Best Way to Enjoy Games Night with Friends

It is important that in our busy lives we make time to have fun and socialize with friends, this allows us to de-stress and maintain relationships with the people closest to you. Meeting at a pub or bar is a popular choice for a night out with friends, but there are plenty of night-in alternatives that are just as much (or even more) fun!

A night in is a great alternative if you are hoping to save a bit of cash, have difficult childcare arrangements to make or would just prepare to avoid the hustle and bustle of a busy bar.

Having a regularly organized games night is the perfect way to bond with friends, and having one scheduled every month or so will ensure your friends keep that evening free in their calendars.

There are so many different types of games you can choose from to provide entertainment, from board games, to console games and group games that will bring the whole room together and create such a fun environment.


You can choose to get everyone to bring one board game along with them or take it in turns to host and have the host choose which games to play. Monopoly, Cluedo, Battleships and Snakes and Ladders are great options that your friends will most likely already be familiar with. Between all of you, you are likely to have a good selection of games already at home, so plan in advance who can bring which game.

If you want to make your evening even more memorable then there are a number of ways you can spice things up and add even more excitement. Here are just a few ideas to help get you started:

Pick a theme

Why not choose a theme for your game night and plan everything around that? When choosing a film you will want to consider what interests you and your friends have in common, perhaps there are movies or book series you all love.

For example, for Harry Potter fans a Hogwarts-themed night would be thrilling. Wizard fancy dress, Hogwarts-style decor and snacks and drinks named after the characters, locations and objects in the films would all enhance the evening.

Key times in the year such as Halloween or the holiday season are also great times for fancy dress games nights.

Another great theme is bingo. There are now a huge number of variations you can explore and host to play bingo with friends yourself.

One reason why bingo is such a great choice is that it is an easy game to play with rules that are easy to understand. This means that everyone can get involved, whether they are a bingo pro or completely new to the game, it is perfect for everyone!

Make a selection of cocktails

Any sophisticated games night for adults should have some refreshing beverages, why not make a game out of creating the best cocktails? You can easily find cocktail recipes online and if you plan in advance, each attendee can bring a couple of the ingredients from home.

From Negronis and Mojitos to Sangria and Pink Ladies, there will be a drink recipe to suit everyone’s tastes. Cocktails don’t have to be alcohol-based either, there are plenty of mocktail recipes only too.

Cocktails go well with a themed games night. One idea if you are playing casino games is a James Bond-themed night with martinis (shaken not stirred, of course).

Cook up a feast

While the most important aspect of any game night is the games, the food on offer is a close second. Whether you are preparing a full three-course meal or just a selection of nibbles to snack on during game time, your guests will be happy to be fed.

If you aren’t a brilliant chef or very confident in the kitchen, you could actually make the food preparation into a game itself and get all of your friends involved. Perhaps you grab some pizza bases and sauce and challenge your friends to create their own pizzas with toppings.

You may even wish to take it in terms each game night and assign a different person each time to be responsible for food. There is always the option of ordering takeaway, too if you would rather spend more time gaming and less time in the kitchen.

Just be sure to find out everyone’s dietary requirements and allergies in advance so that no one is left out.

Having a games evening with friends is the ultimate night-in activity and a great experience, it is the chance to have a bit of fun and competitiveness while getting creative with themes, food and drinks.

To My Friends Who Supported Me When I Was In A Dark Place

Thank you. I know it wasn’t easy for you to see me like that. Someone who once smiled brighter than the sun to a person who struggled to talk. I wasn’t the person I had been a week ago, and I know that it’s hard to understand how things can change overnight, but you did, and you didn’t question it. I was in a dark place filled with sorrow, pain, and self-loathing—so much self-loathing. I couldn’t understand why I was drowning, and the thought of coming back up for air was impossible. But you were there. You saw past the fake smiles and the “I’m okay” and listened when I dared to talk.

