To My Long Distance Best Friend, Remember This When You Feel Alone

“Distance cannot matter – ours is a friendship of the heart. A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart. True friends never apart maybe in distance but never in heart. You’re my closest friend and you’re thousands of miles away.”

We might be miles apart but you’re still my best friend and one of the most important people in my life.

When you struggle, I can’t help but empathize with your life challenges as if they were mine.


I want to protect you, be there for you and support you in any way I can. I never want to see you sad, so please know that no matter what it is you’re going through, I’m the person you can always rely on. Even from far away, especially when you feel sad, lost, or alone.

14 Signs You And Your Bestie Are An Overly Attached Couple

You And Your Best Friend

You walk into her house and your WiFi connects automatically, she’s definitely made from the same ingredients as you, and no matter how much you drive each other crazy, you’ll hang on to her for life.

Because so many people are great on paper but are actually really boring and uninspiring, And one thing to take off your list of worries is feeling that way around her. Because no matter how sarcastic you are, at the end of the day, you know that your best friend is bae.


Here are the signs that prove you and your best friend are actually an overly attached couple:


To My Bestie, My Life Would Be Totally Empty Without You

“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better but because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”— Wicked

A soulmate isn’t always the person you’re going to marry and spend the rest of your life with. Yes, secretly the majority of us are looking for that someone but there’s an equally exciting and important moment in your life when you find out that your bestie is meant to be your soulmate.


I should probably apologize to you for that fact that I’ve chosen you to be mine.

But fate sealed the deal and you are absolutely stuck with me. I know that secretly you know you couldn’t live without me either at this point.


There is one person who understands what you’re saying when there are no words coming out of your mouth, the person who doesn’t judge you for the faces you make or things that you like. There’s a person who knows your flaws and your quirks and will still claim you in public…that person is me.

10 Signs You’re The Quirky Friend In Your Group

Every group of friends is made of different personality types. There’s the gossip, the overthinker, the old soul…and you, the “quirky” one. Maybe you’ve been called a goofball, living somewhere between awkward and weird, a few miles outside the box.

If you’re one of those awesome people that makes life a lot more fun for everyone else around, then you most likely share some of these quirky qualities:

1. We have questionable conversations.

At some point, you’ve gone on and on about what you think your life would be as an astronaut, or an avocado (or you’re maybe considering a career as an astronaut…or an avocado). We tend to talk about things people think of but are too embarrassed to talk about. We have to work out the crazy things that run through our fuzzy minds and we’re pretty grateful to have friends to work it out with…even if they might get a little weirded out about them.

2. Going out for us is always random…and a little scary.

 Quirky friends redefine the concept of hanging out. Going out for us is mini-twerking while waiting for our burritos at Chipotle, skipping or doing cartwheels down a bridge, dancing on a ferris wheel, shopping for top hats at thrift stores, and more. There is no such thing as “chilling” with us quirks because “chilling” with us will be an indie film-like adventure. So be prepared, be very prepared.

3. We have outrageous dress codes.

For us, fashion is the perfect opportunity to express our creativity. Quirky friends love to add that flair to their wardrobe – brightly colored corsets with long skirts, large red bow ties as tube tops, kaki trench coats, sunflower crowns (and this isn’t just for girls – quirky guys can get away with these things, too!) – the list goes on. We pick out outfits that make our friends scratch their heads, yet nod in approval at the same time because as strange as our fashion is, it’s also alluring.

4. We notice the weirdest things about our friends…

that they don’t even know themselves. It’s true that quirky see quirky in this case. We’ve pointed out to our friends about how their freckles look like a birthmark, how often they put eyeliner on in a day, or the adorable look on their face before they sneeze. It’s not because we’re stalkers, we just really love our friends…maybe a little too much.

5. We speak in run-on sentences. 

The dialect of quirkiness is speaking in sentences that can go on for paragraphs without going off topic. A conversation with a friend about a weird guy you met on the train can become a novella that lacks periods and commas, “This guy who was sitting next to me on the train told me he could travel to other universes, can people really do that? I think I saw something like that on the Discovery channel, actually. It was like Interstellar…come to think of it, he did look a little like Matthew McConaughey. Do you think…” On the plus side, our friends never get bored with us.

6. Platypus!!

That’s it…just felt like randomly and excitedly typing “platypus.”

7. We get excited…like really excited.

Whether it’s seeing a little golden retriever at the park or Tom Hiddleston on screen or hot dog stands, your friends have to get ready for your cry of excitement. When quirky people get excited, they get really excited. Our friends enjoy watching us jump up and down, twirling them around, and the wringing of our hands every time we see something that pinches our hyper nerves.

