Woman’s Botched Microblading Left Her With Four Weird Eyebrows

For those of you who may not know, Microblading is a popular cosmetic procedure that uses a fine pen to essentially stain the skin with hair-like strokes to make your eyebrows appear fuller. The seemingly simple practice has gained popularity in many salons across the world. However, like any cosmetic procedure, sometimes things go horribly wrong.

Jami Ledbetter of Kansas City, Missouri recently decided to give the whole microblading trend a try after her daughters gave her a Groupon last Christmas.

Ledbetter had originally been excited about the prospect of trying out this new cosmetic trend after her daughters gave her a Groupon for the treatment last Christmas.

According to Fox4KC, the $250 Groupon was for services by a woman who claimed she was certified in microblading.

Unfortunately, the procedure didn’t exactly go as planned and the 42-year-old mom was horrified when she saw the final result.


Ledbetter’s brows were completely disfigured as if someone had conducted the treatment in the dark and blindfolded.

“I was devastated,” Ledbetter said. “I was even dating a guy, and he stopped dating me at that point.”


She was so mortified that she stopped leaving the house except to go to the grocery store.

The mom tried everything to hide the botched brow job, but nothing seemed to work.


Ledbetter then went to another woman who alleged she could “camouflage” her brows which ended up only making things worse.

“It was pretty painful,” Ledbetter said. “I tried to have a good attitude, but it burned a lot. It kind of felt bruised.”

Finally, Ledbetter was referred to Kara Gutierrez, a licensed and insured tattoo artist who owns Spot On Beauty in Lee’s Summit.


“It took everything in me to hold back tears because this is the worse I’ve ever seen,” Gutierrez said.

Her first session with Ledbetter was back in February when she began using a product known as Li-ft in order to slowly remove the unwanted pigments.

The lightening solution has to be applied in eight-week intervals.

“You want scabs so it will pull out that pigment,” Gutierrez said. “It’s very unpredictable to how much you can remove, but it works.”

“This is something that is permanent on your face,” she added. “You have to make sure your artist knows what they’re doing.”

Safe to say, we won’t be trying out microblading anytime in the near future.

h/t: Allure

This Woman’s Gorgeous Eyebrows Survived Car Accident So She Left A Five-Star Review Of The Product

Get you some makeup that can withstand the mangling and trauma of being hit by a car.

Not that you should be expecting  to get mowed over at any point, but it never hurts to be prepared. Especially when it comes to eyebrows! In fact, science has determined that eyebrows are your most important facial feature, functionally and aesthetically speaking.

Beyond filtering dust, sweat, and dirt that might get into your eyes, brows have strong social significance for “emotional expression as well as facial recognition,” according to Yahoo! Health.

And as you may already know from personal experience, a good brow is the main thing necessary to look put-together. If you can only afford one makeup product, make it a good eyebrow pencil and/or wax situation.

Make it Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz. This isn’t an ad—though I wouldn’t be averse to a free sample or two, wink wink y’all—but merely a recommendation based on this viral tweet bestowed upon us by @MiriamMayne, who pulled a review of the pencil from a woman named Chloe Bray.

The 23-year-old musician and student at Brigham Young University left this online review: “I was hit by a car while out on a run. I walked away with multiple broken bones, a broken nose, blood everywhere, annnd perfect eyebrows. If you are considering getting this product, BUY IT.”

Bray attached a photo of herself lying in the hospital as evidence. She looks a little banged up. But her brows? ON! POINT!

Chloe Bray isn’t the only young lady to have retained beautifully sculpted brows after having been hit by a vehicle.

Girls are out here getting out getting bulldozed left and right!

To an alarming extent, actually.

If this story sounds somewhat familiar, that’s because a tweet posted in April by University of Florida student Lahari Manchikanti followed a similar format, though with a different product. Manchikanti, who goes by @guadalahari on Twitter, was looking for a new eyeliner when she found a review by a user who identified herself as “Bluntredhead” on the Kat Von D website and @catsandcusswrds on Twitter.

Much like Chloe Bray, Bluntredhead was hit by a car—but you wouldn’t have been able to tell just by looking at her eyeliner. “I was in a car accident and my eyeliner didn’t budge.” she titled her review.

“This product is truly amazing,” her review began. “June 28th I was pulled over in my car calling for roadside assistance when a distracted driver hit me going 55mph. I was taken via ambulance to the ER where I remained for 8 hours. My mascara was running down my face from crying and all other products had been wiped off in the transfer to the hospital. But not my tattoo eyeliner. I am posting a pick to show you, this product lasts and looks amazing through anything. Never buying any other liner again.”


Apparently people hated on Bluntredhead for her review (you monsters!) but that is neither here nor there.

The point is, if you are looking for makeup to last you—I mean, really, really last you—grab yourself an Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Wiz and Kat Von D’s Tattoo Liner pencil. And always remember to look both ways before crossing the street.

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