Possible Effects of Learning About Discrimination by the End of the 21st Century


Discrimination depicts making unjustified distinctions and constructing prejudices about human beings based on the group to which they belong, such as race, sex, gender, religion, and age. Education institutions teach about discrimination due to the adverse effects on the economy, society, and individual well-being. In this respect, learning about discrimination will result in lowered rates of bullying, improved attainment and aspirations, reduced legal cases on human rights violations, and improved social cohesion by the end of the 21st century.

Lowered Rates of Bullying

Bullying is among the significant side effects of discrimination from educational institutions to workplaces. Bullying involves using coercion, force, threats, aggressiveness, and abusiveness to intimidate and dominate. Discrimination results from egocentrism, where individuals consider their beliefs, values, and race superior to others, predominantly the minority. Bullying has been a significant concern in schools, workplaces, and various organizations. Hence, learning about discrimination can reduce the apprehension of bullying by the end of the 21st century.

Improvement in Achievements and Aspirations

Discrimination has limited people’s achievement and killed aspiration, especially the minority races, because the number of people was increased over the past decades, resulting in a shortage of resources and opportunities. Moreover, the minority groups argue that the available opportunities are awarded on a discriminatory basis, narrowing their achievements. However, many of them are well-educated and often work as professional essay writers (browse around these guys for more info). In this context, learning about discrimination aids in alleviating it, guaranteeing that opportunities are awarded depending on an individual’s capabilities rather than race or sex.

Improved Mental Health

Mental health has been a significant concern in contemporary society, and discrimination accelerates its presence. Discrimination has resulted in civil wars as people fight for available limited resources and supremacy. Moreover, discrimination influences individuals to lower their self-esteem and may result in depression to some extent. On the other hand, learning about discrimination ensures that people embrace diversity, influencing them to apply peaceful dialogue in differences. Therefore, learning about discrimination will result in improved mental well-being by the end of the 21st century.

Reduced Legal Cases on the Violation of Human Rights

Learning about discrimination will reduce hearings on human rights violations, creating time for other critical issues. As a result of discrimination, people engage in social movements to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some people lose their lives fighting for their rights, resulting in legal cases in court. Learning about discrimination guarantees that all members of society are aware of other people’s rights and creates harmony. Consequently, it will reduce court hearings resulting from discriminatory issues and ensure that courts focus on serious issues affecting a nation.

Improved Social Cohesion

Learning about discrimination will improve social cohesion by the end of the 21st century due to diversity embracement. On the other hand, discrimination reduces self-efficacy and decreases openness to other beliefs and cultures. Thus, it influences a specific group to participate in societal issues, which contributes to social division. However, through learning about discrimination, people will respect others irrespective of their gender, religion, or age, contributing to social cohesion by the end of the 21st century.

In conclusion, learning about discrimination guarantees improved social cohesion, reduced legal cases relating to human rights violations, lowered rates of bullying, improved mental health, and enhanced attainment and aspiration. Furthermore, learning about discrimination promotes peace and harmony among people ensuring equality. As a result, individuals compete fairly for available resources and opportunities and utilize peaceful mechanisms to solve issues.

How Writing Trains Our Brain

Writing is the process of using symbols, letters of the alphabet, punctuation, and spaces to convey thoughts and ideas.

It engages all parts of the brain and is a form of exercise.It also requires a lot of practice and commitment.

Just like professional athletes train their muscles to perform at a high level, so can writers.

The employee essay writer cheap also knows this firsthand.

As long as they continue to work on their craft, their brains will grow and develop over time.

It engages all parts of the brain

Writing engages all parts of our brain, including the left and right hemispheres. They work in conjunction to process new information, synthesizing different pieces to create a whole.

The right hemisphere is also highly adept at visual imagery. In addition, it works with the parietal-temporal region and angular and supramarginal gyrus to form words from letter shapes.

Similarly, the anterior temporal lobes and the left frontal lobe are active for syntactic processing when you read text. This helps you identify the tense of a verb or the name of a character.

Expert writers from pay to do assignment use an additional part of the brain during their writing process, the caudate nucleus, which handles automatic functions that have been practiced over time. The study revealed that this part of the brain is very active in experienced writers, while it is less active in novices.

It’s a form of exercise

In the same way that weightlifting trains your muscles, writing engages the brain. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a proven way to keep you healthy.

When you exercise, your heart rate increases and you pump more oxygenated blood to your brain. This translates into better memory, stronger nerve cells, and the ability to resist age-related diseases.

You can also enhance your brain’s performance by giving it new experiences. This can be done through games, drills, or even small mental exercises that stimulate different parts of your brain.

As the brain is made up of many parts, it’s important to focus on the right areas and give them a workout every now and then. This will help you stay healthy and energized, which is especially crucial for writers who spend most of their time at the computer.

