Top 5 Reasons Why Clubbing Is Not Only Great but Also Necessary

In a way, clubbing is an interesting social phenomenon that relatively accurately represents the current state of our society. Clubbing in the 20th century was in many ways completely different from what the 21st-century nightlife is all about. Unfortunately, when the latest pandemic erupted, the concept of clubbing was amongst the first to be hit.

Still, no plight lasts forever, and as soon as clubbing is safe once again, you should give this lifestyle serious consideration. Why? Well, here are the top 5 reasons why clubbing is not only great but also quite necessary.


Live Interactive Environment

The first major advantage of clubbing is the fact that it’s a live, interactive environment that helps maximize all your senses. The place will probably play the music you like (after all, it’s one of the first criteria when choosing a nightclub). There are people everywhere around dancing, which heightens your tactile senses. The light, the ambiance, and the vibrations come from all sides, further enhancing your euphoria.

According to some surveys, you need roughly 6 hours of social interaction every day. However, it’s not just the quantity but the quality that counts. You spend 8 hours every day with your colleagues at work but are these interactions really meaningful? An hour of clubbing can be far more impactful, especially for someone determined to tune it up to the fullest.

Technically, you could host a party at home, but it’s not really the same. First of all, you’ll have the neighbors complaining. Then, there’s the pressure of knowing that if there’s any mess, it will be you who has to clean it up. When looking at this from a club’s perspective, all you have to do is pay the entrance fee, have some fun, and then go home. This allows you to shift your priorities in your favor completely.

Fighting Stress

It allows you to relieve stress and simply vent some of the things that you’ve been pressed by over the course of your workweek. The best thing is that this type of stress relief provides you with a systemic solution to your problems. How? Well, first of all, it is a place where you can go every weekend. Second, the entry fee is not that big of an expense, and you really don’t need alcohol (or too much of it) to have fun.

When talking about music, the majority of people are aware of how different tunes can help you relax. However, nightclub music is seldom described as calm or relaxing. If anything, it’s fast, intense, and even aggressive in order to get you moving. According to some studies, these are the exact properties that can help you process anger far more efficiently.

Keep in mind that nightclubs aren’t the only venues providing this kind of nightlife experience. For instance, your local bars could have different regimens depending on the part of the day or part of the week. This way, by experiencing the duality of nature of these venues, you might have an easier time letting go and allowing your own wild side to emerge.

Physical Benefits of Dance

You would be surprised to learn that dancing can burn as much as 400 calories in an hour. Sure, it’s fewer calories than you would burn in an hour of running or doing some other exercises, but at the same time, it’s much more fun, which makes it easier to endure. High motivation also helps you be more consistent when it comes to dancing when compared to workouts.

Other than this, dancing can help you improve your posture, balance, and coordination. As a matter of fact, some dance moves are clearly meant to promote greater flexibility. On top of it all, you get to boost your circulation, tone your body, and develop some of your neglected muscle groups. All of this can be done with a much lower likelihood of an injury, which is already a huge plus.

Previously, we’ve mentioned the fact that dancing can be used to fight stress. Well, seeing as how stress is a psychological phenomenon that produces negative physiological effects, the correlation between the two is quite easy to make. Simply put, dancing on a regular basis can provide you with the holistic support your body desperately needs. It is definitely one of the ways you can be more active to boost your health.

Social Interactions

This is the third time we talk about mental benefits and stress relief, so it’s finally time to address the elephant in the room – what is it in clubbing that soothes your mind that much? While there are a lot of factors here, the biggest one is probably the mental benefits of social interactions through partying.

While you can make deep and meaningful social interactions outside of clubs (even more so), the fact that all of this happens in such a vivid and chill ambiance makes things so much better. You’re surrounded by people who are relaxed, people who are there to have fun, as well as people who share at least one mutual interest. It creates a kind of a social lubricant that would be pretty hard to find elsewhere.

Some people have met their future partners in the nightclub, others have formed a group of friends that they can go clubbing with in the future. Either way, it puts you in a new environment and expands your social circle. It allows you to meet new people without the pressures created by long silences, idle conversations, and awkward social situations. This can be quite a significant boost to your self-confidence in the long run.

The Reward for All of Your Hard Work

Previously, we talked about going to the club after a hard week at work. This is incredibly important from the standpoint of motivation. Even the slowest of Mondays can be endured when you know that the weekend is just around the corner. Now, if you can fully visualize what you are going to do on that particular weekend, things become even simpler.

Leading a strict routine and being disciplined is a lot easier when you have a scheduled cheat day. By indulging in hedonism on the weekends, you’re making it easier for yourself to be responsible during the workdays. For instance, by going to bed before 11 p.m. every workday, you’re “earning” the right to stay up all night on Saturday. By avoiding alcoholic beverages during your workdays, you’re earning an extra drink or two.

