You never asked for it, you certainly didn’t search for it, but somehow you are the unintentional Pied Piper of the millennial world.
Starting trends left and right, always there with the freshest beats and coolest ideas, but you’re not doing it for the recognition, the fame, or the glory. You’re just doing you, and the world apparently loves you for it:
1. You’re fashionable, but you have no idea how.
You haven’t read up on the latest trends; you have no idea what’s going down in fashion week; most of your clothes have been found, borrowed, lent and donated; but, despite this, you leave the house looking like one fly motherf*cker on the goddamn reg’.
You’re the idiot savant of the sidewalk runway, and that’s just dandy with you.
2. You keep stumbling into the next big noise.
In no way are you the authority on new music. You know way more people out there that take that sh*t seriously and are d*mn good at finding the slickest new beats. You’re a casual amateur at best.
You do seem to keep ahead of the curve through, and through a combination of blind luck and stealing suggestions from yo’ buddies you’ve curated a Spotify playlist that can send shivering eargasms down the spine of any would-be listener.
3. You’re not taking risks, you’re just keeping things fresh.
You’re not attending a bondage seminar ‘cos you’re that into the whips and chains things, it’s just seems like a fun way to spend an afternoon. A one-way plane ticket to Guatemala isn’t so you can “discover yourself,” it’s ‘cos the beaches looked pretty.
You didn’t quit your job ‘cos you got a better one, you just thought you needed to mix it up a little. You don’t see the risks ‘cos in your mind risks are just a different way of doin’ things.
4. You’ll give anything a one-time shot.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you tried it” should be a tattoo in an intimate area of your body (if it’s not already). You’ll give anything a go, ‘cos how do you know you don’t like something if you haven’t the balls to give it a shot?
The downside is you’ve ended up in some questionable situations, however, you still think the benefits outweigh the occasional sketchy situation. Then again those grandmas at Bridge Club were mean.
5. You’re not afraid of getting it wrong.
Hey, it doesn’t always work out, and at some point you may find yourself on a rainy street corner in a city you can’t stand, ‘cos you thought it’d be fun to do a cross-country greyhound road trip.
Sometimes things fuck up, sometimes it’s not your cup o’ tea and sometimes there just wasn’t the right vibe, but that’s all good, it’s not always going to be a home run. You go home, you dust yourself off and you don’t sweat it, cos there’s plenty of other adventures out there that you’re gonna love.
6. You just don’t get embarrassed.
You’re not afraid of looking like a bit of a tit, ‘cos you’re only a goddamn fool if you feel like one. Because of this “whatever” attitude you can actually pull off a lot of shit most can’t rock cos’ you own it.
Bra on the outside, why not? Stiletto flip-flops sound like fun. Face paint for work; you’ll rock the boardroom with your lion face. And now you can see exactly how these ridiculous trends start.
7. You’re not traditionally popular.
You were never one of the cool kids at school, the cheerleaders kinda ganged up on you and you felt way more comfortable hanging out with the weirdo’s, drop outs, nerds, and stoners.
To be honest, you’ve been just fine doing it on your own and have taken on life lone-wolf style. You’re an individual, and no one has ever let you forget it, so you wear that shit like a badge of honor ‘cos it lets you be you. Which is the best “you” you can possibly be.