Woman Covers Herself In Her Own Period Blood To ‘End’ Period-Shaming

Many women have begun speaking out today about menstruation and society’s negative view on women having their period. In some countries, it’s very difficult for women to obtain the necessary products they need in order to remain clean, healthy, and safe during this time of the month. In other countries—while products are available—they are expensive and sometimes, looked down upon. How many times have you been seen carrying a tampon or a pad and someone looks at you as if to say: “Oh, gross, you’re on your period?”

Every woman goes through this every month while growing up—it’s no secret. So, why do we treat each other as though we’re carrying an infectious disease when we find out someone is on their period? I can understand the need and want to normalize and celebrate the menstruation process, but, in all honesty—some people take it too far.

One Instagram user, Demetra Nyx, has begun smearing her own period blood all over her body in order to “embrace” and celebrate her period. She has a series of photos and videos posted on her account in which she showcases her face, chest, and legs covered in blood.

In one post, she writes:

I will do this every month until people are no longer shocked by it.

I will do it until little girls stop being taught that the natural functions of their bodies are disgusting and unclean.
I will do it until women stop feeling like they can’t have sex on their period because it is gross.
I will do it until we stop being embarrassed that we sometimes bleed through our clothing. Through your sheets.
The idea isn’t to get everyone to put blood on their face (though – wow – does it make your skin glow!) Rather… if I do something soooo shockingly disgusting and put it out in public… maybe someone somewhere will feel like: “well, if she can do *that*, maybe I don’t have to hate my period after all. Maybe my body isn’t that gross after all.” .
Also, it’s fun and I like it.

And, in another:

You are a jungle-child.
Your body is meant to writhe in pleasure.
Your body is meant to howl.
Your body is meant to be covered in blood.
Your freedom of expression has been Stolen from you.
The witches are back.
The witches are back.
If you’re someone who gets a period… that’s beautiful.
If you’re someone who supports your partner during their period… that’s beautiful.
If you think this is gross, why?
If you have a period and hate it, can you love it? Why not? (I’d love to work with you on this). .

And if you’re one of the women in my inbox, sending me random photos of you doing this same thing… you’re extra beautiful. I love you. Send me more.


I used to spend my time worrying about what other people thought of me.
I used to keep lists as a 12-year-old: what are all the ways in which I could be more attractive? What are all the ways in which I could make that person like me?

How could I make my body more acceptable?

How could I hide my blood, my skin, my wrinkles, my fat?

In my twenties, the focus on my appearance shifted, but the root of where I spent my energy was the same.
It was still spent on forming an image that would make other people approve of me.
The one with the strongest body. The one that was peaceful and positive. The one who was a good student, the one who was a good teacher, the one who was fun and bubbly but not too loud. The one who could hold all of her emotions and was always working to get rid of her bad feelings.
You have it too, don’t you? The one who is a good mom. The one who is a good daughter. The one who eats the healthiest. The one who is a good person. The one who has the most money.
It was the same, though. The focus was different but it was still the same.
It was still: how could I make sure the people whose opinions I cared about approved of me?

And yet.
It turns out none of that was ever necessary.
I don’t do anything I do now for anyone’s approval.
I don’t care about being seen as strong or successful or pretty or important.
I also do not care if I am seen as jealous or angry or insecure or hurt or selfish or loud.
Because what I have gained on this journey, finally, is the deepest love and total approval of my Self.
What if you deeply, truly loved and *approved* of yourself?

That is why I post my blood. It is a little to liberate other women and a lot to please my Self.
I get so much pleasure from this ritual and I love feeling so free to share it and I love not caring what the reactions will be.
That is how I live my whole life, now.
If you want to heal in this way. If you want to learn this.
SHAMELESS – my 6-week one-on-one coaching program for women is open for registration from now until November 27th.
There are 3 spots available.
Are you brave enough to claim yours?


While Demetra seems to be happy to embrace her period, her blood, and her feminism, people online are not entirely on board with her coping mechanisms. Many people have left comments on her Instagram posts saying “seek help,” or “disgusting,” or, “I’m proud to have my period, but I don’t want to cover my body in my own blood.”

In all honesty, I think that ending period shaming and normalizing the female body in a non-sexual way is important and should be done in order to help future generations of women and young girls feel accepted and empowered. But, I think that covering yourself in your own menstruation blood is a bit much.

What do you think—too much? Or, girl power?

This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

Twitter Thread Proves That Giving Up On A Good Girl Will Haunt You Forever

Many times in life, it so happens that we meet people at the wrong time. Even if two people are destined to be together, if it’s not the right time, things just won’t work out. Think of it this way—how many times have you dated someone that was in a completely different stage of their life (emotionally, mentally) and because of this, you could never see eye-to-eye? Maybe you wanted to move forward—get married, start a family—and your partner was too busy clubbing and bar-hopping every weekend.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but when you aren’t ready for the “right one,” the right one won’t wait around for you. So often, people think that “true love will wait,” but, that’s unrealistic and a bunch of fairy tale garbage. To prove it, I bring you Twitter user Rev Rell, who shared a story of her friend who lost a good girl forever.














