Carly Clark, who lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina and works for company Petsense, posted a Facebook status warning that the next female who tries to breastfeed in front of her kids “will get a black eye.” She added that she would “punch the baby, too.”
Obviously, this is one take that is way off the deep end—especially coming from a fellow woman and mother.
Immediately following the post online, social media users began to report the status and reach out to Petsense to take action.
Many thought that she deserved to be terminated immediately because what she said was threatening and vulgar.
Following the numerous complaints and outrage from mothers and others online, Petsense issued a statement saying that Clark had been fired from the company. They also issued an apology on the company’s behalf.
Many people were happy to see the company take action and stand on the right side of this argument.
One mother, in particular, seemed to have struck a nerve with Clark. Mother KimReindeau said she received a very nasty and snarky message from Clark.
The response wasn’t any better and only served to prove how badly she deserved to get fired.
A word to the wise—keep your disgusting opinions to yourself unless you want to lose your job.
Lucy Shultz and her partner Steven decided to hire a photographer and do a “maternity shoot” for their new kitten they adopted. The photos, which Lucy decided to share in an album on Facebook, have gone pretty viral. At first, I thought it was because it was adorable and creative to do a photoshoot for your new kitten–but, after seeing the actual photos, I realize now why people have shared the post over 70,000 times.
Amber Smith of Rugby, England went pretty viral last year when she decided to share a “before and after” photo on her Facebook page. Today, transformation photos are a regular occurance–as we see weight loss transformations go viral on social media, even “glo-ups.” But, Smith decided to share a before and after photo of who she is pre-anxiety and what she looks like during an anxiety attack. The photos are eye-opening and deep.
Along with the photos, she shared a deep, meaningful, and honest caption saying:
God knows why I’m doing this, but people need some home truths..
Top picture: What I showcase to the world via social media. Dressed up, make up done, filters galore. The ‘normal’ side to me.
Bottom picture: Taken tonight shortly after suffering from a panic attack because of my anxiety. Also the ‘normal’ side to me that most people don’t see.
I’m so sick of the fact that it’s 2016 and there is still so much stigma around mental health. It disgusts me that so many people are so uneducated and judgemental over the topic. They say that 1 in 3 people will suffer with a mental illness at some point in their life. 1 in 3! Do you know how many people that equates to worldwide?! And yet I’ve been battling with anxiety and depression for years and years and there’s still people that make comments like ‘you’ll get over it’, ‘you don’t need tablets, just be happier’, ‘you’re too young to suffer with that’
FUCK YOU. Fuck all of you small minded people that think that because I physically look ‘fine’ that I’m not battling a monster inside my head every single day.
Someone actually said this to me one day ‘aren’t you too young to be suffering with anxiety and depression? What do you actually have to be depressed about at your age?’ Wow, just wow.
One girl was called out by Redditors for being a total snob when she was proposed to by her boyfriend. In a post on social media that was shared online, the girl wrote:
While the ring is not a diamond, nor is it her “dream ring,” writing about it on social media and being ungrateful got this anonymous woman a lot of hate. In fact, people online were on the guy’s side here. Even those who agreed that the ring wasn’t their favorite still said that the girl was in the wrong for posting her complaints to social media rather than telling her man in the first place.
It’s a terrible engagement ring (pearls are soft and should only be worn occasionally) but don’t post to Facebook about it. I hope he realizes she will be doing this with all their problems and that’s super unhealthy.
There’s nothing wrong with the ring, it once belonged to his grandmother and it was Also the girls birthstone, it has far too much sentimental value and its the thought that counts. It was a nice gesture and Its an amazing Ring.
While I don’t love the ring myself, I would tell my boyfriend that I will keep it, but I’d rather wear something smaller on a daily basis—as many of us wear our engagement rings every day. I would be flattered that it was his grandmother’s ring, but probably wouldn’t want to wear it every day. But, I’d tell that to my boyfriend—not social media.
One man posted a status on Facebook about his ex-wife’s new engagement and it’s going viral because it’s definitely out of the ordinary. While many believe that an ex-husband may be bitter and salty that his ex-wife is moving on, Blake Higginbotham has a different mentality on this. He wrote:
This is my ex wife. The mother of my 3 children. The woman who brought all 3 of my children into this world.
We got married young , had 3 beautiful children and had a bitter divorce.
3 years later , that relationship is much different. We share the kids evenly and support them in everything they do. We act as a team.
The man she’s with is a great guy. He’s great to my kids and they love him to death. As a father , I couldn’t ask for anything more. I sincerely wish you both the best. I’m thankful for many things including yalls relationship.