8. We always twist our “rites of passage.”

Nobody would be surpirised that your first ‘seven minutes in heaven’ consisted of pitching someone’s nipples or your prom night involved you table dancing. We always get nervous during bar conversations about “rites of passage.” Our friends will talk about their hilarious first times or getting their licenses, while we sit there looking at our fingers, trying to see how we could talk about that time when we tried smoking weed for the first time and ended up running out of the house screaming because we thought we saw the Kool-Aid man in the flesh without sounding disturbed.

9. We’re not shy eaters.

Our friends always wonder where we put it all. Quirky people are usually foodies. We love trying different foods and we’re always the one person in the table who will get more than one appetizer. We’re not calm about it either. You’ve definitely hit the quirky line if you’ve attempted to feed your friends. Extra points if you made airplane sounds while doing it.

10. Cartoons and snacks are our Friday nights.

A bowl of popcorn mixed with M&Ms, skittles, and Reeses buttercups with episodes of Hey Arnold! ready to be watched on Netflix? That’s definitely our Friday night and we’re not secretive about it at all. Quirky people will proudly drag their friends along for the ride when it comes to these things. They may not like it, of course, but secretly, we know they love it.

11 Rituals We All Have With Our Bestie

You and your bestie are attached by the hip. You know each other well and know you’re truly best friends because you guys have your own set of rituals that you strictly abide by.

1. Pregaming and getting ready to go out.

Possibly the only thing more fun than going out with your BFF is getting ready with her. Let’s just say, lots of wine and lots of liquor is involved… Not to mention, piles of clothes on the bed, makeup all over the bathroom sink, and perfume bottles spraying through the air. You guys won’t go out until all outfits are okay-ed. And then the fun begins.

2. Being each other’s wing-woman when you go out to the bar.

There’s nothing like going out for a crazy night with your BFF and knowing that you have each other’s backs when it comes to the cuties. She steps in at the perfect moment to save you from the creeps and always encourages you to go for it when you want to.

3. Pretending to be different people when you meet strangers on your night out.

You and your BFF can play along with any lie to total strangers when you’re out. You’ll put on fake names and fake accents and tell them fake stories just for the hell of it. And you never have to worry about one of you not playing along because you both know when it’s happening.

4. The hangover texts the morning after.

Hangovers suck. The only thing that makes them better though is the knowledge that your BFF is on the same page as you. It’s an endless array of hungover AF looking selfies, and you guys saying “I’m never drinking again.” (Right.) Plus, if you guys don’t text about your hangovers the day after a night out, are you even really friends?

5. The pep talk before a first date.

You’re going on a first date and you couldn’t possibly be more nervous. So who else to call but your BFF when you’re busy hyperventilating in your room? She’s the only one who can tell you to STFU about your nerves, make you feel beautiful, and get you excited to meet up with your date.

6. The outfit run-through.

Before any big event or date, you and your BFF text each other a million photos of possible outfit choices. She’s the only opinion you trust how good you look. She’s the only one who’ll be honest enough to tell you if something isn’t working.

7. The birthday ragers.

No one gets more excited about your birthday than your BFF. She’s there waking you up with breakfast in your room, showering you with cuddles and presents. And she helps you get ready for your party before anyone else is there and goes harder than all your guests.

8. The crying to each other when you’re heartbroken.

Sh*t hits the fan and things fall apart with a guy. Your BFF is to the rescue. She’s the one who lets you ugly-cry for hours, go on and on about all the things that happened, and let you eat your body weight in ice cream.

9. The getaway trip.

Sometimes you and your BFF have had it and just need to say goodbye and f*ck you to everyone. So you get in the car and get the hell out of town because that’s the only solution. Just you, your BFF, and a highway leading to wherever you so, please.

10. The reality check.

Your BFF is the only one who can be honest enough with you to call you out on your sh*t. You appreciate her bluntness because she’s just trying to look out for you and has your best interests at heart. If she’s telling you you’re messing up, you must really be messing up.

11. And of course, the heart to heart.

Every now and then, in any healthy BFF-ship, you guys will go on about how much you love each other. She’s your soulmate for life, the only one who gets you and you can’t go on for too long without letting her know that.

