6 Signs It Might Be Time To Change Careers

We all need to work, there’s no avoiding it. Like taxes and chores, work is something that the majority of humans need to undertake to afford their rent, mortgages, bills, groceries, leisure activities and hobbies. Your career is important, because you spend so much of your waking life at work. It makes sense that you’d want to enjoy your career. And for some people, their careers provide fulfillment, satisfaction and contentment. Other people view work as a means to an end, and find enjoyment in activities outside of work.

However, your career should be enjoyable. If it’s not, it might be time to switch things up and change careers. You might consider investigating the best accelerated BSN programs to quickly upskill and find a rewarding career path. But you may not be sure if this is the right move for you, so this helpful article will share six top signs it might be time to change careers. Read on to discover more.

You Don’t Enjoy Your Work

If you don’t enjoy your job at all, this is a major sign that it might be time to change careers. A significant portion of American workers don’t enjoy their work, with only just over half the population reporting job satisfaction. However, this doesn’t mean that you should stay in a job you hate just to make ends meet. Life is too short and precious to grind away in a dead-end role that you don’t find fulfilling. If the Sunday Scaries are real for you, and you dread Monday mornings, this is an excellent sign that it’s time to switch things up.

The risks of staying in a job you dislike include burning out, which means you’ll be exhausted, tired and not able to work at all, resentment towards your role which can spill out sideways at your co-workers and management, and an overall negative attitude towards life. This doesn’t sound appealing, does it? So, is it time for a change?

You’re Not Paid Enough

The average American salary is around $70,000 a year. However keep in mind that people with high salaries contribute towards this average. However, if you feel as though you’re not being paid enough for your skills, experience, knowledge and expertise this may be a sign that you need to embark on a new career. It can be difficult to gain pay increases staying in the same job, even if you go for internal promotions. Sometimes the best way to snare a pay rise is to leave the company for a competitor, or to switch career paths entirely.

While you may initially take a pay cut when you train or study for a new career, once you’re qualified and appropriately skilled, you could see your pay rise steadily. Being paid a good wage for your time contributes to job satisfaction, but it also makes other elements of life easier. Being able to afford your living expenses, bills and other responsibilities with some disposable income for things you enjoy improves your wellbeing and overall satisfaction with life.

You Want to Improve Work Life Balance

Some careers don’t lend themselves well to work life balance. Shift work, in particular, is notorious for this. It’s incredibly difficult to find balance when you knock off in the early morning, need to sleep during the day and get up in the evening to get to work.

Some other careers are also bad for work life balance, such as long haul transport and logistics, remote mining or construction work and jobs where you have to put in long hours. If this is your situation, a change in careers might be just the ticket. Some jobs will see you put in a 9-5 working day, while still paying well. For instance, information technology and cyber security jobs have regular hours with a steady paycheck, and lots of benefits. Speaking of benefits…

4. You Want Better Benefits and Perks

If your current role doesn’t offer the best benefits, perks and other sweeteners it may be a great time to change careers. For instance, some industries offer more paid time off, sick days, health insurance, pension plans and other benefits that are enticing. And that’s just workplace benefits – not to mention perks. Some industries have great perks such as on-site gyms, childcare, juice and snack bars, free phones, laptops and even a company car. If you’re looking for better benefits and perks in your job a switch in careers can be an excellent move.

5. You Want To Follow Your Passion

If your current job doesn’t align with your values, goals and passion then a new job that does could be a winning thing. For instance, you may currently work in a sales role, but really want to help people in life. In that case, working for a charity or non profit may be a great move. Or, you currently work a trade that is demanding on your body, but you’ve got a passion for writing – in which case becoming a paid freelance or content writer could be an excellent move. If you can find a job that aligns with your personal passions and vision then go for it.

6. You’re Not Challenged in Your Current Role

Some people thrive on challenges, problem-solving and puzzles. If your current role doesn’t offer you any of this, you might find work boring and find yourself listless, disengaged and fatigued. A brand new career path that can offer you the challenge you crave may be just what you need to become reinvigorated with work.

A Career Change Conclusion

This informative article has shared six signs that it might be time to change careers. If any of these jump out at you – some, or even just one, then now might be the time to switch things up.

How to Find Out if a Business Is Legitimate

Every day people encounter new organizations that they want to do business with. Unfortunately, with so many scams on the rise, it’s important to determine if they’re legitimate before continuing.

By doing an online search, It’s very easy to find out if a business is legitimate. Don’t forget to also do a free people search on the employees.

Let’s take a closer look at how to do this effectively.

Check Them Out Online

How many legitimate businesses exist that don’t have a website? Surprisingly 28% of small businesses have no online presence. Just because they’re not online doesn’t mean they’re not legit. However, it does make it slightly more difficult to have confidence in them.