To anyone divorced, I encourage you with all of me to try and look at this from a different angle. Just because you didn’t workout as husband and wife doesn’t mean you can’t be mom and dad.
Many people online were shocked and almost emotional over the bond that Blake and his ex-wife still have, and how they have worked to keep their friendship civil and alive to make sure that their kids have good role models in their lives.
Everyone who has ever tried yoga knows that when you go to a class for the first time – it can be nerve-wracking. Take it from me – a beginner and newbie to yoga – who basically had an anxiety attack when the instructor kept telling me I was doing everything wrong (isn’t yoga supposed to be relaxing?)
Laura Mazza knows exactly how I feel. Mazza, the blogger behind Mum on the Run and mother of two decided to try a yoga class for the first time since having children and – she opened up about the experience, which, ended up being way worse than my experience and – also hysterical.
Mazza explained that after having kids, she suffered from “muscle separation,”
I have muscle separation. Having kids separated my abominal wall like Moses parting the Red Sea. Yeah it’s not good and my stomach kinda points out like a cone. So you know, I am trying to get fitter and fix it so it was suggested by a physio to try yoga.
Ha…hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah. Okay so.
Here’s where we knew we were in for a good one.
I put on a pair of yoga pants, because for someone who has never done yoga, really, I seem to own a lot of yoga pants. I got the pair that looked less “Ball-y” from sleeping in and yanked them up nice and high and got a clean top. I was wearing my regular nanna jocks. No time for g strings here.
We got into the class and it was dark and there’s candles everywhere. (Just a slight fire risk you guys), I’m thinking, holy shit this is real yoga, not like 5, 6, 7, 8 and stretccchh… this is ‘im going to go to a high place of enlightenment’ right here.
Everyone’s talking to each other and the trainer, yoga master, limber yoda, whatever… is talking to everyone and like talking to them, she’s saying “how’s Daryl and his leg…?” And I’m there hiding in the corner thinking “please for the love of god do not notice me” Everyone’s taking off their socks and I’m thinking oh lord, my toes are hairy and I didn’t shave them, I only dry shaved my ankles in case my pants ride up.
Relatable AF.
So I’m looking out at all these slender women with their nice tight yoga pants, and mine with the 80’s flare at the bottom. They all take off their socks to reveal manicured toes and here I am with my froddo feet, trying to hide in the corner so I don’t have to talk about my personal life.
Then ashram yoga guru says loudly “oh we have a new member tonight. We are blessed with the company of….??”
And then I replied with… “oh yes. And I am blessed with your company” I don’t know why I said that, probably because I’m a social idiot.
And she said “oh sorry I was after your name.”
“Ah laura”
“Okay” she asked me a few more questions where I fumbled my way through and then I started talking about my muscle separation and her eyes glazed over and I trailed off.
“Welcome” she smiled while her skinny body moved down like a slinky.
Yeah – same.
We started doing these random positions, moving into the upward facing dog and I feel a nice crack in my back, thinking i can do this…I totally love yoga. I am a yoga girl!! Look at me so fit right now.
We move into the downward facing dog… and that’s when I started to feel my guts.
Now for the past few weeks I have had IBS Symptoms like something crazy. My farts stink like something mixed between a rotten egg and an incineration plant.
And somewhere between the dolphin position and the three legged dog two of those burning garbage eggs slip out and I fart. I farted. I farted at yoga. I’m a walking cliche. My pelvic floor has failed me.
They’re quiet, so I’m thinking holy fuck, thank god for that. But then we move to some position where my heads between my legs, and the smell hits me like a punch to the nose. I died inside and now I officially smell like something has also died inside.
I’m thinking, do I leave? Do I leave the country? Is this happening?? IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME? Not only do I look like a slob but now I stink too.
Pause while I wipe the tears off of my keyboard.
Okay. I gather my resolve and say you know what? Whatever. Everyone farts and I can’t help it. I continue attempting thede ridiculous positions and suck in my core. Fitness here we come.
We then go down on this position where we stretch right out but our legs are like a frog on the floor. The teacher then came around and pushed everyone down lower… I thought oh good, gonna get a nice crack in my back again. I hold in my butthole nice and tight to make sure no farts escape again.
She comes over… pushes my back down…
And buuuuuuuuuurrppppfffffff
The loudest trumpet comes out of my ass.
I froze and thought oh my god. Oh my god.
OH MY GOD. Sweet baby Jesus. What just happened. I’m dreaming. Surely. I’m in a nightmare.
My face flushes red and I have tears in my eyes from the embarrassment.
I got up, attempted to roll up my yoga mat but couldn’t do it, so I just kinda chucked it to the side.. and grabbed my shoes and socks and my bag all in my arms and basically bolted out the door.