To My Forever Friend, This Is My Lifelong Vow To You

If you live to be 100, I hope to live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”-Winnie the Pooh

Who would have known a children’s story would have the most accurate thoughts on friendship. I don’t want to imagine a future where you and I aren’t friends and you’re not in my life. In fact, the thought of it starts to bring out a minor panic attack, so we’re going to not go there.

Thank you for always being by my side, you have been the peanut butter to my jelly and the yin to my yang.

When you get married, you make vows to your spouse that you honor with everything that is important to you.

So, I don’t see why you wouldn’t make those same vows and promises to your best friend.

I promise to be there for you whenever you need and even when you think you don’t need me.

Because you always need me.

I know there will be times that you’ll need to go out and explore life and do things alone, but I will always be a few steps behind to catch you if you fall or to relish in all that you’ve achieved.

I’m a better person because I have you in my life.

When we’re not together a piece of me is missing, but everything that you’ve taught me as a person shines through even when you’re not around.

If you do hit rock bottom I promise to hold you close and to never judge you.

I promise to let you cry, and not just the little tears, but the ugly ones that make your face super red and makes your nose run at double time.

In fact, my sleeve will be right there to wipe away those tears or whatever else is dripping down your face.

I’ll do this because you’ve never hesitated to do it for me.

I am not a pretty crier, but yet you’ve trooped through every tear I’ve shed near or far.

I promise to always build you up when you start to crumble.

When you look like a million bucks girl I am going to whistle, holler, and tell the world how gorgeous you are.

Though I think you look gorgeous all the time, I know when it’s important to remind you to find your confidence.

I promise to always talk you off the ledge. I know you’re an over-thinker, and every crazy idea that comes to your mind I promise to shake you till you let it go.

I’ll remind you of the logical responses when you’ve jumped on board the crazy train.

I’ll always give you my opinion on the boys that come into your life, which you may not always like, but I only want the best for you.

I want you to be happy and I want them to treat you with respect. And damn right I want them to suck up to me a little bit, hey it’s brownie points to get in with the best friend.

However, even if I don’t like him it won’t matter as long as he’s good to you and he makes your life easier because your happiness is all that really matters to me.

I also promise to threaten him if he hurts you, and if you need me to, I will follow through with that threat.

Okay, maybe we won’t need to be that dramatic, but if he breaks your heart I’ll help you piece it back together.

I’ll let you cry over him, and let you eat all the ice cream and watch all the chick flicks until we develop permanent brain freeze.

Once it’s time I’ll help you get back on that horse and start actually pursuing all the other fish in the sea because there is a man out there who is going to be your Nemo.

When you find your Nemo I promise to help you plan your special day and make sure it is everything you envisioned it to be.

It means you don’t have to bridezilla because I’ll be there to calm you down and help whip people to shape.

I promise to try and sound interested in everything that makes you happy and make myself available when you need me even if I’m not in the mood to be around people.

I will tell you when you’re being difficult and being a bitch, even when I know it’s going to just piss you off more.

However I may do it over the phone, I know what kind of temper you can have when you hear things you don’t want to acknowledge.

I’m not afraid of being honest with you because that’s what we are here for and in the end, it only strengthens our friendship.

Whenever there is something crazy and embarrassing that you want to do you know I’m only a phone call away.

I know you’d never let me do anything that would leave an everlasting mark on my social reputation so I, of course, would do the same for you.

Whenever we’re together it will always be a race to see who’s paying for dinner or Starbucks and I will still try and beat you every single time.

When you get too drunk I’ll be there with water and Advil and I promise to hold your hair back when you get sick… even though the smell of vomit makes me nauseous myself.

I promise not to make fun of you for the men you hit on when you’ve had that shot that’s taken you over the edge or the text messages you know you shouldn’t have sent but you did anyway.

I’ll embrace our differences and I’ll never stay angry at you. Even when we argue, I promise to always talk it through with you after I’ve calmed down.

If you’re ever in a pinch I will be the first person to bail you out. That means in anything, money, family issues, relationships or even jail, I’ll get you out of it.

Though if that last part happens I may yell and smack you around a bit because you tried to handle something without me.

No matter the distance we’re really never that far apart. We’re more than friends, we’re family.

No matter what you go through in life just know you will never be alone because I will always be right there by your side when it matters the most.

I will always love you and just know you can always count on me for whatever life decides to throw your way.

So for yesterday, today, and tomorrow thank you for always being my go to girl and if you ever start to doubt how much you mean to me snap out of it because that’s just crazy talk and we know it’s best to stay off that path.

Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better but because I knew you, I have been changed for good.” – Wicked

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

If You Want a Friendship That’s Built To Last, Read This

You’re the shoulder they lean on when the world is topsy-turvy, the one who holds them when tears fall from their bloodshot eyes. A ‘Best friend’ is so much more than just a title. It isn’t about taking selfies and spending weekends together, it takes work.

1. You trust her completely (yes, even with that…)

She has enough blackmail on you to make you her personal servant, but you know she’d never use any of it against you.

2. Because you know she feels the same.

She tells everything to you that’s really bothering her even if it borders on TMI.

3. No matter how long it’s been, you jump right back to where you left off.

You don’t see each other daily, but you always know how much you mean to each other.

4. You’re basically each other’s personal therapists any time of day…

3 am or pm, you’re always there when life is driving her crazy and vice versa.

5. And her rock when life hits her hard.

You know how to make her feel better without sugar coating the truth.

6. You prove you care on the daily.

Letting your bestie know how important she is in your life.

7. And avoid drama like the plague.

You’ll both make mistakes, but you never judge each other because nobody’s flawless.

8. Even though you know fights are inevitable.

It sucks, but you won’t always be each other’s, favorite people. You have each other’s backs at the end of the day though and you’ll never let anything pull you too far apart.

9. But you’ll never give up on each other.

You encourage her to follow her dreams and always be each other’s best self.

There’s no best friend guidebook to follow. A friend-love takes hard work, but you know it’s always worth it.

Your best friend can’t guarantee that life will be perfect all the time, but they can stay in your corner, never more than a phone call away.

19 Things You Forgot To Thank Your Soulmate Wifey For

You have your friends, and then you have your soulmate wifey. With your soulmate wifey, you never have to apologize for who you are, and she’ll never give up on you or your friendship.

Sometimes, your appreciation for her gets lost between the moments of pain and side cramps from laughter that you two share:

1. Thank you for getting me out of my head.

You’re one of the only people who make me live in the moment, so I’m hanging on to you for life.

2. Thank you for tearing my walls down.

I know that I have mad layers, but you took the time to figure me out, and only you know that I have a soft, gooey center under the hard exterior – like Entenmann’s cookies…or something.

3. Thank you for making me feel beautiful.

You’re the first person to tell me when my ass looks good, and when my eyebrows are on fleek.

4. Thank you for also telling me when my hair looks like shit.

You’re also the first person to tell me when my hair looks crazy, and when I need to redo my eyeliner wing. I love knowing that you’ll always be honest with me without feeding me any bullshit.

5. Thank you for never letting me dance alone.

Our dance style will range from  “white dad at a barbecue” to “stripper whose rent is due tomorrow.???

6. Thank you for my laughter 8-pack.

My day is never dull with all the shit you send and tag me in.

7. Thank you for putting up with me.

And for reading all of those screenshots that I sent you with vivid details about my interactions with so-and-so.

8. Thank you for making fun of boring people with me.

I couldn’t have survived all of those social interactions – with really serious, pretentious people – without you. We always mess with them like cats with laser pointers: they’re the cat, and we’re the laser pointer.

9. Thank you for always having my back.

You’re my ride or die wifey for life, and whenever someone screws me over, you take it more personally than I do.

10. Thank you for being weird with me.

You always got me, and you’re the only one who I can do all those accents and impersonations with.

11. Thank you for bringing out my Trap Queen confidence.

With you, I can be the life of the party; you make me not give a shit about what people think.

12. Thank you for thinking the same people are wack.

We both have the same people we want to slap in the face.

13. Thank you for making life suck less.

With you by my side, I feel like somehow everything is going to be okay; thank you for believing in me when I don’t believe in myself.

14. Thank you for reminding me I’m a badass bitch.

You remind me of how dope I am in my moments of self-doubt.

15. Thank you for being happy for me when things are going right in my life.

When things in my life are going great, you are the first person ready to celebrate. Sometimes I even feel like you’re more excited than I am.

16. Thank you for never letting me self-deprecate.

You tell me when I’m being a whiny bitch, need to shut the hell up and move on. I love you for it.

17. Thank you for also knowing when I’m really hurting.

For all the times that you didn’t know what to say, but were there listening and wiping my tears away: thank you. I would never have survived without you.

18. Thank you for giving that douche a chance.

Even though you knew he would suck, you’re the only one he had to win over, so you were still patient and tried to like him.

19. Thank you for just getting me.

My Bestie Always Wears Black and She’s a Total Badass

“Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love. – Charles Maurice de Talleyrand

Only a fierce independent strong-willed girl like my best friend can pull off wearing black all the time. She’s a bold fiery spirit who carries her no-fucks-given personality under her black EVERYTHING.

