Fatherless And Fierce

Growing Up Without A Father

What does every girl want in her life? Well besides marrying her soul mate,  is her father being supportive. When a father leaves because of abuse, drugs, or he’s a workaholic, or he just does, it has been proven to hurt that daughter(s) more than the son(s). And it hurts more on certain days like…

Fathers Day

Everyone is with their Father on this Day Of Celebration. Except more than half the woman across the world. It may just be one of those days just like every other but deep down its not, to you it is like seeing every other girl in the world be happy holding hands, spending the day with, hanging out, loving, seeing, being with their Father, everyone except for you.


Graduating is one of the most important days in everyone’s life including Fathers and Mothers. Graduating is a thank you to them,  and in a way telling them you raised this grad and that you helped them become this person.

Wedding Day-

Your wedding day isn’t just about you it’s about how far you have come in life and it seems like you are just beginning but honestly you are. And you are starting a brand new chapter in your life and it’s not only about you it’s also about your parents.

Strong girls, without Dads, stay strong. And be grateful for who you are becoming. You are Fatherless and fierce.

To The Fearless Girls Who Had The Strength To Break-Up With Their Toxic Dad

A Fearless Girl And Her Toxic Dad

Dads…Who needs them? All girls do but unfortunately, yours didn’t fit the bill as ‘world’s best dad’ and you had no choice but to gather up your ‘daddy’s little princess’ dreams and kicked the toxic bastard to the curb.

It hurt, stung and burned your soul, but you must trust that it’s the best decision you ever made and that you’re going to kick ass at living  life without your dad.

Whether it was because of emotional or physical abuse, the dude failed at his fundamental job to unconditionally love, protect and nurture you.


It must be clear that his toxic lack of effort and ability to love is not your fault. It doesn’t have to define you or haunt and shape your capacity to love and receive love.

Your resilient heart has come this far, you made the conscious choice to separate yourself from his toxic influence, and that along has already set you up for a better mañana.

Yes, it’s a great loss, probably one of the hardest break-ups you have to endure, but it has also shown your inner strength and the power you have to fight for the love that you warrant. Cheer up, you’re a self-made badass!


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