When it comes to staying motivated at work, the key thing is that you remember what you’re working for. Long-term goals are great, but they are usually so far away that they may seem quite abstract at times. A release in the form of a night of clubbing can be a great compromise.

In Conclusion

In the end, clubbing is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. It is an intense experience that some people adore while others completely hate – there’s no middle ground. Still, not giving this lifestyle a chance means potentially missing out on something great. With all the benefits listed above, it really seems like you could gain quite a bit this way. The best part is that the list of benefits that we started above is still far from complete.

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About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

15 Things Only You Say When You Take on the Night With Your BFF

Going Out !

Every girl who’s about to go out to the bars with her bestie knows you always say or ask each other the “standard girl questions.” If she doesn’t ask these questions or say these things…is she even your best friend?


1. “Are we gonna be dressing cute or sexy?”

Cause I need to know if I’m rocking Vans with a t-shirt, or my little black dress with the plunging neckline.


2. “I’m not getting too drunk.”

This is a damn lie. Let’s be honest, you both are going to be six shots deep within three minutes of stepping into the bar.


3. “You’re not allowed to text or call your ex.”

It’s great advice until the end of the night and y’all are in the back of the Uber, crying while you both drunk dial the douchebags.


4. “Can we get Taco Bell after?”

Is that even a real question?


5. “I’ll be there in an hour.”

Not. That translates into, “I’m still in bed in my underwear, hair in a bun, looking like a drowned hamster.


6. “Pregame shots?”

Again, is that even a real question?


7. “Can I borrow your cute red shirt?”

Which means ALL of your clothes are fair game, and good luck getting them back.


8. “I have nothing to wear.”

Story of both your lives right? That bitch better find something, and soon, because she’s not allowed to bail.


9. “Do I look okay/fat/cute?”

You both are going to ask one or all of these, and if your best friend doesn’t tell you the truth, find a new friend.


10. “You look fine, let’s go.”

Which you both probably do look fine, but why not ask another nine times, just to be sure.


11. “Wanna take a selfie?”

Duh. If either of you start duck facing it though, neither of you should be allowed in public. Ever.



12.  “Where are we going?”

Who fucking knows. As long as your friendship isn’t like a couple’s “I don’t care, where do you wanna go, no, where do YOU wanna go” bullshit type relationship.


13. “Is there a cover?”

Fuck. This means we’re gonna have to stop by the ATM doesn’t it?


14. “Should I wear these heels?”

Do either of you look like a baby giraffe, awkwardly stumbling around when trying to walk in heels? If the answer is yes, then no, do not wear heels unless you want to look dumb as fuck or break your ankle.


15. “Do NOT lose anything tonight.”

Like you keys, your phone, your purse, your dignity…


16. “I promise I’ll try to not do anything too stupid…”

HAHA. Don’t you both have bad decisions and regrets stamped on your foreheads?

About The Author

Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.

To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE 

25 Things Bartenders Are Tired Of Hearing:

Here are 25 Things All Bartenders Are Tired Of Hearing.

1. “I want something fruity, but like, I want it to be strong,

but I don’t wanna taste the alcohol.”

Ohhhh, you must be freshly 21. A couple more Sex on the Beaches and you won’t taste, see, or feel anything anyway, except maybe the cold ceramic toilet later.

2. “Keep the change!”

*Opens checkbook to find .66 cents on a $45 dollar tab*

Thanks buddy, but I couldn’t even buy a Polar Pop with that. You keep it, you need it more than me apparently.

3. “You’re seriously, like the best bartender I have ever met!”

*Opens another checkbook to find a $0 dollar tip…*

Gee thanks… your compliment is totallyyyyy gonna keep my electricity on and buy groceries this week.

4. “I’ll get… *proceeds to shout out 15 drink orders*.”

Yeah, remembering all 15 DIFFERENT drinks is not the highlight of my night, and neither is when you want to pay for them all separately.

5. “You’re gonna get a HUGE tip!”

That’s a damn lie and we both know it. The ones who brag about tipping generously are generally the worst tippers.

6. “How much is… *insert expensive liquor*

Bro, I am already in the weeds. There are 8 people waiting at the bar, and you’ve asked the price of almost every bottle in my entire bar. I don’t have everything memorized, like I fucking know off top of my head??

7. “Can I still get happy hour price, I swear I showed up before it ended.”

No, you didn’t, you lying ass. You can’t show up an hour after happy hour ends, and still get $4 KJ chardonnays, this isn’t Applebees Barbra.

