8 Rules All Ladies Should Follow To Keep Their Vag Happy And Healthy

Everyone knows that vagina health is vitally important when it comes to your overall body health. While we’re always concerned with catching a cold, getting a stomach virus, or anything else that can make us feel pretty crappy–keeping your lady parts happy and healthy is important for homeostasis. In order for you to remain in good health, you should make sure you practice good routines and stay away from certain products that are known to cause inflammation and irritation. As well, there are vitamins, supplements, and other things every female should know about to avoid problems down under.

1. Wear cotton underwear or none at all.

Cotton underwear is the only material that will breathe and allow your vagina to fully maintain its healthy flow. If you wear other materials, they’re likely to hold in bacteria and also rub, causing irritation. Many doctors and OBGYN’s say it’s healthy to go panty-free at home and sleep without any underwear at all, allowing your vagina to get some much-needed air.

2. Never sit in wet or sweaty clothing.

After the gym, swimming, or anything that has you building up sweat and moisture, it’s important to change ASAP. Bacteria tend to enjoy and build up in dark, moist environments, so the longer you sit in your workout gear–the more likely you are to develop an infection.

3. Be careful when taking antibiotics.

Whenever you’re sick and taking any antibiotics, it’s important to take a probiotic with it. Antibiotics kill off lactobacilli, which is known to keep your vag healthy and on track. Taking probiotics prevents the risk of developing a yeast infection.

15 Reasons Why It’s Great to Be an A-Cup

I think we can all agree that boobs are awesome.

But they can also be complicated. It seems that almost all women want bigger boobs for different reasons. There’s nothing wrong with having a busty chest, but I feel like more and more women with A and B cups are growing more self-conscious of themselves.

Well, I’m here to say that I love being an A cup. That’s right. I said it. Come at me, ya’ll:

  1. People look you in the eye. It’s easier to hold eye contact with others because there’s not much down there to look at, making conversations a little less awkward.
  2. No back pain. Having small boobs means that your spine has less weight to hold, so you don’t have to go through the extra backaches that may make you feel older than you are (take that, D cups!)
  3. There’s no such thing as boob sweat. The only sweat stains you have to worry about are under your pits (and under your knees if it’s that serious).
  4. You make certain bras look good. Special bras like see-throughs, lace bras, soft cups, and caged bras look absolutely sexy on you because your A cups don’t stick out too much, making the style compliment your body better.
  5. You make summer shirts look good. Summer shirts like off shoulder ones and midriffs look awesome on you because your chest doesn’t stick out too much and your body looks more shapely.
  6. Strapless dresses are your best friends. No matter how fitting they are, strapless dresses (or dresses of any kind) work for you because they won’t feel as tight in your chest area, making them comfortable and allowing you to work it.
  7. You can wear button down shirts…without the worry of any buttons popping out and possibly hitting someone in the eye.
  8. You can let them roam free. You don’t have to be cautious of your breasts whenever you go braless (except when it rains, of course).
  9. Jogging is easy. You don’t get that uncomfortable feeling of your breasts jogging on their own whenever you go for a run. Plus, you’re not as bouncy.
  10. They’re more sensitive to touch. Since A cups have much less fat in them leaving more room for nerves, they’re more sensitive to touch. It makes pleasure quite intense *wink* *wink.*
  11. You avoid creepy and shallow men. You dodge more catcallers and creepy guys since they seem to go for more busty women. So dates are less weird for you. Woohoo!
  12. You don’t have to worry about cleavage. There’s no need to cover up your chest in Instagram photos taken from above, nor are your boobs in constant danger of spilling out.
  13. You can sleep on your stomach. It’s easier for you to sleep on your stomach, making shut eye time longer and comfortable (unless you’re a night owl).
  14. They make you look younger. Having a small chest can bring out your youth, making you look younger than you are, which is always a plus.
  15. They’re perky. Since A cup boobs don’t sag as much, they become firm and perky, making them absolutely adorable…and who doesn’t like a pair of cute boobs?

17 Struggles Only People With Big Butts Will Understand

Having a big butt is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, women like Nicki Minaj have paved the way for us to be sexy, curvy and every man’s dream. But, it’s hard to be super happy with your behind when you have to constantly worry about how you look, where you’re going to find some pants that fit you and – you’re always looking like a girl in a rap video.