I turn around just as I’m closing the door And look up embarrassed to see everyone on their knees wide eyed staring at me in shock… (or in an awake coma from the smell)
And guru ashram yoga teacher looks at me, bows her head and joins her hands together and says “namaste”
And I think nah I’m a go, and I run out the door and now I’m sitting at McDonald’s eating a sundae crying and laughing.
Sorry physio. I’m never ever ever EVER, doing yoga again. Fuck the muscle separation.
Oh. My. God.
While the entire situation is traumatizing and embarrassing – I have to applaud Mazza for being so f*cking hilarious in the retelling and for hitting up McDonald’s instead (yes girl, yes). My heart goes out to you, fellow traumatized-yoga victim, but also, thank you for making my day.
When taking your dog to a trainer or training organization, you expect high, professional care. Animals and pets are like our family and we want them to be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. But, one woman was left crushed and angry when she lost her dog, Ollie, after leaving him with a trainer. Rachel Grace Tyrer from Jonesboro, Arkansas is asking the Internet for help after leaving her dog with Hunter Nelson’s Four Legged Retrievers, a training program.
According to Tyrer, the program was supposed to be 4 weeks long. Instead, Ollie was left with Hunter Nelson for 11 weeks, and, eventually told Tyrer that Ollie had “died.” In a Facebook post, Tyrer shared her story saying:
Hunter Nelson, owner of Four Legged Retrievers, was training my dog, who died in his care. Ollie went to Hunter for a 4 week basic obedience program on August 13th that ended up lasting 11 weeks. We had mid day training appointments scheduled several times, which ended in Hunter never showing up and/or having excuses to reschedule. I was so excited to see Ollie and get to love on him for a little bit. Around week 10 of training, I finally was fed up of not seeing my dog and demanded to go pick him up. The morning I was supposed to go pick him up, Hunter sent me a text to tell me that Ollie had been “bit by a snake”. Hunter said he took him straight to the vet, gave him Benadryl, and that it was a non-poisonous snake.
Per Hunter, the vet said Ollie had a 100% chance he was going to survive. That night he stayed at the vet because the swelling was getting worse. I was supposed to pick him up from poplar bluff vets office on Wednesday morning. I got a text at 3:19 am that Ollie had passed away from “swelling”. Not a call, but a text. Hunter took it upon himself to bury Ollie without any concerns of how and where I would want him buried. I didn’t get the text until 7 AM when I woke up and Hunter had already buried him without my permission. He was evidently buried with his green collar and razorback tag still on his neck. I have no proof or any idea where Ollie was buried at besides it was on Hunter’s property.
Hunter was so disrespectful that morning that he couldn’t even give me five minutes out of his day to give me the vets office phone number and name or call me just to comfort me and explain what exactly happened, as I was extremely emotional. When he would not give me the vets paperwork or phone number or explain really what happened, my stomach started to tell me that something was very wrong. Hunter has since then not let me see my dog, give me paperwork, and has continued to lie to me about three different vet offices of which Ollie went to, trying to cover himself up. Originally my Ollie went to go see a “Dr. Hart” in Polar Bluff. I called every vet around that area and had not found one Dr. Hart. I brought that up to Hunter and he said that he went to the Corning vet, which I also called and they did not know of a Dr. Hart either. He then said that Ollie actually went to Paragould Animal Clinic, which I called and asked for a Dr. Hart. Of course, there was no Dr. Hart at that clinic. The vet also did not have hunters name, business name, my name, or my dogs name anywhere in their system. They never even saw a dog with a snake bite in the month of October with the name last name Nelson or dog name of Ollie.
Since then I have found out about SEVERAL people who have dealt with him with bad outcomes. Their dogs, like mine, have also been abused, sold, or “bit by a snake”. After talking to Hunter the past three months I have uncovered that Ollie never went to a vet and died “immediately” in Hunters care, due to a COTTON MOUTH bite. He is continually trying to pay me off to not post anything on Facebook or social media. He does not care that my dog died, he just wants to cover it up for his sake. If you want your dog to die, be sold, or come home in complete horrible health and not trained AT ALL, then take your dog to Hunter Nelson. Hunter has only wanted to help when I threatened to post anything on Facebook or get into any legal action. I don’t even know where my Ollie is at, if he really did die, if he is suffering still in Hunter’s care, or was sold. Ollie was and still is my baby and I adopted him to give him a better life. I would’ve never have thought for a second anyone could’ve been so cold-hearted and cruel. We need justice for Ollie and ALL the other dogs, which have been more than I want to imagine, that have been mistreated by Hunter Nelson. Please help and share this post. My sweet baby didn’t deserve to die like that, especially without his puppy parents by his side. What if this was you?