I kept waking up thinking that this would be the morning I felt like me again, but every morning that passed seemed to grow darker. Until one morning, I saw the light. To my disbelief, it wasn’t bright and seemed so far away, but it was there. It’s been two weeks, and three days since the moment I stopped being that girl. The girl that called her friends to check in, the girl that smiled at her neighbors she loathed, the happy-go-lucky ray of sunshine that saw past all the bad in life. I know two weeks and three days doesn’t seem like a long time, but it felt like an eternity to me. But you were there; you have always been there even when I didn’t feel worthy of that kind of friendship. It’s hard to believe that my own body and mind could handle that type of raw emotion, but it’s over now, and I’m ready to be me again. I won’t be the same girl I was before because that type of darkness changes you, but I’ll be a better version of myself. A version of myself that is courageous and strong. A version of myself swam to the surface towards the light and now breathes a fresher air. 

I don’t know how to thank you for the support you gave me during that time, but please know how grateful I am for your friendship. I am out of that dark place now. 

Friendships aren’t easy, they take a lot of work.

You both have to put in the effort. If you don’t, it’s really easy for the friendship to fall apart. Here are just some things I’ve learned about friendships:


• Not everyone is your friend. I know, it’s hard to believe right? You spend so much time around certain people, and you feel like you formed a connection. The reality is that half the people you meet in your life, aren’t really your friend. They aren’t the people that will be there through the good and the bad times.
• Friendships work both ways. If you want the friendship to work. You both have to want it. It’s important that everyone makes an effort in the friendship. Your friend can’t come home sometimes? Make some plans to meet up half way, or see if you can go to your friend. Last minute plans come up? That’s okay! Just make sure that you both find a time that works best for you.
• Friendships go through hard times. Nobody said friendships are easy. They did promise the friendships are worth it. Of course friends will have their fights. Nobody is perfect, and we are entitled to have flaws. We have feelings just like everyone else.
• Always be honest. I know that one is rough. You never want to hurt your best friend, but honesty is always best. You should both feel comfortable enough to have serious conversations. Don’t be afraid to hurt each other’s feelings. It’s normal that being honest may result in someone feeling hurt.
• Always say I love you. You never know what someone is going through. Check up on your friends from time to time and make sure they are okay. Remind them that you love them and that you aren’t going anywhere.
• Make the best memories. Go on a road trip, go camping, visit new places. You only live once, have the adventure of a lifetime with your friends by your side.


Friendships are important to have. Sometimes it’s not easy to make new friends either. Get involved in group activities. Include some outside people into your circle. Hold each other accountable for what you are trying to do with your lives. Friendships go through ups and downs, it’s a part of life. However, don’t let life get in the way of having a good time. Love your friends wholeheartedly and let them know you will always be by their side.

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About The Author

My name is Missy, I am 29 and I love to write. I write about mental health, relationships, friendships and life in general. I’m just your typical girl who loves to be adventurous! You can find more of my stories here.

5 Of The Best Offers Of Relationship Advice That You Can Give Someone

Building and maintaining a healthy relationship is something that does not come so naturally to everyone. While there are no definite rules that the world provides for building an ideal relationship, you can use some advice from people around you because every solution does not work for everyone.

But, when you are the one providing relationship advice, there are some things that you need to keep in mind. In this article, I will talk about the five best pieces of relationship advice that you can give to someone and help them out with their first, second, or third date ideas.

Top 5 Relationship Ideas 

Do Not Exaggerate On Personal Experience

When you give relationship advice to someone, like your single friend, try to make the conversation about them instead of indulging in how you met your girlfriend or how someone’s a possessive boyfriend. The person needs your help solving their problems in a relationship, not to listen to your experience.

It would help if you focused your attention on their problems. Help them with how they can handle their emotions, try to understand their demands and what they value in a relationship, help them assess their long-term goals in their relationship. Ask them about the problems; once you have the idea of their problems, you can help them find a way to fix things.

Be A Good Listener

While communication is undeniably important, sometimes it is crucial to be silent and listen to what your partner has to say. The advice also concerns the individual who is providing the relationship advice.

You might be willing to make things right between you and your partner, but you might also be way too active in making things right by yourself. Remember that a relationship takes effort from both sides. So do not make judgments and conclusions by yourself. Instead, let your partner do their part and try to understand them more. 

A healthy relationship stems from the ability to communicate. Do not bottle up problems and worries that might be bothering you inside. It is best to share what you feel with your partner, and good communication will help you do that. And by good communication, I also mean communicating on uncomfortable topics. It is the fastest way to sort out the problems.

Empathize & Encourage

Do not sound patronizing or present your advice to your friend in a way that translates as blame. You should never demean the person who seeks your advice in a relationship by suggesting that they are the reason for their problems. Instead of giving advice, which sounds patronizing, try empathizing with them. 

