Uhh, This Singer Got A Tattoo Of Harry Styles On Her Face

Tattoos can be a really great idea and add some color and art to your body, or they can be a horrible mistake that you’ll regret for the rest of your life. While everyone is entitled to ink up their body in any way they please, getting a face tattoo is a deep level of commitment that will speak for you for the rest of your time on this Earth.

While many celebrities and rappers have opted for face tattoos in current pop culture, there are some negative factors that come with having face tattoos. For one—they will be noticed first and foremost when you meet someone for the very first time, so, you might want to get something appropriate and normal. But, if you’re going to ink your body, why not keep your face clean and go for somewhere else—right?

One singer who goes by the name of Kelsy Karter decided to forgo my solid advice and just go balls to the wall and get a face tattoo…of, Harry Styles.

Karter happened to drop a new single this week—called Harry—about her love for Harry Styles. But, she tells New Zealand radio station that the tattoo had “nothing to do with the single,” just of her love for the British pop singer.

She said:

“I’m a big fan of Harry and I’m not afraid to express it and I honestly don’t know how to do anything half-assed.”

Aside from being hella famous for her brand new face tattoo, Karter’s music isn’t too bad. It’s a pretty edgy pop version of Lana and, if I’m being honest, I dig it.

But, as for the tattoo—people had…thoughts.





I guess, do you girl!

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