Can Sext Chat Heal a Shaky, Unhealthy Relationship?

Sext chat can be mindless fun, but it is also an excellent way to connect with your partner no matter how much distance separates you. And that’s not all that sex chat can do. Sex chat can be a tool that helps you become a better lover and partner—if you go about it the right way.

How Sext Chat can Heal Relationships


  1. Identify the Problem

  2. Ways to Save Your Relationship

  3. Sexual Healing is Vital

  4. Find a Sext Chat Partner

If you’re in an unhealthy relationship or one that’s not on solid ground, you probably want to figure out how to fix it or whether mending the relationship is even possible. So, below are some ways that sex chat can be healing if you’re in a difficult relationship.

1. Identify the Problem

Relationships become unhealthy for a variety of reasons. Some relationships start out supportive and mutually beneficial, but then outside factors contribute to its downfall. Maybe a personal tragedy has completely altered someone’s mental health. Life changes such as moving to a new town or changing jobs can also significantly impact the health of your relationship.

Other times, the problem starts because of things inside of the relationship. You may have a fight that leads you to stop having sex. Or one person may exert more and more control over the other. If you can pinpoint what caused the relationship to shift from good to not-so-good, you’ll be better able to know how to heal your relationship and avoid similar situations in the future (or, at the very least, identify them in advance).

2. Ways to Save Your Relationship

If you’re in an abusive or toxic relationship, the best thing you can do is walk away and get therapy. More often than not, those situations are too thorny to be mended, at least while you’re still in the relationship. Making a clean break and going somewhere safe is the best thing that you can do.

However, if your problems are significant but fixable, you may want to put in the effort to save your relationship. One of the necessary factors is that both you and your partner are willing to work on the relationship. If the work is being done by one person only, the relationship is beyond repair.

Another sign that your relationship can be fixed: you both agree on what went wrong. If you don’t agree on what is wrong with the relationship, you probably won’t agree on how to fix it. Maybe multiple causes are in play. If you can both identify these causes without pointing the blame solely at your partner, you’ll have a lot easier time working through your issues together.

3. Sexual Healing is Vital

It may sound surprising, but sexting with your partner can sometimes be a safe path back toward relationship health.

For instance, if you’ve had issues with trust in the past, it can be difficult to find ways to be sexually intimate. The partner who was cheated on may feel hesitant to have sex with the partner who damaged their trust. Sex chat can give you both the space to see if you’re ready to get intimate again without having sex in person.

Next, people whose relationship is unhealthy primarily because of their sex life can benefit from sext chat. Some of the most common relationship issues that couples suffer related to their sex life include mismatched sex drives, sexlessness, a lack of passion, and difficulty discussing sexual boundaries—like discussing whether or not they should open the relationship.

Having a sext chat is a gentle way to broach these problems. For instance, mismatched sex drives can be helped by sex chat. When you have a sex chat, you are turning your partner on, and it’s up to them whether they want to climax or not.

If you are in a sexless relationship, turning the ship around and starting to have sex again can feel as intimidating as it did to have sex for the first time—if not more so. When you have a sex chat, you have physical and emotional space to take things slowly and think about what you want to get out of your sexual encounters. It feels like a baby step towards having a sexual relationship again.

Couples who are interested in opening their relationship can feel like even bringing up such a touchy subject could end the relationship. If your partner is open to at least talking about it, you could role-play parts of an open relationship during a sex chat. This gives you both a way to “try on” an open relationship without having sex with other people. You can get a taste of how jealous you would be or how sexy it would be to think about your partner with other people.

4. Find a Sext Chat Partner

Whether you’re in an open relationship and looking for a third or you’re single and want to mingle, Arousr has everything you need to get started sex chatting. Arousr will protect your privacy, and they only hire hosts whose identities they have verified (meaning no bots or catfishing!).

Learn more about Arousr from one of their very own:

So if you are ready to start, join and start sext chat at It’s one of the oldest and most trusted platforms you can rely upon online.

11 Times You Were Sexually Harassed And Didn’t Even Realize It


With the recent events happening in the entertainment industry involving Harvey Weinstein, more women have found the voice and platform to come out and speak out against sexual harassment. While it has taken some time, many actresses, models and other female Hollywood stars are coming forward and speaking out against the mistreatment and sexualization of women, not only in the industry but overall as half of the global population.


Personally, I have experienced sexual harassment in more ways than one. But, throughout the years, it took me quite some time to realize just how often I was being sexually harassed, not only in my social life but also throughout my career in the workplace, as well as in school.