It’s a creative activity

The way we write trains our brains to be able to make connections between ideas and emotions. It’s also an important skill for working out how to express your thoughts in a way that is meaningful and accessible to others.

Writing can take many different forms, from a diary to an essay or even a novel. Whatever form you choose, however, it is still writing.

Often, creative writing involves using the imagination to tell stories through strong written visuals that have an emotional impact. This is different from the dry and factual types of writing that you may see in academic, technical, or journalistic texts.

In general, creative writing is more about creating a strong visual in your reader’s mind and using words like metaphors, similes, anecdotes, figures of speech, and other figurative languages to make your story come alive. This is why you’ll often hear the term ‘show don’t tell’ used when talking about creative writing.

It’s a skill

Writing is a skill that requires both talent and effort. It takes time and practice to develop, but it’s also a brain-intensive activity that engages many parts of your brain.

It’s a vital skill for any job, no matter your field of study or career path. It’s necessary for clear communication, which is essential for business transactions and interpersonal relationships.

The skills and competencies that make up good writing are fluency, syntax, diction, thematic development, idea organization, clarity, and creativity. These are all a product of sustained, supported practice honed through human affection and encouragement.

Research has shown that expert writers use Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas more than novice writers during brainstorming sessions. This suggests that they have trained their brains to see things differently and focus on language rather than pictures.

Why Is Traveling Important for Education?


Traveling is an incredibly enriching experience that can help to broaden our perspectives and give us a better understanding of the world. It can be a great way to learn about different cultures, explore new places, and gain a greater appreciation for the diversity of the world. For students, traveling can be an important part of their education, as it can help to develop their problem-solving skills, increase their self-awareness, and promote creative thinking. In this article, we will explore why traveling is important for education and discuss the various benefits it can provide.

Traveling Broadens Perspectives

One of the main reasons why traveling is important for education is that it helps to broaden our perspectives. Through traveling, we can gain a better understanding of different cultures and lifestyles. By interacting with people from different backgrounds and exploring different places, we can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity of the world.

Cultural Exposure

When traveling, we can learn about different customs, beliefs, and values. We can explore different ways of life and gain an understanding of how people live in different parts of the world. By engaging with different cultures, we can gain a better understanding of how different societies operate and how they interact with each other.

Interaction with Different People

Traveling also provides an opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and learn about their perspectives. By interacting with people from different cultures, we can gain a better understanding of their values and beliefs. We can also learn about their customs and gain insight into their lives.

Understanding of Different Lifestyles

Travelling can also help us to gain an understanding of different lifestyles. By seeing how people live in different parts of the world, we can gain a better appreciation for the diversity of the world. We can also gain an understanding of different cultures and how they interact with each other.

Traveling Encourages Self-Discovery

In addition to broadening our perspectives, traveling can also be an important part of self-discovery. By traveling, we can learn more about our own strengths and weaknesses and gain a better understanding of our own identity. We can also learn how to cope with challenges and develop problem-solving skills.

Learning About Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

Travelling can help us to learn more about our own strengths and weaknesses. By exploring different places and interacting with different people, we can gain a better understanding of our own identity. We can also learn how to manage difficult situations and develop resilience.

Developing Problem Solving Skills

Traveling can also help us to develop our problem-solving skills. By navigating unfamiliar places and making decisions on our own, we can learn how to think outside the box and make decisions independently. We can also learn how to manage difficult situations and develop resilience.

Appreciation of Different Cultures

Traveling can also help us to gain an appreciation for different cultures. By interacting with people from different backgrounds, we can gain a better understanding of how different cultures interact. We can also gain an understanding of how different societies operate and gain insight into their lives.

Traveling Develops Independence

Travelling can also be an important part of developing independence. By learning how to navigate unfamiliar places and make decisions on our own, we can gain confidence in unfamiliar environments and learn how to take responsibility for our own actions. We can also learn how to manage difficult situations and develop resilience.

Traveling Promotes Creativity

Finally, traveling can be an important part of promoting creativity. By exploring different ways of thinking and making connections between cultures, we can learn to think outside the box and apply new ideas to our own lives. We can also gain an appreciation for different perspectives and develop creative problem-solving skills. That’s why lots of writers (especially those ones who are working at Academichelp) travel quite often, as when you are about to create a text, inspiration and creativity play one of the biggest roles.


In conclusion, traveling is an important part of education, as it can help to broaden our perspectives, encourage self-discovery, develop independence, and promote creativity. By traveling, we can gain a better understanding of different cultures, explore new places, and gain a greater appreciation for the diversity of the world. Through traveling, we can learn more about our own strengths and weaknesses, develop problem-solving skills, and gain an appreciation for different cultures. By learning how to navigate unfamiliar places and make decisions on our own, we can also develop independence and learn how to take responsibility for our own actions. Finally, traveling can help us to explore different ways of thinking and make connections between cultures, allowing us to develop creative problem-solving skills and apply new ideas to our own lives.