People online were applauding the thread, thanking her for being so real and honest, and sharing their own experiences that this is—indeed—facts.





Girlfriend Throws A Fit After Boyfriend Proposes With Grandmother’s ‘Ugly’ Ring

Many girls dream of the day they will have a significant other bend down on one knee and ask for their hand in marriage. In addition to dreaming about this special moment, many girls also have their “dream ring” picked out, too. So, when they finally do have someone who wants to marry them and they whip out a ring that is less than what they hoped for—well, all hell can definitely break loose. But, let’s be real, if you’re one of these people you’re a real d*ckhead.

One girl was called out by Redditors for being a total snob when she was proposed to by her boyfriend. In a post on social media that was shared online, the girl wrote:

While the ring is not a diamond, nor is it her “dream ring,” writing about it on social media and being ungrateful got this anonymous woman a lot of hate. In fact, people online were on the guy’s side here. Even those who agreed that the ring wasn’t their favorite still said that the girl was in the wrong for posting her complaints to social media rather than telling her man in the first place.

Hope that guy takes the ring back and runs.


It’s a terrible engagement ring (pearls are soft and should only be worn occasionally) but don’t post to Facebook about it. I hope he realizes she will be doing this with all their problems and that’s super unhealthy.


People post this sort of thing because they need to get it out of their heads, so I get it, but that doesn’t make it appropriate.


There’s nothing wrong with the ring, it once belonged to his grandmother and it was Also the girls birthstone, it has far too much sentimental value and its the thought that counts. It was a nice gesture and Its an amazing Ring.


While I don’t love the ring myself, I would tell my boyfriend that I will keep it, but I’d rather wear something smaller on a daily basis—as many of us wear our engagement rings every day. I would be flattered that it was his grandmother’s ring, but probably wouldn’t want to wear it every day. But, I’d tell that to my boyfriend—not social media.

This Guy Told A Girl To Buy ‘Anything She Wanted’ With His Credit Card & She Bought A F*cking Bouncy Castle

When it comes to males, for some reason, they cannot take rejection well. Take it from someone who has been a single woman on Tinder once or twice in her lifetime – when you say no, they think you’re saying, “please, try harder.” It’s as if the words “no” don’t resonate in their minds and they insist on making themselves look like complete fools – for the entire world to eventually see because we don’t keep that sh*t to ourselves – right ladies?

One woman – Leagan – has set the bar outrageously high for payback to men who cannot take no for an answer. Seriously – this is the best story I have heard to date. A guy asked Leagan out on a date and she respectfully said no, because she just wasn’t interested in him. Instead of taking the rejection, this guy decided to send Leagan his credit card – front and back – to “allow her to buy anything her heart desires.” As if, this was going to win her over.

She decides to buy the one thing every girl secretly wants in their life – a bouncy castle. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The big, giant, blow-up castles that your rich friends have at their backyard birthday parties but your parents would never let you have because it would “ruin the lawn.”

After her purchase, the guy messages her to ask her “what is this” that she just bought with his credit card. Her response?

21 Ways To Wear Leggings That Won’t Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

For years, ever since girls have been wearing leggings as pants, people have been making comments as though wearing leggings means you’re sloppy or lazy. As the week progresses it becomes almost impossible to wear any type of clothing on your body that is not comfortable. Therefore we resort to leggings because they are so comfortable and match with just about everything. Athleisure has become a trend among fashion magazines, and it is wearing athletic clothing meant for the gym for other occasions like dinner, class, and work. Even models at Fashion Week around the world are rocking leggins on the runway. Therefore, you can wear leggings in public without looking like a lazy bum.

1. Sporty-Cute:

The leggings paired with sneakers and the vest give off the sporty look; as if you were about to head to the gym. But the blanket scarf and white long sleeve underneath the vest give off the cutie running errands look. Leggings with mesh cutouts give the look an even more girly vibe.

2. Sporty-Chic:

Leggings with sneakers, but all a plain white tee, baseball cap and denim jacket wrapped around the waist to give off a more chic look. This is a perfect look for a baseball game, or a casual Saturday in town with your friends, or a coffee date outfit.

3. Fashionably Sporty:

Who said high fashion couldn’t be sporty? Fashion leggings, like these faux leather ones, paired with a thick cozy sweater (perfect for the fall) gives the high fashion look. Just pair with a good old pair of sneakers to give off the casual sporty appearance.

4. The Sweater That Is Long Enough:

The best argument when it comes to wearing leggings as pants are using the excuse that your top is long enough to cover your bum, like in this look. Super long sweaters paired with leggings and boots is a great go to look for the Fall.

5. Bad To The (Sporty) Bone:

The mesh cutout leggings paired with sneakers take this look to a whole different level. The leather jacket with a graphic, edgy tee underneath creates this insane look. It will look like you up a lot more effort into your outfit than you actually did.

I’m Always Going To Choose My Boyfriend Over My Friends And I’m Not Sorry About It

Choosing my boyfriend over my friends is an easy choice for me. Because growing up, my mother used to tell me that it was a poor choice to ever put a guy before your girlfriends. No matter what happens, or who you date, your friends should always come first. Growing up, I truthfully believed in this notion—because most of my relationships were immature, young-love that wouldn’t last long. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that sometimes, you do need to put your relationship before your friendships and there’s a good reason to do so.