Additionally, Tyrer shared all of the screenshots of text messages between her and Hunter to prove he was giving her the runaround.
People online are now trying to get justice for Ollie and find out where he is. Many people found Hunter Nelson’s Twitter account and began asking where Ollie is.
You’re gonna be better off admitting the dog is alive than continuing to lie. #justiceforollie
Anyone around NE Arkansas please beware! @hunter_nelson12 owns 4 legged Retrievers. He is nothing but a crooked mofo! Do not send your dogs to him for training. He has been known to sell/ harm peoples dogs while in his care. PLEASE SHARE #Justiceforollie
Anyone who has ever worked in retail during the holiday seasons can tell you that people are not always kind and patient with retail workers. While normal people are home decorating their houses and cooking with friends and family, retail workers are working overtime to ensure you can buy your holiday needs and find them easily in stores.
But, instead of being kind and patient, many customers are rude and demanding of retail employees. So, it’s only natural that many employees want to get their sweet chance at revenge on picky and annoying customers. However, not all retail workers go for the jugular. Except, one Chritmas, Sarah Bélanger Demaneuf did the unthinkable.
Sharing her story on Facebook, she said that every time she decorates for Christmas, she’s reminded of the time she was super vengeful—and, we love it.
I just can’t get into the holiday spirit until I post this. Have a vengeful Christmas y’all!!
The Star of Vengeance
This is my favorite Christmas ornament, but rather than symbolize peace and goodwill, as it should, it symbolizes vengeance and spite.
I was working at a local retail store after Christmas and all of our ornaments were reduced to 75% off. This little star was .50 cents. A terrible woman (dressed to the nines and driving a high-end Lexus, so pretty well off) came into the store and wanted 4 star ornaments, but wanted to only pay .25 cents a piece. As we weren’t at a yard sale I said no and she started arguing with me, becoming increasingly rude and belligerent. After not bullying me into caving she said “Fine! My friend works at the other store in Huntsville and she told me that all the ornaments will be 90% off tomorrow, so I’ll just come back in the morning. “I can’t guarantee they’ll still be here,” I said. And the jerk said, “There are 12 in the store. No one is going to buy all 12. I’ll get what I want, prepare to feel stupid tomorrow.”
So in an anti grinch moment my heart shrank 3 sizes and I bought all 12 star ornaments. I then called the other Huntsville store and bought ALL their ornaments. And just to be extra spiteful I bought all the star ornaments in Decatur and Florence. It was the most vengeful $30 I ever spent.
The next morning she was at the store as soon as we had opened. I had the pleasure of telling her that ALL of the star ornaments in North Alabama had been sold to one customer. The look on her face was worth every penny spent.
For years I gave the ornaments to friends and family, but I saved just one for myself.
17 years later, I still smile when I hang it on my tree.
I just can’t get into the holiday spirit until I post this. Have a vengeful Christmas y’all!!The Star of Vengeance…
The decision of whether or not to work is one many moms have to make. They may need to return to work after taking maternity leave because they need the money, or they may be able to stay home with their kids if they so decide. One thing is for sure, though—raising kids is very expensive.
A lot of moms might want to stay home with their children for the first few years (if possible), but then want to return to their jobs. It’s really a personal decision and one that’s very much dictated by a mom’s financial situation as well as how career-focused she is. And a woman can care about work as well as kids; it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
There are obviously pros and cons to both being a working mom or a stay-at-home one. It’s not easy to simplify. That’s why this simplistic hand-written chart posted on Facebook is causing so much controversy online—because it compares working moms unfavorably to stay-at-home moms without providing any sorts of actual facts or data.
This chart is so stupid. It makes all kinds of inferences about the lives of working moms as opposed to those of stay-at-home moms. It doesn’t take into account any outside factors and it lumps allll working moms into one group and alllll stay-at-home ones into another.
What mom has enough energy for intimacy with her husband “frequently”? Even a stay-at-home mom has been busy all day with kids. And I assume with the cleaning and shopping, too, since she’s not doing it on the weekends, according to the chart (another ridiculous notion).
The page where the chart was posted, The Transformed Wife, is a Christian page, and the writer has strong opinions about the place of women in the world. But the bible never said anything about moms having to stay home instead of work, or about the quality of care received by children with working moms.
The chart is, of course, being dragged into the middle of next week on Facebook, where tons of people have posted comments. Pretty much everyone agrees it’s idiotic, stay-at-home moms and working ones alike.
I’d love to see this “perfect” woman described in the stay-at-home mom category—her house is so clean she doesn’t have to spend time cleaning on weekends, and she has time to cook a nutritious meal from scratch every night. But I don’t think she actually exists.