10 Habits of Highly Effective Students

Every person develops certain habits throughout his life. Some of them are useful and help the individual to cope with difficulties, simplify his life. Others are harmful, appearing in his life sometimes spontaneously and aggravating the situation, health, etc.

During his studies, the student also develops his specific habits. The experts of Writemyessay service have prepared a list of the most useful habits of a successful student.

Habit #1. Attendance

Already from the very beginning of the study, it is possible to note the student’s attitude to the chosen profession, subjects, etc. Avid truants, who were “stretched” grades at school, will not last long and will also begin to skip.

Attending all classes is an exceptionally useful habit for a student. It helps to stick to the daily routine, prioritize (study first, and then – everything else), instills discipline and self-organization. Moreover, full attendance is often valued by university teachers. They are ready to make concessions to such students, and additional bonuses are provided when evaluating progress with the “rating system”.

Habit #2. Independent work of a student

Students’ independent work includes preparing homework, studying individual questions for seminars, conferences, etc. Sometimes it seems that the activities performed (taking notes, solving problems, etc.) in the future will not be useful to the specialist in the performance of his duties. This is not the case. A highly skilled professional must have sufficient knowledge and skills to provide quality services.

Completion of assignments contributes to gaining deeper knowledge, improving previously acquired skills, and acquiring new skills, which makes a college graduate more savvy and attractive to employers.

Habit #3. Extracurricular activities

It is in the nature of a student not to do only one thing, only study. During the student years, people are full of ambition, energy, desires, which they strive to fulfill. It is important to find their interests, hobbies, and devote time to them. This approach will not only allow them to distract from the daily routine, to unwind, to have fun, but also to make new friends, like-minded people, etc.

Often there are many different sections of interest: sports, art, etc. Don’t sit at home and don’t get hung up on your studies, otherwise, you could just “burn out professionally.” Develop all-around with benefits for body and soul (in a good sense of the word!).

Habit #4. Rest

To stay at couples in a half-asleep state, it is important to adhere to the regime of the day. Experts recommend that students go to bed no later than 00:00. Sleeping less than 7 hours a night negatively affects the work of the CNS: new material simply can’t be absorbed, and old material is difficult to remember. The body is not in the mood for study: it requires rest.

Try to do all the things and plans in time, while not forgetting about good nutrition and sleep.

Habit #5. Independence

Students rarely keep track of time and often find themselves on the verge of having a term paper defense tomorrow, and the student has only the topic of the project and nothing else. Try to do it yourself! Learn to react quickly and adequately to difficulties and find ways to overcome them.

Doing tasks yourself will not only allow you to gain new knowledge and skills but also become more responsible and prudent. But if self-sufficiency and independence are not yet your strong points, look for help on the side. Check out paperhelp review websites to choose a reliable company for good results.

Habit #6. Repetition

Repetition is probably one of the most useful habits for students, which eases their lot during the session. If you periodically reread passed material, it will be better remembered and absorbed. Therefore the preparation for exams and tests will be much easier.

Habit #7. Reading books

Today’s students give up on regular books and try to spend less of their time reading. Development is impossible without reading books. It is important not only to study what educators try to instill during lectures and seminars but also to choose independently (artistic or scientific works) to improve professionalism and personality. This approach will make the university graduate more erudite, savvy, broaden his horizons, facilitate problem-solving, etc.

Habit #8. Take notes

Scientists have proved that the most reliable way to memorize information and assimilate it is by taking notes. While taking notes, visual memory is activated, the student himself filters the information and writes down only the important points.

Habit #9. Limit the time you spend on the Internet

The Internet and gadgets are not always beneficial. In addition to academic activities, students are often addicted to other things online: social networking, games, part-time jobs, etc. It is important to know that every activity should have a measure. It is best to set a certain limit to the use of the Internet, so as not to get a “virtual” addiction and not to waste their time.

Habit #10. No blank spots

A successful student tries to make sure that there are no blank spots in his studies. If he does not understand a lecture, he understands it by himself or asks for help from a teacher. The same with the results of the test or independent: if he does not understand what was assessed, he explains with the teacher, and often seeks its increase. So do not leave blank spots for yourself: try as quickly as possible to find out what was not clear.

And if the development of useful skills does not go as fast as you would like, and there are problems with the preparation of academic papers, a student help service like this website will assist you. The experts will help you with difficult questions, and your studies won’t suffer.

8 Tips to Writing an Outstanding Narrative Essay

Narrative Essay writing time? You may have written a few narrative essays in your time, but they may not have been as good as you hoped, or didn’t cause quite the reaction that you expected. But that’s ok. Narrative essays don’t get a lot of recognition by teachers, merely brushing it off as easy and childish; unless it is really outstanding.