Some people may need a little encouragement to get their relationship some forward momentum. The best thing for you to do is to encourage them and say that they are good enough to deserve a healthy and happy relationship. Admire their effort and ethics and mention the little things that pull them behind. This way, they will cheer up and find a solution by themselves.

Avoid Cliche Advice

Your friend came to you for solutions that have real-life applicability, not for cliche, generic suggestions like “you will find him eventually” or “you will have to wait a little longer.” Believe me; these suggestions confuse them more than solving their problems. 

Telling your friend that they have not yet found their love is something that they already know, and it does more to dishearten them than to help. If you cannot provide any effective solution, then it is better to stay quiet and listen. 

You can try to suggest that they be more vocal about their feelings and personality. Tell them to keep their senses open to people around them and people they come by. Engaging with new people opens the door for a new relationship; you can suggest this to them. 

Let Them Be Their Own Solution

I did not mean that you have to leave them to find their solution by letting them find their solution. Unfortunately, sometimes people get caught up in so many things that their heads get clouded, and they cannot analyze the root of their problem. 

In these cases, you have to engage in a friendly conversation and feel comfortable while sharing the problem. Then, once you have heard them, you can point them to the root of the problem that they cannot see and let them find the solution by themselves as a surprise.

This process is healthy because it upholds the person’s self-esteem as you are assisting them instead of providing patronizing advice. 


We are often allergic to cliche and stereotypes, but sometimes cliche advice may be of great help. Mutual respect, trust, loyalty, support, and understating on intellectual, emotional, and social plains are some of the cliches yet key necessities into building a healthy relationship. I hope this advice helps you. 

About The Author

Ani Johnson is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Ani Johnson is associated with GossipmentTheParentsmagazineThePetsMagazineTheLegalGuidesEssayWritingGuidesTheSportsMag.

15 Things Only You Say When You Take on the Night With Your BFF

Going Out !

Every girl who’s about to go out to the bars with her bestie knows you always say or ask each other the “standard girl questions.” If she doesn’t ask these questions or say these things…is she even your best friend?


1. “Are we gonna be dressing cute or sexy?”

Cause I need to know if I’m rocking Vans with a t-shirt, or my little black dress with the plunging neckline.


2. “I’m not getting too drunk.”

This is a damn lie. Let’s be honest, you both are going to be six shots deep within three minutes of stepping into the bar.


3. “You’re not allowed to text or call your ex.”

It’s great advice until the end of the night and y’all are in the back of the Uber, crying while you both drunk dial the douchebags.


4. “Can we get Taco Bell after?”

Is that even a real question?


5. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

Not. That translates into, “I’m still in bed in my underwear, hair in a bun, looking like a drowned hamster.


6. “Pregame shots?”

Again, is that even a real question?


7. “Can I borrow your cute red shirt?”

Which means ALL of your clothes are fair game, and good luck getting them back.


8. “I have nothing to wear.”

Story of both your lives right? That bitch better find something, and soon, because she’s not allowed to bail.


9. “Do I look okay/fat/cute?”

You both are going to ask one or all of these, and if your best friend doesn’t tell you the truth, find a new friend.


10. “You look fine, let’s go.”

Which you both probably do look fine, but why not ask another nine times, just to be sure.


11. “Wanna take a selfie?”

Duh. If either of you start duck facing it though, neither of you should be allowed in public. Ever.



12.  “Where are we going?”

Who fucking knows. As long as your friendship isn’t like a couple’s “I don’t care, where do you wanna go, no, where do YOU wanna go” bullshit type relationship.


13. “Is there a cover?”

Fuck. This means we’re gonna have to stop by the ATM doesn’t it?


14. “Should I wear these heels?”

Do either of you look like a baby giraffe, awkwardly stumbling around when trying to walk in heels? If the answer is yes, then no, do not wear heels unless you want to look dumb as fuck or break your ankle.


15. “Do NOT lose anything tonight.”

Like you keys, your phone, your purse, your dignity…


16. “I promise I’ll try to not do anything too stupid…”

HAHA. Don’t you both have bad decisions and regrets stamped on your foreheads?

About The Author

Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.