Girls Reveal The ‘Sneaky’ Things Guys Do That They Always Notice

It’s hilarious how unsubtle men can really be. They clearly think that we, as women, the most intelligent gender out of the bunch, happen to not notice their mindless and incoherent advances but in reality we just do and not because they don’t try hard enough to hide them trust me they do, but because they don’t know how to properly hide them without us noticing. Although, when you really think about it, there really is no reason to. Most of the time, it’s just the nature of the action that yearns to be noticed. I mean, how can one not notice a guy immediately break his neck for you as soon as you turn away? Every lady in this reddit thread has a thing or two to say about this particular subject and it’s quite relatable.

Thanks but no thanks:

The hug that’s actually just an excuse to have my boobs up against you was big when I was younger.
Now it’s the “subtle” glances at my cleavage.

Yes, be more awkward, I dare you:

Flirting. “So, uh, um, w-what are you, ahem, d-doing here?”

Because we can totally see that:

When they try to hide their raging hard-ons.

This is just gross:

Trying to discreetly pick their noses. The exception was this one weirdo at the bus stop who made no effort to hide it, he was up to his wrist in his nostril, but he didn’t stop there, he actually then proceeded to consume the contents of said nostril. All while staring me straight in the face. So nasty.

But, WHY:

The ole scratch ‘n’ sniff.

19 Things That Are True If You’re Absolutely Horrible At Flirting

When you’re single and looking to mingle – the number one thing you need to learn is the art of flirting. Flirting can be pretty difficult if you’re socially awkward and don’t know how to put one foot in front of the other. You try to do everyday things while looking sexy and seductive but you end up looking pretty damn strange. You know exactly what I mean.
Continue reading 19 Things That Are True If You’re Absolutely Horrible At Flirting

9 Things Only Unintentional Flirts Can Understand  

Miscommunications are usually the biggest factor in ruining relationships. Ever wonder why you were creep’d out by that dude who was suddenly hitting you up all the time, and you couldn’t think of any reasons why he was suddenly so into you? (Other than your good looks and charming personality).

You definitely didn’t realize that you were flirting with him, even though that was not your intention. In the words of one of my best friends, We weren’t flirting! I was just asking him questions about his life and he was responding enthusiastically.’ If you’re also looking to intentionally turn up the heat in your conversations, Check out this guide  for some inspiration on what to say. There’s a very fine line when it comes to innocent conversations and flirty interactions. Here are 9 signs that you’re accidentally sending guys the wrong signal:

There’s a very fine line when it comes to innocent conversations and flirty interactions. Here are 9 signs that you’re accidentally sending guys the wrong signal:

1. You twirl your hair or touch your neck when talking to a guy.

Even though these are just mindless habits you do all the time, a guy sees that as sure signs that you’re interested in him. (You’re literally attracting his attention to places he can kiss).

2. You giggle or laugh when he says something funny—because you genuinely thought his joke was funny.

Tone down the enthusiasm a bit, laughing at his jokes seriously boosts his ego.

3. You text him too often, but don’t mean anything by it.

If you’re a serial texter, or you just like having a constant conversation going with most of your friends, he might see that as a sign that you’re really interested in getting to know him more.

4. Your attempts at teasing him backfire.

Playfully sticking your tongue out or calling him names will only make him want you more. In guy world, those are signs of affection, not effective ways to define a platonic relationship.

5. When a guy asks you out to get coffee sometime, you interpret that as getting coffee with a friend.

If he asks you out for coffee, it’s a date. You might think that you’re friends, but he thinks you’re interested in something more and wants to take you out.

6. You unwittingly accept his advances.

If he throws a move out there, like winking at you or touching your arm, you give it right back to him. No matter how friendly you’re trying to be, you’re just straight up flirting without even knowing it.

7. You can’t help but to compliment him if you genuinely like his shirt/shoes/cologne.

Even though you actually like what he’s wearing or doing, it’s better to keep that to yourself. You just can’t help throwing around compliments because it’s just how you make conversation, but when you’re talking to a guy, it’s totally flirtatious.

8. You joke around more than you mean to.

Again, there’s a very fine line between joking with guy friends and straight up unintentionally flirting with guys. Unless there’s a mutual understanding of friendship, joking around with a guy makes him think you want his attention.

9. You reassure your friends that you’re seriously not a tease.

You just can’t help it, okay?! Sometimes you send the wrong signals, but whatever. Everyone just needs to start accommodating to your personality, because no people, you’re not always flirting!

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