8. “I’ll be ready for another one in probably 4 or 5 minutes, can you come back then?”

Of course, why not? It’s not like I’m doing a million things as it is, you’re clearly more important, so I’ll be sure to cue my internal alarm clock to remember you’ll be ready in 4 minutes. Sike, you’ll get it when I’m able to get it to you.

9. “Are you sure there is alcohol in this? It doesn’t taste like it.”

Are you sure you’re not blind? Because I just poured your drink IN FRONT of you, and you know that there is alcohol in it. So fuck off, you’re just trying to get more liquor for free.

10. “You should try *insert condescending advice*”

I know what I am doing. I’ve been doing this for a long time. I don’t come into the gym and tell you how to workout do I? Stop telling me how to do my job, I got this Brad.

11. “You’d be prettier if you smiled more.”

Listen sir, thanks for the backassward compliment, but I’m already a 12 on a scale 1 to 10 bitch, I don’t need to be prettier, so how about you stop telling me what to do, and mind your business.

12. “I can get it myself.”

Just stop! Stop reaching over my bar to refill your water, grab a beverage napkin, or a straw. I can handle getting those things for you from MY side of the bar. Now I have to clean up the water YOU spilled, the 30 straws you slung everywhere for ONE straw, and now I have no napkins because you clearly needed 900 napkins to sit your water on.

13. “What’s on draft?”

The draft list is LITERALLY in front of you dumbass…Pick it up, and read the damn thing.

14. “Can you turn up the music/change the song?”

Yeah sure, it’s not a busy Friday night, it’s clearly not louder than an ACDC concert in here, and I’m clearly not in the middle of making drinks. I’ll drop everything and get right on that. Not.

15. “Can I just have a little taste of *insert expensive bourbon* to see if I like it?”

Sure. You’ve already asked to taste 10 different ones, and then settled on a Budlight…

16. “I’m so drunk/had a lot before I got here.”

Yeah, cool story bro, you’re bragging about being so ‘LIT’ and you’re on my nerves, so you’re cut off. You’re welcome.

17. “Make it good and strong.”

Listen, Imma give you the standard pour amount as everyone else gets, unless you wanna order a double, which your cheap ass won’t.

18. “The drinks are soooo expensive, give me a tall since I’ll get more liquor.”

Sorry to crush your dreams my guy, but a tall doesn’t equal more liquor, it just means more soda or juice.

19. “Barkeep/ Sweetie/ Babe/ Doll!”

Oh, are you talking to me? Were you trying to summon me? I have a name…which I have told you every time you’ve asked, which has been 97 times already.

20. “Yoooooo, hey, hello?”

Uh yeah, I see you dude. I AM BUSY. You’re not the only one in the bar, and aggressively banging your empty glass on the bar is only going to piss me off. Keep doing it, and Imma go full 50 Shades of Petty, and you’ll get your drink last.

21. “I have been waiting forever for a drink.”

And so has everyone else. There is only one of me and there are 50 of you self entitled assholes. Yeah, I saw you wildly waving your $20 dollar bill, how could I miss it? And if you snap your fingers at me one more time, I pinky promise, I WILL shove that $20 down your throat.

22. “Can you put *insert sports channel*/change the channel?”

Sure, it’s dinner rush, the bar is packed, the server drink tickets at the well are longer than the Nile River, but you want me to immediately stop the 20 million things I have going on, and your impatient ass doesn’t even know what the channel is!

23. “I’m a regular, hook me up.”

You ain’t shit, and you don’t get free shit because you’re a “regular” bro. And you tipping me extra doesn’t change the fact that me giving you free shit is like me stealing from the company, and putting me at the risk of being fired.

24. “Surprise me.”

Cool, ‘cause I’m a mind reader and I know exactly what you like and usually drink.

25. “I know the owner.”

Yeah, what a coincidence, so do I….do you want a fucking gold star?

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About The Author

Kayla Leanne Goss. Just a 30 year old small town girl, trying to navigate this rollercoaster we call life, writing about relatable shit that WE ALL go through and struggle with daily.

To see more of my articles, visit my FACEBOOK PAGE 

43 Things You and Your Ride or Die Say After a Drunk Mess of a Night Out

When Your Ride Or Die Go All Out On Your Night Out

When you and your girl go out and you already know, SHIT IS ABOUT TO GET REAL. And the next day, when you both wake up, hungover and regretting your decisions, you know she’s the only one you trust to tell you the truth about the night before.

Orrrrr, you’ll both have to help each other piece together what happened…


1. “What the actual fuck happened last night?”

Everything got kinda fuzzy after the 15th shot.


2. “How the hell did we get home?”