Their Website

On the other hand, just because they have a website doesn’t mean they’re above board. This is the opportunity to find out as much as possible.

First, look at the contact details, and confirm it’s real. If a physical location is displayed, ensure that it exists. If it’s convenient, a quick drive-by will confirm that.

Other ways to confirm legitimacy are by reading its ‘about us terms and conditions, privacy policy, and any disclaimers. A business that spends time creating all these is likely to demonstrate more transparency than others.

When scouring those pages, look for anything untoward that may be buried. Any clauses or loopholes in their conditions, in particular, could be warning signs.

Dig Deeper

Even if the business entity itself is legitimate, not all of the employees may be. Investigate the employees themselves, especially the senior management team.

Social media is an excellent indicator of the morality of people. CEOs and other managers will unlikely have inappropriate pictures or posts uploaded. If they do, this could indicate a lack of professionalism at the company.

Look at their LinkedIn profile. Does it match the about us page on the company website? Any glaringly contradictory information should be investigated further.

Authority Websites

If they don’t have a website, there are several government sites to go to. The chamber of commerce can confirm a business address and phone number at the very least. In the US, the Better Business Bureau can also provide a ton of information about an organization. If they’re not listed with either, they’re quite likely, not legitimate.

Another step would be to check the company’s credit report. The information gleaned from such a report includes:

● financial performance of the company
● credit score
● management structure
● years of service
● contact details
● legal judgments

All this information is public domain and is sourced from financial institutions and credit rating agencies.

Reviews and Testimonials

Don’t just take the reviews and testimonials from the business’ website as gospel. They’re more likely to only include the positive ones, or at least balance them in their favor.

Be on the lookout for fake reviews. Any that have similar names or come from the same IP address are likely to be friends or family of the business owners. These types of reviews are an unfair representation of the organization.

Sites like Yelp or Trustpilot have thousands of honest reviews and can be an excellent indicator of a company’s legitimacy. If they have no reviews on any site, this is also an indicator that something is awry.

Legitimacy is Easy to Prove

The internet makes confirming whether a business is legitimate or not a straightforward task.

First, look for a company website, and spend time reading terms and disclaimers to ensure everything is above board.

It’s not enough to just confirm the entity itself is legitimate. Spend time investigating the primary players in the organization; this action can be extremely beneficial.

If no website exists, use authority sites to find out more, these pages can also be used to reconfirm what’s been discovered.

Finally, look at reviews, and try to find unbiased ones to get a true feeling for the company.


5 Things to Consider When Pursuing a Career Change in Your 30s

Some people know what their calling will be while still at school. They build their career paths by choosing the relevant universities, training, and employers.

For others, their career choices are not that obvious. You worked hard in your 20s and approached every project enthusiastically. However, as your 30s approached, you realized that you are not that annoyingly optimistic person anymore. Your priorities have changed, and your career path does not align with them.

Pursuing a career change injects new energy into your professional life. Therefore, it is never too late to do that.

Here is how to start a new career in your 30s.

1. Know what You Want from your Career

So, you have already realized that your career is not for you. However, what is next? Just quitting your current job without having any strategy can turn out to be a disaster.

To swap your career, you first need to decide what you want from it. For starters, think about your current profession – your achievements, the positive aspects of the job, what frustrates you the most, etc. Moreover, what are your desires, interests, and strengths?

Only by considering these factors can you determine the right career path for yourself in the future.

2. Improve your Skills and Knowledge

The next step in the career change process is education. If you have no experience in the industry you are entering, research the job descriptions for your desired profession. What skills do employers request? Make a list of skills you need to master to land your dream job.

For example, some of the most lucrative industries, such as IT, are evolving fast. They require you to learn continuously and stay on top of the latest trends. For example, if you want to manage and deploy Office 365 workloads for Microsoft teams, obtain a relevant Microsoft certificate.

3. Connect with Industry Professionals

Networking is an essential aspect of the career change process. It helps you connect with industry professionals, learn new things, and find job opportunities.

For starters, optimize your LinkedIn profile. As the largest professional social network, LinkedIn is the opportunity to connect with prominent industry players. Connect with the companies you would like to work for. Find the industry experts who have the jobs you want.

Share relevant content, ask for mentorship, and seek help on LinkedIn. That is how you will put yourself in front of your future employers, coworkers, mentors, or even business partners.

Next, attend relevant events in your industry. These could be seminars, conferences, roundtable events, and so forth.

4. Navigate your Career Journey Strategically

Finding a new career for yourself can be overwhelming. There are too many questions you keep asking yourself. For example, should you keep your current job while starting a new career? Or, should you quit and focus on your fresh start in the desired sector?

