheated with this time that is throwing the entire world for a loop.

TMZ reported this week that while he and Khloé spent Thursday together for Valentine’s Day with their daughter, True, Thompson was later spotted at a party on Sunday night getting close and comfortable with a close family friend.

That family friend happens to be Kylie Jenner’s BFF—Jordyn Woods. If you follow Kylie Jenner and the Kardashian family, there’s a 99.9% chance you know who Woods is, seeing as she goes just about everywhere with Kylie and her family.

While TMZ didn’t have a ton of details about how they got caught, they did say that at the house party, Thompson and Woods were “snuggling up with each other,” and “making out.” Damn, Jordy, you’re a savage b*tch.

Additionally, the site reported that after Khloé found out, she immediately broke it off with Thompson—no redemption for him this time around. It was only last year that videos leaked of Thompson hooking up with not one, but two girls in a club while Khloé was weeks away from giving birth to their daughter True. You know what they say, KoKo—once a dog, always a dog.

After the news broke, people online had mixed feelings. But, overall, most of them weren’t shocked to see Thompson back to his old ways.







This is a case for the FBI. Girl…WHEW.

h/t: TMZ.

An Open Letter To The Friend Who Was Once Like My Family

Throughout our lives, we meet people who change who we are as people and who shape our lives for the better. Although these friendships seem like the ones that will remain in your life, solid and strong, for as long as you’ll live – life can get messy and complicated and, unfortunately, some friendships just don’t last.

There are friends that I have had in my life that I thought would be by my side forever. We went through hell and back together. Almost all of the memories I have from my childhood revolve around them. I can’t sit and think of a moment in time where something happened where they weren’t there. When I had things to celebrate, they were by my side. When I mourned loss, they were the shoulder I cried on. When I was in a state of hysteria, unsure of what to do, they were the person I called.

There was never a lack of love or support in our friendship. While the sad reality of fading relationships can come full force into your life – our friendships never ended because there was no love. Outside circumstances take hold and sometimes, there’s just no going back.

However, there’s no need to hold hate in your heart for situations like this. Your first instinct when a friendship goes south is to spill their secrets, get revenge on the ones who have hurt you. But, there’s no reason to screw over someone you once called your family. Instead, look back on the past with an open-mind and an open-heart. Realize how much better of a person you are to have gone through something like this. Never hold animosity towards someone you will always cherish.

To the friends that I thought would be by my side, be my bridesmaids at my wedding, be the god-parents to my children, the one who sits next to me in a nursing home one day:

There is never a time where I do not miss you or miss our memories. Laughing together, causing trouble together, painting the city red together.

I don’t regret anything that we’ve been through – the laughs, the cries, the fights – they’ve shaped me into a better person and taught me lessons we’ve all needed to learn.

I will never wish ill upon you or your life and, I will always be cheering you on to succeed.

You will always be welcome in my home, heart and my life. Sometimes in relationships and friendships, space and time can heel wounds that once seemed permanent and hopefully, one day, we can make our way back into each other’s lives.

63 Quotes For When You’re Beyond Over People’s Bullshit

We’ve all dealt with it. Finding yourself sucked into the most pointless of all pointless drama and you’re finally fed up. You can’t just sit there any longer listening to them bitch and complain and gossip – instead of being the bigger people and resolving it or moving on.

You’re tired of the negativity and being associated with it all.

1. “Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.”

2. “I’m not distant. I’m just consistent at minding my own business.”

3. “I refuse to entertain negativity. Life is too big and time is too short to get caught up in empty drama.”

4. “I’ll have a big slice of life, but hold the drama please.”

5. “People who have no life always start drama in yours.”

6. “If you bring nothing but drama to the table, don’t be surprised if everyone gets up and leaves.”

7. “Life becomes so much better when you decide not to care. Just live for the moment,” keep a journal and use essay writing sites like buyessayclub to help express yourself.

8. “Drama does not just walk into your life. Either you create if, invite it or associate with it.”

9. “Don’t let anyone drain you of your happiness today. Be drama free. Rise above the petty stuff.”

10. “Sometimes ‘I’m single’ means ‘I’m drama free, less stressed and I refuse to settle for less.’”

11. “Sometimes you  have to unfollow people in real life.”

12. “Negative people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive – it will literally take their breath away.”

13. “You can’t keep a clean reputation hanging out with messy people.”

14. “I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing. And I thank the ones who left my life and made it even more fantastic.”

15. “There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy.”

16. “Just because some  people are fueled by drama doesn’t mean you have to attend the performance.”

17. “A private life is a happy life.”

18. “I distance myself from bullshit.”

19. “Be wise enough to walk away from all the nonsense around you.”

12 Signs You’re A Low-Drama Person

Those who are low-drama understand the insanity that is drama. It’s not that we tolerate it, it’s that we avoid it at all costs.

You can say that it’s even a matter of life and death for us. Just kidding…not really:

  1. You’d rather smuggle drugs in your ass to Europe, than confront people. You won’t admit it out loud of course, but you’re always thinking it.
  2. When you do have to confront someone, you plan it all out in your head…instead of having to avoid it all together, potentially dragging the drama on.
  3. And if you have to cut someone from your life, it’s a code red situation…because you must cut the drama immediately before it grows.
  4. You have an escape route for when someone is rude to you…because hell hath no fury than a barista scorned.
  5. You don’t even like drama on television. Every time characters get into it on Scandalyou get mad uncomfortable. Why can’t they all just love each other?
  6. When you’re involved in drama, Armageddon has come early…because you have no idea how in the world you got into this and you can’t believe people voluntarily go through this fresh hell every day.
  7. You’re either the middle man during family fights or your the person who mysteriously vanishes. If you’re not preventing your mom from ripping your sister’s head off, you’re locked in your room wondering why we can’t all get the f*ck along.
  8. You’re the calmest drunk in your group of friends…because someone has to stop those tedious drunk fights in the club.
  9. You know the inevitable signs of incoming drama. You’re an expert on facial expressions and certain phrases such as what did you just say to me? or you ain’t gonna tell me, and the popular, bitch!
  10. You can smell drama magnet people a mile away. It’s almost like a superhero sense.
  11. Making a scene might as well be a phobia. It’s such a terrifying thing to you. All those eyes on you, all those ears hearing your business *shudders.*
  12. You’re great at keeping secrets…but you really wish people didn’t entrust you with them not because you can’t be trusted with them, but because they’re laced with drama and you’re just not about that life.

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