1. Every skirt becomes a mini-skirt.

No matter what size you get it in or how long it is on the rack, your big ol’ booty makes it look way, way shorter.

2. You can never find good jeans.

Whenever you find a pair you like, they either don’t fit around the butt, or they do and they’re too loose on the waist.

3. Therefore, you’re always wearing belts.

You have to get that waistband tight around your skin, so the tightest notch on the belt is your go-to.

4. Ripping pants has happened, multiple times.

Your favorite pair of jeans? Well, cherish them as long as you possibly can, it’s only a matter of time before you end up ripping them right down the middle.

5. Certain chairs just don’t do it for you.

When you’re in college or high school and you have to squeeze your butt into those attached chair/desks, prepare to have a bit of side booty hanging off the edge.

6. People can never buy you clothing as gifts.

Your pants size varies so much that people would thinkyou are 12 different people when going through your wardrobe.

7. Leggings are your best friend/worst enemy.

Whenever you wear leggings, they either are too tight where they’re see-through or, they look like spandex or lingerie.

8. You always think people are checking out your ass.

Walking in front of anyone is always nerve-wracking because you think people are always staring at your backside.

9. Any outfit looks slutty, without even trying.

Dresses always are too short, bikinis look like thongs, shorts look like underwear – it’s not our fault, it just happens.

10. You’ve heard “Baby Got Back” 10439483209483290 times.

And your friends love to sing it to you constantly.

11. You look like you belong in a rap music video.

Even though you really are in graduate school getting your masters.

12. Your plumbers crack is real…Too real.

Be careful when you bend over, your underwear always makes a guest appearance without your permission.

13. Roller coasters, airplane seats and train seats are your biggest enemies.

Don’t sit next to me on the train, I’m sorry that I take up my seat and yours.

14. People always think you can twerk.

I really, really, really have no idea how to shake my ass. I’m sorry to break your heart.

15. You always end up with one kind of guy.

“I’m an ass guy more than a boobs guy.”

16. Photos always make you look bigger than you actually are.

For some reason, your booty makes everything else just seem….big.

17. You always get compared to a Kardashian.

F*ck Kim and her fake butt.

26 Photos That Will Hit Home For You If You’re A ‘Top Heavy’ Girl

There are some women out there that complain that their boobs are “too small” and they wish that they could grow bigger boobs overnight. But, then there are the ladies who pray every single day that their boobs would just shrink overnight. Big boob problems are a real thing. Any top heavy girl knows what I mean.



























h/t: Twitter

These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.


Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















My Boyfriend Is My Best Friend And I’m Not Ashamed To Admit It

I always struggled through life maintaining close friendships. For whatever reason, I was always the “back up friend.” I had a lot of friends who I considered to be sisters—my very best friends in the world. I confided in them, I trusted them, I always thought of them as my confidants. But, whatever the reason may be, I was always 4th, 5th, 6th on their list of friends. I was never anyone’s “best friend.” I was never the girl that someone would call and text first, the one who became someone’s family. I was always kind of on my own, doing my own thing, looking for a “girl gang” to call my own.


But, that all changed when I met my boyfriend.

We met randomly; at a bar when I least expected it. I was out with some co-workers and he was out with his friends and our eyes locked on opposite sides of the bar as if we were looking for each other the entire time. It sounded cliché—like a scene out of a movie. But, when we talked, it was if we had known each other all our lives. I always think, maybe we met in a past life. Maybe we were friends in another galaxy. Whatever the reason was—we clicked.


Guy Creates A Hilarious Guide To Navigating Women Based On Their Nails And It’s Way Too Real

When you begin dating a woman, it’s hard to know everything about them. It takes months before you realize that you’re dating a stage five clinger, and it’s time to GTFO of the relationship entirely. By then, you’re already wrapped up in the chaos of the craziness and somehow, you end up trapped in this tornado of drama and scandal. But, what if guys were to tell you that from a distance, you can learn all you need to know about a potential female companion based on her nails and her nails alone?