While teachers may brush off narrative writing, this is the best type of essay that allows students to flex their creative muscles. If you are struggling to write that perfect narrative essay, here are a few tips to set you down the right path. For professional assistance with your essays, consider reaching out to Paperwriter.

Although narrative writing is great for students to flex their creative muscles, it can be a little tricky to write properly. An easy to learn, difficult to master kind of situation. You can polish your narrative essay writing skills by going over a few narrative essay examples, such as child development essays. At the same time, let’s take a look at some other invaluable tips on how you can improve your narrative writing.

1. Create an outline

It is always important to keep consistent throughout your narrative essay, as a swirl of ideas may divert the original story. So instead of “going with the flow,” you should always have a proper plan or outline in place to keep you on track. Besides, having an outline in place allows you to write exponentially faster than having to stop and thinking over a few minutes.

2. Keep the Story In a Chronological Order

Narrative essays are short, so you have to keep your story to the point and concise. Something that you can’t do if you try to go out of chronological order. Now, it is not to say that going out of chronological order is a bad way to start a story. Many great books hook you in at the start and slowly reveal other details. But it is also one that requires a lot of time and words, both of which you may not have much of. So just keep your story in chronological order.

3. Find a hook

Speaking of a hook, it goes without saying that a hook is one of the most important parts of any story. The hook of your story has to be good and weighty, as it creates questions in the readers mind and curiosity. Think of a good hook like a good headline, something that grabs the attention of the reader. But this hook comes at a serious cost, as now you have to answer questions as well. To keep your readers engaged and hooked, you can write from an omniscient third person perspective. As Scribophile explains, the third person omniscient narrator is not a character within the story but is positioned as an all knowing narrator. Having an external narrative voice that provides a “god-like” or “birds eye view” perspective of the events within the story can make your narrative a lot more interesting and enjoyable.

4. Answering the questions

Once you establish a hook, and essentially the tone for the essay, you will also have to answer some of the questions that the reader may have as a result of this hook. So, if you foreshadow the climax of the essay in the hook, you should explain it to the people in that climax and lead to it in a satisfying way.

5. Vivid Descriptions

A narrative essay should always be rich with details about the characters, setting, environment, and what they are thinking. It is best to go with the expression “show don’t tell.” Describe things around the protagonist, as well as other people in the environment. Describe the color of their clothes, any facial features, accents, and even the height of the people in your story. This makes the world feel lived in and more realized.

6. Wrap Up the Story

Once you write the entirety of your story, it’s time to wrap up any loose ends and write a killer conclusion. A conclusion is also one of the most important parts of any story, as it is essentially the payoff to all the events that lead to it. You should also go into detail about the lesson you learned through this story.

7. Write the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement, although not necessary, really does add to the overall reading experience. The thesis statement is essentially the lesson that the story teaches. It doesn’t have to be very big, as the name implies, it only has to be a statement.

8. Revise

Finally, never forget the importance of revising your ProfEssays. There could have been a lot of mistakes in the process of writing your essay, and a quick read through it will help with any grammatical errors in the draft. You might use a spellchecker or grammar checker, too.

In conclusion, Although writing a college essay can be a little bit difficult, it’s still a very interesting process. And these tips are sure to set you on the right path to writing good essays.

College Student Gets An ‘A’ After Turning In Brilliant One-Sentence Movie ‘Essay’

If you’re a college student, you know that the end of the semester is upon us all—which means one thing and one thing only: finals week. Everything comes at us at one time and before we know it, we have 50+ pages worth of essays to write. How are we going to get it done?

Apparently, we should take notes from this one college student who was recently assigned an essay and, decided to turn in a one-sentence essay as her final. And, guess what? She got an ‘A.’

College student Allison Garret was recently assigned a movie review essay by her professor.

Instead of spending hours working on it, Allison decided to focus on a simple yet clever response from one of her favorite films.


Her essay reads:

“Fight Club
‘The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club.’
That’s it. That’s the essay”

She proudly submitted it to her professor.


In the comments of her submission, Allison writes:

“I saw an opportunity and I took it. I cannot say that I am sorry because that would be a lie. Am I proud? Yes.”

Fortunately, her professor had a great sense of humor and awarded the witty student an ‘A.’

The professor wrote back:

“I struggled over this grade for a long time. I finally decided you get a grade for a laugh and how relevant your review is for this particular movie.

Let me warn you: Do NOT try this kind of thing with other professors; they may not have my sense of humor.”

Allison later shared her success story on Twitter.

After her initial tweet went viral, garnering over 165K likes, the college student shared an important cause with commenters.

Allison used her newfound internet fame to shed light on her friend’s mom who is fighting a rare form of cancer. She also linked to the family’s GoFundMe where people can donate to the cause.

Needless to say, Twitter was obsessed with the clever essay.

She does have a point, after all.

h/t: Twitter, Bored Panda

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