To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE 

How to Connect with Your New Sorority Sisters


Congratulations, MC 21! You made a great choice to join a sorority and wherever you landed, your sisters will become a huge part of your college experience and friends for life! But arriving on campus (maybe for the first time,) starting a new semester of classes (maybe for the first time,) and being surrounded by a crowd of new potential forever friends can feel like a LOT. Don’t worry if it feels a bit overwhelming right now and you don’t feel as happy inside as TikTok tells you to be, we’ve all been there. Your new sisters can be a terrific support system. 


Get to Know Your Class

No one knows how you’re feeling like the rest of your New Member class (aka “pledge class” or whatever it’s called at your campus!) Chances are, all of you are new to campus, all of you need to learn your way around (literally and figuratively!) and some of you have never shared a room before. The upside of these challenges is that research shows that sharing new experiences contributes to building lasting relationships. So buddy up with a new sister or two to find the fastest route to the dining hall (or your local Target,) learn how to do laundry, and figure out which sisters share your majors so you have study buddies.


Get to Know Your Fam

Your big is the best. She probably spoke for you during new member selection and is invested in your sorority experience. She will show you the ropes, answer any embarrassing newbie questions, and likely shower you with treats and prezzies. Your grandbig, too! Different chapters have different big/little traditions, and it’s really nice to give a gift to your big to thank her for ushering you through the new member education period. Even sweeter is to get something you can both wear to remind you of your connection. As the founder of mazi + zo, I’m partial to our minimalist licensed sorority jewelry ;), and there are lots of ways to say “thank you” on any budget.


Get to Know Your Chapter Advisors

Don’t underestimate the value of your Alumni Advisory Council. While this group is primarily focused on advising the chapter’s exec board, they’re also a resource you can tap. I’m on the AAC for a sorority chapter at Columbia University and I can tell you that my fellow council members and I appreciate when new members reach out for our more-experienced perspective (and find it flattering!) I’ve talked to new members and sisters about things like how to evaluate potential internships, running for chapter office, and navigating tricky interpersonal dynamics. One note here: your AAC members are busy accomplished women, so be respectful of their time and make sure to thank them!

About the Author

Lizzy Klein lives in NYC and is the founder of mazi + zo, a company that makes jewelry that ups your personal style with original high quality easy-to-wear, easy-to-layer designs. Find your favorite style for gifts and for you at Shop mazi + zo!


How to Encourage Office Comradery

Encouraging genuine team camaraderie is key to running a successful workplace. When your team collaborates and has an active friendship spirit, they can be more productive and achieve goals with ease. With camaraderie, everyone wins, the employees will be happy in the office, and more quality work will be done every day. These are some of the ways you can foster the spirit of trust and friendship at the office.

Celebrate Team Success

Celebrating and praising the worker’s efforts and their contribution to the team will go a long way. It makes others respect and appreciates their work. That will start more healthy relationships based on admiration around the workplace that will eventually lead to camaraderie. Some companies have engraved crystal awards they present to employees and teams that show cooperation and teamwork. You can adopt the same strategy and keep everyone working towards a common goal. Acknowledge even the small team wins to keep everyone motivated. The significant milestones should receive bigger awards and praises. You can have celebratory lunches or drinks for the small wins, anything to keep them going. When team members get comfortable with each other, they are more likely to learn and share ideas.

Define Roles, Responsibilities, and Hierarchy

To avoid clashes between your employees, clarify all the roles and responsibilities around the office. Any ambiguity with the hierarchy and roles will prevent the members from working together effectively. Defining responsibilities and roles are more than just finding the right person for the job. It’s also about making employee’s experiences pleasant and fostering teamwork. Your employees will work better together when there is a clear, structured hierarchy at the office. Most workplace wrangles and misunderstandings arise when people overreach responsibilities and duties. Defining roles will help you build camaraderie and also ensure work gets done faster and more efficiently.

Recognize and Encourage Individuality

As an employer, you should not expect everyone to be the same. People have different backgrounds, values, and beliefs, and they often carry them to the workplace. You have to find a way of encouraging these individual traits for the common good. Allow some room for individuality in every team so that everyone can peacefully co-exist. Try to keep away from the traditional ways of working. Take suggestions from your employees on what will make the office more favorable for them. You will realize everyone has something different that encourages creativity and productivity in them. Make changes so that everyone feels comfortable in the office for all the hours and days. It will make the employees feel seen, appreciated, and part of the team.