Sure, that depends on various factors such as your current responsibilities, personal life, etc. However, never put all your eggs in the same basket. It is way too risky. Instead, consider juggling your current job with the new one.

That applies to startups in particular. Do not leave your job until your new business starts to generate solid profits.

5. Keep Motivating Yourself

Starting a new career in your 30s is not easy. The truth is – you will often feel discouraged, worried, and anxious. You may keep asking yourself: “How could I ever think that a new career in my 30s is a good idea?”

Remember that it is normal to be afraid of starting a new professional life. However, you are not alone in the process. Many famous people pursued a career change after their 30s.

For example, Jeff Bezos started Amazon at 31. Before that, he worked in computer science on Wall Street.

Or, did you know that Vera Wang entered the fashion industry in her 40s? Before that, she was a journalist and a figure skater.

Dwayne Johnson and Arnold Schwarzenegger transitioned their careers not once but twice.

Find your inspiration in those brilliant individuals and keep rocking.

Over to You

There are no age limits when it comes to quitting your job and making a career change. While the process can be complex, frustrating, and unpredictable, do not let that discourage you.

Instead, plan your career shift step-by-step. For starters, consider your strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and interests. Based on them, choose the right job for yourself. Work on the skills your future employers may require, connect with industry professionals. Most importantly, take time and navigate your career strategically.

Look To These Tips To Write an Awesome Resume

Job hunting is one of the most stressful processes in life. But, to make the whole thing easier, you need to have a solid resume. Not only does it need to be error-free, but it should be professional and stand out from the rest of the crowd. 

One of the ways to achieve it is by using a resume writing service. Here are some tips on how to create a flawless resume that will help you land that dream job easily.


What’s the Purpose of Your Resume?

The most important thing to keep in mind when writing your resume is that it’s not about you. It’s really about the hiring manager and how you can help them solve their problems. 

Keep that in mind when you create your resume. Putting yourself in the position of the hiring manager is a good idea in order to get started. Some questions that you should ask yourself before writing the resume include:

● Who am I looking for in this position?
● What should this person provide my company with?
● What qualifications and experience should they have?
● What’s the attitude that I need for this job position?

Once you have the answers, it will be easier to know how to create the perfect resume for this particular job. 


What a Flawless Resume Looks Like

It’s tempting to pack as much information as possible into your resume, but it’s better to be short and exact. It should be a concise, easy-to-scan, one-page document that lists everything relevant to the job that you’re applying for. And it should be well edited and proofread. It should not contain any typos or grammatical errors. Also do not use a standard resume format, because it’s is plain and overused. 

Instead, you can use a resume writing service. And ff you’re not sure which one to choose from, here’s some additional info about FindMyProfession that should help you get started.  

By using a resume writing service you can have a resume that is easy to read. And one that will catch your potential employer’s attention right away. 


Which Tone to Use When Writing Your Resume

Matching your qualifications with the job requirements is essential. But being confident in your skills and abilities is equally important. 

So be confident in your skills and abilities and don’t be afraid to let the hiring manager know about how they may help improve their business by hiring you. Even in male-dominated environments, women can make a successful career- it’s all about that confidence!

The Right Mindset to Write Your Resume

In addition to the above mentioned confidence, there’s one key element that should make your resume easier to right. And that is, that before you even start writing your resume, you should switch your perspective about it. Because it’s not just a list of your achievements. Neither is it a history of your previous work.

Why you should treat your resume as if you are advertising yourself.

Yes, that’s exactly what it is- it is an ad for yourself. And like every good ad, you shouldn’t focus on why you are the best. Instead, just prove that you’re the best choice for your future employer. 

If you write the whole resume with that combination- confidence and marketing yourself- your resume will almost certainly show you in your best light. And if you need to double-check that you are doing things right, using services like FindMyProfession is a quick and sure way to get things done.

Women in Workforce- Most Popular Job Occupations

The whole topic of women as part of the workforce is a long and fascinating history. And the rise clearly shows in numbers. Since the 20’s, the share of the labor force that is women increased from 20% to almost 50%! While there’s still a lot of ground to be made with regards to the gender pay gap and other equality issues, there’s no doubt that the world is changing for the better. 


A resume is your opportunity to tell potential employers who you are and why they should hire you. And it is also your first impression. One of the best ways to make a good first impression is to make sure that your resume is formatted in a clear and easy-to-read fashion. 

So take your time polishing it up. And don’t be afraid to be confident and show your potential employer just how lucky they will be if they hire you! 

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About The Author

Amber Gill is a professional writer and content manager. She has led so many people to success by helping them craft their resumes. If you are looking for someone who can do your resume in a professional style, she’s the best there is.

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