Giving is Living

As far back as I can recall, I have always been a giver. Living in awareness of the world around me, wanting to be helpful and generous in thoughtful and meaningful ways. While this was not something that was modeled for me growing up, it was something I was deeply drawn to. What I know for sure is that giving feels wonderful, for both the giver and the recipient. Each and every time. It’s a win-win. As a young child I quickly realized this and I wanted more of it. It was the catalyst to make my first career change during college. Overtime, giving simply became a strong part of my identity, and a lifestyle for me.

As a volunteer in a pediatric oncology unit during college, I learned the importance of blood donations. While I had donated blood prior to that experience, I saw firsthand how something so simple and quick to do was literally life-changing for these children I had the honor to get to know. I began to donate blood regularly. It was one of my most favorite things to do. It still is today. About twenty years later, I heard about a young man in need of a kidney. At the time, I had no idea donating a kidney was something one could do while alive. I immediately wanted to learn more to see if I could help. After educating myself and speaking to other donors, I began the testing process. While I was not a match for this man, I was matched with another patient. On May 14, 2018, I had the privilege of donating one of my two healthy kidneys to a stranger who had been on dialysis for years. It brings me great joy to know what I was able to do for another human being and his family as their quality of life changed in a profound way. My mission continues as I do whatever I can to help raise awareness and educate others about giving in a variety of ways. I want people to realize how joyful giving can be. How it enhances and often transforms our lives and the lives of others. I want people to experience those feelings again and again, on a regular basis.

I met an extraordinary mother on Instagram. Michelle has a son who needed a kidney several years ago. She was not able to donate due to medical reasons. Her co-worker saw her crying at her desk one day and cared enough to notice and ask her what was going on. He ended up donating his kidney to her son. The care, the kindness, the awareness, and of course the ultimate generosity to act. He got tested and offered a part of himself to a stranger. Michelle remains deeply grateful and continues to raise awareness and match donors and recipients. She recently made a match via Instagram. Sami was an altruistic donor for Claudia.

I believe wholeheartedly that humans are inherently good and want to do good. That is why I created My Giving Journal. This daily journal serves as a guide to help us live in gratitude as we incorporate generosity and kindness into our daily lives. Opportunities are all around us. We just need to be aware and thoughtful as we live each day we are given. My Giving Journal is a path to thriving rather than simply surviving. It’s a way to live a life and a lifestyle of generosity, kindness and gratitude. I hope you get your copy and experience one of life’s greatest joys as you live well by doing good.

Purchase your journal here.


Connect with Adena @mygivingco on Instagram
Connect with Michelle @kidneyconnect on Instagram

L-R: Sami (donor), Claudia (recipient), Michelle (matchmaker)

Woman Finds Out Her Co-Worker’s Secret Santa Gift Is Under The $50 Limit And Has The Balls To Ask For More

Everyone knows that the holiday season can put the pressure on for gift-giving. Not only are you responsible for finding the perfect gifts for your friends, family, and significant others, but many times you end up stuck in a company “Secret Santa” gift exchange where you have to find the perfect gift for a co-worker you barely know—bummer.

But, what do you do when you think your co-worker cheaped out on your gift and didn’t spend the $50 limit? Well, normally, the limit is there so people don’t go above $50—it’s not a number that they are supposed to hit. Some people opt to get $50 gift cards to stay on target, but, others try to make the gifts somewhat personal and thoughtful. However, one mother proved that some people are truly outrageous and greedy after she discovered a co-worker who was her “Secret Santa” spend below the $50 limit. Seriously, the balls on this lady.

The woman started out by thanking the co-worker for the blanket and chocolates they had given her.

But, she then disclosed that she looked up the blanket online—and the chocolates—and found out it only came out to $30. She then said that she wanted something else, blaming her kids for her lack of money. The guy even offered to get her something else worth $20 (why? I’m not even sure).

But, she had the balls to ask for a tablet worth $120. Obviously, that’s way over the $50 limit.

She then decided to guilt her co-worker into getting her the tablet for her because he “makes more than she does.” She said if he didn’t want to get the tablet she would take the $120 in cash—so kind of her.

After the co-worker explained, calmly and kindly that $120 is above the limit and above his budget for a gift, she decided to go ape-sh*t on him. She told him he’s “disgusting” and then, asked for the extra $20 in cash. By this point, her co-worker was completely done (and rightfully so).

People online were pretty disgusted by her behavior.

Sorry, not sorry, but this woman is bugging. The holidays are about being grateful and thankful, not about trying to milk people for all they are worth. This woman needs a wakeup call. Seriously, don’t be like this “Carol.”

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