Embrace Team Activities

Social events are the ultimate camaraderie and team-building activities. Have office contests that will encourage friendly competition around the workplace. Ensure everyone participates, and all the efforts should be recognized. It helps people understand their team members better and not in a forced way. You should also consider recurring social meetings, even if it’s fifteen minutes every two days or every week. Sometimes when work gets overwhelming, people can lose touch. The social meetings give them a chance to reconnect. Workshops are also very encouraged as they bring people together and they are very informative. There are endless team activities; all you have to do is pick one or two of them that fits your team. It doesn’t have to revolve around work-related issues, sometimes getting together away from work can be fun and a relationship booster.

Don’t Micromanage

Allow your workers to have autonomy. One way to run a successful team without micromanaging is hiring wisely. Hire department heads or leaders that you are confident will deliver the best work. They will also lead by example by building camaraderie. Put faith in your employee’s abilities and skills; it shows them that you trust them, which builds confidence. Plus, when you constantly check on their progress, they will develop camaraderie with you and not the rest of the team. Allow them to work together and thrive on their own. You should know by now that people act differently around the boss. When you spend most of your time in the employee’s workplace, you discourage chit-chat and free interactions. So trust in your choice of team leaders and all the workers and let them work together without you supervising.


Try any of these five tips if you want to encourage the spirit of camaraderie in the office. You have to understand what it takes to foster work relationships. After all, trust is very hard to establish, so you need to create a conducive work environment before you encourage friendships and unity among the team members.

How to Broach a Difficult Topic With a Friend


You care about your friends, maybe even love them like family. Because of that, you want what’s best for them. Your desire to help requires you to bring up challenging subjects from time to time.


If you have legitimate concerns about approaching certain issues, your friend might not respond warmly, at least at first. You need to tread lightly to avoid creating a permanent rift.


With that in mind, here are hints for how to broach five difficult topics with a friend because sometimes, love requires tough conversations.

Their Health

You walk a particularly fine line when talking about health. Many people understandably resent health advice that comes from someone other than their doctor. It’s usually better to remain quiet unless their habits pose an immediate threat to their health or that of others.


For example, if you notice your friend’s drinking going from the occasional happy hour indulgence to a nightly bottle, you should express your concern lovingly and tactfully. Please try to avoid triggering words like “alcoholic,” and instead, say something like, “I’ve noticed you are drinking more than usual lately. Is there something going on that you need to vent?”


Try to encourage activities that don’t revolve around problematic behavior. If your friend is in recovery from drugs and alcohol, much of their former existence may have centered around substance use — so help them to keep busy. Create a sober environment and encourage new interests that can occupy their time.

Their Partnership

A person’s marriage, like their dietary choices, is generally off-limits to outside discussion. However, you must act as a loving friend if you suspect someone you care about is caught in an abusive relationship.


If you do, please let your friend know that you are concerned about their safety — when their partner is nowhere within earshot, of course. Reassure them that the circumstances are not their fault and that you will support them no matter what they decide to do. Please don’t pressure them into leaving if they don’t feel ready — even a trauma therapist can’t make that determination for another.


However, you can help them create a safety plan to get out in a hurry if need be. As an outsider, you can assist with finding alternative living arrangements, even job leads, if they decide to flee.


Their Children 

“Don’t you love getting unsolicited advice,” said no parent, ever. Assuming your friend isn’t abusing their child, you have to be careful issuing parenting tips.


Please remember that what worked for you and your children may not do the trick for others. Each child is a unique human being — and parents embrace various styles that might not match what you did with your littles. Different doesn’t mean negative.


Instead of offering tips, listen and ask questions. Let your friend broach the topic — they will if they want your help.


Their Career 

You might feel most comfortable helping your friends with career advice. They may even ask you for tips on how to succeed if you do well while they struggle.


However, you still need to exercise tact to avoid sounding like a know-it-all. If your friend is struggling to find a position that pays a living wage, it’s not helpful to recite platitudes about “working your way back up the ladder” — especially if they recently lost a lucrative position amid the pandemic and find themselves in today’s market.


However, if they want tips on how to rock their next office happy hour, feel free. Likewise, if you can connect them with available opportunities, they’ll remember your kindness.