When I started dating someone pretty seriously in my early 20s, not all of my friends were in relationships. In fact, most of them weren’t. I’ve always been the girl who enjoyed being in a full-blown, romance-filled relationship than playing the field. And, while I enjoy the long-term commitment, some of my close friends were single and thriving. This, often times, led to a clash of priorities. My friends always wanted to go out and meet guys at the bar—but, I was taken, not wanting to be their “wing woman,” flirting with the guy’s friend.

Regardless of my relationship, I always made it out. I didn’t want to fulfill my mother’s warning that when you distance yourself from your friends, you look as though your boyfriend means more than your relationship. And I didn’t want my friends to rag on me and call me a sh*tty friend for not putting them as a priority. I told my boyfriend that I had plans almost every weekend—trying to maintain my single girlfriends and my boyfriend at the same time. This led to stumbling home late at night drunk, forgetting to text my boyfriend back. Or, people seeing me out at bars and assuming the worst about me—that I was cheating.

I need to choose my boyfriend over my friend. Here is why. Truth be told, that relationship taught me a lot of lessons—especially because it didn’t last. Now, being in a much more serious relationship, much older, and a lot wiser—I’ve realized that there is nothing wrong with putting my boyfriend and my relationship first when I feel as though it’s better for me and the relationship overall.

I still have friends who are single—in fact, my best friend since 7th grade is single and always looking to mingle. But, now that I’m in my late 20’s and living with my SO, I know that there are things I will turn down and say no to, because the health of my relationship comes first. I’ve changed the way I interact with my friends—sometimes—because I know that there is a future to be had here at home.

This is someone that, eventually, I want to marry and raise a family with. So, if I know that he’s not super comfortable with me going to a party where I’ll run into my ex, or he doesn’t really want me wearing something super tight and revealing—I’m comfortable and okay with putting my boyfriend, before friends.

Does this mean that I’m distancing myself from my friendships entirely for my relationship? Absolutely not.

In all honesty, it’s learning how to maintain both my friendships and my relationship to keep everyone happy—but, most of all, keeping myself happy. My friends know that I’m not going to want to go out and play wing woman with them, drinking until 3 A.M. at the bar and stumbling home. They know that I’m not the girl who’s going to spontaneously hop a flight with them for a random vacation. They understand that I have someone in my life who is a factor in my decision making—and, they’re okay with it because they love me.

Good friends know that life has levels and phases. The girl who would go out every weekend and leave her boyfriend at home—it was a phase in my life, one that I learned from. Now, being in my late 20s, I’m more focused on my future. I’m focused on building my career, nurturing my relationship, and my friendships, but in a different light. I still see my friends frequently, and we talk every day. They know if they need me, I’d come running. But they know if it’s date night, I’m not available. They know that if my boyfriend needs me, I have to be there, too.

It’s not about completely turning your back on your friendships entirely, but it’s about finding those friends who understand that you’re in a new phase of your life—and, helping to adjust to that, too.

These Are The Best Essie Polishes For The Girl Who Wears All Black

There’s the girl who wears all black, and then there’s everyone else. She’s stylish to a fault, tastefully sarcastic, and endlessly classy down to her very own fingernails. The girl who wears all black is independent AF and isn’t the type to blow $20 on a manicure when she could put that money to good use, like on happy hours and nachos. When it comes to completing her all-black look, her nails might surprise you. These are the best Essie polishes for the girl who wears all black.

*Full disclosure: We may receive some portion of the sales made on this list. We’re putting all the money into stocks and bonds. And by stocks and bonds, I mean chocolate and ice cream.

13. For her every day, she uses Essie’s Ballet Slippers 


The girl who wears all black isn’t flashy, she’s lowkey and casual, so her everyday nail color is a classic nude with a hint of pink.

Get it on Amazon 

12. On a first date, her go to color is Bahama Mama


The girl who wears all black is the flirt, so she needs a deep red to go along with her I’m-not-trying-but-I’m-low-key-trying attitude.

Get it on Amazon 

11. When she’s snowed in at home, she reaches for her No More Film

Essie Envy

This dark indigo perfectly suits her love of staying home and doing her nails while binge watching Netflix… in her all-black PJ’s of course.

Get it on Amazon 

10. On NYE she goes Summit of Style

My Beauty Box

What goes best with black? Gold. Her classiest NYE outfit is black deep V bodysuit, a leather skirt, knee-high boots all tied together with the sparkliest Essie nail polish out there.

Get it on Amazon 

9. For a girls night out she’s all over that Essie Kimono-Over


The girl who wears all black makes the best friend and usually attracts other girls who wear all black. This deep violet is the envy of all her friends.

Get it on Amazon 

8. The first day of spring she always rocks Essie Go Ginza


This lilac color is the brightest color she owns because spring is her all-time favorite season. Not too hot, not too cold, perfect for a pair of black jeans and a cropped black sweater without sweating her ass off.

Get it on Amazon 

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