Her black wardrobe is the armor she wears to take life by the balls and get shit done like the boss ass bitch she is. She’s driven, unapologetically sassy and a true badass.

1. She ’s committed to living a life she loves.

She’s as committed to her black wardrobe as she is to get the best out of life. And that means, not being afraid to live on the edge and saying yes to new adventures. She’s the type of girl who puts herself first because she understands damn well if she wants to live her best life, she has to have a strong inner foundation to grow from.

2. She’s a  big hearted girl with an edge… because she’s gotta have an ounce of attitude in her to balance shit out.

She’s the one who won’t hesitate to tell you straight up when you’re being annoying or doing something wrong. But she’s also the first one to praise you in every single one of your accomplishments. For all that, she’s got a big heart and a strong hand, literally and figuratively, to push her loved ones forward and keep them on their toes…And you just love her to death for it.

3. She’s super confident.

Wearing black clothing makes you appear more confident, but she owns it like no other. She carries her wits and charm with authority, so she’s always capable of handling any type of situation like a boss.

4. She’s a total people’s person.

She may appear intimidating as she walks through the door rocking her black outfit but don’t be fooled. She may be fiery but she’s an empath at heart. Being an egocentric bitch would just ruin her flawless black style. She works well with others and knows when to step down so other people can shine. It takes a lot of grit to be this confident. But she is, she’s self-assured and doesn’t need validation from anyone but herself, so she prefers to spend her energy on making sure she connects to others from a place of equality.

5. She’s fluent in sarcasm.

Because nothing goes better with black than sarcasm. It’s her quick wit that sets her apart from others. She can shut a guy down in a hot second, always having the perfect comeback for anything and everything. 

6. She’s  as methodical as every black outfit she wears.

You may think that putting together a black outfit only requires owning black stuff. Hell no, it takes systematic precision to be this cool. And that applies to everything she does. She’s the one that sets goals and makes plans down to the last detail and then, effortlessly makes them happen. Again, a total badass.

7. She’s kind of zen and a deep thinker by nature.

Black has a very calming effect, no shit she can be so zen and collected. Her thinking process is always detailed and in depth so you can always expect the best advice from her. She has an instinct for hitting the nail on the head when it comes to finding the right things to tell you or giving you a legit solution to your problems.

8. She ’ll hit you with the truth regardless of what it is.

A wishy-washy approach to communication is just not her style. I mean, she’s the girl who always wears black, and that’s as straightforward as anyone can be. And so it’s her honesty and boldness. If you want an opinion from her, you’re gonna get it, unedited, unfiltered, even if it hurts to hear it. She’s about the truth and nothing but the truth. Always.

9. She ’s the truest best friend you can have.

She spends her energy on what she values most. A girl who’s so loyal to the color that speaks to her the most is loyal to everything she loves. She’s sweet, consistent and committed to her friends and everything that she stands for. She’s the total boss ass bitch that you need in your life and she’ll be happy to share her black style and sass with you anytime, anywhere with arms wide open.

Wearing all black is not just a trend, it’s a lifestyle and a badass personality trait.

You’re Not Just My Best Guy Friend, You’re My MVP

You came into my life at a time when I desperately needed a friend, you understood me and accepted me as I was. You pieced me back together and helped me find new meaning in my life.

Thank you for standing by my side on my worst days and holding me when I needed to cry. 

You replaced my pain with an intense joy that I didn’t think I was still capable of and taught me how to be happy and carefree again. 

You gave me a reason to keep fighting when I wanted to give up. When I feel like everyone’s against me, you’re always right there to cheer me on.

When my depression was bad, you reminded me that I was special and important. You didn’t let me forget that there’s so much more to life than the low points. 

When I had panic attacks and could barely breathe, you calmed me down.

You loved me on the good days, when I was easy to love, but you still cared just as much on the days when I couldn’t stop sobbing and didn’t want to get out of bed. 

You know me even better than I know myself and you never let my flaws stand in the way of our friendship. 

You’re my safe haven, a place where I won’t be judged by my past mistakes.

You’re always around when I call or text you to vent and you’re a master at helping me escape from my mind. You’ve been a real MVP in my life and honestly, you deserve the world. 

You continue to show how much you love me through simple gestures, the way you hug me and the texts making sure I made it home safely.

You are my best friend, the only guy I can trust with my secrets and my life.

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