20 Hilarious Times Women Emasculated Their Boyfriends

Masculinity is a fragile thing. Anyone who’s ever been in a relationship with a guy who isn’t quite secure in himself can attest to the delicate nature of their manhood.

Women are telling Whisper about the times they hilariously emasculated their boyfriends and sorry boys, but it’s pretty great.

1. When she showed off her mechanic skills.

2. When she poked fun at his size.

3. When she made more money than him.

4. When she had a more physically-demanding job.

5. When things went a little too quickly for her.

6. When she chopped wood.

7. When she laughed at his manhood.

8. When she let him be the little spoon.

9. When she called him adorable.

10. When she helped foot the bill.

11. When she was brutally honest with him.

12. When she knew more about sports.

13. When she hustled him.

14. When she joined the military.

15. When she returned the favor.

16. When she was stronger than him.

17. When she called it “weeny”.

18. When she wore the pants.

19. When she flexed her muscles.

20. When she giggled at him.

A Millennial Overview: 45 Hilarious Things My Friends Said

  • I didn’t even drink that water; I just poured it into my body.
  • He’s not even cute so I don’t know why everyone loves him.
  • I am busy catching flights so I am not in a position to date anyone.
  • I want to smoke a cigarette and I want to be happy about it.
  • I would stop smoking weed if I had a pool.
  • Fail quickly.
  • Fuck equality, I need to be worshipped.
  • I can always tell you’re drunk by how many times you hit me.
  • I hate doing anything that requires fine motor skills.
  • I need someone to just fix my body. I literally need someone to pull and stretch me and put me back how I am supposed to be.
  • I wonder what time it is in Finland right now.
  • I prefer to do acid because it doesn’t make me as nauseous.
  • Of course I laughed at my own joke. It was funny and I’m funny.
  • I’d rather be myself and fucked up versus being medicated and normal.
  • People are nicer to me when I have a beard.
  • You can’t impress your boyfriend with a George Foreman, stupid.
  • God, arguing with you is like playing chess with a pigeon. When I win you still shit on the board and strut around like you won.
  • I want someone to look at me the way I am looking at this necklace.
  • I don’t understand how I’m not sick of pizza yet.
  • Some bitch stole my debit card number so they’re protecting my cash.
  • If you fuck up then you’ll end up with a kid—that’s as bad as getting shot.
  • If I actually cared about you thinking I was drunk, then I wouldn’t come over drunk.
  • I get drinks bought for me all of the time, that doesn’t mean I have to talk to the guys buying them.
  • Someone told me that God was probably a lesbian.
  • I don’t want to waste this beer but I also don’t want to drink it.
  • I can’t wait get through my first marriage because I’ll make a great ex-husband.
  • I’m learning to control myself; it takes a lot of Xanax.
  • I feel like shopping for a baby is as useless as peeing on a forest fire.
  • How many chicks do you think I can get with that shirt? All of them.
  • I try to be a good person but it’s really hard.
  • I would rather date someone who is nice and stupid.
  • I over did it at hobby lobby today.
  • Don’t shit talk applesauce individually.
  • Speed bumps? They don’t matter.
  • You are filet mignon; he’s just a vegan.
  • You’re supposed to kiss more people than you fuck.
  • Do you know how hard it is to find neon pink décor?
  • The idea of me working out is like drinking detox teas and having sex with a waist trainer on.
  • I left my phone in the fridge again.
  • Giving up your time for others is so depressing.
  • I can’t miss my first opportunity to finally use my Taser on somebody.
  • I don’t have time to take girls on dates; I want food for myself.
  • My opinions are facts.
  • Everyone needs a “Let’s Get Lit” mug.
  • Your wrists are hot air balloons with nothing in them.


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