Tag: election
Consoler In Chief? Finding Unity After The Election.
It has been a long anticipated question … Who will run our country for the next four years?
It is a question that we must wait to have answered. I have been watching the numbers come in on the edge of my seat all week. One thing that this made me realize is how we are all on edge for one reason or another. We are all feeling the tension that election season has brought on, but now it is at an all time high. Just one scroll through social media will prove that to everyone. Let’s stop and think about the words that we are putting out into the world.
As we wait we have to stop the hate. I have seen so many hateful memes and posts about this election, however, I think with the emotions of the unknown these are at an all time high. Before you hit that share button or click post remember there are people, real people on both sides. These people have convictions and reasons for why they have voted the way they chose to. Saying something hurtful or hateful is just driving the negative narrative that we have all been living in for so many years now. Instead of doing that to each other, what if we try to be empathic. Attacking someone’s intelligence because they voted differently from you is not a good look for anyone. It is time to put down the hate, and come together and make this country a better place to be.
As we wait let’s remember that we are moving into the holiday season. The election has made so many things tense. Let’s not make the holiday’s tense! Hug your loved ones and tell them how much you love them. At the end of the day that is what is going to matter that we came together in love even though we may have a difference of opinion. It is okay not to think like your family does. It is okay to have different opinions. That is America. Let’s celebrate our differences and show the world that we are not as divided as it may seem. Sit around the Thanksgiving table with one another and laugh because we all know that this has been a hard year. We ALL use some joy.
As we wait let’s remember that we are all human. I voted for what believed would help us move forward, and I feel very confident when I think that those who voted differently believed that they where doing the same. We all want what is best for the country. However, that has to mean working together with each other to make that happen. We all have to see each other and stop dehumanizing people for their choices. We have to listen to each other and have an open mind. I really think this would change the way that we see each other and ourselves.
Yes, this is a tense time. A time like no other, but we do not have to make this time any harder on us. We can choose to be kind, and to wait for the results to come in. We can choose to smile and make our space hate free. We can choose not to comment on things that we do not agree with thus making sure that we are not the ones spreading the hate. We can laugh together and listen to each other.
Let’s wait TOGETHER, and remember that we are all in this TOGETHER whether we want to be or not.
Choose to be kind.