Their Behavior 

You love your friend for all their quirks — flaws make your pal unique and human. However, if you notice destructive behavioral patterns, please find a caring way to address them. Your friend might not realize that their sarcastic “must be nice” response makes you reluctant to share the news of your upcoming vacation or bathroom remodel.


Instead of avoiding them, first, try letting them know how their behavior makes you feel. Use plenty of I-statements so that you don’t sound accusatory or start an argument.  “I feel nervous sharing my good news with you because I’m afraid it will make you feel resentful,” facilitates honest communication much better than, “You’re always such a grouch. What’s the point of even trying to talk with you?”


Know How to Broach These 5 Difficult Topics With a Friend

It’s challenging to bring up the five emotionally charged subjects above. However, sometimes true friendship requires you to have conversations about difficult topics — use these tips to help.

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About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

10 Tips for Hosting Your First Post-COVID Get-Together 


If you’re like most people, you’re anxiously awaiting your first post-COVID get-together with friends and family. Needless to say, you want to make this party one to remember.


With that in mind, here are ten tips for hosting your first post-COVID get-together.

Consider Your Budget and Location

The pandemic was a feast-or-famine affair — hopefully, you ate well and invested your stimulus wisely. However, you can still party heartily if your wallet contains little but moths due to using yours to cover living expenses.


Depending on your budget, you might do anything from a backyard barbecue to a full-fledged reunion. If you’re considering the latter, you may need to clear your property to provide enough space for multiple banquet tables. To that end, a skid steer is usually a good option.


Whatever you ultimately choose, the following ideas work for any price-point:


● Luau: You can pick up inexpensive leis at the dollar store or go all out and build a firepit big enough for roasting a pig.
● Sports camp: If you have an active clan, throw your bash at the home with the biggest lawn. If you have more cash, rent out a park, including the playing fields, and have a ball.
● Cosplay: If you and your friends spent some of the quarantine perfecting your outfit for the next ComicCon, why not show off your duds a little early? If you have deeper pockets, rent an outdoor screen and recreate the drive-in movie experience.

Start With Respect

Hopefully, every attendee to your first post-COVID get-together chooses vaccination, giving them extra protection against the virus. However, there is still much scientists don’t know, and not everyone has gotten their shots.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), you are fully vaccinated two weeks after your second dose or following a one-shot vaccine. Until then, you should continue to take precautions such as wearing masks and staying six feet apart from others when gathering in indoor places.


Please note that if you take medications that impact your immune system, you are not considered fully vaccinated, even after having your shots — talk to your doctor.

Break Out the Bubbly

Now that you covered the bases, it’s time to party. Pop the champagne!


If you have the means, why not break out an exclusive brand deserving of the occasion. Please ensure that you keep a non-alcoholic bottle or two on hand so that even those who abstain can share in the toast.

Make It a Finger Food Affair

The centerpiece of hosting your first post-COVID get-together is mixing and mingling. You don’t want to weigh people down with overladen paper plates.


Get your finger-food game on-point. Treats like tiny cucumber sandwiches and chicken skewers travel well, letting people devote most of their attention to socializing.

Or Go Formal Sit-Down

However, you might have more exclusive tastes — or merely the desire to share the same table with loved ones again. If so, go all out with a formal dinner party.


Remember, much of the elegance lies in the presentation. A single scoop of ice cream served in a champagne glass with strawberries makes a 4-star looking dessert in seconds.

Share War Stories

What’s the craziest thing that happened to you during quarantine? Did you embrace those tips to plant a victory garden or learn a second language, or did you spend much of the time catching up on lost sleep?


Why not have a contest? You can play charades to guess what you did to fill the lockdown time or collaborate on a master list of disaster survival tips — like how to find toilet paper when store shelves run bare.

Play Games 

It’s finally time to break out the Twister again. However, it could take folks some time to readjust from over a year of restrictions.


If you want to be the post-COVID host with the most, make sure your event includes a mix of games, such as the Vertellis conversation starter game, the #1 game for togetherness that sparks meaningful memories and stories. Or play some other socially distancing friendly games, like Frisbee golf, while others can involve contact for those who feel comfortable.

Get Creative 

Even if you got crafty in lockdown, it’s lonely to knit by yourself. Why not get creative with the crew?