Uber? Someone you met at the bar? Your ex??


3. “Do you remember anything from last night?”

Uhhhh…. about that…


4. “Did we really drink that much?”

The answer is yes, yes you most certainly did.


5. “Do you have any Advil?”

Cause God only knows that you’re about to take the whole damn bottle.


6. “Did I do anything stupid?”

By the copious amount of Facebook posts that you can’t even read or understand yourself, it’s safe to assume you did.


7. “You’re a terrible influence.”

Translation: “we’re a dangerous combination together.”


8. “Where’d that bruise come from?”

And neither of you know. But both of you looked like you competed in a game of Mortal Kombat.


9. “I’m scared to look at my texts…”

Because you both know you texted your ex who’s the definition of a Fuckboy.


10. “Do you know who this is?”

No, of course, you don’t. As long as you didn’t drunk text your mom, then you don’t give a fuck.


11. “When in the fuck did we take this picture, I don’t remember it.”

Of course y’all don’t, that picture probably was taken after you both had 9 shots each within 10 mins.


12. “I feel like death.”

Not to mention you both look and smell like it too.


13. “Holy shit, have you seen my Snap story??”

Yes, and it’s not pretty.


14. “Why didn’t we eat?”

You both knew you’d end up drunk if you didn’t. But neither of you have yet to learn your lesson.


15. “I don’t think I can move.”

Which means sweatpants and looking like a homeless cracked out raccoon all day.


49 Legit Excuses For When A Girl’s Night Out Is Completely Necessary

Emergency Girls Night Out


Sometimes—most times, life gets tough and our stress levels reach all time highs. There’s nothing like being able to blow off some steam with friends.

On those other occasions where everything seems to be going right, and nothing can get you down, you’ll want to celebrate it. For both ends of the spectrum and everything in between, go out and get a lil’ crazy. You deserve it.


1. You had the day from hell but somehow you’re still breathing.


2. Actually, you survived a whole hellish week and damn, you need a stress reliever.


3. You got a promotion at work…Celebratory shots anyone?


4. You need that hug at the beginning of the night when you’re so happy to finally be seeing each other.


5. You have new gossip that’s better received when you add dramatic facial expressions to accompany the dirty deets.


6. You just need to dance it out with your girls because you know they won’t judge your moves.


7. You have news about your relationship/relationship prospect and need instant reactions to judge your friend’s actual feelings about him.


8. You need life advice about an important decision, and let’s be real, you can’t do anything without your girls’ opinions.


9. You need to vent about some relationship stuff, because it’s unhealthy to be always taking it out on your guy when you have friends to spill to.


10. You need to vent about some life stuff, like all of it, all the stuff.


11. You need to be around people you know you can fully be yourself with, cause you’re a complete weirdo but they love ya for it.


45 Thoughts We Don’t Listen to When We’re Drunk

“Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy,” –Frank Sinatra

Come on girl you got this…

A night you won’t regret

Let’s give it a try

Ready. Set. Go.

God dammit you’ve already fallen.

No, chasing your shot with that beer probably isn’t a good idea

I really wouldn’t suggest that second shot

Or the third

For the love of God, please put your wallet away…

Don’t buy everyone shots…

No, I don’t care if you guys like the same color.

You are gonna wake up with no money tomorrow.

Please don’t challenge the biggest guy in the bar to a drink off…

You’re gonna lose…

You won…

I admit, I’m impressed.

And we are about to enter planet blackout…

No, she doesn’t want to hear about your ex…

Please stop talking.

For the love of God stop crying…

Man the f*ck up and deal with this…

No, not by taking another shot.

You don’t need to give the bartender a 70% tip…

Even if he’s a good guy.

And that person in the bathroom isn’t your new bff

Being drunk is not an excuse to eat garbage.

You’re gonna see that on the scale tomorrow…

For the love of God, please go back and join the people you came here with…

These strangers want you to go away.

You fell again…

Walk it off.

Put the phone down.

You’re really gonna regret that snap story tomorrow…

What are you even texting and to who…

That’s not English.

And you haven’t spoken to that person in 6 years….

Why are you calling them?

If they know what’s good for them they won’t answer.

I would really appreciate if you stop eye fucking that guy across the bar…

Okay at least get a drink or two out of him.

Now walk away.

Oh, thank god your friends found you…

Please go home safely in the uber and STFU

Why on earth did you just give him a $20 tip in cash?

Please, I beg of you just go to bed…

We’ll talk about this tomorrow.

“It’s like gambling somehow. You go out for a night of drinking and you don’t know where you’re going to end up the next day. It could work out good or it could be disastrous. It’s like the throw of the dice.” -Jim Morrison

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