While it may seem a bit crazy to imagine, one Twitter user is here to tell you—no my friends, it is possible. Rocky decided to go through all of the time, effort, and research to create, what he is calling, “Nails At First Sight: Survival Guide 101.” It’s obviously and not very discretely created for his “bros.”

The video starts out with Rocky describing that colors are extremely important in deciding if a woman is “safe” or “dangerous.” From the very first page, Rocky gives over a dozen colors that indicate a woman is safe. The colors are neutral, light pinks and grays. But, he indicates that a woman who has white nails, dark nails, or a french manicure may be dangerous—so, take caution.


Rocky moves on to let everyone know that bright, neon colors are a warning sign to run in the complete opposite direction. Lime green, bright red, yellow, and orange are warning signs that this girl is on the crazy train. He says to make sure you have both health and life insurance to keep up with this kind of girl.


If you thought this was enough—don’t worry, he keeps going. Next, Rocky explains that shapes are equivalent to a woman’s mood. He goes through every single kind of shape a woman has, indicating that stiletto nails, mountain peaks, and arrowheads mean women are violent and aggressive.


22 Trends Every ’00s Girl Forgot She Was Absolutely Obsessed With

Growing up in the ’00s, there were plenty of things we all did (whether we want to admit it or not). There we foods we all obsessed over, shows we couldn’t stop watching, and it’s safe to say everyone had an embarrassing AIM screenname we would never reveal to our boss today.  While we look back in shame, those were the best of times–where literally everything was safe and no one elected a Cheeto as President of the United States.

1. Really chunky highlights were your signature.

2. Spending every weekend at the mall, but you only had $20 so you would buy ONE t-shirt from Hollister or Abercrombie.

3. Scrunched hair with straight bangs was hot.

Girls Reveal The ‘Sneaky’ Things Guys Do That They Always Notice

It’s hilarious how unsubtle men can really be. They clearly think that we, as women, the most intelligent gender out of the bunch, happen to not notice their mindless and incoherent advances but in reality we just do and not because they don’t try hard enough to hide them trust me they do, but because they don’t know how to properly hide them without us noticing. Although, when you really think about it, there really is no reason to. Most of the time, it’s just the nature of the action that yearns to be noticed. I mean, how can one not notice a guy immediately break his neck for you as soon as you turn away? Every lady in this reddit thread has a thing or two to say about this particular subject and it’s quite relatable.

Thanks but no thanks:

The hug that’s actually just an excuse to have my boobs up against you was big when I was younger.
Now it’s the “subtle” glances at my cleavage.

Yes, be more awkward, I dare you:

Flirting. “So, uh, um, w-what are you, ahem, d-doing here?”

Because we can totally see that:

When they try to hide their raging hard-ons.

This is just gross:

Trying to discreetly pick their noses. The exception was this one weirdo at the bus stop who made no effort to hide it, he was up to his wrist in his nostril, but he didn’t stop there, he actually then proceeded to consume the contents of said nostril. All while staring me straight in the face. So nasty.

But, WHY:

The ole scratch ‘n’ sniff.

17 Struggles Any Girls With Thin AF Hair Will Relate To

1. You can’t wash it too much because it will get greasy way too fast.

2. You can’t wash it too little because it will look greasy way too fast.

3. Forget putting your hair up in big, cute messy buns. They usually look like tiny little nuggets.

4. Why does all of my hair fall out when I brush it? Wet, dry, damp – I’m lucky I have any hair left in my damn head.

5. Curly hair? What is that? Does it exist? Is it possible?

6. Always Pinteresting “hair goals” for girls who have big, giant, beautiful hair that we will never, ever be able to achieve.

7. When you put your hair up, all you see is scalp, scalp and more scalp.

8. If you have dandruff – I’m so, so sorry.

9. You have never finished a bottle of one hair-care product because you keep buying new ones, since none of them work quick enough.

10. When it rains, you look like a wet dog.

11. When it’s humid, you look like a wet dog in heat.

12. Bobby pins do not work because all you see is bobby pins, front and center.

13. When you wear a headband, you look bald.

14. Straightening your hair takes 2.5 seconds since you barely have any.

15. I wish I could wear braids in my hair.

16. Color my hair? I’ll lose half of it.

17. Although an ombre would look great, if my hair wasn’t so thin at the bottoms.

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