You can even build your get-together around a craft theme. Have a mix and match earrings party or a spa and wellness day — you can even make things for a fundraiser.

Do Some Good

Volunteering is a heartfelt way to give back as a group. Why not make your post-COVID get-together benefit a cause? You could participate in a neighborhood cleanup or help put together care packages for less fortunate families who didn’t weather the storm as well as you did.

Reduce Cleanup Hassles

Any party worth remembering creates a bit of a mess. However, you can minimize cleanup hassles by placing trash and recycling containers around your pad and establishing a soaking station for dirty dishware.

Follow These 10 Tips for Your First Post-COVID Get-Together

You want your first post-COVID get-together to be memorable and fun. Follow these tips for an unforgettable bash.

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About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.

Moving to a New City? Follow These 5 Tips

Sometimes life calls you to a different part of the world. You might be moving to a new city to follow a loved one or start a new job. Even if you’re staying in the same state, things can feel overwhelming.

Planning each step of the way makes every move more manageable. It’s much easier to follow a proper moving checklist so that nothing is forgotten or left behind. Whether you’re relocating with your family or branching out on your own, here’s how to figure everything out.

Save Some Extra Money

No matter where you move, the process is expensive. You’ll likely pay a moving team to load up all your belongings and drive them to your new living space. The last thing you want to hear is that you should save some extra money, but it’s the smart thing to do. Don’t forget to take into account whether you should get in touch with local or long distance movers, as this can also affect your budget.

Spare pocket change could save the day in your new destination. You may need to drive further for groceries or sit in traffic longer than where you previously lived. When you go to a new restaurant, you might have to pay for parking.

The new city could also have higher property taxes, making your monthly household bills higher. You won’t know the exact amount until you get there, so don’t get caught by surprise when bills come due or while you’re out in town.

Tipping your movers after they unload your belongings is also a common courtesy. Find out how many movers will help you and estimate $20-$50 tips for each person, handed in cash or paid with your bill. Their time and physical labor made your life easier, so show them a little generosity that many in the industry expect from satisfied customers.


Call Around for Supplies

Paying for boxes, packing tape and bubble wrap might not seem too costly at first, but they add up quickly. If you want to save a trip to the store and keep your spending low, call around for supplies. People can give you old boxes from online orders and newspapers for free. You’ll also get an excuse to see loved ones one last time before your big move.

Local stores may also have boxes they’d like to give away. Call grocers and retailers to ask if you could pick up boxes after their next big restock. They’ll likely let you select however many you want because it prevents their team from making a trip to the recycling plant.


Check Your Moving Truck

Trucks from rental companies will pass inspection before a moving company shows up at your house. You’ll also get proof of this if you rent one and drive it yourself. Still, people experience issues with their vehicles in both scenarios, so keep an eye out for these specific problems.

After loading your boxes and furniture, step back from the truck to see if it’s back-slouched. Large trucks use a design that keeps them tilted toward the front when full to avoid sagging backward and potentially spilling the contents. If your vehicle drops toward the rear when full, it likely needs leaf spring replacements before it’s safe to drive.

You should also double-check for a lock on your truck’s rolling door. Most won’t come with a padlock, which keeps your belongings safe if you need to leave them in the vehicle overnight. Pick up a padlock at any local store to secure your things during travel and before unloading.


Explore the Area

Most people feel isolated and lonely after moving to a new city because the area feels unfamiliar. After unloading your boxes, explore different parts of town. Scout out your preferred grocery store, where you can go shopping and any restaurants you might want to try. Take notes on any place that looks interesting, like museums or family activities, so you can go back when you get a free moment in your schedule.


Find Group Activities

Living in a new city means you get to meet new friends. Look around online to find social media groups designed for your interests, like playing disk golf or skiing. You can also read those coffee shop posters to find group guitar lessons or a monthly knitting club. Even discovering annual events on your city’s website gives you opportunities to connect with people and form relationships that make your town feel like home.


Don’t Sweat Moving to a New City

Moving to a new city is much easier if you follow tips like these. Strategize every part of your move to make the next chapter of your life begin without extra stress. Then, you can settle in and make yourself at home.

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About The Author

Oscar Collins is the managing editor at Modded. He writes about cars, fitness, the outdoors, and more. Follow @TModded on Twitter for more articles from the Modded team.
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